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duncan macgregor
18-12-2007, 08:53 AM
SHREWD CRUDE, MACDUNK, STRAT, All started a who knows most competition on SHARECHAT which appears to be gone. The rules were one miner and one oiler starting on 19th nov 2007 for a period of one year. The selections and starting prices are as follows.

SHREWD CRUDE. VPE at 16c FML at 10c

STRAT, MHL at 3.3c AMU, at 67.5c

MACDUNK AGM at73.5c NWE at 26.5c

I hope sharetrader will allow us to continue the competition on this thread since sharechat has appeared to be gone in the forum section. Macdunk

18-12-2007, 09:18 AM
Sharechat will be back as soon as someone sends them a fax to remind them its broken :p

However if Sharechat admin read this ;) Matt, I would really appreciate the chance to save some of the material from the forum before it is gone forever. lf it is on the way out may I request a little warning before hand.

Thanks in advance Matt

PS It was the Shrewd vs Macdunk Competition who have both probably forgotten more than I have learned about this game. I just joined in for the hell of it and prevent either of these two very proud fellas from coming last.:D:D:D

PPS I noticed Duncan you made no attempt to slither or beg on the ASX 2008 comp thread regarding changing your AGM pick. You failed as I did as expected,:cool:

18-12-2007, 09:35 AM
Its back up Duncan

Cheers Matt

duncan macgregor
19-12-2007, 08:54 AM

PPS I noticed Duncan you made no attempt to slither or beg on the ASX 2008 comp thread regarding changing your AGM pick. You failed as I did as expected,:cool:[/QUOTE]STRAT i had no need to beg i merely asked that since my horse bolted before the race started to be allowed to change horses. SEC being a fair minded person said yes. If you are not carefull i will change AGM to ADY SO THERE. Macdunk

19-12-2007, 04:31 PM
If you are not carefull i will change AGM to ADY SO THERE. MacdunkThats just what is needed. A few more picking ADY:D

12-01-2008, 01:35 PM
Duncan, your selection by dart and monkey is up on the other board :D on the DOW/ASX thread

duncan macgregor
24-01-2008, 01:18 PM
UPDATE on our little competition guys which makes us look like we dont have a clue [some more than others].
1, MACDUNK is minus 4.24%
2, STRAT is minus 22.96%
3, SHREWD AND CRUDE is wait for it guys let the fanfares begin minus 32.94%

I blame SHREWDY for putting me wrong with NWE when he said it was a share he would recommend to his granny. It went from 26.5c to 14.5c.
Who are you blaming STRAT for your wonderfool effort with your two dogs.
SHREWDY you have to come back and explain yourself my man.

25-01-2008, 10:37 AM
I blame SHREWDY for putting me wrong with NWE when he said it was a share he would recommend to his granny. It went from 26.5c to 14.5c.

You've got all year MaccaD, but if NWE is back to 26.5c by comp close on 19th November 2008 then I, and many others, be very relieved!

25-01-2008, 04:39 PM
UPDATE on our little competition guys which makes us look like we dont have a clue [some more than others].
1, MACDUNK is minus 4.24%
2, STRAT is minus 22.96%
3, SHREWD AND CRUDE is wait for it guys let the fanfares begin minus 32.94%

I blame SHREWDY for putting me wrong with NWE when he said it was a share he would recommend to his granny. It went from 26.5c to 14.5c.
Who are you blaming STRAT for your wonderfool effort with your two dogs.
SHREWDY you have to come back and explain yourself my man.That will teach ya for trying to pip shrewdy at the post by entering one of his picks :D:D

Might I add if not for that left of field take over bid for AGM which Im sure you didnt see coming ( No BS now I know the time line to production was the reason you chose AGM ) your picks may have looked considerably worse:p;)

I on the other hand have no body to blame but myself so Im going to blame wonderfool Bush and the FED

Crypto Crude
22-05-2008, 06:23 PM
Today was a major turning point...
I over took you in the competition today...

duncan macgregor
23-05-2008, 02:55 PM
Today was a major turning point...
I over took you in the competition today...
.^sc Good on you SHREWDY hope your bloody NWE helps me catch up. Macdunk

23-05-2008, 04:23 PM
Shrewdy just smoked ya on VPE macca

23-05-2008, 05:57 PM
yes, I guess young shrewd will be checking out fast cars and hot women this weekend - and here I was thinking L&P was a softdrink that went well with whisky!

Crypto Crude
24-05-2008, 12:37 PM
trackers-Shrewdy just smoked ya on VPE macca

Hahaha... Its real classic Trackers... Mackdunk thought I was going to pick NWE so he rushed his pick in in an attempt to get it first...
He tried to second guess me...
But He is very smart, He wasnot playing the market he was playing his opponent...
His expansive pick forced me into picking a speculative Resource stock...
He read that I was very bullish on NWE but he forgot to take into account that I had sold all my NWE holdings one month before the competition started...And forgot to take into account that I was long gone when problems in production stage started...
And to think that he offered me a 5% head start if I picked NZO...

Crypto Crude
24-05-2008, 12:38 PM
I was never going to pick NWE...
somehow he thought I would have...

Crypto Crude
15-06-2008, 02:07 PM
AGM got delisted from the ASX after the takeover...
Mackdunk Picked PRC... Pike River Coal to replace AGM....
The new price from his new selection was $2.08 set a few days ago...
AGM went from $.735 to $1.10 --> good pick mackdunk,
lets see how your next one performs, as it must do a mighty run or Wisteria coming through as a last chance high risk gamble...
Wisteria success or failure will determine if you bump me off the top or not... I hope for your sake that drilling is not delayed as that would spell ultimate doom...
Stuff this FML... what a joke that one has become...

Crypto Crude
15-06-2008, 02:13 PM
Im expecting you to catapult into 2nd place....
mackdunk does not deserve to get 2nd after all the antics hes played on us...
We have been out smarted by that man... he has out played us as if we were strings on Your Guitar...

duncan macgregor
15-06-2008, 04:07 PM
Im expecting you to catapult into 2nd place....
mackdunk does not deserve to get 2nd after all the antics hes played on us...
We have been out smarted by that man... he has out played us as if we were strings on Your Guitar...
.^sc Its good fun stringing you two up TRA LA TRA LA. Its all fair and square in the city SHREWDY you should know that. The crash is still coming so lets not get to carried away we are only half way there. Macdunk

15-06-2008, 04:53 PM
Haven't we just had a crash?

duncan macgregor
15-06-2008, 06:24 PM
Haven't we just had a crash? Tim only a downtrend the crash is still to come when China pulls the rug out from under America, after the olyimpics. The American economy has still to crash which will send shock waves through the markets world wide. MaCDUNK

15-06-2008, 06:57 PM
Thanks - but theres more driving China than just the Olympics surely?

duncan macgregor
15-06-2008, 08:26 PM
Thanks - but theres more driving China than just the Olympics surely? TIM the most important thing in a chinamans life is saving face. Never when dealing with them make them lose face. I have done lots of deals with the chinese who are great people when you understand their ways. After the olympics, not before then look out for the crash. China takes over number one spot the resource market is being bought up right now for that to happen. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
15-06-2008, 10:38 PM
I like you mackdunk,
BUT the savage thing about all of this is it does not matter about what happens to China after the Olympics, because by then it will be game set and match in this competition...
I do believe that after US elections, and after Chinese Olympics something is brewing... Hopefully I will be out of the market by then... I plan to rip it all away, but you just never know when your facing mad undervaluation in the market place, in particular the CSG sector...

Your now trailing me by 20% in the competition mate...
and my resource pick is now down over 50%...
Dont worry about the markets... you taught me to play the player, not play the market...
Hence why I choose TRS in the NZX comp... haha...
hence why I choose URA in the ASX comp... haha...
thanks for the comp MD...
I hope for the sake of healthy competition that you can liven this up abit and put in a decent burst...
competition ends on closing prices on the 19th of November...
We are headed for an Anti Climax...


duncan macgregor
16-06-2008, 02:20 PM
SHREWDY, STRAT. Have you made up your minds if i am allowed to have a choice in selecting a replacement for AGM which has now delisted. The last time you insisted on running a poll to see if i was allowed PRC which appeared to have been a non event. When you come forth and give me the go ahead i will come forth with my selection which might or might not be PRC now with a starting price at the time of posting and acceptance. You must be kickin yourself mate that you objected but everything being fair in luv and war {COMPETITIONS INCLUDED] I will wait your reply. Macdunk

duncan macgregor
16-06-2008, 03:03 PM
Since both you boys object to my prc selection i will select an AUSSIE coal miner with the price at 68c at this moment. Its one to keep close watch on lads much better prospects than PRC.
Select MEE on the ASX on the 16th of june at 2.55pm
Hope that will stop you fighting amongst your selves. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
16-06-2008, 04:00 PM
We will continue this over on Sharechat.co.nz, where the story has been unfolding....

Yourve gone and bumped your head Mackdunk
This has become a circus with Tigers jumping through Hoola Hoops...
And you are the ring leader...:p
I will explain all this off...
You have PRC and NWE....
All the evidence is at Sharechat.co.nz...
go check it out...

duncan macgregor
16-06-2008, 07:19 PM
The evidence on sharechat revealed that STRAT and your good self were running a poll to see if i was allowed PRC or not. I made it easy for you both by selecting MEE at 2-55 pm today at a price of 68c. You cant deny you two tried to run a poll so therefore MEE being an Aussie coal miner is my selection. Its a twistin and a turnin into a battle of wits. Macdunk

21-06-2008, 03:03 PM
Since both you boys object to my prc selection i will select an AUSSIE coal miner with the price at 68c at this moment. Its one to keep close watch on lads much better prospects than PRC.
Select MEE on the ASX on the 16th of june at 2.55pm
Hope that will stop you fighting amongst your selves. MacdunkLOL,
You fellas need to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Macca I didnt object to your choosing PRC. Whats more I made amendments to the proposed poll to give you half a chance to avoid being slaughtered by yor PRC friends here on ST. Meanwhile you have have ducked and dived around the details. You have avoided allowing a conclusion to the debate by failing to commit while at the same time failing to object.

Judge Judy has posted his verdict on SC :D

duncan macgregor
23-06-2008, 08:54 AM
STRAT, Where is your pride man SHREWDY likened you to an old woman and asked you to make a judgement. The MACDUNKS would never stand for that sort of thing JEEZE STRAT i will back you up to the hilt if you demand an appology. I do expect you to fiddle the numbers a bit to make up for your mistake. Dont let the SHREWD one take advantage of you. Macdunk

23-06-2008, 09:43 AM
STRAT, Where is your pride man SHREWDY likened you to an old woman and asked you to make a judgement. The MACDUNKS would never stand for that sort of thing JEEZE STRAT i will back you up to the hilt if you demand an appology. I do expect you to fiddle the numbers a bit to make up for your mistake. Dont let the SHREWD one take advantage of you. MacdunkLOL.
Macca I would never fiddle the numbers, Im a strait up kinda fella. Ive been called way worse things than Judge Judy and I suspect you have also.

No comment on the verdict? I take it from that all parties are satisfied;)

duncan macgregor
26-06-2008, 04:17 PM
STRAT, Can you give us an update at the end of the month please i want to see if SHREwDY has scratched back to the starting line. He has one that more than halved its price and another that is still a long way to go to double its price. Meantimes Macdunks resource selections are steaming ahead with the only snag being his granny selection.Macdunk

Crypto Crude
27-06-2008, 02:34 PM
Why wait until the end of the month for an update?
heres one right now...

Shrewd crude- positive 14.4%
Mackdunk- negative 9.5%
Strat- negative 10.3%
Mackdunk, YOUR recent loses on NWE cancel out returns you made from PRC...

27-06-2008, 06:20 PM
Excellent, well done being positive in this market

28-06-2008, 05:49 PM
STRAT, Can you give us an update at the end of the month please i want to see if SHREwDY has scratched back to the starting line. He has one that more than halved its price and another that is still a long way to go to double its price. Meantimes Macdunks resource selections are steaming ahead with the only snag being his granny selection.MacdunkSorry Macca,
Been a bit busy.

How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date.

duncan macgregor
29-06-2008, 03:06 PM
Sorry Macca,
Been a bit busy.

How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date.STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits. You are miles out with the numbers the Shrewd one is in negative territory. Your old mate KEEPINYAHONEST. Macdunk

duncan macgregor
29-06-2008, 04:19 PM
STRUTH I have just looked up the prices and SHREWDY is in front. Imagine tailgating that guy for GAWDS SAKE.
1, SHREWDY , FML bought at 10c now 4.3c = - 57% What a bum pick.
VPE bought at 16c now 28c = +75% Lucky pick
2, Macdunk, AGM bought at 73.5c sold at 110c delisted +34% than bought
PRC bought at 208c now 233c = +12%
NWE bought at 26.5c now 15c = - 43% Shrewdies granny selection
3,STRAT, MHL bought at 3.3c now 1.8c = - 45% as bad as it gets.
AMU bought at 67.5c now 58c = -14%
There you go strat did a rough count it looks like Shrewdy and i are in positive territory which in this market is not to bad at all. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
29-06-2008, 04:44 PM
OK dude.. I made up a bunch of numbers to see what sort of reaction id get...
I will work all the numbers through...

shrewd crude-
fml- 10c to 4.3c ... Down 57%/2= minus 28.5
vpe- 16c to 28c.... plus 75% /2=plus 37.5
total plus 9%...

agm (inside job)- 73.5c to $1.10= plus 49.66/2=plus 24.83%
nwe- 26,5c (hahaha) to 15c= minus 43.40/2= minus 21.7%
prc nzx (sad tale)... $2.08 to $2.33= plus 12.01%/2 = plus 6%...
add all those up...
plus 9.13%...

amu- 67.5 to 58= minus14.07%/2 = minus 7.04%
mhl- 3.3 to 1.8= minus 45.45%/2= minus 22.73%
add those up....
minus 29.77%


Crypto Crude
29-06-2008, 04:47 PM
is this how both yous see it... its a two stock, 50% each, portfolio comp...

29-06-2008, 05:27 PM
Im fine with anything you two can agree on ;) :D:D:D

duncan macgregor
29-06-2008, 06:19 PM
Im fine with anything you two can agree on ;) :D:D:D STRAT SHREWDY and i are both waiting on the fat ladies decission [ AHEM JUDGE JUDY]. You know that yous is MR inbetween {the rose between two thorns]. Come out with the numbers mate, and take a stick to that cheating coniving no good crude person. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
29-06-2008, 11:54 PM
I just looked back and seen your numbers...
they look horribly wrong...
You have to multiply each performance by .5 or divide by 2 (same thing), as each stock makes up half the portfolio...
Im honoured that you think im leading, but I actually worked it out that you are leading by .13 of a percent...
I worked out all the numbers to two decimal places...

Crypto Crude
30-06-2008, 12:17 AM
mad mad dunk-Come out with the numbers mate, and take a stick to that cheating coniving no good crude person. Macdunk

Yes MD, I am cheating so that you are leading in the competition, what you said, was-"STRUTH I have just looked up the prices and SHREWDY is in front. Imagine tailgating that guy for GAWDS SAKE."....

Im being totally honest, by saying that its not true that Im leading, and infact you are, yah big dummy...
I orginally made up numbers to get a reaction...
This time im being completely honest, as reliable as ever...

duncan macgregor
30-06-2008, 09:27 AM
I notice you dont mention my second pick MEE which you forced me to select before you changed your mind back. MEE was 68c now 75.5c with much better prospects than PRC.
Not bad for an old fellah that cant count EH?. Three out of four in steep uptrends in a plummeting market and i would have gone for PPP if i hadnt decided to upstage you and your grannny recommendation. You two lads have only one out of four between you not to good for a couple of young guys. STRAT come out with the numbers at the end of the day lets keep it honest. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
30-06-2008, 10:58 AM
hey mackdunk,
why would I mention MEE...that pick came left field out the back of a garbage truck...
as you say with housing, 'great stocks can be found in any market'..
I think even you have surprised yourself this time mackdunk...:)
I found a couple of beauties over the weekend, im going to place a bid this morning...
No need to harrass our mate Strat for numbers...
Chill brother, I already put them up exact...

duncan macgregor
30-06-2008, 11:17 AM
You had better do the numbers again tonight SHREWD ONE PRC has just gone up 6% this morning making the month of June another great month for poor old Macdunk. Its great how lucky you get the harder you work at it dont you think?. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
30-06-2008, 11:39 AM
Its great how lucky you get the harder you work at it dont you think?....
What do you mean by that,
You did not work hard for Pike at all...
You slammed it for the best part of two years...

30-06-2008, 11:53 AM
Here we go again :rolleyes:

duncan macgregor
30-06-2008, 12:59 PM
Its great how lucky you get the harder you work at it dont you think?....
What do you mean by that,
You did not work hard for Pike at all...
You slammed it for the best part of two years...
.^sc SHREWDY, I see you have learned nothing from me in the last couple of years. A company only represents a means to an end. I dont care what a company is as long as it trends up. ITS THE MARKET I READ NOT A COMPANIES STUPID FUNDAMENTALS.
Why do you think that i am out the market?.
I told you six months ago that the market would downtrend leading to a crash. The market downtrended into a recession leading up to a crash which is coming. You still insist that because i say this or that about a stupid company that i should forget all about the herd perception of that company or sector. At least my mate STRAT knows that Macdunk would invest in a company making weapons of mass destruction if there was a quid in it.
We are here to win a bloody competition you and i by fair means or by fowl not preach on about ethics.
Thats why i invest its to make money nothing else matters. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
30-06-2008, 03:19 PM
mackdunk-SHREWDY, I see you have learned nothing from me in the last couple of years. A company only represents a means to an end. I dont care what a company is as long as it trends up. ITS THE MARKET I READ NOT A COMPANIES STUPID FUNDAMENTALS.
Why do you think that i am out the market?.
I told you six months ago that the market would downtrend leading to a crash. The market downtrended into a recession leading up to a crash which is coming. You still insist that because i say this or that about a stupid company that i should forget all about the herd perception of that company or sector. At least my mate STRAT knows that Macdunk would invest in a company making weapons of mass destruction if there was a quid in it.
We are here to win a bloody competition you and i by fair means or by fowl not preach on about ethics.
Thats why i invest its to make money nothing else matters. Macdunk

Mackdunk your right... I have not learnt much from you...
Look at my stocks... every single one of them is in positive teritory...
Only losing Oil position I lost this year was FAR where I went small and said so... Lost about two weeks of wages, ($500 in the end)...
Would have lost far more had I held....
Markets downtrending has infact been good news for the spec end of the oil industry, it has reduced the chance of a mighty crash...
A mighty crash is the only real worry...
Last thursday(?) the DOW fell over 300points, all my stocks were sideways....
I personally hope the DOW falls 100points a day for the next two weeks....
Look man, Im a fundamental sort...
With resource stocks, Im a gambler...
Im going to learn Technical analysis eventually... I just don't know when....
You make money your way in an up trending market,
I make my money my way, in any market (apart from a crashing market)...
The market has not crashed...
I am happy...

Crypto Crude
30-06-2008, 03:21 PM
It is obvious that you are not ethical...
This competition has proven it many times...
Your mate Shrewd crude...

duncan macgregor
30-06-2008, 03:53 PM
It is obvious that you are not ethical...
This competition has proven it many times...
Your mate Shrewd crude...
.^sc SHREWDY, I have given you three resource stocks out in this competition that are all winners. My only loss is on your recommendation to your granny. Take a look at MEE forget the competition. You told me to select another resource stock when AGM delisted which i did. You then tried to hold a poll to see if i was allowed that stock. I then made it easier for you by selecting another stock that you would not object to. You then did an about face and said i had to take the stock that you objected to.
After all that you say that i am not ethical when it was you who changed the rules and did all the objecting.
You then insult my good friend STRAT by calling him an old woman in the form of judge judy to preside over your shady competition. Interesting competition mate. I would hate to see you trying to organise a sh*t fight in a cow shed. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
30-06-2008, 04:28 PM
I have explained the NWE issue more than one hundred times now...
I explained it quite clearly before, SO I will now cut and paste what I have previously said So we don't have to waste any more of our Time...

Yes you may have a go at me for your mistakes with NWE, I did not make any... I actually played that company aswell as you played some of your resource plays EG Summit...
You aint got nothing on me Mackdunk...
keep snooping, dig harder, try and find something more than just 'NWE recommended to my grandma'...

Yes NWE was recommended to my grandma at that time when I posted it... "At that time", every indication pointed to full field production from the Puffin Fields in NE and SW at flow rates enought to put NWE at 50 cents per share, NPV (easily)...
it was 50c NPV at oil prices 40% lower...

We had all the flow testing results, I followed AED's reports of confirmed successful flow rates in the NE (majorly successful actually)... it all pointed to a good project... (just like Tui)... But AED happened to stuff it up at the completion end of the Project... NE Puffin was expected to flow at 35,000-40,000 BOPD...what we got was 6,000 BOPD... which came in big time under the gun.... but yet you shoot yours off like an AK47...
When first signs of Puffin field problems came to the market, Both AED and NWE started to run into big problems... at that stage I sold everything, and got laughed at on NWE SS for selling as low as 22c but got out average 25c, after going 'All in' at 16.8c ave...
NWE then ran to 35cents quickly after id sold... it then came down to 25cents... at that stage you tipped it in the comp.......
you picked little Norwest on the way down, you mug...
you said never to buy a stock in a downtrend!

You went into NWE Blind, mackdunk...
The old NWE and the new NWE were totally different and all the posts I made in the past therefore production effectively meant nothing...

The Real signal was when I sold one month before our competition started....
Take that for ethics....

Sometimes things change in the market, and as an investor you have to change with those times...
Mackdunk, you made a great move by selling your crappy resource stocks and running to cash.... what you should have done was sold those stocks and bought Oil....
Strat and I, and many many others have had the best run's we have ever had...
I am in a much better position now than if I had of Sold my oilers at 25-30k, and bought a house at 250k....
Now that house is worth 220k and my portfolio is worth 45-50k....
When this is over that 250k house will be worth 180k
Ive already saved 5-10 years off my future house Total loan term....
Winning this competition will just sweeten the deal....
One day you will give it up to me... and celebrate the fact that im on the quick road to success, compared to the 30 year SLOG term, to mid term life crisis...
mackdunk, yourve been towing the Grandma NWE line for awhile now...
I suggest you dig something else up on me....
Last week AED came out with some promising signals to your NWE investment (not mine)...
it appears as though YOUR pumping little company wil takes its share in drilling AC/P22 NE and possibly SW, before the comp ends...

Crypto Crude
30-06-2008, 04:36 PM
If you really want to be smart...
Read the AED presentation, and tell us what you think it means for NWE before The comp ends on 19th November...?
You have AC/P32 before then (very high risk)..... just how our mate mackdunk likes to play it....
. most likely two wells in AC/P22...(SW, NE)...
And a shot at a Takeover...
You do the maths...
tell us what you think all this means..?

duncan macgregor
02-07-2008, 08:37 AM
AGM got delisted from the ASX after the takeover...
Mackdunk Picked PRC... Pike River Coal to replace AGM....
The new price from his new selection was $2.08 set a few days ago...
AGM went from $.735 to $1.10 --> good pick mackdunk,
lets see how your next one performs, as it must do a mighty run or Wisteria coming through as a last chance high risk gamble...
Wisteria success or failure will determine if you bump me off the top or not... I hope for your sake that drilling is not delayed as that would spell ultimate doom...
Stuff this FML... what a joke that one has become...
.^sc HEY STRAT this is how i see it.
AGM $5000 bought 6802.721 shares at .735 each
got delisted at $1-10 which is then worth $7482.9931

PRC was bought at $2-08 with $7482-99 giving 3597.59 shares which are now worth $2-38
or $8562.26. This gives a profit on $5000 of$3562-26 or 71.24% on my initial resource selection according to SHREWDY. No doubt the SHREWD one will come back bleating about this or that trying to change the rules so i rely on your being a fair minded person to stick the boot into him if he starts squacking. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
02-07-2008, 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by STRAT
Sorry Macca,
Been a bit busy.

How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date.

STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits.

this is what strat said, and mackdunks reply to what strat said...
at that point mackdunk instantly
Mackdunk has seriously put his foot in it with this quote from page 3, as he now whats to change his mind as he has seen a path to sneaking bigger returns...
Why should mackdunk be allowed to leverage his Position into PRC when I cant leverage at all?
Its not the way to do business... and mackdunk knew it, and said otherwise...
What mackdunk said in the above post is a complete contradiction of mammoth proportions to his worked numbers above.......
weapons of Masdunk destruction...

where on Earth did you get $5000 from... At no point so far have we used dollars... At no point were shares included... We did not start the comp with any shares...
It was always about percentage returns...
Read the rules on sharechat, on the first page... Quote" two stocks each having a 50% portfolio weighting"....
AGM would give you a 50% leverage into all your PRC returns which is unjust.....
mackdunk, time to be honest...
Why change your mind now?

Crypto Crude
02-07-2008, 12:15 PM
Maybe you took this opportunity as a chance to sneak one in when I said this...

Mackdunk your right... I have not learnt much from you...

Im always always listening and watching...
It was wrong when I said I had not learnt much from you... In the future will will be applying your stop loss systems, and I will learn charting and technical... at the moment I cant be bothered...

duncan macgregor
02-07-2008, 12:26 PM
SHREWDY, I only reverted back to what STRAT said earlier on about getting delisted then sticking the money on the next selection. Far be it from me to try and influence our mate STRAT. I only used figures to make it easy for him to work out a percentage.
You forget one very important thing that i will take as a compliment to my selecting ability and that is sticking all my winnings on the second pick, as i would do in real life. It can work for or against me.
I notice you dont say anything about the other selection i made, when you objected to PRC.
Not bad dont you think SHREWDY?, three winners out of three in a downtrending market with only your granny recommendation holding me back. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
02-07-2008, 12:50 PM
I sold it one month before the competition started... go re-read the thread...

mackdunk quote-STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits.
I only reverted back to what strat said.... blah blah blah...
it did not matter what strat said, it only matters what you say, and what I say...

I say this because there can not be a court case if one of us has nothing to challenge... You never challenged it, I did not... therefore, whats to take infront of the court...? leave my mate strat out of this...

Mackdunk, lets say for example that you commited a crime..
If I got a tape recording of you admitting the crime, and then you went before the court, you would get the death sentence for changing your story..... You would get savaged after this piece of evidence came forward...

Read the first page on SChat... it clearly states, two stock 50% portfolio each... why all of a sudden would you have a problem now...?
this time you have gone tooo farrrr....

Crypto Crude
02-07-2008, 12:54 PM
You forget one very important thing that i will take as a compliment to my selecting ability and that is sticking all my winnings on the second pick, as i would do in real life. It can work for or against me.

Your kidding me, right?
NO... what you would do is you would pull all your funds from the market and batton the hatches...
Yes you tell us what you are doing in real life?
Oh, and it cant work against you, PRC is a winner...

duncan macgregor
02-07-2008, 01:22 PM
Your kidding me, right?
NO... what you would do is you would pull all your funds from the market and batton the hatches...
Yes you tell us what you are doing in real life?
Oh, and it cant work against you, PRC is a winner... SHREWDY, In real life as you know i said the market would downtrend leading up to a crash and removed my funds from the market. I also said the NZ dollar would downtrend so left my funds in Australia. Some people now say the market is crashing my funds have had about 13% gain in exchange rate since being there. Getting back to the competition if you only take the resource side of it with the two companies now involved then if you stop and think about it i changed nothing. The monetry figures quoted were only a laymans way of coming up with a percentage. Add the percentage rise of AGM from the start to when it got delisted to the percentage rise of PRC from the day AGM was delisted up to now and you will come up with the same answer. The percentage rise on that half of the competition is exactly the same. If however you think you dont have a chance of winning with me on PRC then i am quite prepared to still take MEE which was 68c at that time, You notice our mate STRAT is lying low at the moment letting us scrap it out before he bomes back with the big stick. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
02-07-2008, 02:24 PM
mackdunk-Getting back to the competition if you only take the resource side of it with the two companies now involved then if you stop and think about it i changed nothing. The monetry figures quoted were only a laymans way of coming up with a percentage. Add the percentage rise of AGM from the start to when it got delisted to the percentage rise of PRC from the day AGM was delisted up to now and you will come up with the same answer. The percentage rise on that half of the competition is exactly the same.

I think you are confused abit with how this works...
let me give you an example...
lets round it off and say that AGM rose 50%...
Lets assume PRC finishes the competition at $3.00... to make it easy lets say PRC was first picked at $2.00...

I am saying that AGMS rise is 50%/2.... the 2 stands for the portfolio weighting of half...PRC would also be 50%/2 as 2->3..... 50%/2 + 50%/2= 50% return for that side of the comp...

You are saying 50/2= .25 weighted return for AGM, (plus 1 to get finishing weighting of AGM) multiply by post PRC return ... equals 1.25*1.50= 1.875-1= 87.5%

you are squeezing 37.5% overall performance out of me because you are leveraging PRC off AGM, which is not what this competition is about...
its about a 50% resource 50% oil...
This will bumper up your resource weighting which is fake...

You are multiplying AGM performance against PRC.... AND NOT adding the two together like I am... ...
be honest with yourself mackdunk, confess...
its two stocks with 50% each as to the rules we agreed on...
Your now trying on some other sort of competition...
Using leverage, using greater weightings on the resource side of the comp....
Have a think about it... I am correct...

duncan macgregor
02-07-2008, 03:00 PM
LOOKS LIKE WE NEED A JUDGEMENT from judge judy. STRAT WHERE ARE YOU?. GEEZE its a good job its only the three of us in this competition the average guy would get a bit miffed off with all your cheating. Macdunk

duncan macgregor
02-07-2008, 03:32 PM
Sorry Macca,
Been a bit busy.

How we gonna work this out? At the risk of starting a new debate this is how I see it. We all started with two stocks with a 50/50 equity in each. You had to sell down AGM ( at a profit ) and used that money to buy PRC which means in order for me to to show your overall performance I need some numbers. Sell price AGM. Buy price PRC. I can then work out the ratio betwen your two stocks and your overall performance to date. SHREWDY i am only giving you the numbers according to STRATS ruling.
AGM .735c according to you delisted at 110c = 36.5c gain = 49.65
prc 208c according to you now 238c = 30c gain = 14.42% = total of 64.07% less whatever your stupid NWE cost me. However in the real world when AGM got delisted all the funds would have gone on the next company which is only fair and reasonable giving me a higher return of 71.24% which STRAT in his wisdom will come back at you and tell you how wrong you are. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
02-07-2008, 03:43 PM
What do you mean by, from strats ruling... he has not made one yet...
From that it looks like we are both in agreement,
because AGM is 50% of the portfolio, you divide it by 2, or multiply it by .5
so... 49.65/2=24.83% increase...
add in PRC from 2.08 to 2.38 =.3/2.08= 14.4/2= 7.21% add them up...
NWE 26.5 to 15.5 --> minus 41.51%/2= -20.75%

OR.....+49.65%, +14.4% minus 41.51%= 22.54%/2= 11.27%....
somewhere you have to divide by 2... I will leave it up to start....

32.04% less 20.75%= 11.29%.... hum... your slowly increasing your lead mackdunk...
Is this correct Strat...?

duncan macgregor
02-07-2008, 04:07 PM
Now that you concede that old Macdunk is whippin your butt it will be interesting to see my mates STRATS figures on by how much. I think my MEE will end up whippin your butt as well notice you dont mention that one that you forced me to select when you objected to me selecting PRC. First seven rounds to Macdunk only five left. macdunk

Crypto Crude
04-07-2008, 01:23 PM
Where you at strat?

duncan macgregor
04-07-2008, 01:35 PM
Where you at strat?
.^sc STRAT is being SHREWD if you will excuse the pun. Its like two drunks fighting in the pub where the barman lets them beat each other up before turfing them out.
I have one slight advantage being that the profit from AGM is locked in. C-MON STRAT sort young SHREWDY out dont let him take advantage of poor old Macdunk

Crypto Crude
04-07-2008, 01:38 PM
Ive got nothing more to add to the debate....
What would usually happen, is the bar man would throw us out and then we get into a punch up in the parking lot...
We have not been thrown out yet...

07-07-2008, 08:36 PM
Where you at strat?
.^scBeen Busy in the kitchen and didnt realize there was a brawl in the bar. I will decide on whether to toss you two drunken bums into the street first chance I get. No hurry, its cold out. Right?

duncan macgregor
08-07-2008, 04:25 PM
Been Busy in the kitchen and didnt realize there was a brawl in the bar. I will decide on whether to toss you two drunken bums into the street first chance I get. No hurry, its cold out. Right?
C-MON STRAT time to do your sums.
1,AGM .737c delsted at 110c bought PRC 208c todays price 216c.
NWE 26.5c todays price 15c.

SHREWDY, VPE 16c today 21.5c
FML 10c today 4c.

STRAT, AMU 67.5c today 63.5
MHL 3.3c today 1,6c

There you have it STRAT in real life i would have bought PRC with what i sold AGM for but SHREWDY thinks thats not fair so i will leave it up to you to tell him how wrong it is to keep cheating. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
08-07-2008, 05:12 PM
whatever mackdunk...
What you would have done in real life is.....
Sold AGM at 85cents or something like that as it had run and the Charts would have told you to profit take... You would not have bought PRC because you are sitting in cash...
Dont even say that you would have put all your AGM profits into PRC, because thats not what you are doing at the moment...

Crypto Crude
08-07-2008, 05:23 PM
mackdunk-Plenty of time to work out when the tide turns. It has a long way to fall yet in my opinion.
I really dont care if i am wrong its not my money being risked in this down trending market. Macdunk

Mackdunk, this is what you said on another thread, about 10 minutes or so ago... you say quote "not risking my money in a downtrending market"...
well, why would you risk loading up on PRC then...:p

This is not a leveraged comp... its 50% oil, 50% resource... if you want to change your weighting on oil/resource, then I will be happy to change my weighting to match yours

duncan macgregor
08-07-2008, 06:38 PM
SHREWDY, STRAT will sort you out when he comes back. You and i are not the hold forever types this is a competition nothing at all to do with real life. The gain i made on AGM is locked in when i was forced to sell. Being forced to sell meant that i was forced to select another company according to you.
All your initial stake is at risk in this competition why shouldnt mine. If the market collapses you could lose the lot. I would still have the profit from AGM which gives me an unfair advantage over your good self. I being a fair minded person i should risk the lot on my second resource stock giving you an equal chance when the market collapses. I know STRAT being a fair minded person will look after your interest even although you cant see it yourself. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
08-07-2008, 07:11 PM
mackdunk-this is a competition nothing at all to do with real life. The gain i made on AGM is locked in when i was forced to sell. Being forced to sell meant that i was forced to select another company according to you.
All your initial stake is at risk in this competition why shouldnt mine.
below is

This is what you said in another quote...

You forget one very important thing that i will take as a compliment to my selecting ability and that is sticking all my winnings on the second pick, as i would do in real life

" as I would do in real life"... you said it, not me...

STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits.

Mackdunk, Im only taking what you are saying in words, Im not twisting what you are saying, I did not hold a gun to you.. I let you speak freely, and again, the above quote clears everything up... theres no need to pursue this further, you have explained everything just fine.... What happened was you thought through this as the fair way to run the comp, after going away and thinking about it, you realised that your performance would be hampered on what we agreed on, so you conviently changed your whole tactics and changed your story 100%...

If your pike goes up 2c, your performance inproves by 3 cents through leverage... because AGM rose 50%....

I totally understand your point of view, I totally understand why you have changed your story because you did not realise the consequences of Being fair and saying "strat, you dont do it like that", "this is how it is done", " you add profits not multiply profits"...quote....
Its wrong, and you know it, and you said it unbiased at first until you realised leverage would make you a packet more...
Chill out and be happy that you got PRC at 50% resource, 50% oil...
Not 75% resource and 25% oil...
you cant cheat me buddy...
Pulling the wool over my eyes with what you have already said...
You are playing game with the wrong person if you think I will forget what you have said... Im always listening...
Make sure you say what you say, and mean what you mean...
when you post, I take it as just that...
If you say something, then you have to be responsible for it...


duncan macgregor
08-07-2008, 08:13 PM
SHREWDY, dont say i didnt give you a chance PRC is taking a hit tomorrow. Far be it from me to stop you missing a winning chance. keep an eye on the share price tomorrow. Macdunk

duncan macgregor
09-07-2008, 01:34 PM
Where you at strat?
.^sc HEY CRUDE ONE. It looks like STRAT is to busy to be your ref why dont you ask your granny to play judge judy for you?. The one that you recommended to buy NWE as a long term safe as houses investment. I feel sure i would get a few favours over you from dear old granny after that. PRC is taking a hit today as expected who in their right mind would not have a sell strategy?.

Crypto Crude
09-07-2008, 02:28 PM
Leave my grandma out of this one...
Its nothing to do with her... take responsibility for your own mistakes, I was long gone when shiarttee hit the fan, the only poo on a face, is yours....

SHREWDY, dont say i didnt give you a chance PRC is taking a hit tomorrow. Far be it from me to stop you missing a winning chance. keep an eye on the share price tomorrow. Macdunk

I would not change my mind just because changing it would make a winning position...You went on and on about MEE, pity that crappy resource stock has done nothing...

09-07-2008, 05:11 PM
If you two dont start playing nice I will have to bang your heads together. Woops, strike that. Sorry Sue what I meant to say was send you both to the naughty mat to think about what you have done.

duncan macgregor
11-07-2008, 09:56 AM
If you two dont start playing nice I will have to bang your heads together. Woops, strike that. Sorry Sue what I meant to say was send you both to the naughty mat to think about what you have done. Thats why we have a referee. Start blowing the whistle give out the numbers SHREWDY and i dont want to replace you with his GRANNY. Come to think of it SHREWDIES GRANNY would be barracking for me after getting a bum steer from him. Macdunk

duncan macgregor
01-08-2008, 06:52 AM
ITS NOT A PRETTY PICTURE LOOKING AT YOUR RESULTS YOU GUYS. Thats why we dont have updates or any comments on the subject. Hope you were smart enough to get out the market in time SHREWDY with a stop loss on your VPE. The market will crash after the olympics plenty of road kill coming up for me then. Hope you boys are still around to join me in the market when the sun reappears and we can all make hay together. Macdunk

02-08-2008, 08:31 PM
Duncan... are you BRICKS?

04-08-2008, 01:23 PM
ITS NOT A PRETTY PICTURE LOOKING AT YOUR RESULTS YOU GUYS. Thats why we dont have updates or any comments on the subject. Hope you were smart enough to get out the market in time SHREWDY with a stop loss on your VPE. The market will crash after the olympics plenty of road kill coming up for me then. Hope you boys are still around to join me in the market when the sun reappears and we can all make hay together. MacdunkSorry fellas,
Ive been rather busy with dare I say it, more important things and when I havent been busy it has slipped my mind.
I will get onto it within the next few days. :o

07-08-2008, 10:56 PM
OK fellas I have half an hour to kill.

This is how it all started

Shrewdy posted this

share picking contest...
MD vs SC....We each pick two stocks and go on closing prices of this Firday the 16th Nov... one year long... starts on open the next monday for 1 year...
we pick one oiler and one resource stock each...
each stock has 50% weighting in portfolio of two stocks...
dividends are included etc.... no pusssy stocks like BHP, RIO or STO, woodside...http://forum.sharechat.co.nz/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
steel balls mate...
post before open on Monday...
Loser must invest in stock chosen wisely by winner...http://forum.sharechat.co.nz/images/smilies/biggrin.gif....
thats my suggestion, want to add anything into the mix mr mackdadunk?

Macca replied

The Only thing that i would like to add SHREWD one is that you must actually hold your selections at the time the game starts. That gives you one day to find a decent minerhttp://forum.sharechat.co.nz/images/smilies/biggrin.gif. JEEZE it looks like i must spend five bob and buy a stupid oiler. My miner for the long term of a year that i expect to go from todays price with 100% safety of being in the blue is AGM. It starts producing shortly it has everything in place and is in line for a take over play. Money where the mouth is i say at least a fifty pc gain in twelve months. Oiler i will think about and post tomorrw. HEY MATE can I be the REF?. Macdunk

This was the last performance up date


NWE buy 26.5 current 18.5 70%
AGM buy 73.5 current 110.0 150%
Overall 110%

VPE buy 16.0 current 21.5 134%
FML buy 10.0 current 5.8 58%
Overall 96%

MHL buy 3.3 current 1.7 52%
AMU buy 67.5 current 59.5 88%
Overall 70%

This is how I see it.

The intent behind the competition
To see who can come out on top with an oiler and a miner with a 50/50 split. Each of you got to choose a stock in your preferred field and one in the others preferred field.

Macca chose AGM which has since been delisted.

The comp was for a set period with no % of the initial investment to be added or removed for the duration. We could have made Macca hold the sell down value of AGM to the end of the comp which could be construed as fair but it was agreed by all he could have a second pick so it is reasonable to assume therefore that any gains made from AGM would be reinvested in PRC.

Before I post the update I should point out Macca that AGM bowed out at $1.09. Not $1.10

From Direct Broking
CompanyCodeChangeLastBuySellHighLowValueVolumeTrds AllegianceAGM.ASX (https://www.directbroking.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/quote.aspx?QQSC=AGM&QQE=ASX)https://www.directbroking.co.nz/DirectTrade/images/spacer.gif109

In addition Shrewdy you posted this which means the exchange rate at the time needs to be taken into account. I will not add in brokerage because no money value on the purchases has ever been stated.

Since you picked the Share price Yesterday, Ive gone off todays open price... I think its the same as the close the night before...
Mackdunk is now PRC (NZX) at $2.08, and NWE...
This NWE will cost Mackdunk the competition if AC/P32 two hundred million barrel target, comes up dry...

Once I determine the exchange rate at the time I will post an update

duncan macgregor
08-08-2008, 12:56 PM
AGM got delisted from the ASX after the takeover...
Mackdunk Picked PRC... Pike River Coal to replace AGM....
The new price from his new selection was $2.08 set a few days ago...
AGM went from $.735 to $1.10 --> good pick mackdunk,

.^sc STRAT, SHREWDY has it wrong again. We are all investing in the ASX get the price of PRC on the ASX at the time AGM delisted. I would not in real life bring money back from Australia into a down trending NZD. Forget about the exchange rate keep it all on the ASX where we all have our selections.
I suppose SHREWDY will object to that as well. Its not going to be a pretty sight when the crash hits but who cares its only you two playing the market. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
08-08-2008, 03:28 PM
mackdunk said-
STRAT you dont do it like that. You work out the percentage profit on AGM which gets added to the profit or loss on PRC. You cant take it in a situation like that and say you sold AGM at a profit then bought PRC with the profits.

Crypto Crude
08-08-2008, 03:49 PM
any way...
Judge strat has spoken so I will accept his decision...
I have PRC.asx set at $1.65...
If you go to SC... its quoted from the 10-6-08...
and if you go to yahoo.com
fianance search...
type in PRC.ax...
go historical prices...
you can get the price off that...
and while your at it strat...
give us an update you lazy son of a B***H...

08-08-2008, 04:37 PM
Geez you fellas are hard work.

Taking into account that you guys make this up as you go along and that a precedent was set in previous rulings that posts not disputed at the time of posting become the rules of the game and the fact Duncan that you didnt dispute PRC being on the NZX at the time PRC was chosen, NZX it is unless Shrewdy agrees. For me ASX would be easier but its no biggy.

Once you both agree on PRC.NZX or PRC.ASX I will update the results.
If you cant agree, which is extremely likely it will be NZX.

Crypto Crude
13-08-2008, 03:18 PM
I agree on what ever your judgement is Strat...
you are the big cat...
you call the shots...
Add AGM's performance to PRC's...
sounds good to me....

Crypto Crude
21-08-2008, 12:58 PM
I just cant believe what your silly resource sector is doing to my results in the comp... I was orginally going to pick Lihir Gold... Bang, thats now down 50%... all resource stocks are down at least that...check out MRE.... and all your previous favourites are getting savaged... You made a good move selling out of the market... its perhaps not quite the same if you were an oil man...
The only two stocks I can see doing good since the comp started... 1) AGM.... 2)PRC....
all others have been savaged... and you picked both of them...

Vic Pet turning again.... action is going to heat up... I am going to go out in style here...
Im happy to come second to you... im still a champion...
silly me for suggesting half oil half resource stock... thought it might get interesting huh?
I never thought it would be this interesting...
you savage little cat... I wanted it to be close, not this close... damn....
you monopolised with resource, I monopolised with Oil...
(as expected)....
strat monopolised with?..... with his judgements...
well not even that anymore...
hes just a back bench, burnt out lawyer, or perhaps sitting on the Jury... hum... now he aint even that... he got a note from his boss so he does not have to show...
Strat, We have already decided that we are going to replace you...
Your services are no longer required...
thatnkyou... you still run in the comp though..;)...

Crypto Crude
21-08-2008, 01:01 PM
strats, monitor holdings MHL... up 25% today...

duncan macgregor
21-08-2008, 01:27 PM
strats, monitor holdings MHL... up 25% today...
.^sc Ever heard about salting a mine. This one is oil seeps discovered on the surface. Our old mate STRAT probabely threw a bucket of oil out to get the share price up before the competition closes on the 19th of nov. Macdunk.

Crypto Crude
21-08-2008, 02:07 PM
Talking of Cheating...
what about your inside information on AGM....
very suspicious...
A few weeks into the comp (if that) Kabbbaaaamammmmm....
Come on mackdunk... you know more than what you are telling us...

21-08-2008, 02:16 PM
Strat, We have already decided that we are going to replace you...
Your services are no longer required...
thatnkyou... you still run in the comp though..;)...
.^scOh thank god for that :D

duncan macgregor
21-08-2008, 02:17 PM
Talking of Cheating...
what about your inside information on AGM....
very suspicious...
A few weeks into the comp (if that) Kabbbaaaamammmmm....
Come on mackdunk... you know more than what you are telling us...
.^sc YOU suggesting that i had one of the bearded ones on the take or perhaps that i was touching up the tea lady. Clutching at straws there CRUDE one. Macdunk

21-08-2008, 02:18 PM
Ever heard about salting a mine. This one is oil seeps discovered on the surface. Our old mate STRAT probabely threw a bucket of oil out to get the share price up before the competition closes on the 19th of nov. Macdunk.It wasnt me but I sure wouldnt put it past the management of that outfit:p

duncan macgregor
21-08-2008, 02:21 PM
Oh thank god for that :D And there is no redundancy so quite cheating with that oil bucket. Macdunk

21-08-2008, 02:41 PM
And there is no redundancy so quite cheating with that oil bucket. MacdunkRight you are Duncan but now I know how much money can be made with half a dosen 4ltr packs of used 10w40 Ive got a few other Oilers in my sites.:p

By the way may I suggest my replacement?

Super Nanny off that Brit TV show :D

Crypto Crude
21-08-2008, 04:18 PM
strat there is no replacement for you... me and dunks will go toe to toe (just like in Auckland)... old fashioned style...
This weekend I will clear this whole matter up, and I agree with both Strats ruling, and with mackdunk, that all the profits from AGM will be reinvested into PRC (happy to agree since PRC is falling)...:D... cant argue with that....

duncan macgregor
21-08-2008, 05:02 PM
strat there is no replacement for you... me and dunks will go toe to toe (just like in Auckland)... old fashioned style...
This weekend I will clear this whole matter up, and I agree with both Strats ruling, and with mackdunk, that all the profits from AGM will be reinvested into PRC (happy to agree since PRC is falling)...:D... cant argue with that....
.^sc NO you dont SHREWDY you cant change the rules to suit the market. I went along with you when you insisted that i take PRC. Then you insisted that the AGM gain be added to whatever prc did for the final count. You first of all insisted that i was not allowed to take PRC holding a non event poll. then when i took another share that you thought might do better you changed tack insisting that i do take it. Then when my good mate STRAT gets you on an even keel you get rid of him just to take advantage of poor old Macdunk who is smart enough to be right out the market in any case.
Whats wrong with you?, you cried, to chicken to invest in the market this year. I have a good mind to ask NITA to be the ref to sort you out once and for all. Macdunk

22-08-2008, 12:41 AM
NO you dont SHREWDY you cant change the rules to suit the market. I went along with you when you insisted that i take PRC. Then you insisted that the AGM gain be added to whatever prc did for the final count. You first of all insisted that i was not allowed to take PRC holding a non event poll. then when i took another share that you thought might do better you changed tack insisting that i do take it. Then when my good mate STRAT gets you on an even keel you get rid of him just to take advantage of poor old Macdunk who is smart enough to be right out the market in any case.
Whats wrong with you?, you cried, to chicken to invest in the market this year. I have a good mind to ask NITA to be the ref to sort you out once and for all. MacdunkROTFLMAO
Its all fun till someone looses an eye :D

duncan macgregor
22-08-2008, 07:58 AM
Its all fun till someone looses an eye :D He is one eyed already STRAT losing the other would only blind him to all reality. Macdunk

22-08-2008, 09:28 AM
He is one eyed already STRAT losing the other would only blind him to all reality. MacdunkI reckon you guys should forget the comp. You will never agree on anything.

I suggest you settle your differences with bad language at 10 paces or better still give in and go dancing together :D

duncan macgregor
22-08-2008, 09:42 AM
I reckon you guys should forget the comp. You will never agree on anything.

I suggest you settle your differences with bad language at 10 paces or better still give in and go dancing together :D STRAT, What good is a competition where one of the contestants just rolls over?. On second thoughts dont answer that you might get banned. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
22-08-2008, 03:24 PM
Mackdunk-NO you dont SHREWDY you cant change the rules to suit the market. I went along with you when you insisted that i take PRC. Then you insisted that the AGM gain be added to whatever prc did for the final count. You first of all insisted that i was not allowed to take PRC holding a non event poll. then when i took another share that you thought might do better you changed tack insisting that i do take it. Then when my good mate STRAT gets you on an even keel you get rid of him just to take advantage of poor old Macdunk who is smart enough to be right out the market in any case.
Whats wrong with you?, you cried, to chicken to invest in the market this year. I have a good mind to ask NITA to be the ref to sort you out once and for all. Macdunk

I have explained off all this before...
You took PRC fair and square, You left and did not leave a second pick, so We had no choice but to leave you with PRC... the ethics behind that carry on therefore stood for nothing...
I dont care who refs this gun battle... But one thing for sure, is Strat made his judgement... and I will clear up his judgement with numbers (hopefully over the weekend)... whoever takes over in the judge department will be starting with a clean sheet...
I dont care if jack rabbit junior Refs... as long as they are fair and impartial----> like we have seen so far...
Dont count your chicks just yet mackdunk...
This is just heating up...
NWE had a reversal, Wisteria drill about to spud...
sub 8cents upon failure...
CUE booming (as expected).... money in the bank as far as im concerned... this stock will perform in any market...
over 50% of my portfolio on it...
later you big cats...

Crypto Crude
31-08-2008, 06:27 PM
Competition update...
Here it goes in order of performance...

mackdunk.... #1 position....leader of the pack...

NWE 26.5c ->11.5 ..... -56.6%......half of portfolio (divide by two).... -28.3%
AGM 73.5c à$1.09...... +48.3%

AGM got taken over, and Mackdunk wanted PRC on the ASX...
on SChat post 95 the date for mackdunks PRC purchase was on 10th of June...
I did a yahoo Stock ticker check and scrolled through the historical data to find the matching price on that date as Mackdunk was given PRC-NZX... Two months later he wanted it changed to ASX....
perhaps some transaction fees to convert NZX to ASX holdings..:D...

PRC $1.65->1.54minus 6.67%

I have accepted that Mackdunk has taken all the profits from AGM and re-invested them into PRC ASX, therefore I have multipled the Performance of AGM (of its 50% portfolio weighting) by PRC's total performance...
as PRC is returning minus 6.67% I have minused .0667 from 1 to get .9333
and likewise for agm by adding (taken into acc portfolio weighting at that stage)...

1.483*.9333=(1.384%-1) increase of 38.4%/2=19.2%


To prove that 19.2% return for Mackdunks resource selections are correct I will provide an example using numbers so that the two old timers will have no problems understanding the seemingly hard but easy problem...
so $500 in NWE... and $500 in AGM (half each)...

$500 of AGM at 73.5 buys 680.27 shares which are worth 741.42 upon takeover value...which then buys 449.35 PRC shares at 1.65
which now makes those Pike shares at 1.54 worth 692... (2DP)...
which show a 19.2% return from his resource stock selections...

500 AGM at 73.5=680.27....680.27*1.09=741.42
449.35*1.54= 692

$500 NWE=1886.79*.115= hahaha... I mean, it equals... 216.98
692 plus 216.98=908.98

Both Methods are exactly equal... do you confur Mackdunk?

Shrewd Crude, (2nd to last)...

VPE 16c->21.5 34.4%/2=17.2%
FML 10c->3.1 -69%/2=-34.5%

17.2%-34.5%= -17.3%

Strat -dead last, ( with a bucket of oil)

MHL 3.3c-> 1.2 =-63.6%/2=-31.8%
AMU 67.5c-> 48.5 =-28.15%=-14.075


mackdunk minus 9.1%
shrewd crude minus 17.3%
strat minus 45.88%

congratulations mackdunk...
Please check that my figures are correct, and post here (for evidence if we need to come back to it at a later stage)...

If we add in exchange rate gains, then our performance improves... (well, perhaps not for mackdunk while he was PRC NZX for two months before he bothered to say anything)...
exchange rates on the day the comp started have gone from 1 NZ dollar buying .8507 AUS to .815 (ish)...
perhaps at the end of the comp I will show our overall performance with exchange rate gains in an attempt to skew our results up so they look better...

Crypto Crude
31-08-2008, 06:30 PM
Boy mackdunk,
you dont make running a competition easy do you!...
You confused the heck out of our mate strat so much so that he just stopped posting and gave up...haha...

01-09-2008, 08:21 PM
( with a bucket of oil)

That photo looked suspiciously like someone had done exactly that :D

13-09-2008, 10:23 PM
[QUOTE=Shrewd Crude;221057]Competition update...
Here it goes in order of performance...

mackdunk.... #1 position....leader of the pack...

NWE 26.5c ->11.5 ..... -56.6%......half of portfolio (divide by two).... -28.3%
AGM 73.5c à$1.09...... +48.3%

AGM got taken over, and Mackdunk wanted PRC on the ASX...
on SChat post 95 the date for mackdunks PRC purchase was on 10th of June...
I did a yahoo Stock ticker check and scrolled through the historical data to find the matching price on that date as Mackdunk was given PRC-NZX... Two months later he wanted it changed to ASX....
perhaps some transaction fees to convert NZX to ASX holdings..:D...

Crypto Crude
14-09-2008, 02:35 PM
Comp runs until mid November...
I think mackdunk is still leading but his NWE has fallen to bits...
and VPE did go up 15-20% last week...
Im still waiting for him to accept my working so I can model all else from it...
when he does that then we can update again...
It will be alot closer this time...
Im going to win this...

duncan macgregor
14-09-2008, 03:02 PM
Comp runs until mid November...
I think mackdunk is still leading but his NWE has fallen to bits...
and VPE did go up 15-20% last week...
Im still waiting for him to accept my working so I can model all else from it...
when he does that then we can update again...
It will be alot closer this time...
Im going to win this...
.^sc Was that a CAPTAIN COOKER that just flew past my window?. More chance of that happenibg SHREWDY than you pulling this one off. 19th of Nov is the finishing date. NWE was the share you were recommending your granny to buy remember. I at least called the market right by getting out of it at the start of the year with STRAT and your Shrewd self rubbishing me for doing it. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
14-09-2008, 03:32 PM
you were right for getting out of those resource stocks, it was good you could forsee how crap they really were...... perhaps with abit of nouse you could have invested those hapless resource dollars (into a "the money maker")....---> Oil....
I stopped talking about NWE in Sept/Oct last year... leave me out of that debate...
You can discuss that one through as much as you like, but I have nothing to do with it and fully pulled my money away last year when I disclosed it...

Crypto Crude
14-09-2008, 03:45 PM
heres the results...
Some dim wit spent $100 bucks to push PRC.ASX up 10% on Friday, so I have selected the price of $1.43 in my figures...

+14.265%-34.53%= a whopping minus 20.27%

-37% +20.31= minus 16.69%

Somwhere further back...

Leader of the pack huh mackdunk!

14-09-2008, 10:42 PM
I at least called the market right by getting out of it at the start of the year with STRAT and your Shrewd self rubbishing me for doing it. MacdunkThere you go Macca, miss quoting us again. It was something more like " You are a trader and there is tading to be done" and you did miss out on a good couple of months there ;)

Crypto Crude
14-09-2008, 11:35 PM
no strat,
I did bag mackdunk...
But I can comfortably say that here... not many people read this thread right?;)...
if mackdunks resource stocks are going to get mashed like that in a downturn, what are they going to do in a crash?
mackdunk, its seriously time to address the investment strategy... oil needs you... you need oil...
become a ruthless oil barron, it suits your style...

duncan macgregor
16-09-2008, 07:00 AM
no strat,
I did bag mackdunk...
But I can comfortably say that here... not many people read this thread right?;)...
if mackdunks resource stocks are going to get mashed like that in a downturn, what are they going to do in a crash?
mackdunk, its seriously time to address the investment strategy... oil needs you... you need oil...
become a ruthless oil barron, it suits your style...
.^sc SHREWDY, The market is about to crash you had better start retreaving your money before the panic sets in. Macdunk

16-09-2008, 10:01 AM
SHREWDY, The market is about to crash you had better start retreaving your money before the panic sets in. Macdunk

Yeah right! Bank of America is now coming to SAVE the day for Goodman Sachs or something.

The bottom is now in sight but unfortunately there is likely to be some casualties. Rest assured it will not be the US dollar!
Oil or other resource stocks (IMHO)
at least over time!

Lehman Bros on the other hand. Toast!

Crypto Crude
16-09-2008, 12:29 PM
nah mackdunk... im happy as...

Crypto Crude
16-09-2008, 12:30 PM
im beating you in the comp... im alive and well....
The markets are doing a good job of reducing risk of a crash...
things could not be better...

Crypto Crude
29-09-2008, 08:58 PM
I dont know what all that is about...
I do know that mackdunk is on the ropes which leads me to believe that he has gone all quiet so he can sweep this under the cover when I demolish himmm:D....
Hey mackdunk, are you going to have a 5000 post party at your new pad...?

duncan macgregor
30-09-2008, 07:34 AM
SHREWDY,GET OUT THE MARKET MATE THE CRASH IS STARTING. Downtrend leading up to a crash after the olympics was my selection in real life Shrewdy, pissed you lot off trying to warn you. I dont care who wins our competition you and i dont invest that way. macdunk

Crypto Crude
30-09-2008, 01:38 PM
narhhghhh mackdunk... im on the market... sitting pretty here mate...major holding CUE only down 1.5cents today... roll out the red carpet...

Joe King
13-10-2008, 10:25 AM
Think you should learn to listen Shrewdy...
Might soon be ... roll out the prayer mat.....

narhhghhh mackdunk... im on the market... sitting pretty here mate...major holding CUE only down 1.5cents today... roll out the red carpet...

Crypto Crude
04-11-2008, 02:30 PM
Competition results are less than two weeks off...
This is heating up, but mackdunk has scattered from te thread... wont even reply....

nahh Joe king,
I got to learn these things for myself...
its too easy to follow others...
I got to make my own calls...
I got out of the market last year in the 3rd quarter...
I guess my inexperience came through by getting back on the market...
No, its still roll out the red carpet...
big things coming dude...
I lose time I dont lose money...
big difference...
all the best...

duncan macgregor
04-11-2008, 02:58 PM
SHREWDY, only a couple of weeks for our result which in this market looks a mess. Thank god i am smart enough to read the market and not invest like this. I really dont have a clue who is in front i am to scared to look. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
08-11-2008, 01:20 PM
one more week to go mackdunk...
I think its pretty close...
I will post the final results next week...
I will recheck the closing date...
I think its on the 17th...

duncan macgregor
09-11-2008, 07:50 AM
one more week to go mackdunk...
I think its pretty close...
I will post the final results next week...
I will recheck the closing date...
I think its on the 17th...
.^sc Its the 19th of nov SHREWDY. I have not looked for ages. Would not have a clue who might be leading. Macdunk

09-11-2008, 08:01 AM
Its the 19th of nov SHREWDY. I have not looked for ages. Would not have a clue who might be leading. MacdunkSame here but I suspect Im in the Caboose :D

duncan macgregor
09-11-2008, 10:18 AM
Same here but I suspect Im in the Caboose :D STRAT we are all in the same boat lucky i saw it coming and jumpted ship.

SHREWDY, VPE was 16c still at 16c FML was 10c now 2c

STRAT, MHL was3.3c now at .4c AMU was 67.5c now 42.5c.

MACDUNK, AGM was 73.5c finished at 110c PRS 208c now 115c NWE 26.5c now 8.3c.

Some people might argue against running a stop loss whan investing or think that the fundamentals of a company are all important but the above is a good indication of how wrong we all can be. To be a long term brain dead dont know when to sell investor will get you results that compare to the above.
You gotta know when to hold, know when to fold, know when to walk away, know when to run. That my friends is how to invest in the market. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
18-11-2008, 12:18 AM
hey mackdunk,
Im leading by 10% with two days to go...
The only way you could win now is if you bought a whole heap tomorrow, and then dumped them on the market the next day... hehehe...
You would have won this had you not invested the total amount of AGM into PRC as I said you could not, but you forced it and choose to dump it all on a stock that crashed (50%)...
I will be happy to run another competition with you again, but I will never run a comp where I have to pick a resource stock...
That evened it up more than I expected...hehehehe

Crypto Crude
19-11-2008, 11:02 PM
1st Shrewd Crude

VPE 16c to 15.5c decrease of 3.13%/2= -1.65%
FML 10c to 1.8c decrease of 82%/2= -41%


2nd Mackdunk... watch this
NWE 26.5c ->6.5c ..... -75.47%......half of portfolio (divide by two).... -37.74%
AGM 73.5c à$1.09...... +48.3%

PRC $1.65->$.825 = -50%

1.483*.5=(.7415-1) decrease of .2585/2=-.129

-37.74 + -12.9= -50.84%

3rd strat the big cat-

MHL 84.85%/2= -42.42%
AMU 67.5c to 40.5c= -40%/2=-20.%

-42.42 + -20 = -62.42%

Crypto Crude
19-11-2008, 11:13 PM
hey all... thanks mackdunk and strat for the competition...

this one year competition was a highly entertaining comp, and at times it was a farce... twists turns... Strat had to become judge 'judy'...
in the end he left his duty and stayed out of it... hehehe...

There was a whole bunch of debate that was made a whole lot more complicated when mackdunk original pick AGM and it got taken out by Zinifex...
He delayed his new pick when the markets were tanking (and went on holiday for a week), he picked Pike PRC when he should not have be allowed to... he rushed in real early on picking NWE when he thought I was going to pick it, which I never was... hehehehe...
we debated about how his AGM performance should be attached to the competition..
He said that his total AGM return (half the portfolio) should be put into his PRC investment (effectively leveraging his position, which was totally unfair)... I said no no no... ie while holding PRC for every 1 cent pike went up, his overall return went up 1.48 cents... which was unfair...
he said yes yes yes... so effectively his leveraged position cost him the competition when pike fell 50%, whereas had he not reinvested the whole amount into Pike then he would have won hehehehehehe...

Thanks mackdunk for the comp... I will never again compete with you like this where I have to pick a resource stock...

do you want to compete again next year for a one year comp but we can both pick two stocks of any sector?

your mate shrewd learning how to strut, taught by the master...
becareful what you teach me, it will come back to bite you... hehehe...

Crypto Crude
01-12-2008, 03:42 PM
thanks Laxmi ( I think)...
hey mackdunk, do you want to run another competition, heads up, for next year... similar sort of drill...

duncan macgregor
02-12-2008, 01:11 PM
thanks Laxmi ( I think)...
hey mackdunk, do you want to run another competition, heads up, for next year... similar sort of drill...
.^sc Dont mind SHREWDY you work out the rules then we can run from 1st trading day 2009 to the last trading day 2009. Ill whip your ar*e. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
10-12-2008, 12:07 AM
2009 shrewd vs mackdunk competition...

same as last comp but
we can choose any two stocks...
this time it will not be restricted to one resource stock, one oil stock...

each stocks hold 50% weighting of portfolio...
If there is a takeover, a new stock is picked and leveraged off takeover price (ie- total funds reinvested)...
also, I am coming to Auckland in June for the Tua Cameron fight, so standings at the end of May will require the loser at the end of that month to buy the other a beer when I show for the auck meeting (you did not buy the poor uni student a drink last time):D....I will ahve to win one off yah... hehehe...;)

You taught me well mackdunk, to play the player and all that...
to wait until the last moment to submit and gather all information...
...just like last time I will let you come out of the gates all guns blazing by letting you choose the stocks first...hehehehe
This way I get a better idea on what risk return profile I need to aim for.....
outsmarted the fox...

hey, no judge this time... we can sort this all out between ourselves...

Comp starts on opening prices on first trading day of 2009...
Picks must be before open on that day...
ASX and NZX stocks only....
good luck, lets hope you can do better than the negative 50% las time...

duncan macgregor
10-12-2008, 08:04 AM
One little change if i may SHREWDY not only stocks on the market but something with a fluctuating price that is easily measured like the price of gold etc etc as long as it is in the NZ arena. Unlike you i missed the downturn warned you to get out the market numerous times so perhaps this year you might get taught how to ride a recession out and still make money. Your old mate Macdunk

Crypto Crude
10-12-2008, 04:14 PM
lets discuss this mackdunk...
Im all for new ideas that will work, but...
im not so sure this idea will...
You are likely to go out and make two commodity positions, and I will have to follow you...
You will pick two resources , and I will be shut out of the comp...
We could always run two comps, both are fairly mini ones eah...
one stocks, and one commodity-> this is the only solution I can think of on the spot...

duncan macgregor
10-12-2008, 08:29 PM
SHREWDY its pointless being in a competition in something that you dont do in real life. You pick two of whatever you are doing and i pick two of whatever i am doing. It must be something with an easy to work out price like shares, Gold, Silver, etc or some other commodoty with an easily recognised price on the open market. You might want shares in a company i might want something other than that. As long as the price at the start and end are open and fair for all to see in an easy way to work out then alls fair. I see the share market going no where next year you might see it different so lets have a real competition. Whatever you choose must have an easy to buy and an easy to sell price. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
10-12-2008, 10:28 PM
I wrote up a big long post describing all... But then I thought, hummm whats the point in telling you the tricks of the trade.......

Mackdunk wants an open competition on anything we can price "in real life", "openly described by the open market"....

I then thought well I can openly price anything I want... (a can of worms)
mackdunk--->I can lock in guaranteed profits...
so ok, I will out smart you if you want to play like that...
I will have my picks in at 928 am (ASX time) on the first trading day of 2009 if you want to play like that...
but mackdunk,
whats the point?

we can price anything you want... as a hint I can price TV's and candy from the local store on open and closing prices if you want to play like that...?

but then we are getting silly...

so why not keep this real, and keep this open to the sharemarket as we have played...? if you want to get silly, then we can play a silly comp for fun?...

this is and always has been about the sharemarket...
If you want me to steal candy from a baby then just say go go ga ga...

Crypto Crude
10-12-2008, 10:34 PM
I want to give you one last warning on where you are heading this competition, because yes...! this is a competition between you and me, and decisions are between you and I...

If you want to go down this line then thats ok...
I give you one last chance to reconsider...

You can not outsmart me...
Before you head down that line, I will say right now that I can lock and load guaranteed profits of 100% minimum... and I will post pictures and all to prove it... let the imagination run wild...

its up to you?

duncan macgregor
11-12-2008, 07:28 AM
SHREWDY first of all if i buy a tv on the first of jan to sell it in dec i would run at a substantial loss. I would prefer to keep it a competition where your money is where your mouth is. That is for instance if i bought an oz of gold on the open market to later sell it on the open market in an easy for all to see the common price. Like i said at the start of this year the market would downtrend leading up to a crash but still entered the competitions to watch my predictions come true. Whatever you buy must be on the open market to everyone at the standard price for all to see in something beyond dispute.
The time to get smart is when all around you is acting dumb to blind to see opportunities in a crashing market.
You might like to stick your money on in a downtrending market trying to pick the bottom but i like in times of turmoil, buy material things that you can see to hold, and gain value. Dont chicken out mate start thinking for a change or i will get STRAT back to talk some sense to you. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
11-12-2008, 01:38 PM
Dont chicken out mate start thinking for a change or i will get STRAT back to talk some sense to you. Macdunk

no need to get strat in here... he will only run away when this heats up...
... I can get reliable quotes from sources...
I will buy a kilo of something and supply a docket...
I will take a photo of what im buying and the price will be in the photo...

There will be a price given that all others can refer to...
So mackdunk, its not what I want, its what you want...! I am happy to accomodate your suggestion...
I will make a monkey out of you, oh oh ah ah... so again im warning you to not let me outsmart you... and thats exactly what I would do...
Keep this simple, and the way we have played this...
or run the risk...
The ball is in your court...
I strongly suggest you reconsider...

duncan macgregor
11-12-2008, 05:01 PM
Fair enough Shrewdy it must be something bought on the open market like we would do in real life with a bought price followed by a sell price which is on the open market. Example might be the price of gold for instance on the open market which has a price for all to see.
That is a real life situation when you think the market will downtrend.
I will stick my two selections on straight after christmas in something that in real life i may or may not be doing. Good luck mate might come down and see my mate tua knock your young fella over myself. and buy you a cold one. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
12-12-2008, 06:00 AM
I have nothing more to say mackdunk...
read my posts carefully...
I will think about not picking one stock if you make it like this, it will be too easy...

duncan macgregor
13-12-2008, 05:45 PM
I have nothing more to say mackdunk...
read my posts carefully...
I will think about not picking one stock if you make it like this, it will be too easy...
.^sc Lets open it up SHREWDY to a bit more of real life. Lets have three selections of What you are doing in real life, its pointless to say two or three stocks if you are right out the market expecting the market to down trend. The only thing is it must be in an open market with prices easy to to work out. Nothing allowed where its a debateable price.
I will go first with one of my first three To give you the idea.
1, I am buying oil with my first pick.
To make it fair and get it in context i will pick the lowest price in the warehouse per litre of 20- 40 engine oil on the last day of the year to the last day of the following year.
That is in real life something that i have done in a much larger scale.
I might pick a stock or some other of my investments in real life so make it as many as you like as long as its not more than three. I dont mind if you win as long as i win in real life like i did this year by staying right out the market much against your advice. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
14-12-2008, 05:34 AM
Lets open it up SHREWDY to a bit more of real life.

1)Lets have three selections of What you are doing in real life, its pointless to say two or three stocks if you are right out the market expecting the market to down trend.
2)The only thing is it must be in an open market with prices easy to to work out. Nothing allowed where its a debateable price.
3)I will go first with one of my first three To give you the idea.
1, I am buying oil with my first pick.
To make it fair and get it in context i will pick the lowest price in the warehouse per litre of 20- 40 engine oil on the last day of the year to the last day of the following year.
4)That is in real life something that i have done in a much larger scale.

I might pick a stock or some other of my investments in real life so make it as many as you like as long as its not more than three.

5)I dont mind if you win as long as i win in real life like i did this year by staying right out the market much against your advice. Macdunk

1) long term fixed house loans, CUE at 14.5cents... and one other for you right?...
2)Humm... refer to point number 3)
3)debateable, or what... just get quotes on Boxing day when all the big specials are on...
what about different warehouses setting different prices for the same product to suit consumer demand...

4)good for you, between you and the king the mind boggles...
5)I always win in real life mackdunk....I will remain humble mackdunk... I dont need to prove myself against you any more...
Ive said it all...

in a snap shot in time, id rather have 10 bucks to my name than negative 50k....

As I said, this will be turned into a total monk fest...
Quoting prices from warehouse and all that...
I would have quoted Bananas (as my previous clue)... prob cherrios or something.. I know of a butcher that gives one a cherrio as a taster to kids...
Maybe next year that free taster is gone so Id have to pay for it...
so thats infinity return on investment... 0->say 10 cents a cherrio or whatever...
This will get so silly that you are now wasting my time...

Come play stocks and dont pussy foot around buying paper and pencils....

im not interested in this sort of comp anymore even though I previously was all for it....

Lets play like men, not like boys...

two stocks...any two....

duncan macgregor
14-12-2008, 11:41 AM
I wont pick two stocks SHREWDY the market is crashing about to get worse like i have told you all year long. I bought barrels of oil in real life plus some other material things that you might have been interested in if you had an open mind. This crash is going to worsen you are welcome to pick two stocks. I only suggested the material price of 20-40 engine oil at the warehouse as something to gauge the buy sell price from. Will America bail out the auto industry throwing good money after bad or will they have massive unemployment?.
If you want a contest stick your money where your mouth is and lets have a real contest not some stupid make beleave farce. I cant find one stock in the market today that gives me any faith in a positive one year return that beats the bank. Macdunk

14-12-2008, 10:10 PM
I agree with keeping with the real world, but lets be honest. McDunk is right. But then there would be no sharetrader competition.

duncan macgregor
15-12-2008, 07:40 AM
I agree with keeping with the real world, but lets be honest. McDunk is right. But then there would be no sharetrader competition. However Shrewdy, I might be interested. I agree two shares. I must admit that fortune has not favoured me well, and my most recent investment in the sharemarket is faring poorly.

One is telecom (around 15k) and one is a gold speculative share. (around 1.5k) (less now)
(...plus dividend)

How much detail do you need to provide, and what is the minimum bet?

I suggest you provide detail when you trade. Its the buy and sell price of something that is open and above board on the first and last trading days of 2009. I gave SHREWDY that i was in to barrels of engine oil. I suggested that be counted at the lowest price per litre of 20-40 engine oil on the last trading day of each year in the warehouse which is easy to check. SHREWDY in turn only wants shares in a downtrending market and is stuck in his one sector market losing heaps. I might think gold or silver or have a gold mining company on the market but he wants to get stuck in a losing grove with rail track thinking. Get with it SHREWDY, open your mind up, you lost your chance on property with low deposits, broaden your horizons. Macdunk

15-12-2008, 03:33 PM
You guys ever thought about heading up an Americas Cup syndicate?

Crypto Crude
23-12-2008, 02:56 PM
ok mackdunk, you just heard my sob....
its back to business...
as usual becareful what you say because I dont want to have to quote you...

I will tell you right now what I am going to do...
I am going to buy television sets...My only question is.....

In our yearly competition, is it something we COULD do in real life?

another question, as we are buying home items etc, do we have a set figure... 100k, one mill?...

and its three seperate asset classes right?

duncan macgregor
23-12-2008, 03:38 PM
ok mackdunk, you just heard my sob....
its back to business...
as usual becareful what you say because I dont want to have to quote you...

I will tell you right now what I am going to do...
I am going to buy television sets...My only question is.....

In our yearly competition, is it something we COULD do in real life?

another question, as we are buying home items etc, do we have a set figure... 100k, one mill?...

and its three seperate asset classes right?
.^sc SHREWDY, In real life you buy something to on sell it at a profit. Like i told you i am in the process of buying barrels of processed lubricant. To come to a fair buy and sell price we will take the cheapest price at the warehouse for 20-40 engine oil on the last trading day of each year. That will be one of my selections the other will be the gold price. The share market is not a place for my money right now so why bother in make beleave. I only intend to select what i intend investing in and thats material assets simply because thhe monetry system is in a very risky state of flux about to worsen. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
06-01-2009, 01:28 PM

those are my 3 picks...

duncan macgregor
07-01-2009, 11:18 PM

those are my 3 picks...
.^sc HI shrewdy sorry that i am late, so will allow you to fix the prices.
As you know i think that the market this year will go no where, so i will stick to the reality of what i actually invest in without going in to detail.
PPP invested in Australia simply because of the take over potential.

My second selection is based on what i actually did. Barrels of processed engine oil which follows closely to the prices of crude percentagew wise.

my last investment is money in the bank at 8% in Australia think rather than have a competition on what you and i dont do, we should keep it to what we actually try and do. , the oil price, plus the PPP price Shrewdy thats how i see 2009.
Remember Shrewdy its picking the market that counts. not thinking you are right and the market got it wrong.
No arguments from me SHREWDY stick the prices up mate.
Hope you learned to pick the market from last year and not to get bogged down in stupid PE or fundamentral crap that flies out the window in times like this.
Material things hold their value over time learn to understand that mate money is only a promise to pay. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
07-01-2009, 11:57 PM
ok mackdunk...
Im calling victory already...
You cant be going run of the mill against me and hope to win...

you provide further details of your process engine oil investment.....
and prices...

Id like to know which bank you can get 8% from in aussie...?
also, it will need to be after tax...

I will post the stock prices soon...

duncan macgregor
09-01-2009, 08:51 AM
SHREWDY, I wont go in to detail of what i do in private business when most of you are to scared to even use your real name. The sharemarket will have a bad year so no point in me selecting companies for the sake of it when i dont invest like that in any case.
Pick what you like out of this lot.
1, OIL is $42-75 todays price a barrel I bought barrels of high grade engine oil in real life with a price that is closely tied to the market price.
2,ASB in NZ todays rate is 7.43% I have a higher rate in AUSTRALIA bought last year.
3.Silver $11-10 at todays price.
4 GOLD $853-85,
I pay tax on shares so dont complicate things. The market is heading down in 2009 you would be wise to rethink your high risk investing style.
Pick what you like out of that lot i dont care. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
09-01-2009, 01:09 PM
I wont use my real name because of paparatzi...;)....

no problem for you not selecting listed companies...
thats your choice to fix yourself at the bottom...
can you give a price for your engine oil?
remember it has to be a price that can easily be tracked by all people in the market, as you said...

I will put up the stock price on the first day of this year of PPP, but it is up to you to post the details of your other two investment choices...

09-01-2009, 01:10 PM
Happy New Year Duncan. Hope the far North is treating you well. Ive kind of got the impression you have returned to the barter system since leaving the Auckland provences.How many eggs or home made loafs of bread can you get up there for a 4lt pack of 20/40? :D

duncan macgregor
09-01-2009, 03:03 PM
Happy New Year Duncan. Hope the far North is treating you well. Ive kind of got the impression you have returned to the barter system since leaving the Auckland provences.How many eggs or home made loafs of bread can you get up there for a 4lt pack of 20/40? :D Many a true word spoken in jest STRAT. I keep a cocky going in sea food he keeps me going in home kill. I think the barter system might make a come back before this crisis ends. Great fishing up here, keep the neighbours in tucker. It looks like young SHREWDY needs another bad year to straighten up his thinking.
Hope you keep out the market mate its going nowhere for a very long time. Macdunk

09-01-2009, 03:06 PM
Mostly out but cant resist a play here and there :DDo I remember something being said last year about taking us fishing? :D

Crypto Crude
21-01-2009, 10:57 AM
ok mackdunk,
we have opening prices for the year...

CUE 10cents
HZN 14cents
NZO $1.28 (NZX)

and for you

PPP 28cents

Crypto Crude
09-02-2009, 03:17 PM
hey Mr Mackdunk aka the fed express....
so for this years comp I will compile the complete list...
In real life Mackdunk fix's his loans, So I will let the fella have a fixed deposit rate for the year at 7.43%... But I will tax that, because all interest gets taxed...
There are some examples where shares are and are not taxed, so we will keep share untaxed (my shares are tax free)...
and I will assume Mackdunk has WTI crude at $42.75 US...

Shrewd crude
CUE 10c
HZN 14c
NZO (NZX) $1.28

7.43% interest locked...
PPP 28c
oil $42.75 US...

I will update the comp next month...
thank you...

duncan macgregor
20-02-2009, 01:55 PM
1, CUE 10c still 10c
2,HZN 14c now 12c
3,NZO 128c still 128c
This is an over all loss

MACDUNKS WINNERS if Shrewdy can make his mind up about what my selections were.
1, GOLD $853 now $975.
2, SILVER $11-10 now $14-04.
3,money in the bank is a plus at fixed interest of 7.43%pa
4, OILwas$42-75 now $39-60.
5, PPP 28c now 30c.
You are not doing to well mate so hope fully you will come right in the end.

Crypto Crude
20-02-2009, 02:08 PM
what a load of hoey... cock a hoot...


you picked PPP at the start of the year at 28cents...
it is now 30cents not 40cents...
you did not pick silver or gold in the comp...
I would have picked them, but Im confident I can outperform them both...

you know how it is mackdunk...

Do you want to up the anti, and make a sidebet...
The loser has to go to the opposite Sharetraders meeting...
ie if I lose I have to go to auckland meeting before July next year...
and vice versa... and the loser has to pay for the ticket...

put an airline ticket where your mouth is then...???

duncan macgregor
20-02-2009, 03:37 PM
Sorry about my little mistake Shrewdy looked up on the NZX should have looked up on the ASX. I dont bet Shrewdy on things that can change beyond my control, you should take a lesson from that. Remember it was me that warned you the crash was coming, warning you again that its going to get much worse. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
20-02-2009, 04:17 PM
good to hear that mackdunk...
Im very proud of you...
I cant be bothered saying the same things over and over...
refer to my previous responses...
Im all good mate...

dont feel pity for me...

duncan macgregor
21-02-2009, 07:20 AM
good to hear that mackdunk...

dont feel pity for me...
.^sc The only thing about you i feel pity about was that poor little chinese girl trudging after you at the share traders meeting. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
22-02-2009, 01:14 PM
I dont know what your talking about Mackdunk...
Cant remember...

duncan macgregor
28-02-2009, 10:25 AM
1, CUE 10c still 10c
2,HZN 14c now 12c
3,NZO 128c still 128c
This is an over all loss

MACDUNKS WINNERS if Shrewdy can make his mind up about what my selections were.
1, GOLD $853 now $975.
2, SILVER $11-10 now $14-04.
3,money in the bank is a plus at fixed interest of 7.43%pa
4, OILwas$42-75 now $39-60.
5, PPP 28c now 30c.
You are not doing to well mate so hope fully you will come right in the end. How about an update SHREWDY for FEB. Looks like you are distancing yourself in my rear vision mirror. Macdunk

duncan macgregor
03-03-2009, 01:40 PM
Will we only get an update in the unlikely event that you sneak up in front.
SHREWDIES selections
1,CUE 10c now 10.5c not bad if you hadnt bought at 21.5.
2,HZN 14c now 12c.
3, NZO 128c now 119c.

Macdunk selections.
!, Gold $853 now $926-55.
2,Silver $11-10 now $12-92.
3,money in the bank at 7.43 pa interest in Australia.
4, oil $42-75 now $40-07.
5, PPP, 28c now 29c this was the only share i would have bought. You can add at least a 2% exchange rate gain to that so far with lots more to come.

Its like i keep telling you SHREWDY get out the market money is crashing buy material assets.

Crypto Crude
03-03-2009, 01:56 PM
hey hey hey mackdunk,
great to see you out of the trees...
mate->for this comp we each got 3 selections....

You choose...

7.43% interest locked...
PPP 28c
oil $42.75 US...

forget about gold and silver...
you never picked them....

there is no way you will win this comp thie year....
Its just not possible... I will update the results shortly

Crypto Crude
03-03-2009, 01:57 PM
narghh mackdunk,
im staying in the market...
Dow down a whopper....
yeah ahhrrrggghhhhhhhhh
stoked mate...

duncan macgregor
03-03-2009, 02:12 PM
SHREWDY, I wont go in to detail of what i do in private business when most of you are to scared to even use your real name. The sharemarket will have a bad year so no point in me selecting companies for the sake of it when i dont invest like that in any case.
Pick what you like out of this lot.
1, OIL is $42-75 todays price a barrel I bought barrels of high grade engine oil in real life with a price that is closely tied to the market price.
2,ASB in NZ todays rate is 7.43% I have a higher rate in AUSTRALIA bought last year.
3.Silver $11-10 at todays price.
4 GOLD $853-85,
I pay tax on shares so dont complicate things. The market is heading down in 2009 you would be wise to rethink your high risk investing style.
Pick what you like out of that lot i dont care. Macdunk Get back to reality mate thats what i picked. Your stupid share market is going nowhere for a very long time. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
03-03-2009, 02:30 PM
hey mackdunk...
Im holding CUE...
Im not holding a market portfolio...
read the LMP thread NZX, ive sold up all my other stocks last year...
AKK, LMP, CTP, WHN... all are down real heavy....
holding cue only, and damn proud of it...
fairy tale dream....
I hope you win this comp...
you have a good chance of being savaged by a kid, in a major downturning sharemarket, when your picks were off market......
wouldnt that be a hiding...

Crypto Crude
03-03-2009, 08:46 PM
hey mackdunk...
results standing....

easy to do 10k each so 30k portfolio....

PPP 28c now 29.5c=$10535.7
oil $42.75 now $40.07=$9373.1
interest in bank... a massive $10,123.83.... (mackdunk is rolling in it...) heheheheh

mackdunks total...
32.6/30,000= .1% return....

shrewds total...

Cue 10c->10c $10,000
NZO $1.28-> $1.24= $9687.5
HZN was 14c -> 12c= $8571.4

equals $28,258.9
-5.8% return....

damn,,, I should have done it over the weekend when HZN was 14cents.... hehehehhe.....
hey mackdunk....

last year Pike River pulled mackdunks performance apart.... this year it will be his choice of interest in bank....

duncan macgregor
04-03-2009, 08:35 AM
I take it SHREWDY that we dont play your little game with any kind of reality to what we do in real life. I had gold and silver from day one which you ignore. You in real life lost half your bank on CUE and will shout about winning if you get half your loss back. I only selected PPP simply because of cash in the bank with a likely take over looming otherwise i would have selected nothing.
I look on the monetry system is in a high risk area of total collapse. You can be as smart as you like but i think you will run at a loss over the length of the competition.
Material assets that will hold their value in whatever system of exchange eventuates when this mess of debt gets sorted. Remember it was me that timed the downtrend leading to the crash almost to the exact day. Hope for your sake my next prediction is wrong about total collapse. I sit on the fence laughing at you taking all the risks. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
04-03-2009, 09:48 AM
hey mackdunk....
anythings better than being bankrupted in a fixed term house....

as for your other query...we had 3 picks each.....
you choose to blow two of those picks by selecting PPP after it had run up.... and you choose to end the comp short in a firey pit of doom, a limp noodle type pick.... a critical mistake...
you could have had gold and silver....
you prefered to have made $123 on that 10k of cash through interest.... come on man.... this is me dude... not a limp noodle later on this year...

3 picks mackdunk....sorry you couldnt have fit them all in....
realistically it should have been 2 stock picks the same as last year, I reneged for you....

10-03-2009, 11:36 AM
I see you fellas are still in need a Ref. Not surprised that no body has put their hand up for that job. It wouldnt be easy :D

duncan macgregor
11-03-2009, 08:58 AM
I see you fellas are still in need a Ref. Not surprised that no body has put their hand up for that job. It wouldnt be easy :D Good on you STRAT we need a ref with that SHREWDY cheating old Macdunk all over again. I got out the market saying the only thing worth buying was material assets right at the start. I said keep it to what we actually do not get into some ficticious load of codswallop.
OIL, GOLD, SILVER,money in the bank, with the only share being PPP simply because of cash in the bank with take over potential.
Sort the young punk out STRAT in a nice way he is on the move. He got kicked out of his flat for messing up the kitchen wouldnt have happened if it was his own kitchen but you cant tell some people eh?. Macdunk

11-03-2009, 12:47 PM
Good on you STRAT we need a ref with that SHREWDY cheating old Macdunk all over again. I got out the market saying the only thing worth buying was material assets right at the start. I said keep it to what we actually do not get into some ficticious load of codswallop.
OIL, GOLD, SILVER,money in the bank, with the only share being PPP simply because of cash in the bank with take over potential.
Sort the young punk out STRAT in a nice way he is on the move. He got kicked out of his flat for messing up the kitchen wouldnt have happened if it was his own kitchen but you cant tell some people eh?. MacdunkHaha not me mate. You will have to find some other poor sod to get between you two.

How does the saying go?

"been there, done that, dont want to talk about it" :D :D :D

Crypto Crude
11-03-2009, 03:35 PM
thanks yankiwi,
your right,
we dont need a ref...

Mackdunk is a complete mad hatter...
I wanted a 2 pick comp on shares only... mackdunk came back over the top saying 'what I would do in real life picks'...
he wanted 3 picks of anything...

so I thought fair enough....
wasnt happy...
but still agreed to change the rules to accomodate his conservative needs...
... Now that the DOW is at ultra lows and my stocks havent fallen a heap, infact NZO up easy 10%, CUE up 11.5%, and HZN down 10% he wants to blow his trumpet....

He thought he could beat me with 7% interest in the bank...
mackdunk... 3 picks... you clearly chose interest in bank, PPP (at an expensive price), and oil....

leave gold and silver for the discussion threads...
they mean nothing here....

Crypto Crude
11-03-2009, 03:36 PM
thank you for your offer...
I will take you up on that if we run into problems...

duncan macgregor
11-03-2009, 06:06 PM
SHREWDY,GET OUT THE MARKET MATE THE CRASH IS STARTING. Downtrend leading up to a crash after the olympics was my selection in real life Shrewdy, pissed you lot off trying to warn you. I dont care who wins our competition you and i dont invest that way. macdunk Beat that SHREWDY dont you wish you had listened. Look up the dates before you talk about winning. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
11-03-2009, 08:46 PM
you badger me about this point...
Im happy with my decision...
Im feed up with you on this point...
yourve gone into over kill.... I have explained this off probably something like One dozen times...
when will you let it rest?
I made my own decision and I did get off the market in late 2007 (entirely), but then got back on because I had a company which was suppost to be a hedge against the market falling.... but its key project got delayed...

had I listened to you I would have bought a house with that money, and now id technically be negatively geared losing money in a falling house market leveraging my money into bankruptcy paying excessive interest costs of a fixed term house.....
so am I happy I listened?

you would have finished me off before I grew out of a grub...

you have lost in the market crisis, with your excessive costs of fixed term mortgages......

2008 I lost money...
2009 making it back....

CUE already rebounding...
read the thread, and read the ann today....
a fairytale dream mackdunk, that you wont tamper with...
this is my dream...
and im going to show you how to do it in the grips of dispear all around...
I will finish you off in the comp...
and I hope after two nil, that you will still come back for more....

12-03-2009, 09:39 AM
Macca all we really have is time and Shrewdy has the biggest account balance. Let him loose. He has boundless energy, enthusiasm and drive. Im sure you remember this from the first time you met him and that is one asset you dont want to put a lid on. It will mean a lot more than todays markets in 20 years time for him.

duncan macgregor
12-03-2009, 03:33 PM
STRAT, When i was an apprentice carpanter i thought i knew the lot and my boss was only a silly old bugger. It was a surprize in later life to think back and realize that it was me who was the silly bugger. SHREWDY will look back in later life and remember all the things he argued with me about and think i might not be as silly as he thinks right now. He thinks its a cop out to see a crash coming and get out the market. He thinks its stupid not to lock in a mortgage at an affordable rate even although that in the short term you might lose.
He also thinks that he makes right decisions all the time and loses half his money without a stop loss.
All those mistakes he makes now thinking how right he is will slowly change when harsh reality of share market crashes and 20% mortgage rates out the blue hit just as it has done for me in the past. We like to stretch the point young SHREWDY and i so no worries sit on the fence and keep the young punk honest. Macdunk

12-03-2009, 03:48 PM
.....how right he is will slowly change when harsh reality of share market crashes and 20% mortgage rates out the blue hit just as it has done for me in the past. Macdunk

Jeez mate you were lucky at only 20% .... I had to take 23% on a 1st mortgage and 28% on a 2nd mortgage once and still find a deposit ..... now days the young ones don't even know what a 2nd mortgage is either

Crypto Crude
12-03-2009, 05:04 PM
SHREWDY will look back in later life and remember all the things he argued with me about and think i might not be as silly as he thinks right now.

I dont think your silly...
I think you are an annoying flea...
You obviously chose the wrong career path...
you would have become a very successfuly interrogator...
guantanamo bay styles...

As I pointed out interest rates of 20% are the thing of the past, never to be seen again...
interest rates that high rely on high inflation, which has been curbed for ever with the PTA...
even more so in the current climate with inflation falling over the medium term, you should have known better...
a costly experience...

back in those days of high inflation-> high interest rates, having a house was a great advantage...
you bought a house with a set mortgage, that mortgage was erroded away by high inflation....
back when 3 yearly incomes paid for the house... oh what a dream...
that dream will come back around, just got to be patient, and enter at the right time...
house purchasing and fundamentals are completely different for the first home buyer, as small differences for you (such as 9% interest rates compared to 5% interest rates), and saving 100k on the house, can actually save the first homebuyer 15 years off the total loan term on the mortgage...
you still dont get it

12-03-2009, 06:04 PM
As I pointed out interest rates of 20% are the thing of the past, never to be seen again...
.^That right? Never say never Shrewd one.

12-03-2009, 06:06 PM
Jeez mate you were lucky at only 20% .... I had to take 23% on a 1st mortgage and 28% on a 2nd mortgage once and still find a deposit ..... now days the young ones don't even know what a 2nd mortgage is either28%?? hell I must be one of the young ones lol. How ever did you make that fly W69?

Crypto Crude
12-03-2009, 06:09 PM

Ive rocked in a cradle, I will roll in a hurst...
I will not see it ever

super inflation never to be seen again...

12-03-2009, 06:13 PM

Ive rocked in a cradle, I will roll in a hurst...
I will not see it ever

super inflation never to be seen again...
.^scWhen I was in my 20's Mortgage interest rates were around 18%. Chances of them being back there in your lifetime mate are pretty good.
Hey check it out. I have 4 stars. Does that make me a Guru? LOL. Its amazing, the titles one can get for posting crap here :D

Crypto Crude
19-03-2009, 01:04 PM
I think I could be leading the comp now...
its time to shake a tail feather...
shrewds stock picks in a total Market meltdown vs mackdunks safety investments....

yeah haeegggrrrggghhhhhh....

who will win?
this is a fairy tale dream in the making, going to beat you under such circumstances....
its hard to come back from 2 nil down mackdunk....
Please come back for more in 2010...;)

duncan macgregor
19-03-2009, 03:00 PM
tut tut shrewdy. counting IS NOT YOUR STRONG POINT IS IT?.
1, CUE bought in real life at 21.5c now 12.5c Started at 10c for this
2,HZN 14c now 12c
3,NZO 128c now 139c.

MACDUNK Being of sound mind is not in the market wanted bank interest, gold. silver, oil, plus PPP as a take over option.
1, PPP 28c now 30.5c
2,Bank interest at whatever 7.something according to Shrewdy.
3, GOLD $853 now $931.
4, Silver $11-10 now $12-77.
5,OIL $42.75 now $48-12.
100% record so far SHREWD ONE you might catch on one day if you keep an open mind.
Remember it was me that told you to get out the market now you are playing catch up.
Your old mate Macdunk

duncan macgregor
23-03-2009, 05:57 PM
I think I could be leading the comp now...
its time to shake a tail feather...
shrewds stock picks in a total Market meltdown vs mackdunks safety investments....

yeah haeegggrrrggghhhhhh....

who will win?
this is a fairy tale dream in the making, going to beat you under such circumstances....
its hard to come back from 2 nil down mackdunk....
Please come back for more in 2010...;)
.^sc SHREWDY, the one thing that has escaped your limited vision is the falling American dollar which will increase the price of Oil ,Gold, Silver, and all things measured in that currency. I am winning by standing still mate look out for more of the same looming up. The Yankey dollar will downtrend my old mate so look out for being covered in egg all over again. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
24-03-2009, 03:59 PM
Its all over mackdunk...CUEs up 45% this year...
thats not a surprise...
HZN's back to break even...
news out of that camp is only good from now on, so SP's will perform in any market...

NZO up 10% with PRC investment down...

Lets call it game over now...

duncan macgregor
25-03-2009, 09:42 PM
Its all over mackdunk...CUEs up 45% this year...
thats not a surprise...
HZN's back to break even...
news out of that camp is only good from now on, so SP's will perform in any market...

NZO up 10% with PRC investment down...

Lets call it game over now...
.^sc WHOOPEE DOO SHREWDY CUE might get back to your buy level in a couple of years. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
26-03-2009, 12:57 AM
2 nil...
you cant pay good money for results like that mate...
as for CUE, Id give it a few more months...

Crypto Crude
15-04-2009, 06:47 PM
30k portfolio....

PPP 28c now 30.5=$10,892.9
oil $42.75 now $49.50=$11,579.0
interest in bank... $10,247.66....

mackdunks total...
2719.56/30,000= 9.06% return....

shrewds total...

Cue 10c->12.5c $12,500
NZO $1.28-> $1.40= $10,937.5
HZN was 14c -> 14.5c= $10,357.14

equals 33794.64
a return of 12.6%...

Crypto Crude
15-04-2009, 06:48 PM
bad boy mackdunk...
heres an update for yah mate...
running abit late on it so gave it mid month...

Crypto Crude
04-05-2009, 02:16 AM

PPP $10,000 to $11607> sp 28c->32.5c
Oil prices up 24.4% so far for mackdunk... $12,444.
interest in bank returning him 2.33% so far this year... so $10,233

giving mackdunk an overall total of $34284
a 14% return... this year


CUE 10-> 12.5c 25% return $12,500
HZN 14c ->11.5c A loss of 24%... valued at $7727 of $10,000 invested...
NZO 128->140= 9.37% return this year... worth $10,937

add them up gives $31,164
a return of 3.88%... this year

Mackdank... you came out the gate running this month...

You are leading well mate...
At this stage id say im a big favourite heading into the 2nd half of the year when I factor in Manaia, and that will add real value to these companies of HZN and CUE for my portfolio picks... and Id say I have a good chance of swinging my portfolio up to 40% return later this year... and more than that when Kupe comes online...

You will be desperate for PPP to be taken over...
interest in the bank is nothing...
or oil prices will have to run... oil prices are in a good uptrend this year...
this will support my three companies, so 50% min portfolio return with oil higher for me......
If PPP gets taken over for 40c...
oil goes to 70... and your low 7% interest rate...
then you will finish up around 35%....
So its not looking good for you...

You chosing interest in bank as a pick for the competition, will ultimately cost you this competition...
If the market crashes again, then we will be about even...
but then, id expect you to give some back when oil prices would fall on thatl...
Then id be leading again...

hehehe... well mate...
roll on 2010...
strike one strike two strike............
strike, get a new challenger.... hehehehe...
just joking..... my mate mackdunk...

Crypto Crude
20-05-2009, 11:11 PM
hey mackdunk,
have not heard from you in awhile...
your pick, PPP is drilling two wells in Vietnam...
if one comes off you could come right...

can you tell me when the dividend is paid, so I can add it into the comp...
wish you all the best...

duncan macgregor
21-05-2009, 04:06 PM
hey mackdunk,
have not heard from you in awhile...
your pick, PPP is drilling two wells in Vietnam...
if one comes off you could come right...

can you tell me when the dividend is paid, so I can add it into the comp...
wish you all the best...
.^sc The dividend is 3c paid on the 6th of june which is roughly ten and a half PC on the initial buy price. Been a busy boy SHREWDY this is one hectic retirement.
hope that doggy share you bought comes good and you learned something from riding it down. I warned you before about the crashing market, this time i warn you again about the interest rates going sky high. Pity you were to smart to buy that property and miss out. Your old mate Macdunk

Crypto Crude
22-05-2009, 02:15 PM
alright mackdunk...
I will add the dividend in next week when I do the monthly update, even though the payment comes a week after that.....
gotta keep this a closer contest...


duncan macgregor
24-05-2009, 04:29 PM
alright mackdunk...
I will add the dividend in next week when I do the monthly update, even though the payment comes a week after that.....
gotta keep this a closer contest...

.^sc It makes very little difference if you update it a few days early shrewdy but suggest you take all my selections into account which might give you a glimmer of hope in the distant future. Money sitting in the bank waiting on opportunities is worth its weight in gold. We are about to get into a high inflation period later in the year so interesting times old buddy. The objectivity of successfull investing relies on having funds available to exploit the market so dont make the mistake of rubbishing bank deposits. Interesting competition SHREWD ONE hope you are paying attention nobody ever gets it right all the time. One of these days even old Macdunk will make a wrong call. I would say Gold, silver and oil will be the material assets to buy at this point. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
29-05-2009, 02:25 PM
Mackdunk picks...
PPP 28c now 32.5c plus a 3 cent dividend=$12,678
oil $42.75 now $64.70=$15,134
interest in bank... a massive $10,291....
mackdunks total portfolio value is $38,103...
for a return of 27.01% return....

shrewds picks..

Cue 10c->15.5c $15,500
NZO $1.28-> $1.53= $11,953
HZN was 14c -> 17.5c c= $12,500

shrewds total portfolio value of $39,953
33.18% return....

duncan macgregor
29-05-2009, 04:13 PM
SHREWDY, I hope you at least will not take offence, and look back on our little skirmishes as a learning curve in your investment strategies. First of all i like to say what i do when i do it with reasons for doing so. This sometimes makes me very unpopular, especially when it goes against popular beleaf.
I said the market would downtrend leading to a crash, I also said that you had no sell strategy, and invested like a fundamental in love with a company like a SNOOPY going down in flames, shouting the world is all mad except me.
You bought in real life CUE at 21.6c and are now boasting about how clever you are when they crawl back up to 15c in our competition, and how stupid i was only getting 7pc plus capital gain. I told I bought oil, I told you I was out the share market as i see the real crunch will come sooner than later. I also told you gold, and silver and material assets are what to hold.
You might not like what i say, but give it time then think back in hindesight and judge me on that.
Most of the time we dont agree, but in real life that is what makes us so much alike, we are not afraid to have a go.
If i had have half your enthusiasm about finance at your age, i would own half the world. Alas having half a brain i enjoyed most of my life having a good time and dont regret it.
I dont need money I have good health, a happy family, and great friends, thats all we require in life so I look forward to all our upcoming skirmishes you young whipper snapper.
Gold and Silver Shrewdy, Dont overlook them when the real crunch comes.

Crypto Crude
29-05-2009, 08:40 PM
I did a heap of research on CUE...
move than ever before... I know the company inside and out...
I bought for a reason, and I wont sell until
1) im proven right...
2) information comes which is bad...

its really as simple as that...
I wont sell, when that info is the same as when I invested...
I know im not wrong...
to bloody bad if I lose 50% to then make 50% profit...

up down, round and round... this time the end result will be the same as others...

you are right about most things...
At times you can not admit when you got it wrong...

I have no problem you going against the grain, and you saying to get out the market... and you being negative... that is a good call if you got it right...
BUT.... the way you do it, you use it against me to remain dominant... and its a load of bull, cos had I done exactly what you told me to do, then I would have been bankrupted in property (negatively geared)...
and you have never come out and admit that...

I am looking forward to come to Auckland with serpie later this year...
I hope to see you then, so we can have a chat...
we are similar...
we are both rampant animals on the same thread...
and nice people in real life...

duncan macgregor
30-05-2009, 12:17 PM
SHREWDY our one big difference is experience. I have seen what happens to people who think they have it right, simply because they think that they studied it enough not to be wrong. Your greatest ever mistake was buying CUE with most of your funds at the top of the market. If you had taken more interest in the price of the oil charts, and taken those into account you would have escaped the huge downtrend. SNOOPY bleats on similar rubbish, and would be well advised to leave his funds in the bank.
I doubled my money in one year on nickel stocks using only the price, and quantity available charts as my buy and sell indicators. All the companies went up in unison and all dropped back in unison. Fundamental analysis is as usefull as tits on a bull, its supply and demand that raises or lowers the tide of market prices.
Take your CUE for instance and compare the share price chart with the market value of oil chart. I will lay odds it follows the oil price making a mockery of your fundamental analysis.
The bigest mistake you can make is lose money always play it safe that is the one thing you have still to learn. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
01-06-2009, 05:31 AM
ok mackdunk...
I took your advice and went out and made a small position in WCUO...
enjoy Queens Birthday Holiday.....

duncan macgregor
25-06-2009, 03:15 PM
Its almost time to do the sums to find out how far you have to go playing catch up.
Remember PPP had a 3c dividend that went in the bank on the 6th of june that is now interest bearing. I wont nag you for not allowing me to have gold or silver in my selections otherwise you might get depressed.
Your old sparring partner Macdunk

Crypto Crude
30-06-2009, 09:05 PM
mackdunk-HEY CRUDE ONE.

Hey mackdunk TWO
one? Yes that is the place I will finish the comp in...;)...

mackdunk-I wont nag you for not allowing me to have gold or silver in my selections otherwise you might get depressed.
Your old sparring partner Macdunk

three picks each mate...
you choose yours... PPP, cash, and Oil...
get over it....


PPP 28c to 47c= $16785.7
dividend 3cents each share, 37514 shares= $1071.4
Cash at bank at 7.43% returning him $10371.5
oil 42.75-> 72.57= $16975.44

a return of

CUE 10->14.5c= $14,500
HZN 14->18= $12857.1

a return of


Crypto Crude
30-06-2009, 09:06 PM
6 months to go mackdunk...
a heap of time for company fundamentals to kick in...

duncan macgregor
01-07-2009, 07:27 AM
I would think that the companies to keep an eye on are in the mineral sector not the oil. I am keeping close watch on stock piles. Copper, Zink, lead and Nickel. When this down turn is over that is where the money will be made. Oil is manipulated to much in supply and demand only worth buying into when its obviously to low. Good competition Shrewdy dont forget to count the interest on the dividend money next time. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
01-07-2009, 10:57 AM
its time for you to go shopping...
I saw ASB have a deposit rate of 3% for a 6 month term deposit...
unless you show me any other rate (that we will fix because thats what you said you do), then I will use this rate...
hahahaha... your going to need it all, and you know it.... so good on you mackdunk e pooh......

27-07-2009, 12:24 AM
I think you might be in trouble here Duncan :p

duncan macgregor
28-07-2009, 03:23 PM
I dont care STRAT its not me that has to play catch up to get back to 21.6c.
Real life its timing the market that counts. Study the market sentiment first the company is a distant second you know that. The Shrewd one hopefully has learned a lesson from this and devised a stop loss system. Having a great time havent had time to bother with the markets to much Fishing hunting and my other interests are more important. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
28-07-2009, 06:23 PM
LOL at mackdunk...
Im virtually on the brink of being indifferent between holding my CUE or your interest in bank, over the last year and a half... within 60 days our performances will be indifferent...
dont be so nasty...

you must wear a helmet to cushion that hard head of yours...

end of month update is near...
dont be mad that im on the brink of 2 in a row...
activities and fundamentals that will roll you again this year...
yeahhh ahhhharrrgggghhhhhhhh....

they call me popa, aka the Giant killer...

duncan macgregor
29-07-2009, 10:41 AM
SHREWDY, The one thing about these little competitions is the learning experience from a different point of view to your own. The one thing i hope you noticed is the SP of your CUE in relation to the price of oil. In real life that should have been your buy sell signals not some great analysis of the company fundamentals. The SP almost halved with you riding it down bleating like SNOOPY about how right you were, and how wrong the market was. Think about it Brother, The opportunity lost, money tied up getting back to square one. Study your market first, money sitting in the bank is better than money going down hill in a downtrending market. Learn to read the market which follows very closely to the supply and demand charts, especially the mining sector. If you had a stop loss, working off moving averages, look at what you might have earned, instead of playing catch up. The next big movers when this recession is over is the mineral market, keep close watch on the mineral price charts. Oil will come a distant second to what goes into battery powered cars, which will take off, so study that. CHINA has hundreds of thousands of battery powered scooters at the moment. Study the price charts of commodoties that is the rising or falling tide of companies in that sector. Look it all up in hindesight of what happened in the past, dont fall in love with a stupid company again . The tide lifts and lowers all ships in unison, other than the ones with a hole in the bottom read the charts. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
03-08-2009, 05:42 PM
Its only time mackdunk...
and I still have alot of it...
im living to 100...
2 years is nothing...
in a market meltdown, im real happy...
give it up to me mackdunk....;)...

as I said...
I wont sell until realisation of the value of this company is realised...
I dont care how long it takes...
until new info comes that makes me believe otherwise, then im afraid, I have to hold.....

I will put an update up shortly mackdunk e pooh......

CUE is a strong BUY set to rip this competition apart...
Heres to Manaia...
market mispricing of drilling risk...
thats why HZN is there...
yeah hharrgrgggghhhhhhh

duncan macgregor
07-08-2009, 10:28 AM
SHREWDY, I hope you have kept up with the mineral charts nickel is in a steep uptrend pulling nickel companies up with it. MCR, no debt is going to double in price mate get on to it. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
07-08-2009, 05:10 PM
forget about all that boyoo...
have a look at CUE over the next 5 weeks...
The one stock you have bullied me about is going to take you down in this competition....you were the playground bully and I was not going to be treated like a puppet... I stood up and said.........
thats what I said...
It took a year and a bit...
now yourve officially got nothing on me of all time... ive still got all the other stuff on you... hehehe...
your battle hardened friend...
war torn...
Im a big no for MCR when I stack up opportunity cost plays...
BUL will outperform it, and in the monthly update, I could post the prices to track them.... thats if you want a mini competition on the side
--> scaredy cat...
or you chose another stock...?
You can choose a month next year for the mini comp to end... so that will give you the advantage for you to time your companies activities...

duncan macgregor
07-08-2009, 08:42 PM
SHREWDY, Now that you got back to square one with CUE I hope you were smart enough to learn a lesson. Its not what you or I think its value is worth, its what the market thinks. Do a study of Snoopy and his impressive fundamental analysis on share chat, then take a look at what he is holding long term over the years and learn from it. The market makes the trend, not you or me, study the market first, your or my fundamentals are a very poor second to that. Your timing was as bad as it could have been, you lost most of your capital in SP and are lucky to recoop. The only way you or I will make money is find a rising sector then find the company best fitted to exploit it. Nothing lasts forever my MCR will double in price then one day will downtrend like it has done in the past. CUE is no different, it halved its SP with you riding it down bleating on how right you were when your money should have been sitting in the bank waiting on a buy signal. Its not how long you are invested, its what happens when you are that counts. Money in the bank waiting on buy opportunities is money well invested as you will find out later in life.
Our little contest is only fun play removed from reality because you and I change our position frequently over 12 months. When are you going to work out how far you have to go playing catchup or will I have to do it for you?. Macdunk

09-08-2009, 08:54 PM
SHREWDY, I hope you have kept up with the mineral charts nickel is in a steep uptrend pulling nickel companies up with it. MCR, no debt is going to double in price mate get on to it. MacdunkDoes this mean you have come out to play. Bit slow off the mark there mate.

I know its a tad small to read but the red line is your ol fav, the 30 day ma. That alone should have had you in, in March with MCR. It would have tipped you out in July but only after a 133% gain :D

Shrewdy rode CUE down but you missed the buy signals with MCR. Does that mean you are even? :p

Shrewd is coming up for one of the Auckland meetings. What do you reckon Mac? Can you make it. It would be great to get together for a Scotch or two

duncan macgregor
11-08-2009, 02:45 PM
SHREWDY, I hope you have kept up with the mineral charts nickel is in a steep uptrend pulling nickel companies up with it. MCR, no debt is going to double in price mate get on to it. Macdunk

STRAT, It was worth its wait in gold if you will excuse the pun. Hope you listened to old Macdunk the SP will double unless nickel downtrends. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
12-08-2009, 12:12 PM
heres the competition update...

PPP 28c to 53.5c (nice pick)... $10,000-> $19,107
Barrels of oil $42.75 to $71 (nice pick).... $10,000-> $16,608
interest at bank 7.43% poor choice..... $10433
dividends from PPP $1071

total return of $47219...
or 57.4% return....

Shrewd Crude
CUE 10c to 23c... $10,000 to 23,000
HZN 14c to 20c...$10,000 to $15,714
NZO $1.28 to $1.62....$10,000 to $12656

total return of $51370
or 71.1% return

duncan macgregor
14-08-2009, 03:33 PM
forget about all that boyoo...
have a look at CUE over the next 5 weeks...
The one stock you have bullied me about is going to take you down in this competition....you were the playground bully and I was not going to be treated like a puppet... I stood up and said.........
thats what I said...
It took a year and a bit...
now yourve officially got nothing on me of all time... ive still got all the other stuff on you... hehehe...
your battle hardened friend...
war torn...
Im a big no for MCR when I stack up opportunity cost plays...
BUL will outperform it, and in the monthly update, I could post the prices to track them.... thats if you want a mini competition on the side
--> scaredy cat...
or you chose another stock...?
You can choose a month next year for the mini comp to end... so that will give you the advantage for you to time your companies activities...
.^sc Money in the bank SHREWDY waiting on this rocket to take off was well worth the wait. Hope our mate STRAT paid attention. Do yourself a favour and read the MCR thread on Sharechat from start to finish you might learn something. Macdunk

14-08-2009, 06:59 PM
Hope our mate STRAT paid attention. But Duncan its already gone up more than 400%. Using nothing but your fav, the 30 dma should have got you in cautiously in April. What took you so long?

Crypto Crude
15-08-2009, 01:38 PM

I suggest you read the NZ homebuyers are screwed thread, from start to end...
while your there, pop in to the CUE thread and have a peak when you sold below 15c and its now 50% higher...

You would only ever put money in bank for asset protection...
You put interest in bank (locked at 7%) in this competition because of this reason...

1) you thought the market was going to have a crash of a crash...
(you over estimated the recession)...

you came out of that cave of yours to spread fear and panic...
And I held on because I knew CUE was a strong company, and I showed you up when you tried to belittle me about the whole thing.....
as I said...
I lose time, I dont lose money...

In competitions you taught me to play the opponent and forget about everything else...
you were the one that got 'played' mackdunk...

I choose NZO, not because it was the best potential performer... but because it was a good offset of your interest in bank... with the sort of low risk profile as cash at bank.....

duncan macgregor
15-08-2009, 04:15 PM
On the 29th of july two years ago you started the CUE thread on Sharetrader stating you had invested 60% of your funds in CUE at an average of 21.6c.
You have stated all the way through that you were right and the market was the silly one.
Lets now look at your over two year investment with the benefit of hindesight to see if you were right and the market wrong.
CUE BUY PRICE AVERAGE 21.6c over two years invested.
LOWEST PRICE IN BETWEEN 9c in march 2009.
Far be it from me to suggest that it was a dumb move to fall in love with a company to the extent that you let that happen . I would much rather point out in my own little way that you have a lot to learn.
Money sitting in the bank waiting on safe investment opportunities is your investment ammunition. firring it to soon is a fools method. I told you about MCR, which is a good safe debt free company that follows the price of metal market up and down like a shadow. I made more on MCR in a couple of weeks than you did in a couple of years with CUE.
Come to think of it the money sitting in the bank for the first six months of this year had a higher return.
Read the MCR thread on Sharechat from start to finish with an open mind and learn from it.
The company is neither here nor there its the market that counts learn to study the market.

16-08-2009, 11:38 AM
But Duncan its already gone up more than 400%. Using nothing but your fav, the 30 dma should have got you in cautiously in April. What took you so long?Are you side stepping this one Macca? :D

duncan macgregor
16-08-2009, 02:26 PM
Are you side stepping this one Macca? :D nothing to side step STRAT. The markets are still dithering about its much better to be a little late waiting on the trend being confirmed than rush in. I merely pointed out to SHREWDY that this share wiuld double in price. He did a very stupid thing in riding CUE down to half his buy price then boasting how clever he was while still in the red. I asked him to read the MCR thread on Sharechat from start to finish for a very good reason. SNOOPY and SHREWDY nave more in common than he might think. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
16-08-2009, 04:37 PM
dont hide away on this thread...
come to the CUE thread...
all your answers are there my friend...

strike 1
strike 2
strike 2010?

Crypto Crude
08-09-2009, 05:52 AM
I wont update the results this month,
they have blown out again...
I will give you a chance to play catch up..

Crypto Crude
25-09-2009, 10:39 PM
THE competition well and truely got finished off this week/month...
CUE has run from 10c to 27c this year and HZN has gone from 14c to 33c...
You picked PPP at 28c which did well, but couldnt keep up and went for cash at bank interest rate of a single digit return?

my mate mackdunk,
Im curious to see what you pick against me next year?

I say that because one of your favourites that you have gone on and on about recently, MCR... Could it have the potential return to compete in this competition?

mackdunk, im actually bloody enraged that you would even think about trying to battle me with interest in bank as a pick...
next year come back with something that can actually perform...
you are a diddle brain...:)...

duncan macgregor
25-10-2009, 12:40 PM
SHREWDY, You are not doing nearly as well in real life with your investments as old Macdunk which is all that matters. To hold CUE for over two years then watch it go down from 21.6c to 10c then start skiting when it gets to 27c shows you up as a novice my man.
No stop loss, you know best attitude might let you off the hook this time,but if you dont change your ways, you will one day lose the lot. During the time you went from 21.6c to 27c I doubled my money more than twice if you were paying attention.
I also told you to get out the market quick which might have allowed you to buy back double your holding.
Its not how much you make in this game that is important, its how much you lose.
To have money sitting in the bank allowed me to speculate in a bottoming market in contrast to your playing catch up to regain your losses.
I dont invest anything unless its a certainty, gambleing is for beginners. The most important thing to get into your head is protect your assets at all costs. When money goes bad as it is doing right now, buy material assets. Money is only a promise to pay stampted on a bit of fancy paper manipulated by a bunch of crooks.
People with real money all hold large material assets and dabble in playing the markets.
I dont invest long term in shares, the market requires you to keep on the move, so what happened last year or a few months ago means very little to me today.

Crypto Crude
26-10-2009, 07:56 AM
hey hey hey mackdunk...
does this mean you still want a monthly competition update...
Shrewdy, dancing in the street...

Crypto Crude
13-11-2009, 11:40 AM
its time to start thinking about 2010...
are you on?

duncan macgregor
17-11-2009, 08:18 AM
its time to start thinking about 2010...
are you on?
.^sc I am always on mate for a bit of fun. Make up some rules about sticking to reality instead of this alice in wonderland crap type competition.
Lets face it I predicted gold silver and oil and stuck my money where my mouth was while you played catch up trying to get back to square one with CUE. I also had a nice play on MCR and PPP which has nothing to do with the long term hold this competion results dictate.
I really dont have time to be bothered playing the markets now that i am retired not much point really. Let me just predict when to buy and when to sell where we can keep count of the winners and losers. I spend my time having fun SHREYDY hope you can follow in my foot steps in your dotage when the time comes. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
17-11-2009, 12:20 PM
you have a think about how you want the 2010 comp to play out...
and post here what you think...

duncan macgregor
17-11-2009, 06:15 PM
you have a think about how you want the 2010 comp to play out...
and post here what you think...
.^scRight on mate, one buy per month sell when ever. That might interest me the only stipulation is before the event giving anyone following time to get in or get out.
Its pointless having a meaningless competition in some thing we dont do. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
18-11-2009, 10:43 AM
yes of course the 2 nil is meaningless...
you know why that is the case?
because you got slaughtered...

duncan macgregor
23-11-2009, 07:57 AM
SHREWDY, I wont go in to detail of what i do in private business when most of you are to scared to even use your real name. The sharemarket will have a bad year so no point in me selecting companies for the sake of it when i dont invest like that in any case.
Pick what you like out of this lot.
1, OIL is $42-75 todays price a barrel I bought barrels of high grade engine oil in real life with a price that is closely tied to the market price.
2,ASB in NZ todays rate is 7.43% I have a higher rate in AUSTRALIA bought last year.
3.Silver $11-10 at todays price.
4 GOLD $853-85,
I pay tax on shares so dont complicate things. The market is heading down in 2009 you would be wise to rethink your high risk investing style.
Pick what you like out of that lot i dont care. Macdunk Nothing like reality in hindesight to keep you honest.
Siver is selling at $18-46 up from $11-10 I still hold
Gold is $1148 up from $825 I still hold
OIL is $79-25 up from $42-75 I sold out
money in the bank did a trade on MCR at one stage for a large profit.
PPP shares sere sold when they hit my stop loss at a high profit.
To be fair gold silver and oil get measured in a falling American dollar but still beats having your money tied up in a company for two years at 21.6c up to 24c after watching it drop to 10c then rave on about being smart.
It is much better to invest with an open clear mind never fall in love with companies or your own abilities. The sign posts are clear learn to read them mate we are in for huge change in the short term if you allow yourself to hold in a downtrending share bleating on about being right then one day you will lose the lot. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
23-11-2009, 06:05 PM
When dealing with you, all I ever do is spend my time explaining things...
Explaining the same things time and time again....

give it up to me mackdunk...
Shrewd Crude is back, and as bad as ever...
CUE 25cents...
10% PA on CUE in the biggest crash in 70years...
whats with the beef, and why not let me off the hook on this one considering all that ensued...

duncan macgregor
23-11-2009, 08:26 PM
When dealing with you, all I ever do is spend my time explaining things...
Explaining the same things time and time again....

give it up to me mackdunk...
Shrewd Crude is back, and as bad as ever...
CUE 25cents...
10% PA on CUE in the biggest crash in 70years...
whats with the beef, and why not let me off the hook on this one considering all that ensued...
.^scRemember crude one who warned you about the crash coming and told you to get out the market, and buy material assets, such as gold silver and oil. Its not what you win that counts as much as what you lose with no sell system when the bad times hit. Hope you learned that lesson in real life for next time. Money in the bank in down turns are the wisest investment of all it allows you to pick the bargains at the bottom.
Incidently the market will go no where for some considerable time. Keep an eye on the metal price charts that is the indicator predicting the future. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
25-11-2009, 12:32 PM

Im sure you mean well,
I am going to continue investing in oil stocks, because that has made me alot of success...
and if you do something with success, then you keep on doing it...
why would I stop?

name me my losses in oil over 7 years...?
theres very few of em...
Theres only one or two...
and one was a $500 loss on FAR...

Money in the bank in down turns are the wisest investment of all it allows you to pick the bargains at the bottom.
Incidently the market will go no where for some considerable time

and that money in the back got smashed in the comp this year...
with CUE at 24-25c, would have me outperform your cash in bank anyway...
I told you on the sharemarket overview thread that the market totally over-reacted...
and so have you...

every year I give you the rules in this comp that you want...
And for next year, you are again pushing the boundarys...
why is it that you can not outperform me...?

duncan macgregor
28-11-2009, 03:03 PM
SHREWDY, you watched CUE go down from 21.6 c with most of your money on it to 10c.
My question to you now is CUE has gone down from 28c to 23c, and looks set to continue the downward slide in this economic climate with most of your money on it what happens now?. Are you so much in love with the company, and learned nothing, or have you learned that its the market not you who gets it right.
The TA shows you should have sold out waiting on a buy signal, just as it did in the past when i warned you to stick your money in the bank. Any fool can make money in a rising market, its the people that understand the markets next move that are the real winners.
The market is about to have another hiding with great change on the horizon, dont get caught out by being oblivious to the signs. The cracks have been papered over mate, keep your wits about you. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
30-11-2009, 12:24 PM
hey mackdunk,
total over reaction...

what happens now?
Im actually thinking about going all in on NGE...
at the right price, for sure...

So the answer is...
Yes I hope the market crashes...:)

duncan macgregor
01-12-2009, 10:22 AM
hey mackdunk,
total over reaction...

what happens now?
Im actually thinking about going all in on NGE...
at the right price, for sure...

So the answer is...
Yes I hope the market crashes...:)
.^sc Considering your selelected company is trading under the 100 day moving average at the moment all i can say is that you are a gambler, not an investor. One day picking bottoms will leave you covered in it. I will ask the question, what do you think you know that the market is unaware of?.
The TA gives you the signal from the people who have the inside knowledge with the people in the know sneaking in or sneaking out. Fundamental analysis is as usefull as tits on a bull compared to that signal. There is always a reason for a share to move against the general market trend study that first, the company comes a very distant second.
One in four is a bad call unless you are luckier or wiser than most all your eggs in one basket will see you lose big time the way you are going. Macdunk

Crypto Crude
01-12-2009, 12:37 PM

Crypto Crude
01-12-2009, 12:54 PM
leave TA vs FA out of this...

you are starting to sound like a 'Wild Man from Borneo'...

a man possessed...