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View Full Version : Question about the Intelligent Investor book

05-07-2012, 11:02 AM
I have been making my way through this book and scanning over parts of it.

Is there more than one version of this book and do they contain different info ?

I'm wondering if I have been reading an older version...when reading about the book on the net a lot of people have made reference to a formula that Graham used for valuing stocks. It's easy enough for one to find this formula as it's all over the net, but off the top of my head I dont recall seeing it in the book, which makes wonder if the version I have is missing anything else..or perhaps I just completely missed it..?

Also there is one point where he talks about each company having a 'multiplier' between 10 and 40. I'm not sure how he arrived at these 'multiplier ' numbers..? Is anyone able to elaborate.


05-07-2012, 03:15 PM
Give it a go

Your multiplier is just a number that when multiplied gives a quick answer. In this case it is based on assumptions for expected future growth rates that when multiplied by current earnings gives a rough estimate of what the value of a stock might be.

My copy of The Intelligent Investor ( 4th revised addition) page 158 shows he had a simple formula for growth stocks Value = Current Earnings x (8.5 plus twice the expected annual growth rate) so as an example for a company with an expected growth rate of 7.2% Value = Current earnings x ( 8.5 plus 7.2 x 2)
= Current earnings x 22.9
22.9 is the multiplier.

05-07-2012, 07:37 PM
The one I'm reading says it's the original 1949 edition with a new foreword by John.C.Bogle. Maybe the formula isnt in it


06-07-2012, 07:07 AM
I have been told the one to get is the revised edition edition which is over 600 pages : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Intelligent-Investor-Collins-Business-Essentials/dp/0060555661/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&coliid=I332TOMCMDWW9N&colid=1N5OW73I9FJDK It features new chapter updates - which append every chapter of Graham's book, leaving his original text untouched - from noted financial journalist Jason Zweig,

Still on my wishlist at amazon.

06-07-2012, 08:34 AM
The one I'm reading says it's the original 1949 edition with a new foreword by John.C.Bogle. Maybe the formula isnt in it


I think you are right. His formulas may not have been published until later and were probably first published in Security Analysis