View Full Version : Great news for Kiwis.... BPAY

05-11-2009, 01:53 PM
Finally..... Participate in spp's etc far easier:


NEW SERVICE! Now you can take advantage of many corporate actions from Australian listed companies, faster and cheaper than before.
ASB Securities can arrange to make the BPAY payment on your behalf, which means you have up until the last day of the offer to decide to take advantage of an opportunity, and you'll save NZ $10 by paying through BPAY.

05-11-2009, 02:10 PM
Finally..... Participate in spp's etc far easier:


About time!!!

reading behind the lines I think we will see Direct Broking as the first kiwi company that will give us direct access to iWiress. ASB might follow

05-11-2009, 02:10 PM
Theyve had this for a little while, i got them to do a BPay for me about 2 months ago.

Must have been ironing out some system issues before official announcement.

05-11-2009, 02:23 PM
I f you used a Macquarie A$ account through Direct Broking has been available for at least 3.5 years

05-11-2009, 03:29 PM
I f you used a Macquarie A$ account through Direct Broking has been available for at least 3.5 years

Likewise if you have internet banking facility on an AUD bank account.

Proved its worth lately with a number of entitlement issues and SPP's, often with short periods between receiving the paperwork and the closing date.


05-11-2009, 03:40 PM
Yes, especially in the case of nominee accounts, where the documentation has to go to ASB first - creates another day's lag.

05-11-2009, 04:55 PM
The big question is when is the NZX & NZ Banks are going to intrduce something similar

19-03-2010, 03:01 PM
Anyone used this facility yet? The blurb on their site says

Complete the forms sent to you by the issuing company and send these to ASB Securities along with your client number and instructions of which ASB account (your Cash Management Account or Foreign Currency Account) you want the funds to come from. You can either scan the completed forms and email them to asbsecinfo@asb.co.nz or fax them to 09 374 8123. A BPAY payment will cost NZ $12. Your forms must be sent to ASB Securities before 5pm on the day prior to the closing date of the offer.

So i fill out the prospectus and fax it to ASB and they'll send the money AND forms through as appropriate? Or do I still need to send the forms back to the registry ..Apologies if this is a silly question :)

this relates to the AVB rights issue

19-03-2010, 07:15 PM
Trackers been using it for years through Direct Broking no charge

19-03-2010, 09:53 PM
If you haven't got B pay set up you're going to be cutting it rather fine to getting your application in by the closing date 5.00pm of the 6th April.

For some reason the ASX don't care a sh1t about kiwi investors.:mad ;: I have wasted my money in toll bills trying to convince those cretins that 3 weeks is not enough time for NZ Investors..all fell on deaf ears unfortunately.... however in the end they told me a solution** how to send the application to them quicker if you haven't got B pay facilities.

As many of us know mailing an aussi prospectus to a NZ address can take a week or longer if you have an rural delivery like me. In the past I waited for the prospectus + application form to arrive and often I was too late ..even Fast post to Australia can take several days so I found out.

However this does not solve your immediate problem with AVB.
The Prospectus + Application form was sent out today and kiwi investors will this time have even less time because there are less working days due to Easter. If you are one of those people who still send an A$ cheque via airmail then it may be prudent to send the application form + cheque asap...waiting for the form to arrive in the mail this time may result in you missing the closing date.

You have to use the authorised form accompanied with the prospectus otherwise they won't process your entitlement.... however they will accept a form if it doesn't look any different to the one sent with the prospectus.;)

Solution**.. For those Kiwis without B pay and still post cheques + application form ... This is how I used to do it

Your Aussi shares can be accessed by you via Computershare Investor Centre (https://www-au.computershare.com/investor/?logout=ok&param=non_member&cc=AU&ServerRegion=&lang=en&bhjs=1&fla=1&setting=cpu)

1..When the webpage loads ignore the log in box and click on "holding inquiry" box on the right hand side of the screen
2..Enter your SRN number for the company + company name or code (avb)
3..Enter New Zealand
4..Enter the numbers and letters shown for the security code
5..tick box and enter
The next page wants additional info as a security check for account validation usually the family name.
Then the following page shows your details...click on "my documents" ....
that page shows whats available from that company.... the notices are in PDF format.
Click on the latest PDF file it may be worded as entitlement acceptances or something similar.
Another browser window opens up and the application form should appear with all your details... name and address... how many shares you have... the amount you are entitled to.... application number.... ref number... and the Biller number etc...all completed for you. This application form is an identical image to the one mailed to you with the application prospectus.
It is usually a two page PDF document so print it out on one page front and back and make sure the back side is not upside down

Attach your A$ cheque to this document and post it NOW!!! and it may get there on time

I have since got a lot smarter and decided to open up a Macquarie A$ Call Account with Direct Broking being the authorised 3rd party...If you are going to be using a lot of transactions with Bpay to purchase things from Oz then it may pay you to forget ASB for your Aussi business... $12 a Bpay.. wow.. its a bit steep isn't it.

19-03-2010, 10:15 PM
I use Craigs.I give them the forms,they take the money from my Craigs on call account,and do the paper work.I did have a lot of trouble with Westpac with my BOL refund for the shares
I missed out on in their recent SPP.Westpac didnot want to process the Cheque.Worried I went to Craigs who said no problem, do you want in your Aussie or NZ cash management account.They told me to just send in any aussie div cheques.I no longer use savings accounts at Westpac prefering to use Craigs.Better people,better service,better knowledge,better manners.After 45 years with Westpac I may be a slow learner but I do have a good memory.

20-03-2010, 03:37 AM
Thanks Hoop / Percy really good info - I'll check with ASB monday morning and if they send the forms away all good otherwise i'll get the forms off registry as per Hoop suggestion and fastpost them with cheque

20-03-2010, 10:41 AM
Hoop: Referring to your above post: I have been using the Macquarie Cash Management Trust Account facility through Direct Broking but have just received notice that Macquarie are closing out their CMT A/C's and NZ resident account holders will not be able to transfer to their Call Account product, and we will just receive a cheque for our final balance''. This is a bit of a nuisance, I must say, and I'm pretty brassed off. I can't for the life of me see why Macquarie would want to turn business away. Presumably other Sharetraders will be similarly affected - I would be interested to know what arrangements others are making? DB talk about introducing a "multi-currency" facility but I just want an Aussie dollar denominated call account into which I can deposit dividend and other payments and make B-Pay disbursements.

20-03-2010, 01:54 PM
Hoop: Referring to your above post: I have been using the Macquarie Cash Management Trust Account facility through Direct Broking but have just received notice that Macquarie are closing out their CMT A/C's and NZ resident account holders will not be able to transfer to their Call Account product, and we will just receive a cheque for our final balance''. This is a bit of a nuisance, I must say, and I'm pretty brassed off. I can't for the life of me see why Macquarie would want to turn business away. Presumably other Sharetraders will be similarly affected - I would be interested to know what arrangements others are making? DB talk about introducing a "multi-currency" facility but I just want an Aussie dollar denominated call account into which I can deposit dividend and other payments and make B-Pay disbursements.

I emailed DB about this. They say they will look into getting BPAY running with the new multi-currency account.

I quite like the idea of it- you'd be able to swap currencies as needed. My maiin concern was that if it was a NZ domiciled account, whether I would be charged a fee to deposit money from my Australian bank accounts (I'm working in Australia and earn AUD at the moment), because it's equivalent to sending money overseas. I don't think they gave me a firm answer on that.

21-03-2010, 10:39 PM
Hi Lissica, good idea. We should get pressure on DB to get this Bpay thing going. It would be convenient.I will ring them Monday.

22-03-2010, 09:29 AM
Airedale you need to get your brain into gear and arrange it yourself for the moment. They have had it for years for those with A$ accounts through Macquarrie Bank. But changes are on the way with Macquarrie Bank

22-03-2010, 09:45 AM
Lissica If they set it up like Macquarrie you will be able to B/PAY into it or out of it to your Austalian bank account. I have been doing this ever since I returned to NZ and actually using this facillaty to change money into NZ dollars at extremely good rates. Far better rates than banks and no fees. I have mentioned B/PAY both ways for new Direct Broking multi currency account on the Direct Broking Thread. Then you can have your dividends paid into your Australian Bank Account

22-03-2010, 11:38 AM
Hi guys, I think if you can provide an Ozzy mailing address to Macquarie, no need to change your accounts. No final decision has been made yet ?? I just recieved voting papers. There are some plus's, more interest paid for one.