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12-11-2005, 01:15 AM
Seems to be flavour of the week.

New shares and options issued next week (17th). New shares at .015 on a 1:2 with a free option excercisable OCT 07 at .05 on a basis of 1 for every 2 new shares taken.

Major movement this week, supported by a strong close today.

RRSO's tradiong at discount IMHO (even with new options)

Disc: Hold RRSO's
Disc 2 : Spec share, holding for potential....own research, as always is required.

12-11-2005, 01:38 AM
Hi Shiner,

I had a few RRS a year or so ago when they had some VERY encouraging drilling results from Forrestania .....a lot of hype was generated....and the SP flew....then flopped.

Now they have a large patch of prospective dirt in Africa......this sounds great....but Africa- a new war/regime change must start ther every day-big Soveriegn risk except for Sth Africa IMHO.
If they strike- how long till the biggest black fella with the biggest gun wants it and his small army?

I would ride this one for a while and then jump.....seen this RRS move before.
Good luck to you!

Interesting to see that the RRS Secretary is the same dude as in NEO.....JV perhaps-I hope not for NEO- full plate in Calif'.

See ya,


12-11-2005, 08:16 AM
Hi G,
We meet again :)

Fully agree with what you say. And yes I did consider that before purchasing.

A few small points,
1. Australian assets as well.
2. Mineral rights in Peru also, drilling soon to commence. This alone could see a very high correction. Lots the .....And one is the hype Uranium.
3. Puntland / Africa. Full and exclusive rights. Security forces are being reduced. Country is on the rebuild.
4. Agreements from both head "black fella's" (no offence intended)
5. Covers all types of resouces.

Risk is there as with any stock.....but I do understand what you are saying and it's appreciated.

As for a JV with NEO.....WOW, truely I think they'd both win, big time....that would be a big call. But one I could live with.

Keep an eye on it.....it may surprise soon.

12-11-2005, 10:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by Shiner

Hi G,
We meet again :)

Fully agree with what you say. And yes I did consider that before purchasing.

A few small points,
1. Australian assets as well.
2. Mineral rights in Peru also, drilling soon to commence. This alone could see a very high correction. Lots the .....And one is the hype Uranium.
3. Puntland / Africa. Full and exclusive rights. Security forces are being reduced. Country is on the rebuild.
4. Agreements from both head "black fella's" (no offence intended)
5. Covers all types of resouces.

Risk is there as with any stock.....but I do understand what you are saying and it's appreciated.

As for a JV with NEO.....WOW, truely I think they'd both win, big time....that would be a big call. But one I could live with.

Keep an eye on it.....it may surprise soon.

May you do well.....for me this time -the horse is well out of the stable.

Waiting for the NEO to fire!


12-11-2005, 10:44 AM
Waiting for the NEO to fire!

Amen to that. I'm still with you for that one as well.

12-11-2005, 04:29 PM
Nice read. Take the time to read. potential increasing here.


Also the ....

Delegates from EU held talks with Somali premier

Jowhar 11, Nov, 05 ( Sh.M.Network) –Delegates from European Union who have today visited jowhar, a town 90kms north of Mogadishu held talks with Somali premier Ali Mohamed Gedi discussing many issues.

The delegates from European Union led by Ambassador Richard Hands, the representative of the EU in Nairobi have discussed with the premier tightening the relations between Somalia and European Union.

The EU members have extended their condolences to the relatives of those have recently been killed when the premier and his escorts attacked during a visit to Mogadishu.

During the discussion, the two sides have also talked about a trip by which Prime Minister Gedi is due to visit to Brussels.

In today’s meeting at Jowhar, several ministers have accompanied with premier Gedi during the meeting with the European Union delegates and those members included foreign minister Abdulahi Sheik Osmail, Finances minister Salim Aliyow Ibrow, TFG minister for international co-operations Abdurazak Jurille and others.

The EU members also met with president Abdulahu Yusuf Ahmed and told him that European Union considers no more conflict between TFG members.
It was the first time that European Union delegates visited Jowhar since the TFG members moved for the tiny town, which lies 90kms north of Mogadishu.

Things are starting to look desicivly positive.....the early bird catches the Dollar.

Disc: Own research is required before investing..Thanks.
Dsic 2: Hold RRSO

14-12-2005, 03:06 PM
Take off iminent. IMHO.
Taken a month and now it looks like all the pieces are falling into place.
In a trading halt pending an announcement.

Looking forward to this news. Possible J/V.
This could considerably re-rate RRS.

14-12-2005, 05:40 PM
Shiner ... pretty keen on this eh mate

Did you see this piece by pierpont

pierpont might be wrong and you might be right but to me it is summed in the opening few paragraphs, in particular ... We must still be in a roaring boom because Range Resources has doubled in price in the past month .... .This should give all of us enormous optimism, because if Range is looking beautiful to the punters, then almost any dog stock should be able to get a run.

Taking a punt on Puntland

Take heart! The market is still in great shape.

Break out a bottle of Bolly and buy more penny dreadfuls.

We must still be in a roaring boom because Range Resources has doubled in price in the past month from 2.2 ¢ to 5 ¢. This should give all of us enormous optimism, because if Range is looking beautiful to the punters, then almost any dog stock should be able to get a run.

Range shares jumped at the start of October on news that it had acquired a 50.1 per cent right to all the minerals and hydrocarbons in Puntland.

When Pierpont first saw that announcement it took him fully five minutes to stop laughing. After all, can there be a more appropriate location for a speculative explorer than Puntland?

In fact, this was not a jest because Puntland is a province of Somalia, which Range said is "one of the last underexplored countries in the world that has high potential for vast reserves of hydrocarbons".

Maybe it has, but Somalia also tops the world tables in terms of sovereign risk. Heaven knows, Pierpont has invested in mining companies in some pretty dodgy spots around the world, but Somalia is something special, as any reader who saw Black Hawk Down will realise.

A little history. The dictatorial regime of Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in January 1991. Turmoil, factional fighting and anarchy have followed in the years since.

In May of 1991, northern clans declared an independent Republic of Somaliland that now includes the administrative regions with the unlikely names of Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag, and Sool.

Although not recognised by any government, Somaliland has maintained a stable existence, aided by the overwhelming dominance of a ruling clan and economic infrastructure left behind by British, Russian, and American military assistance programs.

The regions of Bari, Nugaal and northern Mudug comprise a neighbouring self-declared autonomous state of Puntland, which has been self-governing since 1998, but does not aim at independence.

Puntland has also made strides towards reconstructing a legitimate, representative government, but has suffered some civil strife.

Puntland disputes its border with Somaliland as it also claims portions of eastern Sool and Sanaag. The Puntland and Somaliland governments seek support from neighbouring states in their secessionist aspirations and in conflicts with each other.

The Range statement to the Australian Stock Exchange on October 5 contained a map of Puntland, showing Sool and Sanaag as part of the territory it would explore. In fact, those parts of Puntland are in dispute, which means the ownership of any resources discovered there is also likely to be in dispute.

Call Pierpont old-fashioned, but if he were running a mining company, he would prefer to negotiate with a dictatorship rather than deal with anarchy. With a dictatorship, he would at least know who's in charge today. With anarchy, you don't even know that - and Somalia must be the most anarchic country on the planet.

Beginning in 1993, a two-year United Nations humanitarian effort (primarily in the south) was able to alleviate famine conditions, but when the UN withdrew in 1995, having suffered significant casualties, order still had not been restored.

The mandate of the transitional national government (TNG), created in August 2000 in Djibouti, expired in August 2003.

The new Somali President, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has formed a transitional federal government (TFG) consisting of a 275-member parliament. It was established in October 20

14-12-2005, 07:36 PM
Yes thank you W69, I have seen this article. Thanks for taking the time to put it up.

With any penny share caution has to be exercised.

I thought the article to be relatively based on "old" information and not focussed on recent developments. I could easily counter with another positive one, but am only putting this out there for others. (The article itself is nearly 3 weeks old lots has changed since then even)

The article (in my mind) cried soar grapes.

Last night someone exercised some $6.5 million dollars worth of options (including, it looks like directors). A J/V partner is now suspected to be announced hence the trading halt this morning.

Alternatively it maybe to confirm the sale of the "U" resources in Peru. Either of these make me even further committed to RRS/RRSO. For Peru, subject to sale conditions this could be US $10 million and say a 10-20% free carry.

This could mean some 18-20 Million $$ in cash (not including future income if they retain some of Peru), this alone places RRS in a new and exciting arena....and IMHO WELL out of penny-dread status.

J/V partners are to be announced progressively over the next 6 months (as they arise) and the first is about due now (suspected announcement to coinside with the rights issue) as per the Co AGM.

What value would a major J/V partner put on RRS - possibly enormous, let alone the credibilty it would lend to RRS in Puntland. China, Korea, BHP, Woodside ?????

Puntland Resources are (Assumed) to incredible to fathom. Day by day any risks seem to be deminishing with stability being achieved, Security, Embassy's opening, Political agreements, and International investment.

A spec, but when is the best time to buy a spec - before or after a percieved positive announcement or achievement.

RRS has even said they intend to retain a portion of Puntland for themselves and go exploring.

One thing is for sure.....I will either be smiling soon, or coming back to admit I got it wrong :D

If we put a price on RRS of 2-3 $$$ and called that outrageous, ludicrous.... then how would 25-50 cents souund in 3-4 months ?? Risk Vs Gain ??

Announcement may not drop until Friday, so another day to wait [8D]

Respect your posts W69 and appreciate your input.

One for people to watch.
Carry out your own research as always.

Disc - RRS and RRSO

easy money
14-12-2005, 08:13 PM

15-12-2005, 02:30 PM
Great vote of confidence.
UK broker pays 6.25 mil $$ to exercise options early at 5 cps. Up today already.

Looking to list on AIM exchange next year.
Money in the bank.
J/V partner being finalised (New Year completion)

Looking great.....Go RRS/RRSO

Options look dirt cheap at present.

easy money
02-02-2006, 08:35 PM
RAPID climb near the end of todays close...some news out soon i think

21-04-2006, 06:22 AM
The announcement yesterday. Hefty rises on this. RRS up 32% RRSO up 44%. We are only just begining IMHO. Note the comment on Letter of Intent with Oil Major to be announced today....This is going to be huge :)[:p]
ABN 88 002 522 009
4/50 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
G.P.O. BOX 1086
Melbourne VIC 3001
p +61 3 9662 1407
f +61 3 9662 1409
19 April 2006
Companies Announcement Office
Australian Stock Exchange Limited
20 Bond Street
By E-Lodgement


• Range formally cements its relationship with the Government of Puntland with a
revised Contract of Work entered into.
• Range delegation and risk assessment team complete safe and successful visit
to Puntland with positive support from the Government and key stakeholders in
the region.
• Letter of Intent entered into with oil major – details to be released Friday, 21 April.
• Mineral exploration program progressing well with key update scheduled for last
week of April.

Revised Contract of Work
The Company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a revised contract of
work with the Government of Puntland and Consort Private Limited. Whilst the contract
does not change Range’s 50.1% interest in the project as previously announced, the
revised contract does allow for more certainty with regards to third parties having
secure tenure in respect of farm in and joint venture type arrangements for both oil and
gas and minerals in respect of specific on and off shore land areas. Range is also
expressly named as the operator under the Contract of Works to manage the
exploration and development program of all minerals and hydrocarbons in Puntland.
The signing of the revised contract of work took place at a formal ceremony in
Boosaaso (the regional capital of Puntland) attended by his Excellency, President Hersi
and key ministers and senior government personnel. Range was represented at the
ceremony by Executive Chairman, Mike Povey in addition to other members of the
Range team including the Company’s supporting broker and head of risk assessment.

Extract’s from His Excellency’s, President Hersi speech:
It is great pleasure for us today to let the people of Puntland know that the
government committee and our guests from Range Resources have talked,
discussed and agreed on how to do the work pertaining to exploring and
exploiting the natural resources of this region. Range Resources have been doing
substantial traveling in the region and at the same time did a lot of research.
During their travels, they have seen that the region is stable and safe to do
business and the things that happened are common in most parts of the world. We
hope that we take advantage of our natural recourses and we also hope that
Range Resources fulfill its contractual duties.
People of Puntland are ready and are rallying behind the company and today we
have discussed that most of the work will start soon and as a result of that, more
employment will be generated. We request from Range Resources to assist us in
the development of this region in terms of education, health and basic necessities
such as water.
To conclude, I will ask the people of Puntland to welcome and embrace our
guests that want to help us to move forward to the future.”

Executive Chairman, Mike Povey commented at the ceremony:
“Range’s primary objective is to assess the potential of the country for oil/gas and
minerals as quickly as possible. We have made great strides in our work already
and will be able to provide the Government with a geological mapping and
exploration database system that will be one of the best if not the best in Africa.
While that is a good thing, the main objectives are to ensure the material resources
are identified and that we can show that Puntland is a good and safe place in
which to work. In that way, Range can be a ‘pathfin

05-07-2006, 11:02 AM
I'm holding a few, they are obviously
a huge gamble in such a volatile area
but I am willing to risk a few bucks on them. Huge potential if they can keep support from
the locals.

08-07-2006, 05:20 PM
A thread on Hot Copper claims RRS have registered a new name with ASIC - Horn Energy Ltd (HEL). Would be great to get an announcement from the company this week, shareholders are overdue for some news.

08-07-2006, 07:02 PM

Far much better information on http://www.sharescene.com/index.php?

Bset wishes,


09-07-2006, 11:08 AM
Thanks Terry, I just registered on Share scene.

I have only been checking HC for a few weeks and agree there is a lot of rubbish being posted on there! There are some informative posters but they are far outnumbered by drivel. I have picked out two or three names who actually do some research to back up their claims and basically disregard the rest.

Are you following RRS?

I hold some RRS and RRSO and have been following for about 18 mths.


09-07-2006, 12:27 PM

I agree with your comments about the majority of the posters on HC. The ignore button is a most useful tool there but it does make for a lot of disjointed reads.

Some of the very good Sharescene contributors also post on HC but most under other identities.

I have quite a few, for me anyway, of both RRS and RRSO and have been accumulating for about the last 10 months as funds allowed. Am just slightly in the red after buying when I thought that RRSO had stabilised at around 2c, last March. Recent buys at around 1c make the picture a little better going forward. Now have tight stop loss triggers on both RRS and RRSO but doubt that they will be hit.

Best of luck.


08-10-2006, 07:22 AM
I hope this is what patience brings :)

Thursday after close saw this little speccie go into a trading halt.
I am expecting a long awaited Joint Venture out of this pennydreadful, with luck raising it out of that status.

Rumor about KNOC, CNOOC or Lundin Petroleum.

Last traded at 2.9c (AUS) - Could jump to 5.5 - 8 cents on good news...I hope.

Supposed to resume trading on Tuesday if not before.

EGM being held in about 2 weeks, so this maybe the first sweetener

11-10-2006, 08:45 PM
Be watching on open......
Very positive we are in for good news tomorrow.

17-08-2007, 12:30 PM
RRS whatsup ,Quote suspension today why ??

17-08-2007, 01:27 PM
Awaiting announcements re AIM listing, drilling schedule, minerals report - hopefully

19-08-2007, 03:20 PM
this announcment will be bigger than that...to be sus;ended for this long its either huge good news or REAL BIG BAD news....its a 50 /50 call this one...ANYONE LOSING SLEEP?

19-08-2007, 05:08 PM
They seem to specialise in Suspensions. Nine trading halts since the beginning of 2006 and five of them went to suspension. Helps purge the rif-raf from the depth :p

Wouldn't worry too much redzone. Looks like some "experienced" RRSO holders are willing to play one more hand.

Crypto Crude
19-08-2007, 05:58 PM
redzone- this announcment will be bigger than that...to be sus;ended for this long its either huge good news or REAL BIG BAD news....its a 50 /50 call this one...ANYONE LOSING SLEEP?

I think this new announcement is not good not not anything major, forwhich the company has been suspended from trade, is foney and bogus...... The day before the market fell. (market day was rising-and RRS fell over 10%).... so company stopped trading and called a halt, for no major reason other than a falling SP and the fact that the next day RRS would have been trading below 50cents and below 40cents later on in the week......
those losing sleep will be the ones holding this stock, because it will fall when it re-starts trade.... theres no reason for the halt.... that we have been informed of, and therefore I am to believe it is bogus..... I do not care of rrs, so what happens means little to me other than I have been correct so far with a SP that had fallen sharply, and was starting to be dumped later on... I would be surprised if any ann during suspension has anything to do with the company more than chit chat which is all this stock has ever done...
Lizards posts also confirms that rrs seem to do major trading halts for not much info... for 9 suspensions, id expect more than nothing... id expect at least a drill, and yet not even a drilling schedule is forthcoming...what could this suspension hold?

20-08-2007, 08:38 AM

What is your basis for stating that "this new announcement is not good"

Why do you not think it might relate to AIM listing, drilling schedule or minerals report? Are you privy to some inside information, has your superior research located some hidden gem or are you simply trying to down ramp the stock so you can buy in at a cheaper price - a common strategy among posters on various boards.

You seem obsessed with RRS - you state "you do not care of [sic] rrs, so what happens means little to me" - so why bother posting on the topic - unless you have some other agenda?

Also as an aside, I note that since Friday morning you no longer boast your holdings in CUE .165, TEX .165, NWE .22 - any particular reason for the change?

Looking forward to your answers.

20-08-2007, 09:25 AM
It would seem to me that while a stock is in suspension, SC has no more chance of ramping it down to buy in than you have of ramping it up to sell out. What the price does on reinstatement will have more to do with the announcement than anything posted on ShareTrader!

20-08-2007, 11:01 AM
Simply enquiring about Shrewd Crewed's basis for stating that "this new announcement is not good." I'm curious as to his motivation on RRS - looking forward to Crudies answers.

20-08-2007, 11:09 AM
I think SC's motivation is the same as mine - the well-meaning intent to preserve the capital of less sophisticated investors who have not encountered this type of "Siren Stock" before.

20-08-2007, 11:56 AM
so you would be a downramper then?

You and Crudie seem tight. Do you have any facts to back up your negative views or is it all just gut feeling. Would be nice to get something tangible about RRS from either of you - I think everyone is fully aware of the risk profile attached to RRS but surely everyone has a different risk tolerance.

20-08-2007, 12:20 PM
Downramper? Since I have no intention of affecting the RRS share price, no.

RRS and, more particularly, RRSO appear to have been the subject of games by sophisticated investors for some years. They are welcome to it.

Early in my investing career I was also caught out by another "Siren stock". I've since followed a few of them. They provide a great deal of entertainment. A few experts can make fantastic money out of them. I would not even attempt it. They are not suitable investments for anyone who doesn't understand what they are.

Crypto Crude
20-08-2007, 04:12 PM
1...What is your basis for stating that "this new announcement is not good"
2...You seem obsessed with RRS - you state "you do not care of [sic] rrs, so what happens means little to me" - so why bother posting on the topic - unless you have some other agenda?

1...The basis has been explained in my last post...
The suspension is nothing more than to quash a falling SP which would have gone into self destruction and hit 40cents last week if it were allowed to trade...
RRS will come out with some lamo ann which may get shareholders excited, I just dont think it will be anything major with the trading patterns before it went into trading halt...
it was getting dumped on market days which were stable.... go figure...
Ive felt that with little research ive been able to come to my conclusions about RRS which have been rather accurate in terms of having nothing...

2...Just because RRS is a crap stock doesnot others and I cannot learn from it "Picking stocks is all about knowing what to look for in a company, and also knowing what not to look for in a company"...so there are two sides to the arguement, and following RRS has helped me with understanding what not to look for in a stock...

other agenda?
you must be kidding mate... I have clearly stated that RRS has nothing, what would my agenda be by sitting on a stock with nothing...
you have been at ST for years, and you come out of hybernation to protect this stock...why not have alook at a nice pretty stock with oil activitys, with discovery, development and leading into production... RRS is a great stock to sit back at and have a giggle at...
Lizard has the best reputation at Sharetrader, and Im 2nd...
You shouldnot be asking 21questions, you should be chilling out and taking in what this king pin has to say...defending this company would destroy my reputation overnight...
I feel like We have already won the battle with this stock regardless if it goes up or not...

Redzone said, "is anyone losing sleep"... I think that explains it all...
lata and good luck

20-08-2007, 04:23 PM
Crude one for you...EOR.V

20-08-2007, 05:49 PM
"Lizard has the best reputation at Sharetrader, and Im 2nd..."

Kind of sums things up nicely I think - couple of rampant egos on the loose methinks.

Not much to be gained by anyone from prolonging this non-discussion - lets just wait to see what happens.

20-08-2007, 06:22 PM
"Lizard has the best reputation at Sharetrader, and Im 2nd..."

That's embarrassing! And I'm sure will get corrected eventually.

Hey, Argonaut, you're welcome to downgrade my rep. Just click on that little scales at the top of my post. I know you want to. :cool:

20-08-2007, 06:28 PM
Hey Guys/Gals
Let's cut the personal stuff out of this thread. There's a lot of interesting stuff in it otherwise.

20-08-2007, 06:29 PM
wondered what that was - you and shrewdie must click on each others scales all the time to get 1st and 2nd!!

20-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Hey Guys/Gals
Let's cut the personal stuff out of this thread. There's a lot of interesting stuff in it otherwise.

Sorry MacDuffy. My bad.

Taking off the Superwoman cape and will leave RRS thread in the safe hands of the Joker. Have fun. Make trillions! :D

Crypto Crude
20-08-2007, 11:04 PM
Lizard -
Taking off the Superwoman cape and will leave RRS thread in the safe hands of the Joker. Have fun. Make trillions!

I agree, Im out of here aswell,
"taking the crude off the shrewd and will leave the RRS thread in the safe hands of a hybernating bear/non sleeper... have fun... make what ever...."
... I would rather get comment from you about another company anyway, such as that of Tasman which you have invested in...interesting company eah,

21-08-2007, 02:44 PM
Liz - how did you manage to delete that last post of yours in this thread - nice trick I"d like to do it with a few of mine.

Latest announcement seems to go a step further in covering off sovereign risk - but a few rats jumping ship price-wise - probably a few more to go before this story really winds up.

21-08-2007, 02:52 PM
I think it was moderated off for being too inflammatory... probably for the best. :o

21-08-2007, 02:54 PM
thought it was quite nice really - cheers

Crypto Crude
21-08-2007, 03:10 PM
argonaut-thought it was quite nice really - cheers

Today there were no major surprises, other than the fact that suspension was lifted...falling SP was to be expected as I had said...

21-08-2007, 03:22 PM
RANGE RESOURCES (RRS) down 21.5c to 47c: Has been hit by news
that the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia has proposed the
introduction of a National Oil Law. Following consultation with the Govt
of Puntland, with which Range has production sharing agreements, Range
managing director Michael Povey said, "Whilst the actions in attempting
to introduce the proposed oil law are disappointing, Range is confident
that an acceptable outcome will be negotiated over the coming weeks,
ensuring that public perception fo Puntland and its role in a federal
Somali Republic is understood and reinforced."

21-08-2007, 03:22 PM
No surprises expected - price seems to be recovering at the moment but who knows - this is all about big picture risk and reward - sure it can go belly up if they get it right its got a big upside - again it's all about each person's confort zone in terms of risk. Absolutely no advocacy from me about anyone buying into this unless they've spent about three years reading up about it and they've made up their own minds.

Step back a bit though - isn't it intriguing to watch a company trying to develop a prospect in what is arguably the riskiest area in the world - they seem to be firstly getting the groundwork right in terms of managing sovereign risk - then they're JVing with one of Africa's most experienced operators - getting all ducks in a row first - might seem dull and plodding but essential nonetheless - for my money a key indicator is that whenever they seem on the verge of a step forward there's a deluge of negative and misleading propaganda from "official" sources using BBC, Reuters etc. - says to me there's plenty of interest in that there oil and them thar rocks.

Crypto Crude
21-08-2007, 04:29 PM

1....No surprises expected - price seems to be recovering at the moment but who knows -
this is all about big picture risk and reward - sure it can go belly up if they get it right its got a big upside -

2....again it's all about each person's confort zone in terms of risk.

3....Absolutely no advocacy from me about anyone buying into this unless they've spent about three years reading up about it and they've made up their own minds.

4....Step back a bit though - isn't it intriguing to watch a company trying to develop a prospect in what is arguably the riskiest area in the world -

5.... they seem to be firstly getting the groundwork right in terms of managing sovereign risk -

6.... then they're JVing with one of Africa's most experienced operators - getting all ducks in a row first - might seem dull and plodding but essential nonetheless -

7....for my money a key indicator is that whenever they seem on the verge of a step forward there's a deluge of negative and misleading propaganda from "official" sources using BBC, Reuters etc. - says to me there's plenty of interest in that there oil and them thar rocks.

hey, This is the first time you have come out and been more balanced on the stock... before you have been a raging fan for RRS... now it seems not so clear what you are telling others to do...

let me explain your post...
big picture risk and return should put this company on a sell, and come back when a drilling rig is announced...
until then, then the big up cannot be present, and markets arenot foolish to be sucked into a company valued as if a discovery.. but yet no discovery has been made... I hope markets arenot foolish..

so My first argument was, To sell out and come back when a drill gets close... and no-one replied...
"if they get it right".... well they have to do alot more than getting it right to pull this one off... They are pushing shiit uphill even before the drill, and success rates, (historical performance aswell)... suggests that they willnot discovery after 2 drill program... it is more likely to be a failure... and then yes RRS would flop... and it would be a year to find out... so you are axed by time and returns...

2... oh thanks for only now making that clear

3... three years, who on earth has 3 years to research a company... god dammn, the drill would have been completed by then...
you have been defending this company before... are you changing sentiment because lots of people are now watching..

4.... true, but why take on that risk? interesting to watch, not interesting to participate in...

5... why bother with those risks, invest ASX listed company in offshore Timor sea, there you have the big tagerts without all that risk...Have alook at MEO

6.... many smaller oilers have contacts with the large ones, (and big cats)
all decent companys team up with great JV partners which is an expectation...
for me this point you have mentioned is a given, an expectation and not something that sticks out as an underlying reason for investment.. but is no doubt a positive...

all the stocks Ive held have great JV partners, NZO-AWE
NWE-Coogee,aed (of sorts), Bharat, encore
CUE-santos, Singapore petroleum,
TEX-Pogo, and others.

7.... Thats because the company is one big story, As you said the facts take 3 years to find... and who knows what you are being told if it is true or not... I just dont trust RRS.... what on earth company has 5 suspensions, 9 trading halts since 06 beginning and sus as and all during market volatility...... not even a drilling schedule ann... look at AEDs ann yesterday, it was a major ann and company didnot go into a trading halt let alone a suspension...

I sense you are starting to come around with Range...
you have not posted like this before, and you have now at least addressed the risks,

stocks such as LKO,EPR,EPE,BUY,BAS,GLX, (buy is a stock with a nearer term bigger target drill)....all have nothing and a market cap of 10million on average or less... 5/6 investments for the price of one...

21-08-2007, 05:03 PM
Shrudie I completely understand - you have a low level of risk tolerance. Go for it - each to his own.

Crypto Crude
21-08-2007, 05:43 PM
Obviously you know very little about my story through to the present time...
I have never had a dividend... Ive only ever invested in a stock over $1 twice... all my investments have been speculative oilers, ive never invested in non oilers, and NZO is now the first investment ive held which has changed from spec status to now become a producer (on a large scale)...
I have held mostly penny stocks (under 20cents)... and I have only discovered this year my Spec oiler nearing production strategy, forwhich stocks hold low downside big up....
I have taken on big risks at times, Im now looking to protect everything, and I will watch forawhile...
I consider myself a risk taker, that can only operate efficently in a rising market...
Your last post isnot even close to summing up the Shrewd one...

argonaut-each to his own.

but yes, each to His/HER own.... remember there are ladys around these places too, :p:D....

21-08-2007, 06:38 PM
geeze you must have a big garage for the EGO

Crypto Crude
21-08-2007, 07:26 PM
argonaut-geeze you must have a big garage for the EGO

Im sorry, I Never bought any Empire Oil and Gas (EGO)...
I do have a big garage:p....

Im just telling it how it is because you got me all wrong...
on another note:
I also said that this announcement was nothing major, and not good... just re-check the previous pages...
I think yourve been rather gunned down over my previous posts here..

Crypto Crude
21-08-2007, 07:27 PM
I only wish I had some EGO a few weeks ago huh..
what a ride that one has been

27-08-2007, 02:01 PM
interesting tading today

27-08-2007, 03:54 PM
wait for big end of day dump - looks like someone's trying to keep the price down - probably related to ensuring options don't get in the money. Must say though the $500k+ buying today looks real. No-one with half a brain would consider buying in until oppies are cleared away in early October - especially those with little or no risk tolerance.

27-08-2007, 04:55 PM
what gets cleared away in Oct is known to a few long before then....

27-08-2007, 06:04 PM
sad but true - story of life really!

Crypto Crude
06-09-2007, 04:34 PM
RRSO down over 40% today.... buyers at 1cents...
last traded 1.3cents.... options crashing on low volumes....

13-09-2007, 04:51 PM

Just noticed one of your nemesis' on HC has taken a $350k bath on the RRSO..... ouch!


They do not seem so bullish on them over there now. I am very pleased I got out of RRS for >90% gain in 4 weeks.

Crypto Crude
15-09-2007, 11:02 AM
hey mattyroo,
cheers for that, I missed that vital piece of information as I was quickly skimming over the posts...
that poster you are referring to has said hes tanked up on Morphine and painkillers.. hes an out patient, and some type of post war syndrome soldier, who has lost fingers, limbs, just had an op etc... hes a mad man, hes the co-owner of RUM... and all they do is make mistakes...
my time with range is coming to an end... what an experience its been...
im still watching range closely, its an interesting story to follow... If you would call it a story...!

wheres redzone? argonaut?
You guys holding rrso? RandA- where to from here for Range ?

15-09-2007, 05:44 PM
It's such a fascinating soap opera. Lots of expiring oppie holders upset that their oppies won't expire in the money, so it's not worth them paying $1 to exercise, which is kind of weird - I mean if they were planning to exercise at $1, they might as well buy up the ords at 57cps and praise God for the discount?!?

Of course, if even a few of them were convinced enough by the RRS "story" and actually had the funds available to exercise, then the ords would be through the $1 mark by now as they took the chance to buy the holding their oppies represented. Who would have thought all those RRS die-hards were only in there to play the options :eek:.

Crypto Crude
15-09-2007, 06:12 PM
hey lizard,
what I dont get is how posters will continue to listen to a story that has been used to mislead them the whole time...
these same posters make the same blatent ramps over and over, why RRS has strong support there has got me bambozzled...

19-09-2007, 03:29 PM
large buyer still building...up to 12.5%

19-09-2007, 04:20 PM
Redzone, are you sure they actually bought any shares? The SSH notice says no trades involved, so it reads to me like a transfer into the UBS fold of an existing holder rather than actual buying.

19-09-2007, 04:25 PM
could be correct...but also could be buying others for the same cause ...

24-09-2007, 01:28 PM
whats up here today

28-09-2007, 08:35 AM
To all you RRS fans and detractors, have a look at the Criterion column in this morning's Australian.

28-09-2007, 08:40 AM
MacDuffy, would be helpful if you at least give the gist. My local dairy doesn't seem to stock The Australian...

28-09-2007, 08:44 AM
MacDuffy, would be helpful if you at least give the gist. My local dairy doesn't seem to stock The Australian...

Sorry, Liz.


28-09-2007, 09:03 AM
sorry cant find it what did it say

28-09-2007, 09:10 AM
Thanks MacDuffy. I think both sides of the debate have long agreed on one thing - that RRS/Puntland is risky. The difficulty is in the finer points of exactly how risky and whether the potential upside is relative to the risk.

I note that in the recently released international "corruption perception index", Somalia ranked at the bottom of the list of 180 countries. Not encouraging.

(Try this link (http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,22494561-23634,00.html), Redzone).

29-09-2007, 06:40 PM
Interesting announcement by RRS re offer of new options to option holders. Interesting in that if they need new options, there is no particular reason why they should go to existing option holders rather than holders of FPO's - and perhaps especially why they should be offered to option holders who sold after 1 August.

Given the threats of legal action made on another forum by those purporting to be holding significant quantities of options, this reeks of eau de blackmail. And blackmail can only work when the perpetrators have a weapon. It would be a guess that the unusual choice of cut-off date for the new offer may have been chosen to avoid allegations of insider trading regarding speculators - those who may have bought options after the likelihood of this deal was widely discussed on other forums.

I guess dealings in Puntland might require a moral lobotomy. Difficult for directors to remember which country they're in sometimes too.

I see the drilling schedule is mentioned in the Annual Report as early 2008, subject to rig procurement. Wonder what the insurance premium is on a rig leased to drill in Puntland?

Crypto Crude
30-09-2007, 04:56 PM
In this share game I have never seen such a story before of an investment which is so wrong on so many levels...
I have never seen before a group that pursued legal action against the firm because their options were worthless, and so far out of the money...
This company is weak for folding like they did to an underground email group that was angry...
this undergroud email group apparently had inside info coming from the top, but hasnot profited from inside info because company tells them lies...
If they were told the truth, would any of them still be holding?:D
they told these lies to the thread in order to attract investors...
I spotted this early on, and I could see a thread over at HC exposed to lies and sucking in investors through the story telling which sounded to good to be true.....
The big valuations of this company are fake and we saw this early on Liz...
The undergroup email group ran it kind of like a business... they made sales of shares through the innocent on HC, large number of high profile posters all pushed it and turned it into a top 10 posting at HC, when I saw this I was shocked... I was first notified about the company on the "serious oil play" thread here...
we laughed at the valuation when you showed it to me...
... I hope I warned a few off, and uncovered the lies...
I asked questions that no one would answer....
This is the most amazing story I've ever seen...
The only thing this company has is large instutional support and bugger all of the company shares on offer..
Lizard, have you experienced anything like this story in your time in the share game?
its so wrong on so many levels...
SP could do anything...

01-10-2007, 07:02 AM
There's a PhD topic in there for you somewhere SC... how about "Modification of Black-Scholes Valuation Formula to Allow for a Negotiated Option-Holder Loyalty Bonus"? :D

01-10-2007, 08:35 AM
Shrewdie - not one for the faint hearted that's for sure - incredibly high level of sovereign risk; weird things going on with oppie extensions and secret email groups who all seem to be knowledgable info. sharing buddies one day and knifing each other in the back the next - who knows where it will go - I reckon theres a movie in it.

The thing is though why is there "... large institutional support and bugger all of the company shares on offer.." as you note in your post.

If its all a sham why have all the hedge funds stayed in - shareprice is largely still above their buy in price - presumably with the sub-prime crisis they may have sought to free up some readies but they didn't.

I'm not saying its not a sham - and I'm absolutely not encouraging anyone to even think about getting in - but following the money indicates to me there might be a sniff of something interesting behind it?

Crypto Crude
01-10-2007, 11:04 AM
If hedge funds started selling then RRS would fall on small volumes...
these hedge funds have room in their extensivly large portfolios for high risk play not suited to the rest of the market...
maybe its not that the hedge funds cant sell, but wont sell because of the disaster it would create for the SP...
interesting day ahead...

01-10-2007, 11:57 AM
havent the hedge fund and some of the top guys agreed not to sell for twelve months..

01-10-2007, 11:58 AM
your guess is a good as anyone's on this one - only the big boys really know what's going on behind the scenes, and they're only letting out what they want to let out - dunno about today but it more like interesting days ahead methinks.

01-10-2007, 03:50 PM
if you are not in you cant win...but the water is a little murky...be careful....im in

31-10-2007, 08:00 AM
It seems the Somalian Prime Minister has resigned and gone to Kenya - London AIM trading seems to be picking up - both good things for RRS- wonder if they will make a difference to the shareprice which seems to have stalled.

27-08-2012, 08:49 PM
So nearly 5 years later, they have now drilled Puntland - although not (so far) found any commercial quantities of oil.

Share price is now 7.4cps compared to the heady $1 at the height of the "story". To be honest, I'm surprised they ever managed to drill anything at all.

29-08-2012, 10:17 PM

Have a look at this and bail for your life