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04-05-2004, 06:20 PM
ITC [8)] jv partner VPE has used WW2 fighter planes as names in exploration prog . Wells now firm. This will be an excellent play in the Cooper Basin which could payback similar to INP...?:D

1. Bulldog-1 15% PEL-115 13mmbbloe
2. Hurricane-1 15% PEL-115
3. Demon-1 15% PEL-111
4. Mustang-1 15% PEL-104
5. Wirraway-1 15% PEL-104

13-05-2004, 03:15 AM
[?]Reading some posts on HC express Directors buying because of "large target" P[10]= 32mmbbloe , from recent seismics ?? Could this be Bulldog -1 well , the first scheduled off the rank when things fall into place ....[8)]

19-05-2004, 02:34 AM
[8)] Directors now have 35% of total shares on issue ...? why so much!
ITC has $4m cash ; thats more than 2c share . 7 wells scheduled ! :D

08-06-2004, 10:46 PM
[8)] ALERT traders will watch this closely ; hearing things ...

11-06-2004, 01:20 AM
[?]Well timetable and names being constantly changed , even right now at last minute . Dont go by VPE updated schedule ,as it is wrong by the time ASX get it . [?]

04-07-2004, 03:48 AM
[8)]HC posts are saying the "Large target" has been named SABRE-1 , with P[50] = 34 barrels est. Located in the Squadron block in PEL115.

04-07-2004, 04:07 AM
[B)]For those confused about order of wells .....Bulldog-1 has been renamed HORNET-1 . First away next month !

Entek Energy joins JV under ASX code ETE out of LIO .

16-07-2004, 02:55 AM
[:p]Todays ITC ASX presentation makes many points , one being that 6 drilling prospects are being readied for early 2005 programme . ITC have intimated that larger targets such as Sabre and Aircobra [ being upto 34 and 23 mmstbbloe respectively] are being prioritised .

BUT: the best presentation site detail for the JV can be seen ;


then click on Entek Prospectus, etc.
then page 18+ The Independent Geologist Report.

08-08-2004, 12:24 AM
:)starting to move up.........time to get in as drilling starts 23/8/04 :D

08-08-2004, 02:03 PM
Do you hold any or do you just ramp a stock for pure enjoyment?

08-08-2004, 02:07 PM
k1w1 maybe it is one of Gerry Stolwyk's Aliases

08-08-2004, 02:15 PM
No Enigma,

You are an enigma to some but not to me. Still on a vendetta?

You feel the need to shelter behind an Alias as this enables you to do the mudslinging. You are a real hero.

I just use my own name Enigma, yes you may not like that.

Another useless entry of yours? Ruining someone else's thread?

08-08-2004, 03:42 PM
YOU also use Aliases as you have been caught at it because you forgot what you logged on as and signed one of your aliases Stolwyk and is stolwyk an alias as well

08-08-2004, 04:06 PM
Stolwyk is not an Alias. It is the Username. My first name is Gerry which is an abbreviated name of my Dutch name.

It is immaterial if I sign off with Gerry or Stolwyk. Both are correct; although I can't remember having signed off with "Stolwyk" because it is too formal.

I may sign off an IMO important post with "Gerry Stolwyk" and there is nothing wrong here either.

As I said, I have my real name Stolwyk as a user name. Whatever you think is irrelevant but still "imaginative".

You don't understand the psychology of this game you are playing by ruining the threads in your haste to damage my reputation.

The outcome will be that your own reputation will be dimished every time you make another move till at the end you will become desperate, particularly if one particular share you sold, because I hold some and post on it, rises.

Keep on trying though.


08-08-2004, 04:18 PM
Gerry are you going to publish your birth certificate or is this post above just like the rest of your rubbish. And do you suffer from alsymers disease (please excuse my spelling)because you never seem to remember anything unless it suits you. And Gerry you have GDY because you were so slow at catching on to it. Buying at 87, 88 and 90 cents I can well afford to shift the money elsewhere into something else as you once said there are plenty of stocks on the ASX and the NZSE the money went into AXA last Monday.

08-08-2004, 04:30 PM

Why in such a hurry to increase your stack of useless posts?

Yes, on HC some did know my birthday and wished me the best.

Poor Enigma, can't let go,


08-08-2004, 04:56 PM
I've never wanted to teabag a 76 year old man until today.
Go away Gerry.
Always remember our faithful ramper...

Arguing on the internet is like winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics
-You may have won, but you're still retarded

08-08-2004, 05:09 PM
That is my favourite stalker again.

Yes, you and Enigma make for two good companions.

You made a fool of yourself on the PGL thread: the stock has moved up again and you missed out.

And no doubt you will show yourself up to be an idiot again.


08-08-2004, 05:23 PM
Now, I wouldn't want to disappoint!

Wow, I missed out on PGL? Damn. It must have gone up more than CMQ, NRT, and ASC combined this week! That sounds great grandgrandpa Gerry! Guess I missed out on the 10% dive in the last few days as well...what a shame

I'll remember to place my next buy order the minute after your first edited "forecast" for another stock that is JUST ABOUT TO PEAK!!!

08-08-2004, 05:41 PM
You are the guy who put in some very abusive posts last year.

I warned you then and intimated that something "could be done"

Then you started ripping out the worst posts in a hurry. But I believe that ST still managed a talk with you and your posts have since been somewhat improved.

It did show you wouldn't back up your convictions.

You must be a child if you don't know that Bio-tech stocks don't go up all the time. Didn't you take notice of my Disclaimers? Or do you want to be told what to do, all the time.

I have been out of CMQ and NRT for some time now. Most educated investors could see that it was taken somewhat long with NRT and CMQ had problems, no one was aware of. Do you blame me for that?

Next time take note of the Disclaimers, will you; don't expect me to put nappies around peoples' bottoms.


08-08-2004, 09:21 PM
Gerry you complain about usless posts. Yet you have made 3897 post of which maybe 100 are useful Remember ramping posts are not useful. You posted all the buy signals for CMQ you could find but you never posted one of the sell signals that you came across. You seem to want to scream for the moderator when anybody shows your true worth. IMCO aboslutely ZILCH.

08-08-2004, 09:36 PM
Yes, keep searching history. That is what Paragon tried to do with his thread about me. And Sharetrader closed him down pretty quickly as was envisaged by me. I wasn't worried.

Instead you do it unofficially by bringing up similar points again.

It is not a good idea ruining someone else's threads by attacking me at will.

Why not complain to the Administrator?

You guys seem to think that you own Sharetrader. You don't. And for the nth time, I'll put up my Disclaimer again:

"Readers, please do your own research and you decide if and when to buy, hold or sell any stocks".

You must have seen it hundreds if not thousands of times but you choose to ignore it and blame me if something goes wrong.

Your "You posted all the buy signals for CMQ"

I never told someone to buy.

Off you go and play.

08-08-2004, 09:54 PM
Gerry just how much agro do you want. It was you that first started checking history. And then screaming for the moderator to clear your ass. So you say I am ruining somebody elses thread and you don't so basically you are addmitting you are ELYOB. Which is what I suggested in the first place.

08-08-2004, 10:06 PM
You better check my post as I have been editing it and didn't realize you posted. Later on, I fixed a couple of errors in words as well.

I don't scream for a Moderator. Those are your words.

I have produced a lot of useful posts. But of course you don't want to know about them.

09-08-2004, 08:44 AM
Gerry Sanitizing all the post again so you look clean as a whistle. A disclaimer does not absolve you from ramping charges. Just for the record just give us an example of one that was useful.

09-08-2004, 09:05 AM
Nothing much has changed actually. I posted but then put it it in edit mode to make an alteration. Then a knock on the door; someone came in and when he left, I carried on with the edit without realizing your post was there.

I am off to the big smoke.

09-08-2004, 09:08 AM
does that mean that you will not be posting gerry???
make some money

09-08-2004, 10:10 AM
I have to disappoint you there.

I am waiting for someone to post.

Another controversial thread got deleted as well, I think. A pity, because Kiwi had some wise words about ramping. However, no harm done.

09-08-2004, 10:36 AM
Enigma,the fact that for years people have told Gerry to stop ramping on all the forums he posts on says it all[B)].


09-08-2004, 10:48 AM

You will also find people on every chatsite who say that I don't ramp at all. It is a matter of using your statistics right and give both sides of the story.

I have never seen so much stupid PR than on that mate of yours "GS Rampers thread".
And you sneaking in after midnight coming in for the "kill".

What a joke that was. Still that can be expected from people who have less honorable intentions on their mind.

Next time, why don't you front up a thread like that yourself?

Try to behave, will you?

09-08-2004, 10:56 AM
one HUGE GIGANTIC edit would suffice stolli
have a great day
ps where is the big smoke in NZ some active volcano or something?????

09-08-2004, 01:16 PM
I dont know where the big smoke is....but I know where there's a lot of hot air! ;)

gerry, how come most of your posts are edited?...I respectfully suggest you read your posts before you click on submit, perhaps that will reduce your need to edit them, and save you valuable time...you cant have much left.

ps. the hot air is in Rotorua.

09-08-2004, 01:45 PM

You wrote:
"and save you valuable time...you cant have much left".

I'll remember that.....

09-08-2004, 02:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by stolwyk

I'll remember that.....

thats great gerry, obviously a good sign that you dont have alzheimer's as well
as me, because I suffer from it regularly.

For example, I have no recollection of what this thread is about, and its only up to the second page.

anyway, the day is only 24 hours long, and I also dont have much time left after reading pages and pages of complete dribble by some posters...Im sure you feel the same way.

Time is a limited resource, and if it is spent editing posts that no one will re-read, then there wont be enought time to create new posts...and more and more and more new ones.

If you dont find my advice useful you can just ignore it like we do you
think we can old just git along?

09-08-2004, 02:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by k1w1

Do you hold any or do you just ramp a stock for pure enjoyment?

Prob not fair? A posting rate of 2-3 / month is ramping?

09-08-2004, 03:05 PM

PRANA (PBT) has a drug PBT-1 which went through Phase II and was successful according to Prana -See Announcements.

They are now preparing PBT-2, an even more powerful drug which will penetrate the brain membranes even better as a smaller molecule is involved according to their opinion.

They will be holding the new Phase I trial with this drug later in the year.

I do believe that this drug could be be used in the long run as it deals with the metals in the brain.

I suggest you read up about PRANA, I have brought up that thread now.

People, in case RISK doesn't see this, please remind him of this.

Readers, please do your own research and you decide if and when to buy, hold or sell any stocks.

09-08-2004, 03:14 PM

09-08-2004, 03:25 PM
What is your problem, Miner?

RISK has Alzheimers. Prana will have an Alzheimer drug ready later this year for Phase 1 trial. Most likely trials will be held in Australia and perhaps RISK may want to go there to be enrolled, I don't know.


09-08-2004, 03:59 PM
thanks gerry, you have made my day...

but dear lord jesus sweet mary gerry!...
is the edit button that irresistible?

09-08-2004, 04:07 PM
Don't worry about edit buttons. I am up often till 2 am and that may start to have an effect, perhaps. I don't sleep during the day.


09-08-2004, 05:34 PM
Gerry all those that say you don't ramp are all probally your aliases. You had better sign up with PBT for the trial you certainly need a cure for your Alzheimers.

10-08-2004, 07:24 AM
That was a sick joke but you wouldn't understand that. It so happens that we don't have any of those diseases in the family, so we are lucky.

Don't think that Alzheimers is just an old peoples' disease, the age is coming down. I don't wish it on anyone but should you get that or Parkinson or any other of some 3 more diseases, then I do hope you will remember this post.

10-08-2004, 08:56 AM
No Gerry we definately think you have that disease and quite advanced. So sign up for the trial.

10-08-2004, 12:47 PM
From Enigma:

ENIGMA Posted - 09/08/2004 : 5:34:56 PM

Gerry all those that say you don't ramp are all probally your aliases. You had better sign up with PBT for the trial you certainly need a cure for your Alzheimers.


Senior Member
1488 Posts
Posted - 10/08/2004 : 08:56:13 AM

No Gerry we definately think you have that disease and quite advanced. So sign up for the trial.

11-08-2004, 12:53 PM
It is difficult to say what is a ramp and what is not. When I transfer an Announcement, it may have a positive headline.

There is nothing I can do about that because it is part of an Announcement and is transferred as such.

You are now virtually isolated; a lot of damage to your cause was due to you and your mates' thread "Gerry, the Ramper".

And the more interruptions there are, the worse it gets because the readers will just bypass you. Your other mates have withdrawn because they know I'll stay.

You remind me of one of those tragic figures in the Greek plays.

Meanwhile, a lot of ramping by others on this and the NZ site is plainly ignored by you. Not very consistent is it now? Why don't you supervise that as well? You don't because you would become unpopular if you did.

You don't seem to realize that some stupid and unsubstantiated allegations can cause more damage.

The one about me having Alzheimers won't sit well with the readers and here is the latest one:

"when him and his mates on hot copper get sick of it I will reacess it but I have seen to many good investments recked by this ramping lot".

I have challenged you to prove that I have "ramping mates" on HotCopper; you haven't answered that, you can't. BTW, what is your alias on HotCopper?

And so, one stupid revengeful allegation after another.


12-08-2004, 05:31 PM
From Enigma:

Posted - 11/08/2004 : 3:56:01 PM
Gerry do you want us to do all your thinking for you I was making the point of how stupid your question was. But as you have Alzheimers you will have forgotten that crystal ball gazing is virtually useless.


(That was from this thread:

12-08-2004, 05:42 PM
Gerry still shifting things around out of context as usual making yourself objectional. When this post you copied is back in its original place it makes you look the fool you are. We are still waiting for the list of other rampers you say are on share trader appartly they are a figure of your imagination.

12-08-2004, 06:10 PM

No, that statement of yours will stand as is. The thread has been given after all.

I won't be supplying that ramping list. It is your job to locate the other ramping posts as you have been locating "mine".

It is your initiative, so please apply the same method of selection to all posts. That is only fair, isn't it?

I'll be doing the checking to see that you have carried out the work.

I told you that I haven't been posting on the NZ site for quite some time so to claim that I am the ramper there is incorrect.

Are you saying that you didn't find any rampers on ST?

If so, then ST would be the first site in the world which hasn't got any.

Please locate these ramping posts now and let the offenders know.


12-08-2004, 07:37 PM
gerry gerry gerry
every time you say your workload had increased and you are not going to be posting as much, back you come, like is it double or nothing, something along those lines
Hey enigma , there are many types of ramps, we have the stock ramps which gerry is familiar with,we have the more suble ramps (that gerry is not familair with )
then we have the wheelchair ramps, that gerry prob knows alot about
gerry go and make back your losses on hdr alone, then when you have some seriouscontent to your posts, maybe just maybe people will start to listen , pumping hdr at 230+++ was just damn irresponsible, but would like to thank you anyway, if you hadnt started ramping I would not of looked closer at the short, a little coup in there helped a bit what should I say
make some money
ps, made a nice bundle

12-08-2004, 09:45 PM
It is best not to become involved too much here Tracker even if the blood rushes up your neck. Could you please write properly; you said you can so why not do it?

You said: "then when you have some serious content to your posts, maybe just maybe people will start to listen"

Two points Tracker:
1. There is serious content but you wouldn't know it.
2. Readers do listen according to my feedback; if they didn't I wouldn't be here.

Your: "pumping hdr at 230+++ was just damn irresponsible, but would like to thank you anyway, if..

I don't think I pumped it; the last thing I fed in was an article; I didn't know that purge/coup in Mauritiana was going to take place; did you?

"if you hadnt started ramping I would not of looked closer at the short",

Normally you let the others know of your tactics but I can't find any record of a "short" on the HDR thread. Perhaps there wasn't any, Tracker. Alright talking about it after the event of course.

Not that it mattered as the purge/coup took place unannounced.

I would give you an A1 rating for flaming, however I am sure that the readers want to know what ENIGMA is going to do about the ramping on both sites of Sharetrader.

Thanks for you trying to help him out but of course you are part of a gang which has close contact. No more "Gerry the Ramper threads?". Perhaps not again, I think.

Remember now: you had one post and I had one. That ought to do, I think.


12-08-2004, 10:17 PM
Gerry you cannot locate any can you ramper.

12-08-2004, 10:42 PM
Won't be hard to find but you are not willing to look.

It is your job to look for them.

Give me a statement saying there are no other ramping posts on both the NZ and Aussie sites. Try that one!

Another problem you have is why didn't you search for ramping posts while I wasn't attending ST? You should have as it is a never ending job:

"By the way--I also see Astron--ATR-- as about to Explode its share price--like $7.50--within 4 months--yep--repeat $7.50---and that's CONSERVATIVE"

"Woohooo.......Flying now..Up to 75c!"

I don't care if people become enthusiastic, actually.


12-08-2004, 10:58 PM
From Enigma:

Posted - 12/08/2004 : 10:27:47 PM

"Isin't that a pity Gerry maybe i Don't have to write everything down like you as idont have Alzheimers like you I made an estimate of when I first came accross you. The world would be a much better place if you were deceased".

That came from this thread:


13-08-2004, 12:26 AM
[B)]meanwhile ..........ITC .........???? drilling about to start , time to ramp it as a public service so i can gets me money back and more ..........so let the ramp, mean the drill, mean.......drilling starts 23/8/04 .

Writing home about it right now , gotta tell em the news .


13-08-2004, 06:43 AM
gerry many trades i do intraday , and dont have the time to execute let alone tell everyone about it
hdr had alot of blue sky factored in
hence my calling your study threads above 230 to be irresponsible
and yes I am in the process of developing a proper "GS index"
this index will alert me to when a stock is not far off its highs, just when it is ready to short, works every time
make back the money you lost on hdr, and then some

13-08-2004, 09:40 AM
So, you are coming back for another helping Tracker; but that is you alright.

Whatever you say Tracker, I won't take too much notice of it. You are skilled in flaming and associated matters and you have proven yourself. Everything you say needs to be checked out.

What is annoying is that you constantly refer to "making money" at the end of posts.

I haven't lost on HDR, bought in a lot cheaper than that. One can't guard against a purge/coup anyway.

Also it was you who called AIM. That was a loser and you were trading it. Why did you call it? I warned you at that time.


13-08-2004, 10:41 AM
actually gerry i took 2g outta the stock, and I do think it has more in it and have recommenced buying at lower levels .Could have taken 4g but was willing to see how it performed, the fact that it retraced just gave me a better in for some of my stock
notice that when I bought aim to notice it was trading at close to 5 cents
any one could have made some money there
have a good one
ps at some stage I beleive aim to be good buying the market will let us all know, not your study threads

13-08-2004, 11:43 AM

15-08-2004, 03:12 PM
Can you guys piss off to some other board as we normal posters want this back for ITC which is coming up to the start of drilling Hornet-1

PISS OFF!!!!!!!

17-08-2004, 03:41 PM
:DThis will start its run up to the 10 Sept. Meeting JV today . 2 and 3 wells to be announced . Hornet-1 approx 12 days drilling from 23/8/04 ........

All happening , even director getting in on the act. ;)

19-10-2004, 03:58 AM
[B)]ITC : got dumped today . NO OIL! was basically the problem in the Hutton which all the bulls expected . Drilling onto the "dream" secondary target in the Patchawarra which could be reached late tomorrow~! All Ventura #1 has going for it is the 2mmbbloe in the Namur , which they say will flow 340bblod under pump . This is worth L/T 10c to ITC fully priced i think . But the market will only pay about 8c with all the traders running about with greed in their eyes. 3 more wells to go and one has to be successful again ~~ !
Both Hornet-1 and Ventura-1 are successes in their own ways , but they are certainly no worriors............

Good luck traders and others .....[?]

20-10-2004, 05:04 AM
[B)]Bloodied , ITC seems to have found support in the low 7's . Like its coalition partners , bleeding has been extreme . Logs at Ventura , and then move rig <10 klms to Canberra site , try try again . Canberra main target at approx 2300m , so a good 2 weeks drilling ......

Logs could still surprise us in Ventura , maybe ? some are optimistic . Traders will be caught out in the cold if it does .

Keep at it ~!

23-10-2004, 01:28 AM
Directors return buying , putting line at 8c . Canberra well being talked up in the brokers , amazing how this outfit just moves on ~! Only have to move the rig < 10klms , spud could be mid week from what i hear . A couple of weeks to get to target , then another shot at the title ..........[?]

23-10-2004, 01:43 AM
Aya Boyle.
Canberra gas target only. Like the name!! I'm on board ITC. Hope you've got a nulla nulla hopeful.

08-07-2005, 01:29 AM
:) :) :) :) :)

Hi folks,

ITC ..... almost primed for a run ..... :)

Will be looking for some significant news from ITC,
around 15-18072005, particularly 18th July 2005.

Would like to see ITC test lows around 2.8, but
given the recent volumes, we may have already
seen the lows, around 3.5 cents.

happy trading


:) :) :) :) :)

15-07-2005, 12:07 AM
:) :) :) :) :)

Hi folks,

ITC ..... significant news comes in, just one
day ahead of schedule, as per post above.

With news of an additional stake in recent
oil/gas finds (from 15-up-to-27%), the market
has so far, failed to see the relevance of
this news .....

..... will be watching for further news/moves,
over the next few days, as this news filters
out to traders.

happy dayz


:) :) :) :) :)

19-07-2005, 12:17 AM
yogi , forget this till next year , take it from me ! Kind regards , "G"

19-07-2005, 01:44 AM

..... many thanks, G.

happy days



04-10-2005, 04:47 PM

Hi folks,

ITC ..... ticking up nicely now .....

happy days


P.S. ..... holding ITC.


10-10-2005, 03:47 AM

Hi folks,

ITC ..... looks like mostly positive cycles for this one,
running into the end of 2005 ..... :)

Updated cycles ahead:

17102005 ... spotlight on ITC ... significant move???

25102005 ... minor

28-31102005 ... 2 cycles minor and positive

Still shooting for a 50% Gann retracement of the previous
leg down, around 3112005, at 7.5 cents ..... :)


101105-081205 ..... positive news about "hidden or underground"
matters may surface during this period.

16112005 ... minor

02-05122005 ... 2 cycles here ..... minor and negative news,
about finances (???)

15122005 ... 2 significant and positive cycles here.

30122005 ..... minor and positive.

So far, gap at 5.3 has held as support recently.

happy days


P.S. ..... holding ITC.


17-10-2005, 06:16 PM

Hi folks,

ITC ..... as per post above on 10102005, positive
move starts right on time ..... :)

..... traders getting set, ahead of some anticipated news???

happy days


P.S. ..... holding ITC.


18-10-2005, 04:55 PM
[B)]My call in July was valid at the time , but how thing change over the months in the Patch .

Heaps of action imminent, transformation of this stock about to occur . One to be in , not one to watch from the olde list. Will move fast when ....?

Yogi worth following on this .

Hold ITC

18-10-2005, 05:05 PM

..... keeping a watchful eye on ITC, G ..... :)

happy days


P.S. ..... holding ITC.


22-11-2005, 02:52 AM

Hi folks,

ITC ..... as per post above, we are looking for
some positive news, around 15122005, where
2 time cycles slot into place.

Confirming that date, we also have a 50%
retracement of time for the previous upleg,
which also figures on 15122005, at 4.9 cents.

Key dates ahead for ITC, may be:

02-05122005 ... 2 cycles here ..... minor and negative news,
about finances (???)

15122005 ... 2 significant and positive cycles here.

30122005 ..... minor and positive.

Meanwhile, would like to see a test of 4.5 as support
and a healthy bounce, with good volume to confirm
the lows ..... :)

happy days


P.S. ..... holding ITC.


11-01-2006, 01:20 PM
[^]Watch this one now ....going to fire up!

Rig is to spud MIRAGE OILFIELD well 23.1.2006 , which will commence the big Cooper Basin push for 2006 , and we wont see prices around here in the mid 6's . Price ... finished yesterday 6.6c


[B)]DYOR , i hold ITC

09-02-2006, 12:37 AM
I got a report on ITC from RM Research in the mail. They give ITC a current valuation of 8.7c per share comprising of 6.1c for mirage and ventura and 2.6c for exploration upside potencial

The average hit rate in the cooper basin is in the 40 to 50 % range so it's not unrealistic to expect at least one of the upcoming exploration wells to find oil - they look like good prospects

13-02-2006, 03:09 PM
13 February 2006

Impress Ventures is pleased to announce that the Mirage 2 appraisal well has encountered a similar oil saturated section to that encountered in the currently
producing Mirage 1 well to the south.
Two cores were cut in the objective Murta Formation which had oil indications
from 1.322 metres to 1,337 metres with the best reservoir indicated to be present
from 1,322 metres to 1,328.5 metres.
The well will now be drilled to total depth of approximately 1,620 metres after
which the well will be completed for production from the Murta reservoir.
Douglas Jendry said “the success at Mirage 2 confirms our mapping and
attribute work and we now look forward to the Mirage 3 and 4 having similar characteristics.
It now looks as if we are well on our way to getting the Mirage field up to a total
1,000 barrels of oil per day after the drilling of the three appraisal wells.”
Interests in the well are ;

Impress Ventures Ltd (ITC) 40% (via wholly owned subsidiaries, Springfield Oil
and Gas Ltd and Tacnas Pty Ltd)
Victoria Petroleum NL (VPE) 40% (Operator)
Roma Petroleum NL (RPM) 20%

For further information please contact Doug Jendry on (08) 9214 2500 or at

14-09-2006, 03:10 PM
.14 September, 2006
ASX Release
Growler-1 Oil Discovery
As announced by the Operator of the PEL 104 Joint Venture in the onshore Cooper
basin of South Australia, Victoria Petroleum NL, Drill Stem Test One of sandstones in
the Jurassic Birkhead Formation has recovered approximately thirty barrels of light oil
over a two hour flow period. The interval tested is 1728 metres to 1737 metres. The
well will now be deepened to evaluate the Hutton Sandstone and Poolawanna
Formation objectives. The full commercial significance of the oil column will be
determined once wireline logging operations have been conducted on the completion of
drilling. A picture of crude being flared during the testing operations is attached.
Growler-1 marks the beginning of the drilling campaign by the Joint Venture in PEL
104 in this under-explored Jurassic area of the permit which covers the western flank of
the productive Patchawarra Trough of the Cooper Basin. There are number of prospects
and leads near Growler-1 and in the adjacent permit PEL 111 which could be followup
candidates for drilling in the next three months, once ongoing seismic reprocessing
work is completed.
Growler-1 is located 16 kilometres west of the Santos Limited operated Callabonna
Field which also recovered oil from the Jurassic Basal Birkhead sands on drill stem test.
Commenting on the oil recovery, Impress Chief Executive Officer Eddy Buckovic said
“On behalf of Impress I am very pleased with the results of the well so far which
have significantly extended the western Jurassic oil fairway to the Patchawarra
Trough. Further work needs to be done to assess the results of Growler-1 and the
impact on prospectivity in the surrounding area. This is a good start to our
drilling campaign.”

The PEL 104 and PEL 111 Joint Ventures consist of
Victoria Petroleum N.L. (Operator) 40%
Impress Energy Limited 40%
Roma Petroleum N.L. 20%
For further information, please contact Eddy Buckovic, CEO on (08) 9214 2500 or
at eddy@iel.com.au .

15-09-2006, 03:51 PM
15 September 2006
Company Announcements
Australian Stock Exchange Limited
Level 4, 20 Bridge Street

Victoria Petroleum N.L. as Operator for the PEL 104 Joint Venture advises that at 0600 hours Central
Standard Time, the operation was drilling ahead at 1,784 metres in the Hutton Sandstone.
On resuming drilling from 1,737 metres oil shows continued to be observed in the basal Birkhead
sands to 1,754 metres. Oil shows have now been observed in the basal Birkhead sands from 1,728 to
1,754 metres
Preliminary interpretation of the Drill Stem Test data from Drill Stem Test No.1 carried out over the
interval 1,728 to 1,737 metres indicated an initial flow rate into the test tool at 400 barrels of oil per
day and confirm that during the drills tem test 33 barrels of light oil flowed into the test tool and drill
string over the two hour period the tool was open. Wire line logs and further testing are required to
evaluate this oil recovery.
The operation going forward is to continue to drill ahead through the Hutton and Poolawanna sand

17-09-2006, 01:38 PM
G! Looks like oil producer ; 100 bbloe/d net to itc ; stock could do well now in other wildcats with this find , info valuable ; but Growlers lower targets dont look very encouraging , but may surprise.

14-12-2006, 03:45 PM
Eddie Smith (chairman) has been buying shares in ITC both, last month and again this month
Good to see the insiders adding to their position.

02-11-2008, 12:50 PM
is anyone still following/holding ITC?

02-11-2008, 06:49 PM
Bermuda's excitement regarding the fairway to heaven was infectious, so I grabbed a few at an average of about 4.1c.

02-11-2008, 06:54 PM
It would be good to get a bit of a summary of there operations as everything in this thread is pretty out of date.

Bermuda i assume you know about fair bit about them?

01-12-2008, 12:44 PM
What's up with this one, Bermuda? Seems set to go below 3. Does that fairway story not hold up in the end?

The Big Ease
01-12-2008, 12:58 PM
plenty of discussion and info on hotcopper.

30-03-2009, 03:21 PM
Managed to sell my small parcel of TEX I bought leading up to Catipult today so I thought I would take a little punt on snatcher with this one @3.1c.

31-03-2009, 05:44 AM
This could be the wild card .....Eddie is the man ..........case of follow this boy , he has been big time before......

31-03-2009, 08:52 AM
This could be the wild card .....Eddie is the man ..........case of follow this boy , he has been big time before......Hi Elyob,
Have also read some less than kind comments about him too

31-03-2009, 11:04 AM
What's up with this one, Bermuda? Seems set to go below 3. Does that fairway story not hold up in the end?

Hi Kent,
Sorry I didnt reply to your message. I was in the UK and never looked at this thread again until today. Anyway she did go below 3 cents but this latest drill could really define this Fairway. It is still there. They will need the 3D seismic to properley define it but this drill could be a little beauty.

As always the drill bit does the talking.

02-04-2009, 06:30 PM
Looks like this one might be on a wee run, next. I haven't crunched any detailed numbers, but considering it holds 40% of the well discussed jurasic oil fairway along with VPE (or "fairway to heaven" as dubbed by Bermuda I think) its market cap seems very disproportionate to VPE's.

I guess with the cap raising bedded down now and the JV producing oil and increasing flows further, future cash requirements are now self funding. Its seems to be a cheap producer.

I also guess, depending on success with the oil fairway later this year, ITC is a next logical takeover play with/after VPE (note: Roma holds the remaining 20% of these permits - which has already been pocketed ; )

Watching the next drill with bated breath : ) Good luck patient holders!

02-04-2009, 06:45 PM
Hi Jess,
not sure I would compare this one to VPE but if snatcher turns up the goods I expect a bit of a run. Currently up 16% from my entry the other day. While the chart looks pretty there is no volume making it unreliable so its more of a punt on the drill than anything. Did this with TEX and managed to get out still in the blue after they abandoned Catipult. Fun to watch and better odds than a lotto ticket eh? :D

02-04-2009, 09:36 PM
Lots more fun too : )

I see that the Chair/exec (Eddie Smith?) has a big big stake in this, alot just recently added. I saw BOW directors do same end of last year. Adds to the picture.

Well done Strat. Good entry.

02-04-2009, 10:01 PM
Hi Jess,
not sure I would compare this one to VPE but if snatcher turns up the goods I expect a bit of a run. Currently up 16% from my entry the other day. While the chart looks pretty there is no volume making it unreliable so its more of a punt on the drill than anything. Did this with TEX and managed to get out still in the blue after they abandoned Catipult. Fun to watch and better odds than a lotto ticket eh? :D

Hi Strat,
If Snatcher comes in you had better put on your best running shoes. This will be better than than " a bit of a run". This would transform the company.

02-04-2009, 10:20 PM
A good "ticket" to hold then.

03-04-2009, 09:12 AM
Hi Strat,
If Snatcher comes in you had better put on your best running shoes. This will be better than than " a bit of a run". This would transform the company.Hi Bermuda,
I dont know a lot about them but with their small Market Cap I would think this drill coming good would mean considerably more to ITC than the other partners.

03-04-2009, 12:35 PM
ITC showing some decent buy depth today

09-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Nice move today and a little more volume. Not bad the day before a long weekend

09-04-2009, 07:57 PM
Noted also a distinct lack of sellers yesterday when the o/s markets took a tumble, with some large bids coming in later in the day. Nice follow through today. Feels to me like momentum forward is only just getting started : )

09-04-2009, 08:02 PM
Noted also a distinct lack of sellers yesterday when the o/s markets took a tumble, with some large bids coming in later in the day. Nice follow through today. Feels to me like momentum forward is only just getting started : )Hi Jess.
Still iliquid but a nice increase in volume today. Hoping this is the start of a build up into the drill although that is still a ways off.

09-04-2009, 08:22 PM
Hi Jess.
Still iliquid but a nice increase in volume today. Hoping this is the start of a build up into the drill although that is still a ways off.

Hi Strat,
Made a post here that was intended for VPE. Hey, this ITC has got a bit of grunt to it.

09-04-2009, 08:31 PM
[QUOTE=bermuda;250614]Hi Strat,
Made a post here that was intended for VPE. Hey, this ITC has got a bit of grunt to it.
That was me getting another 2m of them if you were following them in the depth. Cheers

09-04-2009, 08:46 PM
Hi Bermuda,
I dont know a lot about them but with their small Market Cap I would think this drill coming good would mean considerably more to ITC than the other partners.

You are dead right Strat.

Ordered another 2m ITC today. This could be quite nice.

I apologise if this seems like a ramp.

This will probably get me banned from the site but the only reason I say it is to help us all make a bit of dosh. It is pretty hard out there. Why not take advantage of what we know?

09-04-2009, 08:54 PM
You are dead right Strat.

Ordered another 2m ITC today. This could be quite nice.

I apologise if this seems like a ramp.

This will probably get me banned from the site but the only reason I say it is to help us all make a bit of dosh. It is pretty hard out there. Why not take advantage of what we know?

I doubt that very much, you are one of Sharetrader's assets Bermuda & many have made some good coin off your good oil...;)

09-04-2009, 10:03 PM
You are dead right Strat.

Ordered another 2m ITC today. This could be quite nice.

I apologise if this seems like a ramp.

This will probably get me banned from the site but the only reason I say it is to help us all make a bit of dosh. It is pretty hard out there. Why not take advantage of what we know?Hi Bermuda,
So all of the action today was you :D

Here I was thinking more buyers were moving in ( not just one :eek: ) Either way I will take it as a positive development ;)

and Shasta, I will second that.

10-04-2009, 06:43 AM
Hi Strat. Looks like late May, or June for this defining well/drill. Expect more detail before this...


Contrary to our earlier intentions of not carrying out any drilling, especially commitment well drilling, until after the interpretation of the Mollichuta 3D seismic presently being acquired over PEL 104, PEL 111 and PRL 15, Impress wish to advise that the PEL 111 Joint Venture has elected to accelerate the drilling program by drilling an exploration well on the Snatcher Prospect adjacent to the Santos
Limited operated Charo Field in PPL 177. The PPL 177 licence is wholly contained within PEL 111.

Snatcher-1 is a recently recognised prospect that will test whether oil can be stratigraphically trapped within discrete sand bodies in channel systems within the Birkhead Formation and the results of the
well will have an important bearing on the interpretation of the Mollichuta 3D seismic survey and the future appraisal and wildcat drilling program within the ‘Western Oil Fairway’.

It is intended that the Snatcher-1 well will be drilled in either late May or June 2009 to partly satisfy the Joint Ventures’ Year Five three well work commitment.

Snatcher-1 is located in the mid portion of PEL 111. The prospect is within one kilometre of the Santos Charo Oil Field and 6 kilometres north of the Tigercat-1 and Warhawk-1 oil discoveries, and 10 kilometres north-east of the Growler Production Facility. The primary target is the Birkhead

ASX releases will be made at important junctures in the well. Further information regarding the well’s location and depth will be made available closer to the spud date.


The recent very successful appraisal and development drilling program at the Growler Field has shown that high quality reservoir sandstones are present within channel systems within the predominantly fine grained rocks of the Birkhead Formation. All three Growler Field wells drilled in the 2008 and 2009 drilling program encountered high quality reservoirs which has lead to a decision by the Joint Venture to upgrade the production facilities at Growler Field. This upgrade will be completed in June 2009 and will lead to production increases above the current facilities limited
production of 900 BOPD.

Snatcher-1 will be an important next step in the evaluation of the oil potential of the channel systems within the Birkhead Formation and the well will test for the presence of a sand body within the mapped channel system near the Charo Oil Field which also produces from the Birkhead Formation. The well will provide valuable information as to the stratigraphic trapping potential of these channels
and will also enable calibration of the Mollichuta 3D Seismic survey as to the extent of the channels encountered in the Growler Oil Field into the surrounding Warhawk, Tigercat and Wirraway discovery areas. This calibration will enable better location of future appraisal wells in these fields.

Snatcher-1 represents an important and logical step forward in the Joint Ventures’ evaluation of this emerging oil province.

10-04-2009, 07:15 AM
I see they are also completing in June, an upgrade to process more oil from the existing (5?wells) now producing. Looks like May and June could be good for both ITC and VPE.

Well done Bermuda for building up a decent stake already at pre-run prices! Whether there is more opportunity for this will be interesting to watch over the next few weeks.

Discl: picked up a small parcel, a lot less : ) then Bermuda yesterday also.

10-04-2009, 07:26 AM

Victoria Petroleum N.L. (Vicpet) as operator for the PRL 15 Joint Venture advises that progress continues at the Growler Oil Field Central Production Facility in the South Australian Cooper Basin to upgrade the production capacity with the installation of additional oil storage and separator tanks.

Following the completion of the production equipment upgrade, the Growler Oil Field Central Production Facility and associated storage tanks and tanker load out facilities will have the capacity to process up to 2,000 barrels of fluid per day.

At present, oil production from the five wells on the Growler Oil Field continues during the upgrade without disruption, but is constrained by the existing production facilities to 900 -1,000 barrels of oil per day.

The estimated completion date for the upgrade of the Growler production facilities to enable the higher oil production rates is early June 2009.

Commenting on the progress of the Growler production facilities upgrade, Vicpet managing director John Kopcheff said;

“Vicpet is pleased to see the progress being made on this project. We feel confident that increased production from the existing Growler Oil Field wells and further development drilling will make good use of the new upgraded production capacity.”

“Even at current oil prices, Vicpet expects it is well on track to meet its target of net revenue from oil production to Vicpet of $6 million per year.”

Development drilling on the Growler Oil Field is planned for the 3rd quarter 2009 following the processing of the 3D seismic data currently in the process of being acquired”.

11-04-2009, 07:20 AM
Hi Strat and Bermuda.

After a bit more of late night reading on this one. I'm amazed that it is only NOW back to its December cap raising value! Especially, as this was necessarily undertaken at the deepest point of the 2008 sell-off/terror! I'm surprised that ITC is already not in the 8-12c range. Just make a few back of envelope adjustments for diff in cap, CSG, cash and compare value of these permits with VPE. VPE had a low of 11c in December when ITC was about 3c. ITC is now 3.9 and VPE 40 (has been 50c)

I see that BG group now holds the remaining 20% of the (VPE/ITC) Queensland "oil fairway" permits (via t/o of Roma and QGC). If the wells drilled to date are indeed linked and the fairway confirmed, expect the field size to certainly interest BG.

ITC would be the logical screaming cherry pick before any VPE look over by BG, purely on ITC's massive price discount for these permits. If this happens I hope pre 2009 shell shocked holders don't give their shares away too cheaply or quickly. 2-3 bagger rerate could happen very quickly. Considering past relativity with VPE I'm surprised that ITC is not already spiked to somewhere between 8 to 12c - pre spud. However the MARKET is always right : )

Bermuda your excitement for ITC prospects is very well founded.

DISCL: On board. Money always where mouth is! DYOR don't just listen to my exuberant ramblings!!

11-04-2009, 10:12 AM
Hi Strat and Bermuda.

After a bit more of late night reading on this one. I'm amazed that it is only NOW back to its December cap raising value! Especially, as this was necessarily undertaken at the deepest point of the 2008 sell-off/terror! I'm surprised that ITC is already not in the 8-12c range. Just make a few back of envelope adjustments for diff in cap, CSG, cash and compare value of these permits with VPE. VPE had a low of 11c in December when ITC was about 3c. ITC is now 3.9 and VPE 40 (has been 50c)

I see that BG group now holds the remaining 20% of the (VPE/ITC) Queensland "oil fairway" permits (via t/o of Roma and QGC). If the wells drilled to date are indeed linked and the fairway confirmed, expect the field size to certainly interest BG.

ITC would be the logical screaming cherry pick before any VPE look over by BG, purely on ITC's massive price discount for these permits. If this happens I hope pre 2009 shell shocked holders don't give their shares away too cheaply or quickly. 2-3 bagger rerate could happen very quickly. Considering past relativity with VPE I'm surprised that ITC is not already spiked to somewhere between 8 to 12c - pre spud. However the MARKET is always right : )

Bermuda your excitement for ITC prospects is very well founded.

DISCL: On board. Money always where mouth is! DYOR don't just listen to my exuberant ramblings!!

Nice post Jess. I am regretting not picking up as many as I could get at sub 2.5c. Maybe it's not to late?

I don't thing BG will be very interested in ITC....it's so small!

11-04-2009, 10:23 AM
Phaedrus - do you mind working your majic on ITC? ST uptrend, about to break LT downtrend?

11-04-2009, 11:39 AM
I don't thing BG will be very interested in ITC....it's so small!

Forget ITC market cap now, assuming a sizable reserve is there its 100% of the fairway permits which would be the prize.

Well done also on getting in earlier Corporate. Nice return already from that level!

11-04-2009, 05:06 PM
You have seen pretty much all there is to see, Corporate, and I can't really add any value to your observations. ITC is in a long-term downtrend and a short-term uptrend. This is a time to hold, rather than buy or sell.

I have marked a couple of nice clear "Double bottoms" - these are Bullish of course and each was followed by a good (short-term) uptrend.

I would guess that quite a few people will be looking to sell and lock in profits at or near the trendline. If there are enough of them, the short-term uptrend will end and the longterm downtrend will continue.


11-04-2009, 08:53 PM
Thanks Phaedrus. If current interest pushes cleanly through 4.6 on volume, I guess that forms a new and significant support point. Still reading that large book : )

It's still hard for me to reconcile past performance with new and significant (future) events i.e. a significant well about to spud which may well firm up the western oil fairway.

11-04-2009, 08:54 PM
I think VPE estimates this could be worth 24c AUS to them.

11-04-2009, 10:55 PM
On reflection Phaedrus. I'm not surprised. The chart shows exactly what has happened. Including market digestion of this next drill and its importance. Result, the current s/term (at present at least) uptrend. The recent double bottom also looks like a good base from which to build.

11-04-2009, 11:10 PM
On reflection Phaedrus. I'm not surprised. The chart shows exactly what has happened. Including market digestion of this next drill and its importance. Result, the current s/term (at present at least) uptrend. The recent double bottom also looks like a good base from which to build.Sorry Jess cant agree with you there. The chart shows its mostly ignored at this point but Im thinkin that might change.

13-04-2009, 10:12 PM
Yip. Just starting (I think too - reason for holding ; )

Link to drill announcement for any following this:


13-04-2009, 11:28 PM
Phaedrus - do you mind working your majic on ITC? ST uptrend, about to break LT downtrend?

Hi Corporate. From my limited TA. The OBV looks like it triggered an early buy signal also a few weeks back.

14-04-2009, 01:58 PM
Theres a big hole in the buy column all of a sudden :D

14-04-2009, 02:53 PM
1 for 3 rights issue @3.0c

Looks like we will be back at 3.0c quick smart ?:(

then again perhaps shrewdly timed into the Snatcher drill

14-04-2009, 03:54 PM
Theres a big hole in the buy column all of a sudden :D

Hi Strat. Going to have to put my hand in my wallet for the rights issue. I hate these capital raisings although I must say the BOW one worked out pretty well.

At least ITC will have some cash. Hope that Snatcher delivers!! If it doesnt this little play will end up being becalmed for a while. My advice to any would be shareholders would be to pick some up on any weakness towards 3 cents. Wish I had waited.

14-04-2009, 04:04 PM
Hi Strat. Going to have to put my hand in my wallet for the rights issue. I hate these capital raisings although I must say the BOW one worked out pretty well.

At least ITC will have some cash. Hope that Snatcher delivers!! If it doesnt this little play will end up being becalmed for a while. My advice to any would be shareholders would be to pick some up on any weakness towards 3 cents. Wish I had waited.Could be much worse Super B. At least they arent selling shares to Sophisticated Investors ( their mates ) at a 50% discount.
Still havent made my mind up about this Eddie fella but at least he does own a truck load of shares.

Snatcher still has a nice smell to it too.

Depth still looks healthy so it hasnt scared anyone off yet.

14-04-2009, 05:08 PM
Could be much worse Super B. At least they arent selling shares to Sophisticated Investors ( their mates ) at a 50% discount.
Still havent made my mind up about this Eddie fella but at least he does own a truck load of shares.

Snatcher still has a nice smell to it too.

Depth still looks healthy so it hasnt scared anyone off yet.

I am the same about Eddie too. The only reason I am long is due to the oil fairway and a few casual comments I picked up on at the O&G conference. Life is all about educated risk so I pressed the buy button.....but am showing a loss at the moment.

14-04-2009, 06:28 PM
More news to come on this?? Odd trades towards day end. Why do they need the cash? Depth gapping out too. It looked self funding against what has said will be done. Maybe this is the precursor to an accelerated development program? VPE already has the cash. Better go and read that announcement in full ; )

14-04-2009, 06:44 PM
I see Eddie has his hand up for another $1.5m if not all holders take this up. Thats a sign of confidence at least. Bermuda, I hope a little of that recent BOW issue rubs off here too. Great outcome for everyone.

14-04-2009, 07:55 PM
Take a look over at hot copper, mixed comments...but re snatcher today, interesting comment and I guess a few weeks ahead. Of interest Ex date is over very quickly (and non-renounceable) and issue also completes a few weeks after. Squeezed in I guess just prior to spud, or at least well completion. If VPE/ITC think snatcher is going to hit big time, this could explain the need for the funds quickly (i.e. additional development) and co-incidentally a nice big entry window for holders prior to all the action! Assuming its a hit of course.

15-04-2009, 02:29 PM
i started building a small holding today. having a punt on the fairway to heaven was too much to resist. as a previous holder of VPE, i like the cooper basin prospects, it seemed wherever they placed the drill they got a taste of oil. speaking of such, can anyone tell me if Growler 5 has been hooked up and is producing yet? cheers,


15-04-2009, 07:20 PM
...leading on from jdg, does anyone know if ITC has any exposure to CSG also, or is it purely oil focused?

15-04-2009, 07:24 PM
Don't suppose Eddie has been applying for any new permits of late. CSG is certainly popular and ITC has close links with VPE/BG. Exploration was mentioned in use of funds : )

15-04-2009, 07:41 PM
Don't suppose Eddie has been applying for any new permits of late. CSG is certainly popular and ITC has close links with VPE/BG. Exploration was mentioned in use of funds : )The Offer document says its all to go towards the Cooper Basin Projects.
Well, they certainly havent flowered it up lol. The document almost reads as if they are trying to talk share holders out of it :D

15-04-2009, 08:18 PM
i started building a small holding today. having a punt on the fairway to heaven was too much to resist. as a previous holder of VPE, i like the cooper basin prospects, it seemed wherever they placed the drill they got a taste of oil. speaking of such, can anyone tell me if Growler 5 has been hooked up and is producing yet? cheers,


Hi jdg. Looks like a yes. Bottleneck is probably the prodn facility itself, but the upgrade of this is almost complete too. 2000 bpd next?






15-04-2009, 08:21 PM
Offer doc out too: http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20090415/pdf/31h2h386lgd6j4.pdf

16-04-2009, 08:33 AM
thanks, Jess, it does look as though it's hooked up but constrained by production facilities. perhaps a good indication that the success of the field was much better than expected.

hopefully the facilities can be upgraded on schedule and that by june the price of oil has nudged up a bit too. by which time snatcher should be revealing its secrets.

much going on in the short term. could be a good story unfolding. speaking of such, i would be interested if Bermuda might elaborate on what ‘casual comments’ he heard regarding ITC at the O & G conference that significantly sparked his interest. Cheers if you have time, B.


16-04-2009, 09:03 AM
Hi yall,
ITC held up rather well yesterday I thought all things considered. I expected it to go strait back to 3c. Positive maybe or perhaps just a biproduct of being illiquid. I will be buying my allotment as I didnt get my order @3.1 completely filled.

PS thanks for those links Jess.

I see ya there Serpie. Thinkin you might have another crack at this one? :D

16-04-2009, 10:55 AM
thanks, Jess, it does look as though it's hooked up but constrained by production facilities. perhaps a good indication that the success of the field was much better than expected.

hopefully the facilities can be upgraded on schedule and that by june the price of oil has nudged up a bit too. by which time snatcher should be revealing its secrets.

much going on in the short term. could be a good story unfolding. speaking of such, i would be interested if Bermuda might elaborate on what ‘casual comments’ he heard regarding ITC at the O & G conference that significantly sparked his interest. Cheers if you have time, B.


This is all about the Fairway. If Snatcher comes in...watchout.

But the drill does the talking. You never know what you might hit. It could easily be dry. That is the nature of this business. At least they are prepared to follow the signs.

Part of the thrill of going to these conferences is wandering around the display booths with your ears open. Am showing a loss on this one at the moment and may have punted this too hard. We shall see. I like the brew and am prepared to give it a go. You will never get anywhere just thinking about it eh?

16-04-2009, 11:29 AM
you might be the only person who is aghast to be taking a loss on a stock in this environment, Bermuda. you've certainly had a great run in a terrible market. nice work. i suspect they'd be few other anywhere who have done as well.

it's a big risk taking a punt on the drill bit, but with 50% success rate in the cooper basin, it's probably the best odds you'll get.

given that snatcher is seen as a 1mb prospect, is the real discovery whether or not PEL 104 is linked to PEL 111 - is that what would be seen as the real prize?

from memory JK said we would be 'off to the races' if a fairway was firmed up. let's hope it's the melbourne cup.


18-04-2009, 12:19 PM
Hi Guys.
Can anyone confirm that the 4mil options with an exersise price of 5.5c on page 4 of the quaterly are in fact unlisted? None of the usual tickers bring them up.

18-04-2009, 01:36 PM
...it's a big risk taking a punt on the drill bit, but with 50% success rate in the cooper basin, it's probably the best odds you'll get.

given that snatcher is seen as a 1mb prospect, is the real discovery whether or not PEL 104 is linked to PEL 111 - is that what would be seen as the real prize?

from memory JK said we would be 'off to the races' if a fairway was firmed up. let's hope it's the melbourne cup.


Worse case is that Snatcher is dry, after a little blow off from spec holders (just for the drill) ITC/VPE still has a new and producing oil field(s), increasing production and cash from this in 2009, a nice whack of cash next month in the bank from the rights issue.

Best case is ITC hits a nice commercial column of the same black stuff and the fairway looks much more certain and ITC heads over 10c. Downside from 3c must me limited surely.

21-04-2009, 08:08 PM
tend to agree, Jess, i'm currently trying figure out when ITC will be in a position whereby capital raisings are no longer necessary. growler production increases by mid year should help things along. my investigation is ongoing... i'm encouraged that eddie smith has such confidence. a director with a big holding who continues to buy stock is always a good sign.

i hold a few of these, but may incease my holding.

and yip, Strat, the options are unlisted.


22-04-2009, 12:28 AM
Downside from 3c must me limited surely.Absolutely Jess. 3c at the most :D

22-04-2009, 06:50 AM
A blip below could occur (sellers who NEED to sell now, or maybe a underwriter wanting to pick up more of a shortfall) maybe a good buy op. as it will probably carry on up after cap raising settles IMO.

22-04-2009, 04:30 PM

and yip, Strat, the options are unlisted.

-jthanks J...........................

12-05-2009, 12:21 AM
Can anyone give us an update on the prospectivity here ...?

12-05-2009, 12:29 AM
Can anyone give us an update on the prospectivity here ...?unchanged I would have thought Elyob

14-05-2009, 07:03 PM
...bugger... for the sake of convenience i rang my bank and got them to post me a cheque to send off for the rights issue. it arrived a couple of days later than i was hoping, but i sent it off via the courier service of NZ Post and was told three days was plenty. and it probably was - if the rights offer closed tomorrow as i thought it did... i have just traced the cheque and it is in Perth alright, but as of the last update it was being 'held for clearance'. what a balls up... no rights for jdg...on the upside, those of you who asked for more will have a few more in the pile...


14-05-2009, 07:32 PM
The reminder notice stated get it in the post BEFORE offer close date and therefore post date pre close should be fine. Good luck.

14-05-2009, 07:47 PM
thanks guys. i contacted the co and was told that cheques received tomorrow will be accepted, so i should be ok. i'm pleased to hear it has happened to others, AA... i did feel a little foolish (although i had to share it with the forum for comedy value alone - ah, the joys of internet anonymity).


14-05-2009, 07:51 PM
thanks guys. i contacted the co and was told that cheques received tomorrow will be accepted, so i should be ok. i'm pleased to hear it has happened to others, AA... i did feel a little foolish (although i had to share it with the forum for comedy value alone - ah, the joys of internet anonymity).


This is all going to be a lot of fun in the next few weeks. One thing I have learnt being in NZ. Mail your cheque ASAP.

14-05-2009, 07:54 PM
...bugger... for the sake of convenience i rang my bank and got them to post me a cheque to send off for the rights issue. it arrived a couple of days later than i was hoping, but i sent it off via the courier service of NZ Post and was told three days was plenty. and it probably was - if the rights offer closed tomorrow as i thought it did... i have just traced the cheque and it is in Perth alright, but as of the last update it was being 'held for clearance'. what a balls up... no rights for jdg...on the upside, those of you who asked for more will have a few more in the pile...

-jIf all else fails J, tell em I said you can have mine. Im not taking up the offer :D

14-05-2009, 08:02 PM
This is all going to be a lot of fun in the next few weeks. One thing I have learnt being in NZ. Mail your cheque ASAP.

yup, lesson learned - although i was undone by a comedy or errors. at least it looks to have all come right in the end.

the rise in the sp in the last couple of days has been a bit surprising. it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow when the rights issue is out of the way. either way we are certainly in for a good june. increased production (with an oil price firming...fingers crossed that stays about) and of course snatcher. should be fun; it certainly wont be boring.


14-05-2009, 08:03 PM
If all else fails J, tell em I said you can have mine. Im not taking up the offer :D

Damn can i have them? lol

14-05-2009, 08:04 PM
This is all going to be a lot of fun in the next few weeks. One thing I have learnt being in NZ. Mail your cheque ASAP.

Damn can i have them? lol

might have to be an arm wrestle, Corporate... seriously, Strat, are you not taking them up? have you seen the sp today?


14-05-2009, 08:12 PM
might have to be an arm wrestle, Corporate... seriously, Strat, are you not taking them up? have you seen the sp today?

-jYup I have and Im a bit surprised its up there myself but pleased all the same.
I dont have the funds to put in this right now and its worth noting that I bought the quantity I wanted on market at 3.1 so its no huge discount.
Im rather excited to see how this one plays out over the next month. If all goes well it might give VPE a kick in the guts too.

14-05-2009, 10:28 PM
fair enough, mate. there seem to be a few of us along for the ride. let's hope you don't have another chance to accumulate at .031c...


15-05-2009, 07:27 AM
might have to be an arm wrestle, Corporate... seriously, Strat, are you not taking them up? have you seen the sp today?


Haha well good thing I went to the gym last night! What a shame, I'd been on some ITC at 3c!

15-05-2009, 04:00 PM
ITC going well at 4c , and its a Friday .......this is encouraging ......

Bermuda has this well in sight(s) ...... fairway stuff here could be big . Wells along here are capable doing 1000bblopd going by STO asset locally ......this well [Scav] coming is more of an appraisal well , than exploration ..... like to see more discussion on it from those who have the knowledge base on the area ...

15-05-2009, 04:15 PM
Haha well good thing I went to the gym last night! What a shame, I'd been on some ITC at 3c!

crumbs, i went to a bar. i should have perhaps suggested a drinking competition...

ELYOB, you’re a braver man than me calling snatcher an appraisal well. we may have had good luck (up toward 50%, from memory) of hits in this area, and regardless of what the 3D has indicated, until we put the drill in the ground it's all academic.

but i certainly agree with your request to hear from people who can enlighten us further on our prospects. the possibility of firming up our fairway to heaven (i find the descriptions irresistible, Bermuda) is genuinely exciting. particularly for whoever wins Corporate’s and my arm wrestle/drinking competition for Strat's extra shares.

tickets for that will be on sale soon.


15-05-2009, 05:00 PM
Peter Strachan has talked strong in the prospects for ITC , yesterday on Stockanalysis Feedback ....... it must be coming in Stockanalysis in next couple weeks .

15-05-2009, 09:49 PM
crumbs, i went to a bar. i should have perhaps suggested a drinking competition...

ELYOB, you’re a braver man than me calling snatcher an appraisal well. we may have had good luck (up toward 50%, from memory) of hits in this area, and regardless of what the 3D has indicated, until we put the drill in the ground it's all academic.

but i certainly agree with your request to hear from people who can enlighten us further on our prospects. the possibility of firming up our fairway to heaven (i find the descriptions irresistible, Bermuda) is genuinely exciting. particularly for whoever wins Corporate’s and my arm wrestle/drinking competition for Strat's extra shares.

tickets for that will be on sale soon.


I'll bring the funnel....

15-05-2009, 09:51 PM
I'll bring the funnel....I will be expecting a cut from the ticket sales :eek:

15-05-2009, 10:10 PM
I will be expecting a cut from the ticket sales :eek:

Strat, I agree with Corporate. Any well 900 metres from Charo which produces circa 200 bbl per day has to be deemed an appraisal well. Could still be dry though.

The drill bit does the talking. And the oilers do the thinking. And then they cut a deal.

16-05-2009, 07:15 PM
Strat, I agree with Corporate. Any well 900 metres from Charo which produces circa 200 bbl per day has to be deemed an appraisal well. Could still be dry though.

The drill bit does the talking. And the oilers do the thinking. And then they cut a deal. Not sure I get ya Bermuda
Corporate is bringing a funnel for high speed beer consumption and I want a cut from the ticket sales for the arm wrestle competition.
Recommend not holding the event at your place if you are fond of your garden :D

16-05-2009, 09:45 PM
Not sure I get ya Bermuda
Corporate is bringing a funnel for high speed beer consumption and I want a cut from the ticket sales for the arm wrestle competition.
Recommend not holding the event at your place if you are fond of your garden :D

It is the difference between an appraisal well and a wild cat. This thing is an appraisal well. I mean, it is right next door. Cheers mate.

16-05-2009, 10:26 PM
It is the difference between an appraisal well and a wild cat. This thing is an appraisal well. I mean, it is right next door. Cheers mate.Yeah Super B I get that but Elyob posted it.
The rest was just Corporate , J and myself having a bit of a laugh :confused:

17-05-2009, 09:19 AM
Yeah Super B I get that but Elyob posted it.
The rest was just Corporate , J and myself having a bit of a laugh :confused:

Not a problem mate. When she gets to 10 cents we will have another BBQ. The garden has recovered from the last visit....dont mind the funnel.....but please...no arm wrestling.

17-05-2009, 09:34 AM
Not a problem mate. When she gets to 10 cents we will have another BBQ. The garden has recovered from the last visit....dont mind the funnel.....but please...no arm wrestling.Im far to dignified to lower my self to that kind of behaviour :D
Though I have been tempted by Macdunk on occasion at the Auckland meetings :eek:

21-05-2009, 04:57 PM
Not a problem mate. When she gets to 10 cents we will have another BBQ. The garden has recovered from the last visit....dont mind the funnel.....but please...no arm wrestling.

Are you raiding the piggy bank again?

A couple of good trades have gone through this afternoon.


21-05-2009, 09:24 PM
Are you raiding the piggy bank again?

A couple of good trades have gone through this afternoon.


Hi Paddie,
This is going to be very interesting. Lot of parties and analysts all wanting to work out exactly what is here. I have been wrong before and could be wrong again, but I have 6 million reasons to say this is good news. Made a bet like this with NZO and their peripherary drills around Tui and was proved WRONG. So , to others DYOR.

If this is wrong , I am going back to Coal Seam Gas. Fuel of the Future.

02-06-2009, 08:46 AM
with the recent rise in the price of oil, ITC's increased production facilities expected this month had been timed well. let's now hope that snatcher comes up trumps and lends support to the oil fairway theory. it may be a very significant month. i wonder if today we will be able to break through 4c.


02-06-2009, 03:41 PM
with the recent rise in the price of oil, ITC's increased production facilities expected this month had been timed well. let's now hope that snatcher comes up trumps and lends support to the oil fairway theory. it may be a very significant month. i wonder if today we will be able to break through 4c.

-jSure has :D

02-06-2009, 03:52 PM
If this is wrong , I am going back to Coal Seam Gas. Fuel of the Future.

Bermuda, what do you mean going back, I thought you were already there?

02-06-2009, 05:24 PM
ITC travelling well today, good volume and a nice rise in share price.

The next couple of weeks are going to be interesting.


02-06-2009, 06:00 PM
Nice to see this one finally blasting off.

03-06-2009, 08:56 AM
Bermuda, what do you mean going back, I thought you were already there?

90% of my portfolio is in CSG. Got distracted by the fantastic potential of ITC and the medium potential of TEX.

Going to be a very interesting couple of months for ITC..and TEX for that matter.

03-06-2009, 04:16 PM
Nice to see this one finally blasting off.Yeah Jess two high volume days in a row. Im getting a bit excited now :D

03-06-2009, 04:42 PM
Yeah Jess two high volume days in a row. Im getting a bit excited now :D

As are the chartists on HC.


03-06-2009, 05:40 PM
As are the chartists on HC.


aren't they getting excited over there..! i own this stock, so clearly i think it has potential - but some of the ramping going on late last week was getting rather fanciful. confidently predicting 60c was perhaps my favourite. in fact, i get a bit worried when there's that much bullishness.


03-06-2009, 06:09 PM
aren't they getting excited over there..! i own this stock, so clearly i think it has potential - but some of the ramping going on late last week was getting rather fanciful. confidently predicting 60c was perhaps my favourite. in fact, i get a bit worried when there's that much bullishness.


Agree jdg but if you can sift through all the bull on HC, there are a few good posters who know what they are talking about.

I wouldn't get to carried away about 60c, but short term it appears that there will be good price appreciation.

Some good drill results could see this lift off.


03-06-2009, 07:57 PM
Yeah Jess two high volume days in a row. Im getting a bit excited now :D

Hi Strat. I also reckon ITC is in for a nice sharp spike next : )

03-06-2009, 08:02 PM
ITC was behind the eight ball, without counting the goodies occurring this month, courtesy of 2008. As you say Strat, nice to see significant price with volume increase. Any price spike could be full of energy with day traders entering. Should be a fun filled few weeks ahead for all holders.

Ketel One
03-06-2009, 08:21 PM
Two good days in terms of volume:


Am glad I managed to pick some up @ 3c, up over 50% so far. I'm hoping some of the excitement rubs off on VPE and it sees some movement too.

05-06-2009, 03:23 PM
Looks like ITC is having a bit of trouble firing up. Guess that will continue till the dumping of 3c shares stops. Mind you 50% profit is not to be sneezed at so understandable I guess

05-06-2009, 04:36 PM
lots of shares out there and lots of players entering for a trade. this one could do anything. but one thing's for certain, if there's oil on the end of the drill bit at snatcher she will fly... if not, she'll drop like a stone (although the price of oil firming and upgraded facilities at growler may cushion the fall just a little). this is mcdunk's 'thrill and drill' at its best. at this stage i'm planning to hold right through.


12-06-2009, 11:59 AM
Time to get going.
Got a good feeling about this one today :D

12-06-2009, 12:20 PM
Good call STRAT, up to 4.9 and just waiting for someone to dip their toes in a 5 cents, then it will be all on again.

Enjoy the ride.


12-06-2009, 12:34 PM
Good call STRAT, up to 4.9 and just waiting for someone to dip their toes in a 5 cents, then it will be all on again.

Enjoy the ride.

DISC Hold ITCWell Ponda. We hit 5c

There is a truck load for sale at 5c but the sell side looks pretty thin after that right now. Will the sellers keep trickeling in or will we go for a run?

Fun to watch eh? :D

12-06-2009, 12:36 PM
Well Ponda. We hit 5c

There is a truck load for sale at 5c but the sell side looks pretty thin after that right now. Will the sellers keep trickeling in or will we go for a run?

Fun to watch eh? :D

I grabbed a few more myself at 4.6c this morning anticipating a good response to upcoming news.


12-06-2009, 12:48 PM
True, it is fun to watch. I think that I am a self confessed ASX junkie.
It doesn't help when there is only one buyer on each line of the Bids column. If they want to just hold out till the price comes to them it makes it harder to get any traction.

Paddie, I seem to be the last person to get any up-coming news. I saw a company come out with an Ann the other day and it looked great. I then looked at the charts and about three days before the Ann it had already bolted and then the price stayed the same as it was prior to it. It makes it difficult to get on the bandwagon at the right time.

Good luck on your 4.6

12-06-2009, 12:52 PM
I grabbed a few more myself at 4.6c this morning anticipating a good response to upcoming news.

PaddieHi Paddie,
Depends what the news is Paddie but either way I suspect it will be a significant response.

12-06-2009, 01:02 PM
1.7 mill for sale @ 5c is proving to be a bit of a road block alright

12-06-2009, 01:05 PM
Notice just recieved!!!

12-06-2009, 01:06 PM
Notice just recieved!!!:eek: Now thats a surprise :D

12-06-2009, 01:11 PM
Drill Rig in place. I wonder if this will give VPE a much needed kick in the guts?

12-06-2009, 02:17 PM
The Ann didn't seem to excite VPE that much.
Good to see that we are getting a bit more depth in the buyers column.
At the moment it's a race to see which share gets to my target first. ITC or BOW
Having fun with them both

12-06-2009, 02:47 PM
The Ann didn't seem to excite VPE that much.
Good to see that we are getting a bit more depth in the buyers column.
At the moment it's a race to see which share gets to my target first. ITC or BOW
Having fun with them both

They are both good shares to hold but I am a bit more biased towards BOW.

At least now we know that they will start drilling on Sunday, and it will be interesting what happens to the share price as they approach target depth.

An exciting few weeks coming up for both companies.


19-06-2009, 03:52 PM
The build up to Snatcher has begun today. 8.5 mill through and the buyers starting to take control. Hope it continues

22-06-2009, 12:07 PM
Got a good feelin about this one. Still a lot of volume for sale at 4.9 and 5.0 but another day like Friday can only help

22-06-2009, 12:14 PM
we should get a drill update today. too early to be into the good stuff, i would think, but something saying all is progressing nicely would do.

she's getting close to d-day. exciting times for ITC.


22-06-2009, 05:53 PM
we should get a drill update today. too early to be into the good stuff, i would think, but something saying all is progressing nicely would do.

she's getting close to d-day. exciting times for ITC.

-jNothing exciting about today though :(

22-06-2009, 05:57 PM
if anything, we are ahead of schedule.

it will be interesting now to see if we get news about growler production increases before the drill bit hits target depth.

exciting times, although it was a shame to hear eddie is unwell.


22-06-2009, 06:05 PM
missed your post as i was writing mine, strat.

yeah, a few people off loaded today ahead of results. i can't blame them, it's a good strategy - there was a quick buck to be made in this over the last month.

personally, i'm holding through for the gamble on the oil fairway. and right now the dice is in the air...


Ketel One
26-06-2009, 01:40 PM
Announcement out: http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20090626/pdf/31j88g8gycpw00.pdf

26-06-2009, 02:07 PM
good news. somewhere in europe bermuda will be smiling.
now let's now see how significant the oil shows are in terms of a producing well. but either way it lends evidence for the fairway theory.
things are looking good.


26-06-2009, 02:13 PM
Nice J
Any Oilers around to digest the ann?
Anyone know what the proposed maximum depth was to be?

Ketel One
26-06-2009, 02:44 PM
Nice J
Any Oilers around to digest the ann?
Anyone know what the proposed maximum depth was to be?

Think the planned max depth was 1871m. I'm just a beginner, but "fair to good" oil shows over a 9.4m interval doesn't sound like they're super excited about it (compared to the language used in previous VPE ann.'s for Growler 1-5 etc).

Guess we just have to wait for the DST results to know more though.

26-06-2009, 02:58 PM
Think the planned max depth was 1871m. I'm just a beginner, but "fair to good" oil shows over a 9.4m interval doesn't sound like they're super excited about it (compared to the language used in previous VPE ann.'s for Growler 1-5 etc).

Guess we just have to wait for the DST results to know more though.Hi Ketel
That was my take on it too so I let half go

26-06-2009, 03:04 PM
Stalemate at 5.6
Anyone else watching this?

26-06-2009, 03:21 PM
Hey Strat,

Definetly watching, tossing up whether to take the profit now or wait and see if increased production comes in to boost the price.
Will think on it over the weekend.


26-06-2009, 03:26 PM
Hey Strat,

Definetly watching, tossing up whether to take the profit now or wait and see if increased production comes in to boost the price.
Will think on it over the weekend.

FruitloopHi Fruitloop,
I was pondering over the same thing so I decided on a bob each way :D

26-06-2009, 04:54 PM
There is obviously alot of people who do like the announcement with over 20 million shares changing hands.

There is talk of production upgrades which I am sure will help lift the share price next week.


26-06-2009, 05:24 PM
i took a few off the table too, strat. i had a look back through past anns and found that G2 was described as "fair to good", but that had shows over 18m - just about double snatcher. G2 is one of the least producing wells of the growler basket. i am no geologist, so take what i say with a grain of sand, but if snatcher is deemed to be not commercial it may lead to a bit of negative sentiment. countering this, the fact there is oil at all is good for the pathway theory. this is why i've still got a good handful in my portfolio.


26-06-2009, 07:52 PM
Thanks for that bit of info, will dig through the past drills and see how the open is on Monday before making a final decision.


27-06-2009, 10:43 AM
i took a few off the table too, strat. i had a look back through past anns and found that G2 was described as "fair to good", but that had shows over 18m - just about double snatcher. G2 is one of the least producing wells of the growler basket. i am no geologist, so take what i say with a grain of sand, but if snatcher is deemed to be not commercial it may lead to a bit of negative sentiment. countering this, the fact there is oil at all is good for the pathway theory. this is why i've still got a good handful in my portfolio.

-j I probably know less than you do J about the business but while world markets are lookin like a 50/50 call in terms of continuing up or sliding back down I will play it safe. 85% is a more than decent return considering the time frame from purchase to sale. You may have noticed this news barely moved VPE but confirmation of the fairway will have an impact eventually. For ITC this well was/is much more important I think. If it doesnt reach market expectation a slide in the SP would be inevitable.

It was a nice close on Friday and bodes well for Monday especially as there was no major movement in the US last night. In hindsight I should probably not have sold yesterday but better safe than sorry.

27-06-2009, 11:16 AM
generally speaking, i'm a little nervous about a pullback on the global equity markets and the price of oil. i'm keen to both protect recent gains and have a bit of cash to make the most of a cheaper entry to certain stocks (if that happens).

moreover, strat, given we still hold ITC, if it runs next week neither of us will be too upset. i'm comfortable with my decision to let a few go; like you say, the gains we've made in just a month or so have been most satisfactory.


28-06-2009, 08:35 AM
It's got to be said. You have a fantastic ability to pick the winners and back yourself enough to load up big.

28-06-2009, 08:36 PM
It's got to be said. You have a fantastic ability to pick the winners and back yourself enough to load up big.

Thanks Corporate,
You have to have extraordinary patience in this game.
I will be sticking around ITC/VPE and waiting for Snatcher 2&3. If you look at the Charo drill(s) and the Snatcher drill(s) you will see they may be all in the same channel. I hope so.

I hope Eddie is okay. Cheers

Ketel One
29-06-2009, 05:29 PM
More life in snatcher-1! http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20090629/pdf/31j9c9fb957g2b.pdf

"Following on from the oil shows previously reported from 1,772 metres to 1,781.4 metres, continuing good oil shows have been observed from 1,781.4 metres to 1,787 metres."

other points of note:
-Two DST's failed due to mechanical failure over the weekend
-Planned depth revised to 1,900m

Ketel One
29-06-2009, 05:43 PM
What's the significance of the revised drilling depth to ~30m deeper? Do they expect to find something more? (presumably it costs money so they don't do it for fun!)

29-06-2009, 05:49 PM
What's the significance of the revised drilling depth to ~30m deeper? Do they expect to find something more? (presumably it costs money so they don't do it for fun!)I would guess they havent found what they were hoping for yet.

Weighing up todays action against the current Market Big picture I let the rest go but will consider re entry if cirumstances offer up a good trade.

Ketel One
29-06-2009, 06:00 PM
I would guess they havent found what they were hoping for yet.

Weighing up todays action against the current Market Big picture I let the rest go but wil consider re entry if cirumstances offer up a good trade.

Hmm wish I knew more about the whole process so I could have more of an idea about how much they know at this point/whats going on.

Oil shows over a revised 15m interval certainly sounded positive to me. Market doesn't seem to have reacted at all to the announcement though :confused:

I'm still holding atm.

29-06-2009, 06:11 PM
I would guess they havent found what they were hoping for yet.

Weighing up todays action against the current Market Big picture I let the rest go but wil consider re entry if cirumstances offer up a good trade.

I agree, although its not how i want to feel, it sounds like they understand the implications of a less than expected result from drilling and are drilling at greater depths to attempt a better find...

Can't help but think its negative, not positive :(

29-06-2009, 06:30 PM
I agree, although its not how i want to feel, it sounds like they understand the implications of a less than expected result from drilling and are drilling at greater depths to attempt a better find...

Can't help but think its negative, not positive :(Hi bmci,
Welcome to the boards.
Any oil find at this location bodes well for the Fairway theory and is good for both ITC and VPE.
A comercial find at this location would mean much more to ITC.
Perhaps Bermuda or Shrewdy could give an opinion on the current status of Snatcher.
I know bugger all about the industry and this was always a drill play for me. I see no reason to cash up other that concerns about the market in general and that it was always my plan in any case.

I would suggest you try and avoid as you put it "wanting to feel" in this game though.

Everytime I have had feelings about a stock my wallet has gotten lighter. Best to make all decisions from above the neckline ;)

looking at todays trading action the market seems to have adopted a wait and see attitude.

Ketel One
29-06-2009, 06:37 PM
I agree, although its not how i want to feel, it sounds like they understand the implications of a less than expected result from drilling and are drilling at greater depths to attempt a better find...

Can't help but think its negative, not positive :(

Would love to hear from a more experienced Oiler on this, but it doesn't seem like they'd be drilling deeper past the target zone hoping to find something new... seems unlikely and vaguely irresponsible (cost) if that was their motive. As it's only 30m, im not sure it's that important.

As for less than expected result from drilling, i'm also not sure. They've found oil over a 15m interval, and I don't know if we can say much more than that until they get test results other than it isn't dry!

29-06-2009, 07:07 PM
Would love to hear from a more experienced Oiler on this, but it doesn't seem like they'd be drilling deeper past the target zone hoping to find something new... seems unlikely and vaguely irresponsible (cost) if that was their motive. As it's only 30m, im not sure it's that important.

As for less than expected result from drilling, i'm also not sure. They've found oil over a 15m interval, and I don't know if we can say much more than that until they get test results other than it isn't dry!

Hi Ketel,

I was encouraged by the notice today (and believe me I am no expert).

Could I also suggest that if they are drilling deeper it is for a good reason. Production volumes upgrade, more upside in the next few days IMHO.


Crypto Crude
29-06-2009, 08:38 PM
ketel one-What's the significance of the revised drilling depth to ~30m deeper? Do they expect to find something more? (presumably it costs money so they don't do it for fun!)

Im real angry... I wrote up a lengthy post, and my computer crashed...
:(... I will start again...

Hey Ketel one,
I will try to explain it...
Now we all know that the encouraging oil discoveries in the region, and successes from the JV partners in this growing project have come from discoveries around the same depths... But this is not where the oil came from...Understanding where the oil came from and why it got there is the best way to improve success rates.... here is one reason why they would drill further...
we can now see more definitively where higher chance discoveries are likely to be, and I will explain...
This is not a true fairway where oil runs throughout the entire permits...
but there are strong indictations that a broken top seal will increase success rates at targets with this feature...
this information and what they find below the target zone will be feed into the next target to bring more successes, and better understanding.....

The Formations below the target sandstones run at various depths (source rocks, Permian thickness, and importantly the migration pathway).. The various depths and thicknesses of these formations is one possible reason why they are off on their pre drill estimates/and therefore extended the depth, as they gather new information throughout the drilling of Snatcher......
Drilling below the target sandstone Birkhead, or past the oil pool where they are not likely to find more oil is still very important for appraisal targets where each well in sequence adds to the understanding of the entire region and where best to target new wells...
It is also possible that the reservior interval to thicken...

You will find in exploration wells when the target zone is dry, they will generally stop straight away... these are no exploration wells...

also... It is as important to find better techniques to extract more oil, as it is to attain reserves... So improving on the field overview of the geological systems both above and below the target zone will help with this...

What is now proven to happen is as follows...
Oil Migrated at far greater depths than where oil is now being discovered...Oil rose vertically when the top seal was broken (which was) above the migration pathway... This has now become obvious that these appraisal targets have a far greater chance of success when there is no seal...
The petroleum system is consistant across permits.....
Needs a good few discoveries (which will happen) for this to rocket...
or for the market to start factoring in future successes, the later could be factored in at anytime...
The smart ones like Bermuda already new this and has subsequently taken on yet another investment where the market mispriced the risk...

Bermuda The JV should be drilling horizontal wells...
I would be very interested in what management think about that...?

Ketel One
29-06-2009, 10:40 PM
Awesome post SC, really helpful!

Where/how did you learn/pick all this up?

Crypto Crude
30-06-2009, 01:43 PM
hey ketel one...
I read the presentation, and a few drilling reports...
and summarised it...
self taught... I hope its ok...
I wish I did have an oil background...
when I got to uni it was too late to completely change direction....
I will pursue this sector, just in a different way, when the opportunity arises......

Before yesterday I had not really looked at ITC...
so I sat down opened up a few ITC pages/links and then blurted it out...
I remember Bermuda jibba jabbering about ITC :rolleyes:...
I enjoy reading the posts on the thread...

Ketel One
30-06-2009, 05:06 PM
I wish I did have an oil background...
when I got to uni it was too late to completely change direction....
I will pursue this sector, just in a different way, when the opportunity arises......

Wish I had the background too, would make understanding the geology etc. of it all easier. Still, would be boring if there was nothing new left to learn eh! ;)

Ketel One
01-07-2009, 05:26 PM
Wire line logs confirm oil pay in snatcher-1, PEL 111: http://stocknessmonster.com/news-item?S=VPE&E=ASX&N=172773

Well to be completed as a producer & rig moved to immediately drill snatcher-2!

01-07-2009, 06:33 PM
14 m oil column, to be tied into production - and 2nd snatcher seems all good.

Ketel One
02-07-2009, 11:42 PM
I'm surprised at the number of sellers at this level (and in the depth over 6c). Who's selling? I guess the rights issue at 3c makes it tempting to sell for a quick 100% profit. Chart still looking good though, and based on fundamentals I don't really see a big retrace happening (growler production upgrades, snatcher-2 drilling - both very soon):


The equivolume chart paints an pretty clear positive picture imo:

27-07-2009, 02:00 PM
Snatcher 1 Flows 218 Barrels of Oil Per Day and not well recieved by the Market. Guess everyone was expecting more?

27-07-2009, 02:05 PM
No not what I was expecting (thinking 500ish), but lets see how snatcher 2 comes along.
Still happy to hold.

27-07-2009, 02:38 PM
Expectation around Perth seemed to be 500-800bblod , with some speculating on STO secret well close by. The testing is not over so could be more in it . Maybe someone who understands the well on a small choke etc , could expand what this really means . Has it suffered from drainage from the STO wells ? what could this well do under the right sort of pump equipment ? reserve ? so on ...

Ketel One
27-07-2009, 03:27 PM
IMO 218bopd is a good result, and one that ITC/VPE will be very happy with at this stage.

Not sure it makes much sense that they'd release a flow-rate that was below what was possible/sensible with a larger choke. Still early days though, and this is definitely good news for ITC/VPE's western margin permits.

Ketel One
12-08-2009, 04:06 PM
Snatcher-2 looks the goods. Good oil shows over 18.8m.

Ann.: http://stocknessmonster.com/news-item?S=VPE&E=ASX&N=173413

Great news for ITC/VPE, fingers crossed for a good flow test!

13-08-2009, 02:34 PM
Steady at 5.8, from 6, games being played according to hotcopper, might be one to hold on for a while.

Ketel One
01-09-2009, 03:46 PM
Ann. out:

Snatcher 2 flowing 207bopd 48degree API during short term production test. Brings the snatcher field up to a total of 425bopd. (40% 170bopd - to ITC).

Rig being moved to tigercat-1 for STPT.

Ketel One
08-09-2009, 03:58 AM
From VPE's annual financial report:

• Snatcher-1 was drilled and completed for production in June 2009. Oil production for Snatcher-1 is expected to commence in October 2009 at a rate of 400 BOPD (160 BOPD net to Victoria Petroleum).
• Snatcher-2 was drilled and completed for production in August 2009. Oil production for Snatcher-2 is expected to commence in December 2009 at a rate of 400 BOPD (160 BOPD net to Victoria Petroleum).

JV partners have been very coy about goings on in cooper basin. ITC apparently working on an investor update due this week, will be very interested in their take on things...

08-09-2009, 06:38 AM
From VPE's annual financial report:

• Snatcher-1 was drilled and completed for production in June 2009. Oil production for Snatcher-1 is expected to commence in October 2009 at a rate of 400 BOPD (160 BOPD net to Victoria Petroleum).
• Snatcher-2 was drilled and completed for production in August 2009. Oil production for Snatcher-2 is expected to commence in December 2009 at a rate of 400 BOPD (160 BOPD net to Victoria Petroleum).

JV partners have been very coy about goings on in cooper basin. ITC apparently working on an investor update due this week, will be very interested in their take on things...

Ketel One - thanks for your post. Another stock we have a common interest in :-)

I haven't read the report yet, but, do they plan to put all the oil from Snatcher through the Growler facilities? Doesn't this now make them to inadequate again?


Ketel One
09-09-2009, 09:14 AM
Ketel One - thanks for your post. Another stock we have a common interest in :-)

I haven't read the report yet, but, do they plan to put all the oil from Snatcher through the Growler facilities? Doesn't this now make them to inadequate again?


Hey Corporate,

Great minds etc.! :p

I'm pretty sure I read snatcher was to have its own facilities. I certainly hope they can just get on with it and get the oil/cash flowing- far too big of a deal was made out of the Growler facilities, and what should have been a straightforward upgrade.

23-09-2009, 10:59 PM
Got back into ITC today at close. Chart shows a few good signs. Any thoughts on the state of affairs with this one?

24-09-2009, 06:59 AM
Hi Strat, not convinced it's away just yet, but it shouldn't be too far away. On a fundamental basis, ITC is a superb investment option, shortly... timing? I'm keeping a very close eye on this, along with VPE.

Ketel One
28-09-2009, 02:49 PM
Got back into ITC today at close. Chart shows a few good signs. Any thoughts on the state of affairs with this one?

Hey Strat, still holding?

We should see the results from the 3D seismic any time now. There are rumours on HC that ITC have some results that they will be very eager to let the market know about. (take with a grain of salt obviously!)

Could be more info about the extent of snatcher/growler/existing fields or new targets. Either, although especially the latter would provide some SP interest imo.

28-09-2009, 02:58 PM
Hey Strat, still holding?

We should see the results from the 3D seismic any time now. There are rumours on HC that ITC have some results that they will be very eager to let the market know about. (take with a grain of salt obviously!)

Could be more info about the extent of snatcher/growler/existing fields or new targets. Either, although especially the latter would provide some SP interest imo.Yup. Down 0.2c but not too concerned considering what the General Market and Oil has done over the last few trading days

Strike that. Back to break even :D

PS theres a few good posters on HC. That Tui chap seems fairly onto it :D

28-09-2009, 04:50 PM
Yup. Down 0.2c but not too concerned considering what the General Market and Oil has done over the last few trading days

Strike that. Back to break even :D

PS theres a few good posters on HC. That Tui chap seems fairly onto it :D

Hi Strat and Ketel One,

I must admit that I thought ITC's share price would be significantly higher than it is by now, but good things take time.

Once the news is out and there is more exposure from the "Roadshow" I am sure we will see the benefits.

Hang in there.

Hold ITC

Ketel One
04-11-2009, 02:49 PM
JV has oil shows at Snatcher-3!

Good oil shows over 18m at time of ann. and still drilling. Nice.

Doesn't seem to be reflected in the SP, but what a great run ITC is having!

06-11-2009, 01:57 PM
JV has oil shows at Snatcher-3!

Good oil shows over 18m at time of ann. and still drilling. Nice.

Doesn't seem to be reflected in the SP, but what a great run ITC is having!Hi Ketel.
Significant increase in volume over the last few days. I think we may be on the move soon.
Would love to see a close above the previous best of 6.2 on an intraday high above 6.4.

09-11-2009, 03:25 PM
It appears that traders are not prepared to stay here .

Current market doesnt help either , even if you have a reasonable result in the patch .