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06-07-2004, 10:21 PM
Any thoughts on this stock? It looks overvalued at present, with regard to the recent 5c rights issue (last sale at 10c), however their product has good potential.

11-10-2007, 02:31 PM
What happened to the ATM (A2Milk Corporation) thread?

Just started reading my copy of:

Devil in the Milk
Illness, health and politics
A1 and A2 milk

Keith Woodford

Published by Craig Potton publishing

ISBN: 978-1-877333-70-5

It is starting out to be an EXCELLENT read. I strongly recommend it to all sharetraders and those interested in ATM.

Let's hope the NZFSA is up to the task:


13-04-2008, 11:36 AM
Boyd Swinburn is the expert commissioned by the NZ Food Safety Authority to comment on the science behind the health benefits of A2 milk.

Looks like he is recommending switching the NZ dairy herd to A2 based on current levels of research ....

Very interesting. I wonder how the buffoons in the NZ Food Safety Authority will react?

Push to put A2 milk theory to test
By PAUL GORMAN - The Press | Saturday, 05 April 2008

New Zealand is being promoted as a laboratory for A2 milk testing.

Australian population health specialist Professor Boyd Swinburn believes New Zealanders could be the guinea pigs in a "natural experiment" to show that A2 milk is safer than the dominant A1 variety _ particularly in relation to type-one diabetes, in which the pancreas loses its ability to produce insulin.

Swinburn, of Melbourne's Deakin University, told The Press he was changing his mind about how much research needed to be done before New Zealand switched its dairy herd to A2 milk production.

Farmers had to take the lead in shifting herds to A2, and New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra had to support them and provide all the relevant information, he said.

A2 milk does not contain the A1 milk protein that some link to illnesses including type-one diabetes, heart disease, autism, Crohn's disease and schizophrenia.

Swinburn was the author of a review of A1 and A2 milk several years ago and .

advocated more research to prove A2's benefits.

However, yesterday Swinburn said he now believed there was a limit to how much research had to be done before changes could be made, and compared it to the cot death issue.

Efforts to reduce the number of cot deaths by lying babies on their backs were made once the first evidence came out that the move might save lives, rather than waiting until it had been proven beyond reasonable doubt.

"Cot deaths have plummeted. They haven't gone away but they have gone down substantially. There we have what you call a natural experiment.

"If we want to have sufficient evidence for there to be some kind of public policy or direction from the Government about milk, absolutely we need more research.

"But if we want to take action on changing the herds in New Zealand, then actually I don't believe we do need more research. That's because the cost of doing it is zero, because farmers just need to select A2 semen from bulls. Potentially, the detrimental effect as far as we can tell is zero."

Food Safety Minister Lianne Dalziel said more research was needed before there was any "public policy change".

"The question of whether New Zealand herds should be switched to A2 in the absence of such evidence is one entirely for the industry to consider."

Fonterra did not want to comment on Swinburn's remarks.

Asked why Fonterra was not leading research into A2 milk, a spokeswoman said: "Fonterra is a responsible organisation and reviews any science that comes out about milk and its components. We have done this a number of times on this issue and have found no cause for concern."

13-04-2008, 12:27 PM
The argument seems to be more a "what harm can it do?" argument. Difficult position for Fonterra though, as even taking a "soft move" stance could imply support/validation for the A2 argument. Something I think they would want to vehemently avoid.

Btw, which Wellington employer is most likely to have drawn employees from a pool of ex-Fonterra technical staff after the majority took redundancy following the big move to Auckland? ;)

14-04-2008, 01:42 PM
The key fact for the NZ Food Safety Authority is they relied on Boyd's assessment on the state of A2 milk research to justify their position of no action. The Fact that Prof Swindburn is now calling for the the NZ herd to be converted to A2 based on existing levels of research should be a matter of significant embarrassment for the NZFSA.

For the record, I have eMailed the NZFSA asking how they can justify continued high levels of BCM7 as a metabolic byproduct of A1 Beta casein in infant foods.


It is a scandal that the NZFSA fails to act.

20-12-2010, 07:50 PM
Interesting that with a share price of 8.5 / 9 cents there is a share placement of 10cents. I would of expected a discount to the share price

20/12/2010 08:32

REL: 0832 HRS A2 Corporation Limited

GENERAL: ATM: a2 Milk Placement to AMP Capital Investors and Freedom Food

20 December 2010

a2 Milk Placement to AMP Capital Investors and Freedom Foods Group

A2 Corporation Limited (NZAX:ATM) is pleased to announce that it has entered
into agreements with two cornerstone shareholders, AMP Capital Investors (New
Zealand) Limited and Freedom Foods Group Limited (previously Freedom
Nutritional Products Limited), to raise NZ$3.914million.

This capital will be used to support the establishment of A2 Corporation's
own milk processingfacility in Australia.
AMP Capital Investors has agreed to provide NZ$3 million to A2 Corporation by
subscribing for 30million ordinary shares at NZ$0.10 per share.

Freedom Foods Group has chosen to exercise its capital raising right,
allowing it to participate in the capital raising alongside AMP Capital
Investors on the same terms. Under the capital raising right, Freedom Foods
Group will subscribe for enough shares to maintain their current shareholding
percentage, which is approximately 9.14million shares.

A2 Corporation is delighted with the support from these two cornerstone


For more information please contact:
GH Babidge
Managing Director
+61 2 9697 7008
End CA:00203873 For:ATM Type:GENERAL Time:2010-12-20 08:32:23

21-12-2010, 07:02 AM
I also thought it was interesting Spike and, as a shareholder, pleasing! When I saw the announcement was regarding a capital raising, I was expecting (dreading) a big discount to the current price.