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View Full Version : ShareTrader Live! - the Concept

26-05-2011, 11:11 AM
Birmanboy has asked on another thread if it is possible to have a Wellington ShareTrader meeting that is somewhat more serious and not based in a bar. Obviously, this would take a bit more organising and commitment than the usual bar-meet, so I thought I would test the concept.

The idea at this point would be to hire a cheap room with kitchenette facility and hold a meet on a weekend late afternoon. Would need to find 3-5 experienced share traders/investors (more than 5 years experience) to do the talking.

Suggested format:
1. Give 3-5 experienced ShareTraders a slot of 5-15 minutes to speak about their sharetrading history on such things as how they got started, what sort of portfolio they have, what stock selection methods they have tried and prefer, (perhaps that thorny question of what returns they expect?). Few minutes question from the floor.

Break for tea/coffee/nibbles and time to put some questions into a "question box" if haven't done so on arrival.

2. The Panel - possible same or other ShareTraders to be put to answering questions from previously collected questions (or questions from the floor if time).

Short mix and mingle time before dispersing or adjourning to a nearby bar!

I think we would really need to find 30 interested participants to make this worthwhile, along with experienced contributors. So this is just an "expressions of interest" poll to see if it is worth taking beyond concept stage.

Cheers, Liz

26-05-2011, 11:49 AM
I'd go

But would be nice to know before hand what those 15min slots will cover, as I'm not to interested in listening to 5 guys pointing to all corners of a world map guessing where precious metals are.

26-05-2011, 05:43 PM
Interested .

Unfortunately I work all weekends.

26-05-2011, 06:55 PM
I'll be in the bar.

Financially dependant
26-05-2011, 07:47 PM
I would be interested in coming up from JELLYWOOD if the speakers were of interest and timing worked...

26-05-2011, 07:56 PM
I would be interested and have to concur with buns - more interested in what they use as an entry signal and the rest as mentioned by Liz and not the next big thing

Billy Boy
26-05-2011, 08:02 PM
I'll attend if it's in Cromwell... !!
No hard sell please. :scared:

26-05-2011, 08:36 PM
i'd be keen to hear hear how different people approach their sharetrading

26-05-2011, 08:55 PM
Hi Lizard, I'm sharpening my pencil and ready to roll.

27-05-2011, 06:37 AM
I would be interested to come to Wellington for this if timing suits. If I get too bored, I'll come over and join you Gardener :)

27-05-2011, 07:13 AM
Hamilton crew could drive down, and pick up any on the way down SH1.
Be nice to put faces to names.

27-05-2011, 07:43 AM
I'd be very interested, especially if we could get some successful sharetrader/investors along that could share their experiences.

27-05-2011, 08:28 AM
Nice to see we have a bit of interest. Will need more numbers before I hit the "start" button.

However, more importantly, will need some speakers willing to volunteer their service... this is not about getting the world's top traders there - it is about having real people who've had their ups and downs in the market and are willing to open up and talk about their experiences and answer a few questions. So if you have had more than 5 years in the markets, dredge up your more interesting stories, victories and disasters and think about how the main influences on your current style. You don't have to be the most successful trader either, so long as you are willing to be straight up. Anyone considering it, please flick me a PM. :)

27-05-2011, 08:50 AM
Hi Liz, If we get critical mass and people preapred to stand up and speak, I'd make the effort to come down from Auckland and mix and mingle. Even if I learn one new idea, its worth it. Come on guys, lets get behind this idea. Cheers

27-05-2011, 11:13 AM
Hi Liz.
I see you have one volunteer to stand up and rattle on. Im Wondering who it is?

I reckon youve given yourself a mission here that may prove difficult to complete. Good luck.

27-05-2011, 11:39 AM
I was more comfortable with the less formal concept.

But my physical health isn't great, so i doubt i'd be able to make any kind of meeting, but great concept none the less!

27-05-2011, 03:04 PM
Nice to see we have a bit of interest. Will need more numbers before I hit the "start" button.

However, more importantly, will need some speakers willing to volunteer their service... this is not about getting the world's top traders there - it is about having real people who've had their ups and downs in the market and are willing to open up and talk about their experiences and answer a few questions. So if you have had more than 5 years in the markets, dredge up your more interesting stories, victories and disasters and think about how the main influences on your current style. You don't have to be the most successful trader either, so long as you are willing to be straight up. Anyone considering it, please flick me a PM. :)

Hi Liz, doing a fine job in keeping a great environment happening with all your fellow NZ traders over there.

If this was a gold coast, Qld meet then I sure would participate, so I can recommend that any NZ readers either experienced or not who are there in NZ to attend as it is a buzz meeting up with like minded folks whom each may have similar yet very different trading styles, stories and experience that we all can learn from in one sort of way, as this helps us think a bit more outside our box.

Oh Liz, while I am here, you forgot to come and pickup your Trophy back there on the ASX thread where you posted not so long ago.

Check it out :) >>> http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?6971-All-Ords-Index.&p=346740&viewfull=1#post346740

PS, I would ask Shasta to put this thread as a stick on all threads so everybody can see this.

27-05-2011, 03:57 PM
Hi Liz.
I see you have one volunteer to stand up and rattle on. Im Wondering who it is?

I reckon youve given yourself a mission here that may prove difficult to complete. Good luck.

Okay, you got me... yes, I ticked the box myself so nobody would feel like they had to go first. Doesn't seem to have worked - haha.

Costs nothing for me to put a thread up and gauge interest. I'll go further if we get the interest.... though hoping I don't have to go too far in wheedling the speakers away from their keyboards... :D

27-05-2011, 05:13 PM
Hey Liz, you could get the all to attend via Skype webcam and broadband connection.

Everybody sits at tables and all the skypers sit on a screen on the wall together...LOL

Just an idea, or better yet, make the occasion into a webinar like they are doing for the NZ earthquake fund. Perhaps you could ask a few speakers if they would not mind to turn up via Cam to support the the trading community. I am sure some would at least consider.

Just another suggestion for thought anyway :)

31-05-2011, 07:23 PM
Thanks to everyone who took an interest and voted in the poll.

As of today, it looks like interest is at a level such that organising a meet would be possible but not easy. Short of cajoling speakers and attendees, I don't think this is going to get off the ground.

Thanks again. :)

01-06-2011, 02:38 PM
Hi Liz, thanks to you for taking the time in attempting to push Faecal Matter uphill so to speak. Pity that this ST is essentially a solitary and and secretive occupation. Oh well, back to the trial and error system.
Thanks to everyone who took an interest and voted in the poll.

As of today, it looks like interest is at a level such that organising a meet would be possible but not easy. Short of cajoling speakers and attendees, I don't think this is going to get off the ground.

Thanks again. :)

02-06-2011, 05:44 PM
Sounds like a good idea.I would be interested but live in Auckland. A good speaker would be Dr Who but havent seen him on here for a year or so. Where did he disappear to?

03-06-2011, 11:31 AM
Sounds like a good idea.I would be interested but live in Auckland. A good speaker would be Dr Who but havent seen him on here for a year or so. Where did he disappear to?

I have wondered about the previously "ubiquitous" doctor. Dr Who now becomes Dr Where.

03-06-2011, 12:02 PM
The Doc was on line yesterday. I saw his name at the bottom of a thread I was peeking at. Guess he just aint feeling chatty these days.