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12-03-2008, 10:24 AM
I guess the old thread was deleted for breaking forum rules so Im starting a new one. Debate to your hearts content but be nice people so as to avoid the thread being removed again.

A few of you know I have shares in this company. I stated on the previous thread I think this company will be a turn around story this year and have put my money where my mouth is.

12-03-2008, 10:25 AM
PLS 12/03/2008

GENERAL REL: 1001 HRS Plus SMS Holdings Limited

GENERAL: PLS: First Commercial Launch of Windows Live for Mobile

CRE8 Announces the World's First Commercial Launch of Microsoft Windows Live(TM) for Mobile

March 12, 2008 (Christchurch, New Zealand) - CRE8 Limited (NZAX: PLS), a leading provider of mobile entertainment and connectivity services for operators, brands, media and consumers worldwide, announced today that Vivo, one of the largest mobile operators in the world, has commercially deployed CRE8's first to market solution enabling Microsoft Windows Live(TM) for mobile.

"After one year of development, intense testing and certification by Microsoft, CRE8's robust and scalable messaging solution delivers a single integrated service to Windows Live Messenger, Live Mail and Live Spaces through our gateway and billing hub and client software," said Christopher Tiensch, CEO of CRE8.

As part of the commercial arrangement, Vivo, Microsoft and CRE8 will share in the monthly subscription. These new services provide a rich user experience to bridge communication between PC & mobile.

The full text of the translated Vivo press release can be found below:


Brazilian market is first in the world to have Windows Live services available for a single monthly fee

Microsoft, Motorola, and Vivo offer Brazilian mobile subscribers first-to-market Windows Live - Messenger, Hotmail, and Spaces - for unlimited use at a fixed rate. As part of the launch, the application comes fully installed in the new MOTOROKR U9 mobile phone and can be downloaded via the Vivo Downloads platform for other devices of the manufacturer.

The decision to launch first in Brazil is justified by the fact that Brazil has more than 122 million mobile phones currently in operation. Brazil is also one of the world leaders in residential internet use, registering the greatest average residential navigation time per internet user - 23hours and 12minutes per month, according to research from IBOPE NetRatings, a great part of which is dedicated to access to such services. MSN Messenger, the most used instant communication program in Brazil, registers more than 34 million Brazilian users per month, exchanging more than 1 billion instant messages per day.

Hotmail, the worldwide leader in population, contains 31.5 million active accounts today; while Spaces, the second largest relationship site in the country, has surpassed the 8 million user per month mark. The mobile phone tends to increase usability potential of these services, giving its user the freedom and mobility of internet use at any time and in any place.

Furthermore, the application maintains the same interface and navigation logic as its version for PC services. Thus, it is possible to have simultaneous conversations with diverse Messenger contacts, including the use of emoticons, as well as responding and forwarding messages through Hotmail between one call and another.

In the case of Spaces, the Messenger social network, the application will make it possible to use the fotoblog tool. The user will be able to take a picture with the built-in camera in their mobile phone and post it on Spaces within a matter of seconds.

According to the Executive Director of the Online Services Group of Microsoft Brazil, Osvaldo Barbosa de Oliveira, this release is part of the company's strategy, which offers complete integration between the best software and the latest online services. "Our objective is to extend the practicality and trustworthiness that the user already has in Microsoft's online tools to other devices, such as the cellular telephone, increasing their options for when and where they choose to be connected and thus, in contact with friends and colleagues," he affirms.

CRE8 Limited (NZAX: PLS), a leading provider of mobile entertainment and connectivity services has developed the software application used by Motorola and enabled the gateway and client service offering of Microsoft Windows Live(TM) for mobile for Vivo through its operational platform.

One of the characteristics that made this release yet more attractive to the consumer is its simple payment structure: instead of being charged for data transmission, the client pays a fixed rate of R$8,90 (~U$5.25) per month. This amount guarantees connection to Messenger, Hotmail, and content sharing in Spaces through Motorola cellular phones without worrying about time online or volume of data transfer.

"The union of the three Windows Live services in a single mobile application revolutionizes the way in which we relate to the cell phone, permitting greater convergences and practically for the final user," says Alexandre Fernandes, Product and Services Director at Vivo. "We believe that another of the biggest advantages from the partnership is the fixed monthly rate, something which should certainly please our young customers. This way, clients will be able to better control their spending without giving up navigation time," affirms Roger Sol?, Premium Segment Marketing Director of the company.

Upon launch, the application will be compatible with the MOTOROKR U9, Z6, W5, MOTORAZR2 V8, W510, A1200e, K1, and U6 series models. The portfolio will be amplified during the remainder of the year, including another 49 Motorola models. With the exception of the U9 and A1200e models, which already come with pre-installed and customized software, it will be necessary to download the Windows Live application, available in the Vivo Downloads platform. The download is free. In order to configure your account, it's simple: just follow the step-by-step procedures as they appear on the monitor, using already existing Hotmail account information.

"The objective of Motorola is to give mobility and convergence to its consumers, offering complete experiences on their cellular phones, whether for productivity or entertainment. Our partnership with Vivo and Microsoft reflects this concept and makes us pioneers in offering yet another innovative service in the area of technology and consumption, through our product portfolio and our most recent release, the MOTOROKR U9," affirms Loredana Mariotto, Director of Marketing and Wholesale of Mobile Products at Motorola.

The solution is available for every Vivo client with compatible Motorola models, independent of the base in which they are inserted (Vivo Pr?, Vivo Controle, or Vivo P?s). For Vivo Pr? clients, the cost will be automatically debited from available user credits, with the service available as long as existing credit is available. For post-paying clients, the cost will appear on the following account statement, while clients with the Control plan will be charged from remaining credits.

Before activating the package, upon the client completing their first access, the user will have 10 days free use of the application. Upon completing this period, a text message will appear on the screen, communicating the amount in order to contract the service. Activating the package, the client will receive an SMS message each 30 days, confirming the continued renovation of the amount charged.

About the Microsoft Online Services Group

The Online Services Group is the division of Microsoft responsible for the company's most advanced Web technologies, including Windows Live, Live Search, and the MSN content Portal. Windows Live is a set of software and Internet services that brings together in one simple format personal information and interests with security and protection resources for the computer, devices, and the Web.

According to the January, 2008 report from Ibope/Nielsen NetRatings, in ranking brand names in the category of Portals and Communities (which includes applications), Windows Live and MSN register 82% reach in Brazilian domestic Internet use. According to the same report, the MSN Portal home page registers the largest audience in the country, with 35% reach. The alert service, available on the portal has already acquired more than 300 thousand subscribers.

Windows Live Messenger leads the category of instant messages in Brazil and in the world, with 75% market penetration, reaching more than 34 million internet users in Brazil. Windows Live Search is among the largest search services in the country, and Windows Live Hotmail is the most-used webmail - totaling 31.5 million active accounts. Windows Live Spaces counts on its 8.3 million users in Brazil.

About Vivo

Vivo (Bovespa: VIVO3, VIVO4; NYSE: VIV), controlled by the Portugal Telecom and Telef?nica Groups, is the largest telecommunications operator in the southern hemisphere, in terms of number of users. It offers the best quality calls, according to the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (Ag?ncia Nacional de Telecomunica??es (Anatel)). Among Vivo's competitive advantages are: the constant search for excellence in providing services, focusing on quality in all its contact points between the client and the operator, broadband data transmission services based on the third generation network, and its ample portfolio of products and services.

Through the Vivo Institute, the company manages its investments in social responsibility and coordinates its volunteer program actions. The Vivo initiatives are geared towards causes for social inclusion with people with deficiencies in education which generates opportunity, work, and income.

In the area of environmental responsibility, Vivo has developed an internal program for managing waste, beyond its actions in environmental education, as well as a pioneer project for collecting and recycling cellular devices, batteries, and accessories, which in 2007 collected more than 140 thousand items.

About Motorola

Motorola is known worldwide for its innovation in communication. The company develops technologies, products, and services which make mobile experiences possible. Our portfolio includes communication infrastructure, corporate mobility solutions, digital decoders, cable modems, mobile devices, and Bluetooth accessories. Motorola is committed to delivering the next generation of communication solutions to people, corporations, and governments. Member of the Fortune 100, with global presence and impact, the company attained sales of US$ 36.6 billion in 2007.

Since 1995, Motorola has invested more than US$ 500 million in Brazil, including the amount destined to the construction of the Industrial and Technological Campus of Jaguari?na, S?o Paulo. Beyond the areas of cellular manufacturing, iDEN terminals,, professional radios, and wireless modules, research and development centers are installed on the Campus

12-03-2008, 10:26 AM
PLS 12/03/2008
GENERAL REL: 1007 HRS Plus SMS Holdings Limited
GENERAL: PLS: Announces Presentation of LIVE2GO Service Offering CRE8 Announces Presentation of its LIVE2GO Service Offering (Microsoft Windows Live(TM) for mobile) March 12, 2008 (Christchurch, New Zealand) - CRE8 Limited (NZAX: PLS), a leading provider of mobile entertainment and connectivity services for operators, brands, media and consumers worldwide, announced today that an overview of CRE8's LIVE2GO service offering (Microsoft Windows Live(TM) for mobile) is available at www.cre-eight.com/downloads/L2G_Overview.pdf (http://www.cre-eight.com/downloads/L2G_Overview.pdf). The Company welcomes shareholders and the general public to visit the CRE8 website and download the presentation.

12-03-2008, 12:17 PM
Pre 97 during the .com days alot of companies throw alot of technical words and numbers around like billion dollar markets etc. Strat mate, read between the lines.

The best advice I can give you is talk to a reputable broker who has been through the 87 market crash and he/she will probably know the promoters behind this company and then go talk to IT gurus and see what they think of all this BS behind this company's BS product. Dig deeper my son.

Local example off the top of my head, Indranet! They were/are classics

12-03-2008, 12:39 PM
How about some specific on topic arguments fellas. Suggesting I have a chat to a broker who has been around long enough to remember the 87 crash or implying some correlation between this and the indranet is hardly basis for a debate.

12-03-2008, 01:18 PM
The full text of the translated Vivo press release can be found below:

As part of the commercial arrangement, Vivo, Microsoft and CRE8 will share in the monthly subscription

Come on guys - I know everybody likes to dump on this company. They had no credibility until recently, but this is a serious deal.

There are 122 mil cellphones in Brazil, (up from 86 mil 3 years ago) and Motorola (the biggest manufacturer in Latin America) is supplying this on new phones. In Sth America and Sth East Asia, cellphones are used like we use PCs here. CRE8 has got a deal to clip the ticket on potentially tens of millions of subscribers. If anyone is looking for a deal to produce revenue, you couldn't do much better than this. Dotcoms were run from basements and didn't have deals with Microsoft.

12-03-2008, 09:10 PM
The best advice I can give you is talk to a reputable broker who has been through the 87 market crash and he/she will probably know the promoters behind this company and then go talk to IT gurus and see what they think of all this BS behind this company's BS product. Dig deeper my son.

with a bit of nous and an internet connection there's a lot you can find out for yourself y'know.... have you actually done any research or is your 'BS behind the BS product' comment just based on events that happened a year or more ago.

I spent a lot of time researching the NEW PLS management and advisory board. I was impressed, especially with Chris Tiensch. I'm not going to waste my time writing about why I think the product and the markets have potential, if I do I'm going to cop it for ramping.

DYOR, make your own decisions - I'm sitting on a 50% gain on my PLS shares which I'm happy with.

PLS is definitely speculative (especially in the current market) and there are things I'm still trying to piece together about the company and it's products. It would be nice to have some intelligent debate on the company here, but I don't think that's going to happen unfortunately.

Snow Leopard
13-03-2008, 12:08 AM
Perhaps a search for Windows Live Mobile (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=windows+live+mobile&meta=) would be in order.
I am unsure that Cre8 have any advantage in the great scheme of things.
Although this will bring them revenue how much is far from clear.
Which other markets this 'product' would fit is also open to debate.

Presumably they have other ideas to pursue.

I will not mention the current $55m market cap either. ;)

Paper Tiger

13-03-2008, 03:46 AM
Here is Nitas view or spin on it all.

I know jack didley squat about the terminolgy used in the various announcements by PLS. Therefore I will never invest in this company or any other company that i dont understand the basic fundermentals of their announcements. It will be purely a gamble if i did.

If you do know what all the announcements mean and what the company is actually trying to achieve, then one can make an informed decision based on proper information rather than relying purely on luck.

Out of curiosity, maybe some whiz tec person can explain in lamens term what it means. Again i would still not invest but i am interested to know all the same.

discl. not holding

13-03-2008, 10:56 AM
Perhaps a search for Windows Live Mobile (http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=windows+live+mobile&meta=) would be in order.
I am unsure that Cre8 have any advantage in the great scheme of things.
Although this will bring them revenue how much is far from clear.
Which other markets this 'product' would fit is also open to debate.

Presumably they have other ideas to pursue.

I will not mention the current $55m market cap either. ;)

Paper Tiger

"First commercially available client and gateway service offering
of Microsoft Windows Live™ for mobile using the latest
Microsoft communications protocol, MSP3.0 – delivered by

I suspect they mean that they're the first to do it under this new communications protocol, MSP3.0...Which really means SFA to be quite honest.

Looks pretty easy for Nokia users (this is not a CRE8 service):
Windows Live for Nokia is available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines.

A lot of mobile phones utilise similar online capabilities, but the reality is: every man and his dog has a computer/laptop close to them, so why pay an extra arm and a leg for more online connectivity on top of that?

13-03-2008, 11:00 AM
Further, check out:


What's the difference you say? Looks like all the same functionality to me...Oh whoops its using Java, not this MPS3.0 protocol.....

13-03-2008, 11:11 AM
Further, check out:


What's the difference you say? Looks like all the same functionality to me...Oh whoops its using Java, not this MPS3.0 protocol.....

I think that an announcement will come later in the year saying that they have an agreement with Microsoft and have a contract to use MPS3.1 throughout the asia - pacific market comprising 2 billion mobiles and projected to grow 20 billion mobiles by 2015, which has extensive advantages over existing technologies.

I will remain a sceptic until I can see a hint of PROFIT or a reason why they are more competitive than the other million i.t. companies entering this space.

13-03-2008, 11:45 AM
I suspect they mean that they're the first to do it under this new communications protocol, MSP3.0...Which really means SFA to be quite honest................

A lot of mobile phones utilise similar online capabilities, but the reality is: every man and his dog has a computer/laptop close to them, so why pay an extra arm and a leg for more online connectivity on top of that?
I think the main Points of difference are the MSP3.0 - which they claim is faster to use in these applications - and offering it on a fixed monthly fee,
instead of charging by time or data downloaded, and in a country with 122 million cellphones.

And their stated intention is to operate in countries where PC ownership is low and mobile rules, hence the presence in Latin America and Sth East Asia.

These events are not major on an international scale Trackers, but to PLS shareholders it marks the turning point from the old PLUS-SMS days to a credible, revenue-generating and dynamic company run by acknowledged experts in the field. That's why - for us at least - it is exciting:)

13-03-2008, 11:56 AM
I think the main Points of difference are the MSP3.0 - which they claim is faster to use in these applications - and offering it on a fixed monthly fee,
instead of charging by time or data downloaded, and in a country with 122 million cellphones.

And their stated intention is to operate in countries where PC ownership is low and mobile rules, hence the presence in Latin America and Sth East Asia.

These events are not major on an international scale Trackers, but to PLS shareholders it marks the turning point from the old PLUS-SMS days to a credible, revenue-generating and dynamic company run by acknowledged experts in the field. That's why - for us at least - it is exciting:)

Fair enough, I'm just advising caution (Which I might add I also explicitly did right before the SP halved overnight last year) - Least they don't appear to be handing out shares as if they came from the back of a cereal box anymore! :)

13-03-2008, 03:28 PM
Link to the Microsoft announcement. Anyone here speak Portuguese? :D


13-03-2008, 03:59 PM
Link to the Microsoft announcement. Anyone here speak Portuguese? :D



(makes sense...Mostly! :) )

13-03-2008, 04:13 PM

(makes sense...Mostly! :) )Thanks for that Trackers, Its pretty much the same ann as released by PLS as far as I can see

07-05-2008, 09:39 AM
PLS 07/05/2008 GENERAL REL: 0848 HRS Plus SMS Holdings Limited GENERAL: PLS: PLS - CRE8 Announces Plans to Re-list in Australia PLUS SMS HOLDINGS LIMITED ("PLS") NZAX RELEASE CRE8 Announces Plans to Re-list in Australia May 7, 2008 (Christchurch, New Zealand) - Plus SMS Holdings Limited (NZAX: PLS), announced today that the Board of Directors are pursuing a Company listing on the Australian Stock Exchange. Advisors are being engaged to determine the most efficient way to carry out the re-listing. As part of the proposed re-listing, the Company will change its name to CRE8 and continue to focus on its core service offerings, which includes deploying Microsoft Windows Live(TM) for mobile services across Latin America, Asia and, ultimately, worldwide. The service was successfully launched in Brazil in March, which was a world's first, and further launches are planned in the coming weeks and months. CEO, Christopher Tiensch said, "An Australian listing will enhance liquidity and increase value for our shareholders. The re-listing is seen as a natural and positive step in the growth of the Company since approximately 40% of the existing Plus SMS shareholder base is from Australia." The Board intends to put a formal proposal to shareholders as soon as feasible. About CRE8 and Plus SMS Holdings Limited CRE8 is a leading provider of mobile entertainment and connectivity services for operators, brands, media and consumers worldwide. CRE8 is a subsidiary company of Plus SMS Holdings Limited (NZAX: PLS). For more information visit: www.cre-eight.com

07-05-2008, 10:48 AM
Isn't this pretty much the same release Blue Chip put out a few years ago?

07-05-2008, 11:04 AM
Isn't this pretty much the same release Blue Chip put out a few years ago?LOL, now thats just plain cruel:D

As I posted earlier. I will get back to yall later in the year;)

11-06-2008, 09:06 AM
LOL, now thats just plain cruel:D

As I posted earlier. I will get back to yall later in the year;)

Just for you Strat ...


Plus SMS raises cash

New 5:30AM Wednesday June 11, 2008

Plus SMS Holdings says it has raised $1.25 million by issuing 15.625 million convertible loan notes at 8c each.
The money would be used to support the expansion of the company's Windows Live for Mobile services across Latin America and Asia.
Plus SMS is the parent company of mobile entertainment and connectivity services provider CRE8.
Plus SMS shares closed down 0.9c at 9.3c. Its shares were as high as 82c in November 2005.

11-06-2008, 09:21 AM
Shasta what are you doing down here in the little nooks an crevices hope your not slumming it ha ha!

11-06-2008, 09:31 AM
Thought I would just mention, I still think that the present management could still turn this around.

11-06-2008, 01:52 PM
pump and dump

LOL...how are they going to pay 8% when they have no income?

12-06-2008, 10:40 AM
LOL...how are they going to pay 8% when they have no income?They do have some income.

In the half-year to 30th September 2007 they reported income of $2.7 million. The company's problem is that their costs were even higher - so high that they managed to make a loss of $2.45 million during the half-year.

What really surprises me is that they managed to raise this money at a cost of only 8%. Most people would Fletcher Building to have a lower risk of default, but their 2011 debt is trading at a yield of around 9.5%.

12-06-2008, 11:33 AM
What really surprises me is that they managed to raise this money at a cost of only 8%. Most people would Fletcher Building to have a lower risk of default, but their 2011 debt is trading at a yield of around 9.5%.

I suppose there are alot of MUGS out there. Just have to look at the finance companies to know that.

The bank debts raised recently gave over 10%, so I dont know who would want to buy PLS notes. LOL

12-06-2008, 02:33 PM
I like the word Nub its a bit like Numpty it has the same kind of resonance inside an empty head, not that i'm making any reference to anyone before I'm hung drawn an quartered, I still think that the management are a lot better than two years ago with this company, that isn't to say I would advice anyone to money into it.

12-06-2008, 03:02 PM
well i expect a nub like dr who to not understand this at all - he is a moron of the highest order.

convertible notes are issued on lower yields due to the value inherent in the option to convert.

it is not really a debt instrument - just meant to fool idiots like dr who into thinking it is.

Hey ease up on the personal attacks Psycho! And stop following me around and sniffing my butt like a dog.

I know the difference between convert notes and debt instruments very well, thank you. As for PLS, what are note going to converted into, a company that is in liquidation? This company has BIO written all over it and will continue to raise funds to stay afloat.

06-08-2008, 03:21 PM
Pump and dump.

Read the latest SSH.

08-08-2008, 03:14 PM
During the last couple of months PLS has made steady progress and accelerated
the number of sales opportunities associated with its Windows Live for Mobile
service offering. Additional details will be provided at the AGM as several
of these opportunities are close to commercial launch.

08-08-2008, 03:22 PM
love the stement

steady progress (nice touchy feel about it - what I do in the morning on my way for the regular dum p)

has accelerated the number of sales opportunities (using the Paraguay phone book as well as the one from Brazil - all other countries with telephone systems still too peed off from the PLS wonder marketing plan to send the company one)

Additional details will be provided at the AGM as several of these opportunities are close to commercial launch. (Mars colonisation is very close verus Pluto colonisation - and wonder if this commercail entity will ever have a profitable commercial activity - lots of launches, potential, fund raising, potential, launches, revenue even, profit ever???, Yes profit for management - thats it eureka - I knew every commercial entity had to have a reason or it would not survive)

15-09-2008, 02:36 PM
Oooooooh, Trading Halt :eek:.

Thought Id update this thread just to see who wants to flick some more **** in this direction :D

15-09-2008, 02:42 PM
Am I going to be kicking myself Strat?

15-09-2008, 02:49 PM
Am I going to be kicking myself Strat?I really dunno actually mate. Maybe.

but I hope so cause I bought some at that time.

15-09-2008, 02:50 PM
My tongue's almost bleeding it I'm biting it so hard trying not to say anything :) :D

15-09-2008, 02:56 PM
My lips almost bleeding it I'm biting it so hard trying not to say anything :) :DLOL:D
Go hard mate , Let it out. Its not healthy to keep in built up inside ya like that. Something will hemorrhage :eek:

It wont bother me. Besides, I could see myself doin the same thing in similar circumstances.;)

In the interest of full disclosure I suggested to Serpie that if he had been following this saga and had any interest in it at all then taking the risk into account it may have been a good time for a dabble. I bought some then at 4.6c

16-09-2008, 10:44 AM
:( Bloody hell Strat, if you want to throw away money I'll PM you my bank account details..! ;)

Plus SMS Holdings Limited (NZAX: PLS) today announced:

1. Resignation of CEO and Chairman

The Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Company, Mr. C. Tiensch, has
resigned immediately as Chairman and director the Company and has given the
Company 6 months notice of his intention to resign from his roles a Chief
Executive of the Company.

2. Resignation of CFO and Company Secretary

The Chief Financial Officer of the Company, Mr Les Coates, has resigned as
company secretary with immediate effect and given the Company 6 months notice
of his intention to resign from his role as Chief Financial Officer of the

3. Appointment of Mr Robert Hunter to the Board

Mr Robert K Hunter has been appointed to the Board of Directors to fill a
casual vacancy. Mr Hunter will be joining the Board with immediate effect. Mr
Hunter will also assume the role as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Mr. Hunter B Com, FCA, SAA brings his extensive corporate expertise with over
20 years as a Corporate Advisor and Company Director across a range of
industries. His Australian work and experience in guiding companies in their
development phase ensures he is well placed to assist the company.

Mr. Hunter's formal qualifications include Bachelor of Commerce; Registered
Public Practitioner, Tax Agent, Auditor, Financial Advisor and Liquidator in
Norfolk Island; a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Australia, Specialist Member of Superannuation Professionals Association and
Member of NSW Justices' Association.

4. Senior Executives

The Board is also involved in discussions with a number of other senior
executives about their future roles and expects to make further announcements
in this regard within 10 days.

The Board has been advised that the executive team will in the interim
continue to fulfill their respective duties and responsibilities to their
fullest extent.


About CRE8 and Plus SMS Holdings Limited
CRE8 is a leading provider of mobile entertainment and connectivity services
for operators, brands, media and consumers worldwide. CRE8 is a subsidiary
company of Plus SMS Holdings Limited (NZAX: PLS). For more information visit:

16-09-2008, 11:08 AM
:( Bloody hell Strat, if you want to throw away money I'll PM you my bank account details..! ;)

Last one out turn the lights off? :confused:

16-09-2008, 11:27 AM
Guess who has been selling the last few months?

16-09-2008, 12:02 PM
In the interest of full disclosure I suggested to Serpie that if he had been following this saga and had any interest in it at all then taking the risk into account it may have been a good time for a dabble. I bought some then at 4.6c
Strat – a word to the wise. Now’s the time to implement the reknown “Belgarion” investment strategy. Price now at 3.9 so a good buy opportunity for you.

16-09-2008, 12:05 PM
Strat – a word to the wise. Now’s the time to implement the reknown “Belgarion” investment strategy. Price now at 3.9 so a good buy opportunity for you.

.... what .... build a pyramid?

16-09-2008, 12:17 PM
.... what .... build a pyramid?
No, no no. As you may recall the infamous “Belgarion” strategy is to keep buying a downward trending stock. A key indicator that a Belg is in play is when the tranches get bigger as the price becomes more affordable. The ultimate aim is to take a controlling, or at least significant share holding in the company. Keen strategists will pick up the best selling text “FTX – How to Trade an Icon” at their local Money Managers store. Or if you want to see a live version check out RBD.

16-09-2008, 12:23 PM
Price now at 3.9 so a good buy opportunity for you.A good buy opportunity? Or should that be goodbye

16-09-2008, 12:28 PM
A good buy opportunity? Or should that be goodbye
We really should get the Belg strategy on the “Newbies” Thread. Followers of this strategy would sooner have 100% of nothing (and will invest all they have to achieve this aim) rather than a mere 1% of something. There is never a “goodbye” – only another opportunity!

16-09-2008, 12:28 PM
In the interest of full disclosure I suggested to Serpie that if he had been following this saga and had any interest in it at all then taking the risk into account it may have been a good time for a dabble. I bought some then at 4.6c

In your defence Strat your message to me included the phrases "small risky play" and "pull the proverbial rabbit out".
You've done alright out of playing with this one in the past. Can't get them all.

16-09-2008, 12:31 PM
A key indicator that a Belg is in play is when the tranches get bigger as the price becomes more affordable.
And there it is - A Belg in play. 85,900 shares bought at 3.9 when todays opening play was 5,000 at 5. A classic move! Someone's read teh book well!

16-09-2008, 12:44 PM
In your defence Strat your message to me included the phrases "small risky play" and "pull the proverbial rabbit out".
You've done alright out of playing with this one in the past. Can't get them all.Thanks for coming to my rescue there Serpie but Shastas comment " last one turn out the lights" may be on the money. CT leaving is the equivilent of Team NZ having their sails stolen while they are somewhere between the first and second mark. :(

16-09-2008, 12:48 PM
Plus SMS Holdings CEO, CFO quit: Shares drop 32%

Plus SMS Holdings, whose CRE8 subsidiary provides mobile entertainment and connectivity services, said chief executive Chris Tiensch and chief financial officer Les Coates resigned. The shares fell 32% ...

http://www.sharechat.co.nz/news/scnews/article.php/33e37670 Thanks Vicky. I was wondering what was going on.:D

16-09-2008, 01:47 PM
Shake up in Plus SMS leadership

Telecommunications Company Plus SMS Holdings said today that its chief executive officer and chairman Chris Tiensch and chief financial officer and company secretary Les Coates will be stepping down from their roles.
Tiensch and Coates have resigned effective immediately from their roles as chairman and company secretary, and gave six months notice of their intention to leave their respective management positions.
Today's announcement follows a stand-off between shareholders and the company over an issue of shares to Tiensch.
The company's annual general meeting held on September 04 was adjourned until Sept 25 in respect to the proposed issue of 13,481,838 new ordinary shares to Tiensch.
"We will obtain a second independent legal opinion on the validity of the proposed issue of these shares to Mr Tiensch under his employment contract" the Board of directors said then.
Today, a statement from the company said the Board expected to make a further announcement in the next 10 days after discussions with senior executives about their future roles.
Robert Hunter has been appointed a director and will assume the role of chairman.
The stock exchange lifted the trading halt in Plus SMS shares after this morning's announcement.
Milk it dry and do the bolt...History repeats itself; I love it! Still love Shasta's take on it though

Crypto Crude
16-09-2008, 02:45 PM
trackers-I love it! Still love Shasta's take on it though

What did shasta say, I cant seem to find the post...

16-09-2008, 02:58 PM
And there it is - A Belg in play. 85,900 shares bought at 3.9 when todays opening play was 5,000 at 5. A classic move! Someone's read teh book well!
And another 100,000 at 3 followed by the smart money – 100,00 at 2.7. Brilliantly played Belg moves – might be time to update those text book examples!

16-09-2008, 03:14 PM
What did shasta say, I cant seem to find the post...

In response to CEO, CFO (secretary) doing the bolt:

Last one out turn the lights off? :confused:

23-06-2009, 09:44 AM
Ahh the good old days...

Minus SMS

OPINION: Memo to the NZX and Securities Commission: Please boot Plus SMS off the sharemarket and let the courts sort out this penny dreadful.
Although the firm continues to provide extraordinary comedy value to those of us fortunate enough not to own any of its shares, it has now gone well beyond bringing the market into disrepute.
The comment from Chairman Robert Hunter in yesterday's Sunday Star-Times (http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/market-data/companies/2522816/Big-ideas-with-little-results-The-Plus-SMS-story) shows that even the chairman has had a gutful of Plus SMS's shenanigans.
"I totally regret it," Hunter told the SST of his involvement with Plus SMS.
"It's the worst thing that's ever happened in my life."
Hunter's comments come after The Independent revealed last week (http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/market-data/companies/2513770/Plus-SMS-stoush-carries-on) that a US court case between Plus SMS and its former CEO and chairman Christopher Tiensch is heading to New Zealand for arbitration.
And that news followed NZX Regulation suspending trading (http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/market-data/companies/2501946/Plus-SMS-curiouser-and-curiouser) in Plus SMS's shares after the company reinstated its directors, including Hunter, who it said had resigned due to errors and miscommunication.
At the time trading in its shares was frozen, Plus SMS was valued at just $2.3 million with its shares worth less than 1c each, a far cry from the heady days of 2006 when the shares hit 82 cents - based on unjustified hype and hope - giving the firm a market capitalisation of about $250 million.
A 2005 back door listing after shell company RetailX acquired Isle of Man company Plus SMS, it's the perfect example of an overhyped, under delivering boom time company gone sour. Plus SMS's actual business, involving the mysterious development of mobile phone products and services, has always provided minimal earnings and been overseas.
Despite its woes and annual turnover of just $5.5 million and losses of $6.96 million, Plus SMS managed to dish out directors' fees of $85,000 to each of its independent directors in 2007.
As for Plus SMS's NZX announcements, the limbo bar gets lower and lower. Aside from the "erroneous" resignations, it has (among other things) also given us:
*A late interim report because it lost key company data.
*Allegations - in the Tiensch Texas court battle - that directors and shareholders tried to mislead investors and pump the share price.
*A senior staffer, Nicolas Barrera Rios, sacked for "gross misconduct and alleged criminal fraud" apparently leading to legal proceedings to recover potential damages for lost earnings. This also saw Plus SMS reverse a prediction that it was poised to break-even.
*And an apology to founder Garry Donoghue for "any disparaging comments made about him" by representatives of the company.
The Securities Commission started investigating Plus SMS as long ago as 2006. NZX Regulation has suspended trading in its shares. My colleague David Hargreaves (http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/774450) called for this listed disgrace to be expunged from the sharemarket last December. Today I'm reiterating it. Please pull the plug on Plus SMS. Permanently.

23-06-2009, 10:03 AM
Maybe CR8 should launch a takeover for DPC

08-07-2009, 10:11 AM
Game over for PLS.

I am surprise this dog lasted so long.

08-07-2009, 10:18 AM
Game over for PLS.

I am surprise this dog lasted so long.

Its only a "suspension" so there is still hope for those with rose tinted glasses.

08-07-2009, 11:16 AM
Nothing wrong with Plus SMS. Securities Commission has cleared company.

Great story and the market loved it at that time.

It will be used as backdoor listing for next big thing to happen.

09-03-2010, 12:25 PM


Recommendation the NZX Discipline to NZX:

$50k fine & "The Tribunal is of the view... NZX should consider exercising its discreation... to cancel the Respondents listing".

19-09-2011, 12:13 PM
EX CEO shot dead in the States


19-09-2011, 06:02 PM
Arrr they got the wrong CEO :ohmy: