View Full Version : Solution Dynamics - SDL

19-08-2011, 09:48 AM
First profit in 7 years... is that enough to earn them a thread?

Oh well, just a small cheer for them and hope they're now into the seven years of plenty!


19-08-2011, 06:35 PM
First profit in 7 years... is that enough to earn them a thread?

Perhaps. Who are Solution Dynamics and what do they do?


19-08-2011, 06:50 PM
Hi Snoopy,

I might write them up sometime. It's been a very long time since I held any - I can't even remember whether I made or lost money on them!

I do like the name though... if this was on the ASX, it would have "pump and dump" written all over it... well at least it would if they needed more capital and a small broking house to raise it for them.

They have been around for a while though. A bit like FIN. I figure that no one else is ever going to cover these minnows, so we, the great unpaid, should take up the challenge! Soon... ;)

19-08-2011, 07:39 PM
Good post Lizard.. Had me going outside of the main board..

Always interested in the up and coming..

Not to impressed with their website.. As software sellers I would have expected better.

19-08-2011, 08:15 PM
Colin Giffney is chairman.RNS ?? Been around a long time. Too long???

31-10-2013, 07:47 PM
I note The Aspiring Fund have brought 1,150,000 shares, ie 8.18% of SDL.The Aspiring Fund is run by Stephen Montgomery,ex ACC,and I think they employ Roger Armstrong,a brilliant analyst.
Have had a quick read of SDL's annual report and am left feeling they are better on my watch list,rather than my buy list.

08-12-2014, 12:37 PM
Had to look deep into the archives to dig this one up:

SDL looking to have a nice uptick in profits -70% on last year. Interesting to see where this one leads. Still think they need to work on their marketing and overall comms about what they do, it is very 70s atm.

09-12-2014, 07:05 AM
I compared them to FIN in a 2011 post on this thread... perhaps they're now trying to replicate Finzsoft's more recent performance! :p

(I doubt they'll manage it, but they are probably okay for a short term punt at the 50-80cps range - last trade 70cps).

Anna Naum
02-03-2019, 08:49 PM
Interesting commentary in the interim report just released. Lots of potential both negative and maybe positive.

03-03-2019, 12:52 AM
Solution Dynamics a.k.a. Spam Direct. No thanks.

Anna Naum
03-03-2019, 10:10 PM
Read the words, it makes it more interesting. Or look at the SP graph has not been all that bad an investment over last four years.

13-06-2019, 02:32 PM

Ready for second stage lift off.

13-06-2019, 03:36 PM
Implosion or explosion?
"underlying earnings will nevertheless be materially lower than previous guidance, although the
Company is not yet in a position to quantify the extent."

There does look like a bit of accumulation since March

13-06-2019, 03:39 PM

Ready for second stage lift off.

Crikey an old fashioned media/printing company (OK, with some digital tech pretensions,) and forecasting a FY19 decline in NPAT of 25 to 35%. What could possibly go wrong?

Good luck holders...... still lots of downside risk IMHO. I'm happy to watch from the sidelines.

13-06-2019, 03:56 PM
I note The Aspiring Fund have brought 1,150,000 shares, ie 8.18% of SDL.The Aspiring Fund is run by Stephen Montgomery,ex ACC,and I think they employ Roger Armstrong,a brilliant analyst.
Have had a quick read of SDL's annual report and am left feeling they are better on my watch list,rather than my buy list.

Above posted 31-10-2013.

Never fully understood them.Still do n't...........

Anna Naum
30-12-2019, 12:38 PM
Stock looks set for 2020

Anna Naum
08-03-2020, 08:57 PM
One of the few stocks to be going up in the current market. Thought the Interim result commentary was its normal direct self. With new contracts coming on line over the next 6 months and a full year performance next year could this small cap be one of the winners of FY2020.

Interim dividend of 3cps, must mean FY of 5cps making 8cps for the year and more to come in 2021 if the Chairmans commentary is correct, so not a bad yield as well.

DYOR, my estimates only!!

Anna Naum
12-03-2020, 08:23 PM
See insiders buying at 12 month high over last week, usually a good sign. Chairman increases already substantial holding and fellow Directors also buying.

19-10-2020, 11:18 AM
Just spotted that this stock (along with Mainfreight) is at a 52week high. Looking at the charts and the announcements over the last few months, I'm a bit surprised the stock hasn't had more discussion. Anyone here invested into it and have confidence in the management? Or have any major reservations?

*First ST post!*

22-10-2020, 11:25 AM
i have noted that this share has been having steady increases over past couple of months - i bought a few on a vague recommendation - but there is some good work quietly increasing their profitability and growth with expansion in international markets. i have seen a 34% increase in price from a modest holding -

and i still know bugger all - but this today from the NZX reports:

significant progress• difficult domestic market, compounded by COVID during 2H FY2020• successful international growth: onboarding new business, with US expansion• International expansion driven by software platforms:• Jupiter and Post-on demand (POD)• providing system and platform interconnectivity for global print and electronic communications• Large, multi-national customer wins are driving step growth in revenue• FY2020 first year where international sales exceeded NZ sales• international Software & Technology represented ≈65% of total Company revenue• Scale up of cost structure for global sales and in-market customer support operations• Maintaining a conservative balance sheet (only lease related debt)

22-10-2020, 11:30 AM
i have noted that this share has been having steady increases over past couple of months - i bought a few on a vague recommendation - but there is some good work quietly increasing their profitability and growth with expansion in international markets. i have seen a 34% increase in price from a modest holding -

and i still know bugger all - but this today from the NZX reports:

significant progress• difficult domestic market, compounded by COVID during 2H FY2020• successful international growth: onboarding new business, with US expansion• International expansion driven by software platforms:• Jupiter and Post-on demand (POD)• providing system and platform interconnectivity for global print and electronic communications• Large, multi-national customer wins are driving step growth in revenue• FY2020 first year where international sales exceeded NZ sales• international Software & Technology represented ≈65% of total Company revenue• Scale up of cost structure for global sales and in-market customer support operations• Maintaining a conservative balance sheet (only lease related debt)

Did have a look at this couple months back from memory when they announced their results I think. Was keen take punt, but put off by two factors, highly illiquid stock and their large dependence on either one or two clients who account for 65% of their turnover, can't remember exactly.

Anyway, good luck to you.

22-10-2020, 11:38 AM
Thanks, Monty. Reads like they are scaling up and doing it successfully. They must have good sales and ops teams to keep their growth going (as their website looks a bit uninspiring). Might have a go and see how this rides.

22-10-2020, 11:40 AM
thanks SB9 - seems that the client numbers have doubled with the announcement today of two new clients. my holding is minor and im a relatively new investor (have held a few shares for years and years but wanting to build a portfolio - maybe there is some gas in the tank and these will grow a bit more yet. better than having money in bank deposit earning nothing - and a lot more fun

27-04-2021, 10:41 AM
This one has been in a trading range for some time, a lot of buyers lining up all of a sudden.. what gives?

Sideshow Bob
17-07-2023, 12:05 PM

Solution Dynamics Limited’s (SDL or Company) prior FY2023 earnings guidance was for net profit after tax of around $3.0 million. Trading in June was stronger than expected from a combination of positive performance from NZ operations and some pull forward of international revenue.
The Company now expects FY2023 net profit to be around $3.4 million, based on provisional, unaudited management figures, and therefore subject to any adjustments that may be required in finalising accounts. The Company finished FY2023 with a closing cash balance of $6.6 million. SDL expects to report its FY2023 full year result on 24 August.
SDL also advises that its largest customer has indicated it intends to shortly issue a request for proposal (RFP) tender for the communications programmes that SDL supplies.
SDL notes this is not related to any service quality issue, in fact the customer advises it is very satisfied with SDL’s service quality and operational flexibility, which has helped the customer save several million dollars in costs to date, in what are technically complex, global communications programmes. The RFP is part of the customer’s regular review and tendering of its major contracts.
SDL advises that this customer provides a very material contribution to the Company’s financial results.
A further update will be provided when the RFP tender is received.

17-07-2023, 02:22 PM
A ‘very material’ contract going through renewal process

Hmmm ….hope better outcome than what Ebos experienced

24-11-2023, 04:50 PM

Major Customer RFP Update

Ooops ... major Customer want "Tender Me" now

Sideshow Bob
16-09-2024, 08:50 AM

Non-Binding Indicative Offer Received
On 8 September Solution Dynamics (SDL) received a non-binding indicative offer (NBIO)from a subsidiary of NZX-listed Being AI Limited (BAI).