View Full Version : GST refund for Australian Rental Properties

22-04-2005, 11:34 AM
If any of you own residential rental properties in Australia and are non residents of Australia and your rental manager has been charging you GST on their services plus for repairs and maintenance, then you are probably due for a GST refund on those services up to the 31/3/2005. You can apply to your rental manager for a refund going back 5 years, which covers the introduction of GST on 1/7/2000. The ATO has changed these rules effective from 1 April 2005 so non residents are no longer GST Fee.
I bet your Australian Accountant was not aware of this rule.
References to the ATO Site NAT11505 http://ato.gov.au/businesses/content.asp?doc=/content/46363.htm
NAT11222 http://ato.gov.au/businesses/content.asp?doc=/content/44730.htm
NAT11223 http://ato.gov.au/businesses/content.asp?doc=/content/44819.htm

Happy refunds