View Full Version : asb securities site down?????

06-08-2009, 12:01 PM
Any one else having trouble logging in?

06-08-2009, 12:17 PM
Any one else having trouble logging in?

ASB Sec are during some upgrades over the next few weeks, so any issues you have shouldn't last too long.

If you need to trade etc, give them a call, they are very helpful ;)

09-10-2012, 11:25 AM
anyone having problems logging in today?

09-10-2012, 11:44 AM
just gone on the site now. no problem

09-10-2012, 12:15 PM
Nope.. Been on it for the past 20 minutes..

09-10-2012, 01:18 PM
I had trouble yesterday logging in with firefox , but google chrome was fine

09-10-2012, 07:25 PM
thanks guys

just had to clear my cache and restart my browser... weird

19-11-2012, 10:22 AM
A quick question on Stop losses (at ASB securities)

There is the option to put in 2 prices. A stop loss price and a Price at limit.

What does each mean.

The stop loss price I assume is the price at which the action is triggered. So fore example on FBU at $7 a transaction will be triggered if the price drops below $7

Does it then enter a sell price at the second price you give it or does it just give you the next available sell, down to the limit you set. Ie. if you put in $6.50 whoul it then put in a sell at 6.5 or would it try to close it out at the next price which will hopefully be somewhere at the upper end of the range $7 and 6.50??

NOt sure if I am being clear. I guess my question is what is the strategy when setting stop loss prices?

19-11-2012, 10:36 AM
I think this answers my question:

Stop Loss: Indicates that a sell order should be activated if a share trades only at the selected price. Setting a stop loss price enables you to indicate a price at which a sell order should be activated and placed on the market. The stop loss order will only be 'triggered' if the share in question trades at the indicated price. A limit price can also be indicated which means once the 'trigger' has been activated, the shares will be sold at no less than this limit price. The stop loss order facility is aimed at traders who believe that if the price of a stock drops to a certain level, the share price will continue to fall. The stop loss price is always below the current market price.

19-11-2012, 03:29 PM
A quick question on Stop losses (at ASB securities)

There is the option to put in 2 prices. A stop loss price and a Price at limit.

What does each mean.

The stop loss price I assume is the price at which the action is triggered. So fore example on FBU at $7 a transaction will be triggered if the price drops below $7

Does it then enter a sell price at the second price you give it or does it just give you the next available sell, down to the limit you set. Ie. if you put in $6.50 whoul it then put in a sell at 6.5 or would it try to close it out at the next price which will hopefully be somewhere at the upper end of the range $7 and 6.50??

NOt sure if I am being clear. I guess my question is what is the strategy when setting stop loss prices?

To answer your last question, my strategy is that stop loss should never be set. Professional traders with lots of ammunition deliberately sell down a stock and take your stop loss stocks out and then staged a rally. They will trigger a lot of stop losses stock and pushed down the stocks significantly and then a 2 day rally happens. All depends on whether there is market sensitive news.