View Full Version : ESI- Environmental Clean Technologies

17-04-2010, 06:52 PM
Its been a while since ESI has made a mention on the forum. It's well frequented on HotCopper, but not assessed by the wise posters of ST.

ESI is due for a big pulse, the charts are on the up and announcements are well overdue. Contracts are falling into place and Matmor could be even bigger than the Tincom deal. This stock IMHO is due to launch and I am happy to have a solid wad of both the head share and oppies...

Am all ears to hear others opinions, especially those who hold ESI.

Well here is the start of the thread to get things moving as I suspect next week will be significat for the future of ESI...well, here is hoping anyway!!

Anyones thoughts or charting wisdom is appreciated...