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14-10-2013, 12:11 PM
Remember, Sorenson stil has 11M shares he needs to get rid of for his next backdoor listing ;)

If Snakk announces another good quarter those 11 million shares will be a nice addition to all the new share holders portfolios. Might even snakk on some of it myself. Bring on next month I say.

14-10-2013, 12:30 PM
Thanks for this guys. I'm contemplating buying more to reduce my cost per share. Sitting on a 50% paper loss, but not a big holding, as it was always a spec buy.

I think it's important to focus on the potential for the company over the actions of a shareholder. The optimist in me thinks SNK has a lot of upside at current prices and those who can pick it up for 7 cents/share may be lining up to thank Sorensen for the good buying opportunity in a year's time.

14-10-2013, 12:36 PM
Remember, Sorenson stil has 11M shares he needs to get rid of for his next backdoor listing ;)

Moosie , please get it right, Sorenson was/is an angle investor and his investment has morphed into a listed entity, there are dozens of angle investors that do the same thing, Ray Thompsom, Trademe founder, to name a couple.Nothing wrong with that, you can do the same if you have big kungers if you have the nerve, remember 1 in 10 see daylight and of those 1 , 10% lead to a sharemarket listing, backdoor or otherwise.

14-10-2013, 12:46 PM
What if Moosie really was Sorensen?


14-10-2013, 01:03 PM
Just food for thought. There's plenty more Oz stocks to buy right now. Snakk is a dog compared to all of them BECAUSE of Sorenson! Just take a look at MKB, MBE, ABN, MNW etc. SNK has more revenue yet is going nowhere...

Yes, and some of them are quite possibly overpriced at the moment making SNAKK look very attractive to the type of investor who will be looking for the next one. Not saying I'm right just feeling very comfortable with my holding at the moment.

14-10-2013, 02:16 PM
Oh dear, never go chasing the next big one!

Not everyone invests just for the dividends;)

14-10-2013, 02:17 PM
I thought that there was a joker that looked a bit like Sorenson in that video clip about the museum opening but I could be mistaken.:)

14-10-2013, 02:26 PM
I certainly hope I don't look that old, or ugly!we wont go there:)

14-10-2013, 02:30 PM
I certainly hope I don't look that old, or ugly!
Is it someone young and handsome smiling past the glass cabinet.

14-10-2013, 02:34 PM
So really you are taking us on a goose chase.

see weed
15-10-2013, 12:32 PM
Moosie, Look at Snakk. Have I been sucked in again? Just bought another 60,000 at .074.

see weed
15-10-2013, 12:41 PM
Moosie, Look at Snakk. Have I been sucked in again? Just bought another 60,000 at .074.

Someone has put an order in for 1,000,000 shares at .070c

15-10-2013, 12:47 PM
MOOSIE, don't do it

15-10-2013, 01:23 PM
Don't worry about Mr Sorenson he's just doing what anyone else would do in his situation. He took a huge risk investing in Snakk before it even listed and is taking his reward for that risk. Sure you would do the same Moosie. I know he broke your heart but it's time to forget about him and move on. Wouldn't be surprised if he holds on to a few just in case this company can crack it so he may stop selling shortly. Take a look at MBE today, 9,000,000 shares sold and I think I saw 12,000,000 maybe more the other day. Don't think Mr Sorenson's holding will affect things too much IF Snakk start to produce some good results. We will know more in about 6 weeks.
If you believe that Snakk can get the job done then it's a good time to accumulate around $7. DYOR of course and I wouldn't recommend the near all in approach, we don't need more sour whine made from sour grapes.

15-10-2013, 01:41 PM
Quite a few shares sitting there for Mr Sorenson to sell to today. If that is him selling the 1,000,000 or so it's working. Or maybe the tide is on the verge of turning and there is some genuine interest being shown in SNAKK today. We will never know.

15-10-2013, 01:47 PM
Maybe mini Xero. Definitely SP can rise, if right strategies are executed, just wait and see.

15-10-2013, 02:02 PM
16,500,000 shares sold over at MBE so far today. I personally haven't done a comparison of the two companies yet other than keep an eye on both share prices, slack I know. Have you compared the two Moosie and are you willing to share what you have come up with. I remember you mentioning something about MBE already being in profit so are they a few steps ahead of SNAKK?

15-10-2013, 02:10 PM
Thanks for sharing, not interested in chasing money just how Snakk stacks up. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

15-10-2013, 02:22 PM
Long-term, very bullish :)

Am in favor of a lot of your comment and we all may look at charts etc but in the current few weeks environment it's a mad bunch of lemming like traders charging at different stocks each day.MBE can have 20 mill one day and have trouble reaching 1 or 2 mill the next.maybe a bubble but it looks more like soap suds some days.As far as the charts are concerned you may agree that a portfolio of MNW,ABQ,MNZ and SNK may produce a five bagger in this melee and you would consider yourself a genious for picking it.It's sort of my approach in this environment.Definitely not long term.

15-10-2013, 08:08 PM
Over the last few days I have been trading over the ditch with MKB .It has had big volumes to view. Anyway I see on the SNK front some increased volume buys here in NZ.The buy's are now 2:1..Something is up.Has low tide just been and now the tide is slowly starting to come back in. Comments please... cheers

15-10-2013, 08:10 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction based on nothing but a gut feel.

I see SNK reaching 10c by the end of November, and 12c by Xmas. Anyone else share my enthusiasm?

15-10-2013, 08:26 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction based on nothing but a gut feel.

I see SNK reaching 10c by the end of November, and 12c by Xmas. Anyone else share my enthusiasm?
Heck yes Ill go along with that - means I should get back in the black about Jan 30th.
:) Tui anyone?

15-10-2013, 08:28 PM
Yes please!

15-10-2013, 08:54 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction based on nothing but a gut feel.

I see SNK reaching 10c by the end of November, and 12c by Xmas. Anyone else share my enthusiasm?

My gut feeling is the same but that quarterly report at the end of November will interesting and if it is better than expected who knows what could happen. All just speculation at this point.

16-10-2013, 06:49 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction based on nothing but a gut feel.

I see SNK reaching 10c by the end of November, and 12c by Xmas. Anyone else share my enthusiasm?

I agree with the change in sentiment.But for the Sorenson factor this would hit 12 no problem in short time.Even BALANCE had a change of tone the other day which was noticeable .No doubt he will be back soon with pearls of wisdom..

16-10-2013, 08:13 AM
I agree with the change in sentiment.But for the Sorenson factor this would hit 12 no problem in short time.Even BALANCE had a change of tone the other day which was noticeable .No doubt he will be back soon with pearls of wisdom..

Nope, Copper. I was simply making the point that if you believe Snakk is fundamentally worth 12c, take Sorenson's selling down as an opportunity to load up - be a man and have courage of conviction.

Personally, I have better stocks to invest in than a hyped up BACKDOOR listed company with poor corporate governance.

This business of keeping an eye on Sorenson and shxting in the pants everytime he sells, it's for bunnies.

If Snakk is worth 12c, who really cares about Sorenson or anyone selling at 5c?

There are some of us who invested in Diligent when Henry was dishing out the stock by the millions at between 12c to 60c. Learn something there?

16-10-2013, 08:19 AM
I agree with the change in sentiment.But for the Sorenson factor this would hit 12 no problem in short time.Even BALANCE had a change of tone the other day which was noticeable .No doubt he will be back soon with pearls of wisdom..

Copper .... now you have the 'pearls of wisdom' from Balance it is the time for you to act

You believe the story .... buy the cheap shares from Sorenson

16-10-2013, 11:39 AM
Copper .... now you have the 'pearls of wisdom' from Balance it is the time for you to act

You believe the story .... buy the cheap shares from Sorenson

I like Balance's comments.When I get some cash on hand my holding will be added to at these prices.I would have to sell some Xero or MBE or the like so it's not Sorenson I have a problem with but I hope I can get in before he is taken out.

16-10-2013, 03:23 PM
I like Balance's comments.When I get some cash on hand my holding will be added to at these prices.I would have to sell some Xero or MBE or the like so it's not Sorenson I have a problem with but I hope I can get in before he is taken out.

Have a look at PEB today. You have posters*worried about 1c movements up or down when it is*really a case of being in the stock if you believe in it.

16-10-2013, 03:33 PM
Who dumped 1.2 mil shares and just when I thought the sp was stabalizing at .075 darn !!

16-10-2013, 03:36 PM
plenty more where they are coming from. Wait for depth to build up... give false hope and slammo down again. Repeat 1 week later. Repeat.

16-10-2013, 03:38 PM
You guys are playing in a BACKDOOR listed vehicle where those selling are making over 1000% profits selling to you at 7c.

Which part of 1000% profit would you like?

16-10-2013, 03:48 PM
Who dumped 1.2 mil shares and just when I thought the sp was stabalizing at .075 darn !!

that's great. The more that is sold by Sorensen the better. For the last disclosure, he only had 12.5 million shares left - and no doubt he has sold some since then. If we assume for now that the entirety of the 1.2 million shares traded to date today are sold by him, simple maths shows you how quickly he will be taken out if this sort of volume persists.

Like Balance said, if you believe in the Snakk, then 7ish cents is good value. If people saw value at 12c a couple of months ago, it's hard to not see that value now at a lower price. May consider getting more myself

J R Ewing
16-10-2013, 04:25 PM
Amen Balance, amen. So it wasn't Sorehead playing the other side of the coin then. So that means, a) Sorehead has around 10M shares left to go, b) Funds/Insto's are interested now and c) Sorehead is still going to be pumping more money into a Baboom/Mega IPO (see that thread today, VET announced it will be revealing all soon...).

The turning point is coming, but it is not here yet. Patience my friends, patience. Until then:


1.2 million shares at 7c is only $84,000 - that doesn't necessarily indicate instos or funds. I'd be more impressed if it was Handley or one of the directors buying, but it could just be someone taking a punt - like anyone who thinks the share would be 12c or higher now if it weren't for Sorensen.

16-10-2013, 04:43 PM
Housewives don't take $84,000 punts on mobiel ad startups J R Ewing. You need to go back and see previous comments by me regarding insto/fund interest...

Ever heard about window dressing?

16-10-2013, 04:52 PM
Don't want to know what you do with the housewives down Wisteria Lane Balance :p

They are experienced so no need to worry about them, right?


17-10-2013, 08:51 AM
Just don't steal Soreheads one ;)


I thought according to you, he is practically gifting them at 7c a pop - when you actually believe they are worth at least 12c.

Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth.

17-10-2013, 09:38 AM
OK cool! Did you get a reply last time? Handley et als stance at this stage is to say there is nothing they could/can do about the sellers right? Which is BS as far as I can tell... I am so surprised no one even mentioned this at the AGM??

All of them were shxtting in their pants - hoping the AGM delivered only good news from the messiah and would send the sp sky rocketing.

Instead, the AGM confirmed to the institutions what they already suspected.

17-10-2013, 09:51 AM
Dear [Moosie_900],

Hope you are well.

We did a market announcement recently updating the market and shareholders as to where the company is at and some things on the horizon, which in essence covered off our view on the situation you raised.

Regarding your specific question, from the advice I have received, we are not necessarily able to direct or interfere with how shareholders plan to sell or buy their holdings, or what kind of a time horizon they choose to view the business.

We are monitoring the situation on going and if there is a way we can facilitate any thing that is in the longer term interests of all the shareholders, without breaching any NZX or other rules, then of course we will look at those options closely. However, I can't imagine there is anything you can do (referring to your comment about 'work with you') to assist this personally.

The market will continue to value the stock as it does, and because we are a small cap, with a few large holders, sometimes there will be volatility and demand or supply pressure (in either direction) that disproportionately affects the stock price.

Thank you for following up with me,

"we are not necessarily able to direct or interfere with how shareholders plan to sell or buy their holdings"

BULL DUST on a grand scale. How about a lock up agreement before BACKDOOR listing, Derek.

Is he really that naive? Or just conveniently so?

17-10-2013, 09:54 AM
I didn't say it was BS, but Derek could definitely be buying up large and giving shareholders faith when they need it most.

Call it a "re-alignment of my ethical and financial strategies, focussed on bettering the financial position of my fellow man and economic condition of the New Zealand mobile advertising sector" if you are watching Derek ;)

He is sitting on 1300% gain on his shares.

Why would he want to put money in at the inflated values the shares are trading at now?

17-10-2013, 10:03 AM
He bought at 5 cents into his own company. Sorehead has the 0.9 cent shares. Read the FY12 report if you don't believe me!

Figure that one out!

Derek is smarter than that - the 5c was based upon the price he sold his company into Snakk.

How much was the company worth? Was there an independent valuation done?

The company could be worth 0.1c for all we know.

Remember - BACKDOOR listing. All care and absolutely no responsibility. And the punters piled in with their tongues hanging out and backsides open.

17-10-2013, 10:07 AM
And the punters piled in with their tongues hanging out and backsides open.

Funniest thing I've read on ST, LOL!

17-10-2013, 10:07 AM
Nope, it specifically said the raising was done at 5 cents on speculation (absolutely no due diligence done!)

There you go.

Everyone wins - save the punters who went in with their 'backdoor' opened.

17-10-2013, 05:12 PM
Who dumped 1.2 mil shares and just when I thought the sp was stabalizing at .075 darn !!

Looks like .075 is the new base, lets keep the S P above that.

17-10-2013, 05:17 PM

I seriously laugh whenever I read "Sorehead"...

You'd better be careful Moosie, he's going to fight you irl - you know that right? Better start practicing your MMA

17-10-2013, 05:25 PM
Plenty of buyers (punters) coming in again. Wonder if Sorehead will beat them all down again...

Get in quick, Moosie - looks like he has decided to take a breather.

17-10-2013, 06:55 PM
Hey Moosie... MMA I think is "mixed martial arts".

J R Ewing
18-10-2013, 02:48 PM
Maybe you should leave it a while Moosie. You have raised the issue as to why Handley didn't get the existing shares locked up prior to the placement and got fobbed off. That's the only real issue I see at this stage. And I guess when Handley says he couldn't do anything about it, that is probably true. Sorensen wouldn't have gone into the deal with a lock up arrangement - it would have defeated the whole purpose.

If the company was worth the valuation implied by the placement, then the current sell down by Sorensen and others is a great opportunity to average down and make a killing once the growth and earnings kick in. If it transpires that the company wasn't worth 12c a share and isn't worth 7c a share - then I guess you will have a fair number of co-signatories for a letter at that stage!

18-10-2013, 04:22 PM
No one wants any input on my letter to Handley this weekend?

Dear Handley,

Notwithstanding the huge credibility afforded to you by your photo opportunities with the likes of Richard Branson, I am of the view that your "snakes" style approach is demeaning to your prospective shareholders.

Further, your use of a listed vehicle (enter "Sorehead's" prior interest in said vehicle) to carry on your "snakes" adventure does little for my opinion of your credibility.

I would be hesitant to invest any of my money in any of your "snakes" for this reason.


Robbo 24

18-10-2013, 04:25 PM
Looks like .075 is the new base, lets keep the S P above that.

Looks like the new base IS .075 lets hope that we can build on that , once the latest results are released we wont see .075 again as all shers are awaiting confirmation that there is a sustainable business with growth and real potentional.

18-10-2013, 04:30 PM
If it transpires that the company wasn't worth 12c a share and isn't worth 7c a share - then I guess you will have a fair number of co-signatories for a letter at that stage!

If Handley really thinks it is worth 12c, then, like SNK (like MRP) should be buying up the stock. Hell, if it's that oversold SNK should be borrowing money to buy back the stock.

18-10-2013, 05:56 PM
Looks like the new base IS .075 lets hope that we can build on that , once the latest results are released we wont see .075 again as all shers are awaiting confirmation that there is a sustainable business with growth and real potentional.

That's what they said about Rakon at 60c.

Blue Horseshoe
19-10-2013, 08:06 AM
I see Google has just released it's quarter revenue to September, a whooping $14.89 billion, profits are climbing despite a trend toward cheaper advertising on smartphones and tablets.
Google Share price just topped $1000 us.

There is advertising money out there and if Snakk gets a small percentage I see the share price going north of a $1.00 no problem.

False Profit
19-10-2013, 08:20 AM
I see Google has just released it's quarter revenue to September, a whooping $14.89 billion, profits are climbing despite a trend toward cheaper advertising on smartphones and tablets.
Google Share price just topped $1000 us.

There is advertising money out there and if Snakk gets a small percentage I see the share price going north of a $1.00 no problem.

Here's a prediction... "meh, not going to happen."

I'd love to be proven wrong of course!

Disc - Been Snakking for some time.

19-10-2013, 10:36 AM
just read the google report. unbelievable numbers for mobile. this is going to add fuel to the fire of the mobile ad sector in Oz remains to be seen if SNK can capitalise on this.

Yup - and all the insiders in Snakk (who will know how well or how badly Snakk is doing) are a bunch of dumbos who are holding back from buying shares?

Pull the other leg.

19-10-2013, 03:30 PM
just read the google report. unbelievable numbers for mobile. this is going to add fuel to the fire of the mobile ad sector in Oz remains to be seen if SNK can capitalise on this.

If you can ignore Sorehead and Balance can forget a backdoor (compliance) listing ,what price could Snakk get to in your opinion on a good quarterly result.Is 20/25 getting into the totally puffy area......

19-10-2013, 05:39 PM
If you can ignore Sorehead and Balance can forget a backdoor (compliance) listing ,what price could Snakk get to in your opinion on a good quarterly result.Is 20/25 getting into the totally puffy area......

Forget Backdoor Listing (no forecasts, no independent evaluation of transfer of company into shell etc)?

Yes, Len Brown would like to Aucklanders to forget many things too - especially the way he projected himself as a family man!

19-10-2013, 06:06 PM
Not sure if this has been discussed.

Has any SNK holders considered ditching SNK, make a loss, then use the money to buy XRO or PEB?

The 3 are all growth shares, and XRO and PEB seem to have more short and medium term prospects. Long term SNK could be worth $1, but when? you could always buy back on the up trend.

XRO and PEB could double or more by this time next year, which will probably more than offset the loss you make on SNK, well depends on how many shares and how much of course.

I know someone who's sold all their SNK, made quite a big loss, but have invested in XRO and happily made more money last week than he ever dreamed of in a week.

19-10-2013, 07:33 PM
I see Google has just released it's quarter revenue to September, a whooping $14.89 billion, profits are climbing despite a trend toward cheaper advertising on smartphones and tablets.
Google Share price just topped $1000 us.

There is advertising money out there and if Snakk gets a small percentage I see the share price going north of a $1.00 no problem.

Yes, Plus SMS was going to be a billion dollar company too.

Blue Horseshoe
19-10-2013, 07:53 PM
Yes, Plus SMS was going to be a billion dollar company too.

Difference being Derek Handley and Timothy Alpe are at the helm.

20-10-2013, 02:43 PM
I did that last week; sold DIL and made the majority of my loss back on PEB and XRO... In a week! That doesn't happen all the time but it just proves that holding on to losses and praying you might one day get it back is pretty stressful compared to just getting off, accepting your losses and buying into a much better company.

Sorenson isn't going away fast enough, so I would but the losses and run. However, he may let the price rise a bit this week as Google and FB profits from mobile play on traders minds and interest starts to gain in SNK as seen this past week.

I'm still out waiting for Sorehead to exit stage left, so anyone that wants to buy his shares, be my guest.

Good on ya moosie. I was keeping an eye on the DIL thread the Friday before, and was thinking poor people, and good that you got into XRO and PEB and made your money back.

Have you sold your XRO and PEB too?

At what price would you get back into SNK (on the up trend)? I don't think it matters whether Sorenson is still there, if the price is going up, he would be holding too, or he could buy more to sell later. I would say he would have bought some XRO and PEB in last few days too.

20-10-2013, 03:29 PM
hey apac. as i have stated before i am out of SNK until sorehead is gone. he still has more than enough shares to depress the price (10 mil still) so dont get too trigger happy. if you look at the charts you can see has let the sp rise before to bring in buyers then just dump on market. buyers have been scared by him a mere week ago so dont know what has changed now (sheeple in the ad sector stampede?) be aware that seadragon still has plenty of shares, is actively seeking a buyer and ready to unload as per last time with 10M shares. both those combine to make a massive overhang that is not worth buying into at all.

you need to look back and at my other thread on Mega to see where Sorehead is investing btw ;) knowledge is power my friend.

and yes I sold XRO and PEB, bought into OGC late Friday in anticipation of a slught gold rally (stock is well oversold)

Disc - my comments are my own and have been formulated through research. do not take these as buy or sell signals and DYOR!

Agree OGC is oversold. Have bought OGC before, but it's really a trading share at the moment, it may keep going up until tapering in March, but then it will plummet and won't recover for a while IMO.

I'm an emotional investor rather than a trader. I've bought and sold several times because of fear of losing gains, and fear of losing opportunity. In hindsight, should have just bought and held. Would have saved a lot of trouble and fees

21-10-2013, 09:20 AM
Difference being Derek Handley and Timothy Alpe are at the helm.

Yes, Derek 'backdoor' Handley as he is now known to some of us.

Anyone using backdoor has something to hide.

Blue Horseshoe
21-10-2013, 09:29 AM
Yes, Derek 'backdoor' Handley as he is now known to some of us.

Anyone using backdoor has something to hide.

I wonder what the Mad Butcher is hiding then.

21-10-2013, 09:42 AM
I wonder what the Mad Butcher is hiding then.

Thanks for bringing that up for the benefit of newies who are trying to learn about backdoor listings.


You are trying to compare the purchase of Mad Butcher by an Investment company with a FULL PROSPECTUS and disclosures, with Snakk (no prospectus, minimal disclosures, no independent valuation and evaluation etc)?????

A bit like saying a sewage pond is same as a swimming pool!

Blue Horseshoe
21-10-2013, 10:00 AM

You are trying to compare the purchase of Mad Butcher by an Investment company with a FULL PROSPECTUS and disclosures, with Snakk (no prospectus, minimal disclosures, no independent valuation and evaluation etc)?????

A bit like saying a sewage pond is same as a swimming pool!

oh, my apologies I was under the impression you thought back door listings were all bad. So it's just some selected listings, got ya.

21-10-2013, 10:05 AM
oh, my apologies I was under the impression you thought back door listings were all bad. So it's just some selected listings, got ya.

I never considered Veritas Investment to be a backdoor listing - you do.

There lies the big difference between my analysis and assessment versus yours.

Next you will be comparing Snakk to Infratil as a backdoor listing for Z Energy!

I hope Newies know the difference now - Mad Butcher was sold to Veritas and funds raised with FULL DISCLOSURE & PROSPECTUS.

There are forecasts & projections with Mad Butcher to allow investors to track progress and performance of directors and management.

Blue Horseshoe
21-10-2013, 10:29 AM
I never considered Veritas Investment to be a backdoor listing - you do.

There lies the big difference between my analysis and assessment versus yours.

Next you will be calling Infratil a backdoor listing for Z Energy!

I hope Newies know the difference now - Mad Butcher was sold to Veritas and funds raised with FULL DISCLOSURE & PROSPECTUS.

There are forecasts & projections with Mad Butcher to allow investors to track progress and performance of directors and management.

Again my apologies for thinking that it was a backdoor listing, next time I won't take the word of New Zealand press. Sloppy research on my behalf.


21-10-2013, 10:31 AM
Again my apologies for thinking that it was a backdoor listing, next time I won't take the word of New Zealand press. Sloppy research on my behalf.


Good that you have learnt that lesson for today.

Good boy!

Remember that there are cars and there are lemons - up to you to know what is a lemon and what is a car, right?

21-10-2013, 10:46 AM
Wow, someone is bullish!

As I have written, why are you are worried about the selling around if you believe Snakk is worth 12c?

Blue Horseshoe
21-10-2013, 10:54 AM
God I love lemons, and limes for that matter.
All on board the snakk train, it's about to fly, don't miss out.
I suspect Mr Sorensen will retain the rest of his holding longer term.

21-10-2013, 11:01 AM
God I love lemons, and limes for that matter.
All on board the snakk train, it's about to fly, don't miss out.
I suspect Mr Sorensen will retain the rest of his holding longer term.

All yours, BHS.

Would you like 5m shares at 9c?

21-10-2013, 11:16 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction based on nothing but a gut feel.

I see SNK reaching 10c by the end of November, and 12c by Xmas. Anyone else share my enthusiasm?

Well, perhaps my prediction will come true a lot sooner. Still clawing back losses on this, a shame I didn't average down last week.

Blue Horseshoe
21-10-2013, 11:22 AM
Well, perhaps my prediction will come true a lot sooner. Still clawing back losses on this, a shame I didn't average down last week.

Average down now before it hits 20c.:D

Blue Horseshoe
21-10-2013, 11:38 AM
So you are long? (such a big thread I can't be bothered looking back to see if/when you disclosed your position).

Non dis closer, just like Snakk. :)

21-10-2013, 12:30 PM
Average down now before it hits 20c.:D

Sell now before the inevitable happens - that's what you actually mean?

21-10-2013, 01:41 PM
Hope no one on here bought at 10 cents, nor has any orders line up. Sorehead will eat them for breakfast.

perhaps a % of this selling is from those who averaged down @ say 7c and have covered their losses at 9>10c

22-10-2013, 08:52 PM
Not sure if this has been discussed.

Has any SNK holders considered ditching SNK, make a loss, then use the money to buy XRO or PEB?

The 3 are all growth shares, and XRO and PEB seem to have more short and medium term prospects. Long term SNK could be worth $1, but when? you could always buy back on the up trend.

XRO and PEB could double or more by this time next year, which will probably more than offset the loss you make on SNK, well depends on how many shares and how much of course.

I know someone who's sold all their SNK, made quite a big loss, but have invested in XRO and happily made more money last week than he ever dreamed of in a week.

Yup, those writing here with uncertain thoughts about SNK should have taken your advice and switched into PEB. They would have doubled their money and slept like a baby well fed with mother's milk.

22-10-2013, 09:10 PM
Yup, those writing here with uncertain thoughts about SNK should have taken your advice and switched into PEB. They would have doubled their money and slept like a baby well fed with mother's milk.

Still not too late to join the PEB bull run

23-10-2013, 09:09 AM
Still not too late to join the PEB bull run

Not going to happen, apac.

They are all waiting for baby snakes from Derek and more backdoor action.

23-10-2013, 12:44 PM
Not going to happen, apac.

They are all waiting for baby snakes from Derek and more backdoor action.

My wife tells me that Derek flew back into NZ 2 days ago .

23-10-2013, 12:53 PM
Probably why there is big buy order sitting, maybe Derek got some good news.

23-10-2013, 06:57 PM
Not going to happen, apac.

They are all waiting for baby snakes from Derek and more backdoor action.

Hi Balance..... You are usually up with the play.Moosie does not sound too chipper.Is all under control.Please don't respond if you wish not to.
Kind regards.......

23-10-2013, 07:04 PM
Hi Balance..... You are usually up with the play.Moosie does not sound too chipper.Is all under control.Please don't respond if you wish not to.
Kind regards.......


Play with snakes and you know the end result.

Meanwhile, PEB charges ahead.

:D :D :D

24-10-2013, 04:43 PM
Dead as a DO-do only 18k traded today but theres great expectations here what with the next reporting which cannot be too far off.

25-10-2013, 10:30 AM
Kind of tempted eh, has moosies mate sorehead stopped selling it would seem. Anyone else thinking the price has turned around? I sold all but 5000 when it started to trend down and would like to get some more, im still thinking it could be ok one day.

25-10-2013, 08:34 PM
Kind of tempted eh, has moosies mate sorehead stopped selling it would seem. Anyone else thinking the price has turned around? I sold all but 5000 when it started to trend down and would like to get some more, im still thinking it could be ok one day.

If Derek is back in the country the Q2 results can not be far away. "I hope".

26-10-2013, 07:23 PM
I see Mr Handley is a newly appointed Director of Sky TV and also note Sky TV is going to be delivered to mobile devices in a couple of months time.


With those two bits of news, I suppose it follows there is going to be some advertising opportunities for Snakk ....

26-10-2013, 07:45 PM
With those two bits of news, I suppose it follows there is going to be some advertising opportunities for Snakk ....

I wait with bated breath for the next announcement from SNK. Hopefully only one way it can go!

26-10-2013, 08:53 PM
Kind of tempted eh, has moosies mate sorehead stopped selling it would seem. Anyone else thinking the price has turned around? I sold all but 5000 when it started to trend down and would like to get some more, im still thinking it could be ok one day.

I think the next results will be pretty crucial. Snakk is an unknown quantity at the moment and if it's going to go well will need to show some convincing results sooner rather than later. Otherwise I think the impression will be that it's a dead duck.

Disc. Bought the max in the IPP (x2) and added more at 8c. I'm still unconvinced about Handleys ability to make money for shareholders and with any indication that SNK isn't going to perform I'm out.
Also, I don't think a substantial shareholder selling down has any relevance to the ultimate value of SNK.

27-10-2013, 10:36 AM
I think the next results will be pretty crucial. Snakk is an unknown quantity at the moment and if it's going to go well will need to show some convincing results sooner rather than later. Otherwise I think the impression will be that it's a dead duck.

Disc. Bought the max in the IPP (x2) and added more at 8c. I'm still unconvinced about Handleys ability to make money for shareholders and with any indication that SNK isn't going to perform I'm out.
Also, I don't think a substantial shareholder selling down has any relevance to the ultimate value of SNK.

Yes Biker, I wondered about this point myself when remembering SeaDragon still had about 12m it wanted to sell...

27-10-2013, 12:39 PM
Interesting interesting...i put a small bid in at 9cents but people think its worth 10 currently. Hopefully itll come back down, but it still owes me and with holding onto 5000 it ruins a otherwise goodlooking portfolio, its a good reminder of what can happen though. Nothing fundamental has changed since i bought in, that i can see, so im confident that one day soon itll come back and repay me.
At 8 or 9 cents i think its good buying, dunno about ten cents though.

see weed
30-10-2013, 08:32 AM
Still more sellers than buyers, even though the share price is up 43% in two weeks. MJS. might have decided to keep a few.

30-10-2013, 11:02 AM
Yes Biker, I wondered about this point myself when remembering SeaDragon still had about 12m it wanted to sell...

from Seadragon's update yesterday, they said they are putting the sale on hold for the time being, waiting for a better share price.

disc. hold both SNK and SEA, as well as other stuff

30-10-2013, 11:32 AM
from Seadragon's update yesterday, they said they are putting the sale on hold for the time being, waiting for a better share price.

disc. hold both SNK and SEA, as well as other stuff

That's good to hear.Three sales already and no sign of the other heavy seller.We may get to 11 today. Let's hope.....

30-10-2013, 12:02 PM
I would update the boards on news I am receiving but I am afraid this thread has been compromised and I am not of the volition to compromise my position.

disc - typed from my mobile on my freetime (for whoever you are you rat).

Not sure what exactly has happened to you moosie but I hope it's nothing too serious.
What ever it is the first name that comes to mind would be someone who is sick of having their name rubbished on this thread. You have disclosed a lot of information about yourself over the months so it wouldn't be that hard to find out who you are. You can be sure that he reads this thread.

DISC: I am not him but wish I had as many shares as he does.

30-10-2013, 12:34 PM
Good News for all with the share price going up.Cheers

see weed
30-10-2013, 02:45 PM
Still more sellers than buyers, even though the share price is up 43% in two weeks. MJS. might have decided to keep a few.

Opps 57% now. But for how long? GO baby go.

30-10-2013, 05:55 PM
from Seadragon's update yesterday, they said they are putting the sale on hold for the time being, waiting for a better share price.

disc. hold both SNK and SEA, as well as other stuff

Excellent information that you have passed on Blah. Well done 10/10. This has been what everyone has been waiting for. Cheers

30-10-2013, 06:54 PM
Excellent information that you have passed on Blah. Well done 10/10. This has been what everyone has been waiting for. Cheers

A modest bit of selling towards the close to prevent a breakout.The stars tell me the turning point has come. All ducks are in line and posters are in limbo.The sellers made a quiet exit earlier and it will depend on a good announcement and a standoff by Mr S and the Dragon who seems to be recharging his flame and we may see a modest push towards 15.......Let's see....

Am a holder who increased holding marginally recently......

30-10-2013, 07:43 PM
I said I would be out when Sorenson was. I have recently bought a moderate holding take from that what you will ;)

Moosie...great to see you in touch.....maybe in SNK again.. Kindest regards..Copper

30-10-2013, 07:47 PM
I said I would be out when Sorenson was. I have recently bought a moderate holding take from that what you will ;)
Well done Moosie.You are back in.Your day has finally come for what you have been waiting for for a long time. Cheers

30-10-2013, 09:51 PM
I said I would be out when Sorenson was. I have recently bought a moderate holding take from that what you will ;)
Great to see you back in Moosie but would have prefered if you kept that to yourself. Sorenson may start selling again just to piss you off again.:)

see weed
30-10-2013, 10:02 PM
I said I would be out when Sorenson was. I have recently bought a moderate holding take from that what you will ;)

Welcome back Moosie, to the snakkity moose club. Been stocking up also from .074c

30-10-2013, 11:44 PM
I said I would be out when Sorenson was. I have recently bought a moderate holding take from that what you will ;)

Come out Sorehead, Moosie has entered your lair again....

31-10-2013, 07:02 PM
Still some strong support out there in buyer land even at 50%+ premium over 2 weeks ago. 12 cents should be up soon, be interesting to see where it goes from there as the SPP people who held re-enter the equation. Noting that most of them held very firm, I doubt there will be much resistance.

Glad to be back in :)

Well Moosie. Not what we expected with the share price being over run by the Bears at a 10c closing. Lets hope there is a surge tomorrow or even an announcement as tomorrow is the 1 November.Cheers

31-10-2013, 07:20 PM
you should take my views as contrarian (ie sell NOW!) just joking ;)

I will be looking to add more to my portfolio tomorrow pr next after I profitted from GEO's run today. the sentiment remains positive my friend, I wouldn't expect that announcement until end of November, not the beginning.

The start of November did sound nice. Never mind.Well done on GEO also

01-11-2013, 08:41 AM
Can someone update to when they are required to release their 2nd quarter sales as they are nzax listed.

What's happened to the wad of cash people stumped up so far ? Is it for their cash burn.

Bugger they didn't make a takeover offer for MBE as soon as they got our funds snk would be worth a bomb now

see weed
01-11-2013, 09:53 AM
6,500,000 gone for 9c . Is that you Moosie? Go moosie go.

01-11-2013, 09:54 AM
heads up, Sorenson offloading at 9 cents...

Wow $585k, looks like he's got unlimited number of shares

01-11-2013, 10:14 AM
Looks like this co will announce good sales result this quarter... lots of volume.

01-11-2013, 10:17 AM
heads up, Sorenson offloading at 9 cents...

Seadragon, SEA a few more to go .imo

01-11-2013, 11:00 AM
seadragon has specifically said it is not selling right now. its sorenson

Has Sorenson said he will now trade off market? is that why your in?

01-11-2013, 12:16 PM
seadragon has specifically said it is not selling right now. its sorenson

SEA ann out it was them that sold !

01-11-2013, 12:16 PM
latest news, Seadragon sold the big chunk of Snakk

01-11-2013, 12:34 PM
Where'd they say this?
In previous news release!

01-11-2013, 12:36 PM
In previous news release!


Looks like they have a few more to go at the right price ........

01-11-2013, 12:42 PM
https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/184093.pdfpage 2 Sale on hold

Blue Horseshoe
01-11-2013, 01:35 PM
SeaDragon Chief Executive, Ross Keeley, said: “We are pleased with the sale of the shares and will continue to sell our shareholding, though being mindful of not to sell in a way that lowers Snakk’s shares below fair value.

Shame someone else didn't think the same way.

01-11-2013, 03:21 PM
heads up, Sorenson offloading at 9 cents...

I thought that I saw the trade this morning on opening of 6,500,000 @ 10c.

Is that right or am I wrong?

01-11-2013, 04:05 PM
right, except it was at 9c

Thanks for that

01-11-2013, 04:41 PM
SeaDragon Chief Executive, Ross Keeley, said: “We are pleased with the sale of the shares and will continue to sell our shareholding, though being mindful of not to sell in a way that lowers Snakk’s shares below fair value.

Shame someone else didn't think the same way.

I know this is the SNK thread but that SEA CEO Ross Keeley appears to be a real Turkey with his contradictory statements and actions. Talk about speaking with a forked tongue!
His credibility is now in doubt and a good reason to keep clear of SEA IMO.
How would you ever know now that what he says is what he means , intends, or relates to the truth!
Disc. Hold SNK. Was watching SEA but have now lost interest.

01-11-2013, 06:01 PM
I know this is the SNK thread but that SEA CEO Ross Keeley appears to be a real Turkey with his contradictory statements and actions. Talk about speaking with a forked tongue!
His credibility is now in doubt and a good reason to keep clear of SEA IMO.
How would you ever know now that what he says is what he means , intends, or relates to the truth!
Disc. Hold SNK. Was watching SEA but have now lost interest.

Selling in 100k lots towards end. Looks like the Dragon just keeping on selling.Sore one has been quiet so don't think it's him again ,but who knows.

02-11-2013, 12:32 AM
So seadragon said they wont sell there shares at present , then couple of days later they sell some, now sorehead has joined in with his 100k blocks. Well i timed buying back into this one wrong. Luky was just a small amount.

02-11-2013, 10:57 AM
dnt worry mate, even a veteran me who watches the stock like a hawk evety day got it wrong. we have turned a corner though with huge support at 9 cents as new buyers keep eating the shares up. won't be long before both overhangs are gone at this rate, interest has definitely picked up and Sorenson and SEA are now the weak hands as they run out of shares ;)

Moosie I like what you have said above and it sounds good and positive for the future.The off market sale was a big positive in my book for the 6,5000,000 shares traded yesterday.How many shares do you think Moosie that they are down too each now.?

02-11-2013, 11:10 AM
dnt worry mate, even a veteran me who watches the stock like a hawk evety day got it wrong. we have turned a corner though with huge support at 9 cents as new buyers keep eating the shares up. won't be long before both overhangs are gone at this rate, interest has definitely picked up and Sorenson and SEA are now the weak hands as they run out of shares ;)
You are right, i need to look at the positive, and there are a few like you and blocker have mentioned. May hang around this price for a while, or even dip a little bit, but once the overhang goes and the revenues and numbers keep building, which i think they will, well the future is looking good for snak. Unless the fundies changes ill stay in and ride it out, may even top up if it dips...

02-11-2013, 11:36 AM
You are right, i need to look at the positive, and there are a few like you and blocker have mentioned. May hang around this price for a while, or even dip a little bit, but once the overhang goes and the revenues and numbers keep building, which i think they will, well the future is looking good for snak. Unless the fundies changes ill stay in and ride it out, may even top up if it dips...

All good Goldfish.The sky's are clearing for their shares to move on.Lets hope a good report comes out by snakk this month and the share price will show it's true worth by its holders.

02-11-2013, 01:14 PM
Finally some positive talk on this thread. Been topping up small amounts over the last few months and looking forward to their announcement.

02-11-2013, 01:46 PM
Finally some positive talk on this thread. Been topping up small amounts over the last few months and looking forward to their announcement.

Yes Hilskin all positive now.Your topping up reflects what we are all thinking.

Dic ....Own SNK shares and topped up last week also

02-11-2013, 01:47 PM
I see it as very positive and the sooner we can get over this sorry saga the better. SEA has 8.5M left and I suspect Sorenson has around the same number. SEA will sell off market (good dig at Sorenson in that announcement!) and wouldn't be surprised if that last block goes fast. Sorenson might be compelled to sell off market as well as larger buyers want big blocks.

9 cents is now our target, and I think Sorenson is going to cap the SP at 10 (unless funds flow in fast). I think well see some big pinging around between 9 and 10 cents throughout November until the quarterly hits in late November or Sorenson runs out of shares.

cashburn should be low as long as revenue ramps up and growth continues. moosie forecast for FY14 is ~$6.2M :)

disc - holding and looking to buy more :)

Thanks for that research Moosie. Cheers

see weed
02-11-2013, 03:13 PM
Yes Hilskin all positive now.Your topping up reflects what we are all thinking.

Dic ....Own SNK shares and topped up last week also

Same here, topped up at .11, .104 .101, .100x3,.096.and .074 but did not get any at between .08 and .09c as they were only there for a day or two and was too busy reporting low flying noisy planes over head.

06-11-2013, 06:34 PM
what a sorry day for SNK. Sorenson is obviously still selling and other big players are offloading after the 65% run on the sp. cue buyers fleeing and a resettling of the old normal of Sorenson dishing them out in packets. liquidity is getting better but this stock is going to do nothing until Sorehead is gone.

disc - giving me a sorehead... again...

Moose I don't know how you can be so sure it is Sorenson selling again. There must be plenty of holders willing to take a profit, considering where the sp has come back from. What I would be more worried about is why 2 major stakeholders (Sorenson & Seadragon) want out.

06-11-2013, 06:48 PM
Moose I don't know how you can be so sure it is Sorenson selling again. There must be plenty of holders willing to take a profit, considering where the sp has come back from. What I would be more worried about is why 2 major stakeholders (Sorenson & Seadragon) want out.

Both are here by default or funding contracts.As far as I know they both have no relativity to a mobile tech company.They will be investing as Moosie said in to Mega or some other Omega 3

06-11-2013, 07:18 PM
Both are here by default or funding contracts.As far as I know they both have no relativity to a mobile tech company.They will be investing as Moosie said in to Mega or some other Omega 3

Yes Copper, that's kind of my point. They see better opportunities elsewhere, regardless of how they came to be involved. Whatever you think of them, I'm sure they would stay put for a while if they thought Snakk had a bright future, not ditch and run.

06-11-2013, 07:26 PM
Didnt they pay. 0.006 per share? Did i read that somewhere? If so they are already sitting on huge profits.
Love to hear some news or anything from this company or handley, been dead quiet for ages now. Does he even remember he started this company? How about doing something with it as you have asked for peoples money to finance it. Or are you to busy thinking your saving the world.

06-11-2013, 07:45 PM
To be fair to Handley, he made the point very clear at the AGM that SNK makes decisions based on what is best for shareholders over the long term. In this industry he said this meant 2-3 years. We will find out in a few weeks how their revenue is tracking, in the meantime if you still believe SNK has potential, then topping up is an option.

07-11-2013, 06:47 AM
Yes Copper, that's kind of my point. They see better opportunities elsewhere, regardless of how they came to be involved. Whatever you think of them, I'm sure they would stay put for a while if they thought Snakk had a bright future, not ditch and run.

You are right in a way but the nature of the beast says that both being entrepreneurial genius's in their own minds will always think that the grass is greener elsewhere.A Union man once said to me."Never use logic in some arguments"The other person always knows best even if you personally think he is a fool.I don't say they are fools but they don't think the same as you and I and lots of other posters.

07-11-2013, 08:04 AM
6th fastest growing company on Deloitte fast 50.

07-11-2013, 08:32 AM
6th fastest growing company on Deloitte fast 50.


07-11-2013, 08:51 AM
would this provide some steam for sp?

07-11-2013, 09:17 AM
6th fastest growing company on Deloitte fast 50.

Bit of a BS award really. It favours small companies growing of a small base (ie Snakk). It take no account of costs to get there so a profitable company will be disadvantaged to a company that overpays to win customers. All in all, you cant really gain any useful info out of it. Best be ignored.

07-11-2013, 10:42 AM
immaterial eh CJ? up 14% already. justmention the word growth right now...

yeah with 1 million shares traded in 1st 1/2hr

07-11-2013, 10:47 AM
immaterial eh CJ? up 14% already. justmention the word growth right now...True.

My point was for a company like snakk which wasn't really around 3 years ago, you would expect it to have high growth. But what does the high growth in sales really mean??

07-11-2013, 10:49 AM
Derek Handley tweet yesterday in response to when next announcement to be made: "We hope to share a release date very soon. Team is very happy."

07-11-2013, 10:53 AM
Do you have any links..

07-11-2013, 10:55 AM

My point was for a company like snakk which wasn't really around 3 years ago, you would expect it to have high growth. But what does the high growth in sales really mean??

This was said about Xero. Geo Op would be $1.50 if posters on that site had their way.Get the two hangovers out of the way and watch out.This market has no logic about it except greed...(xeroexcluded) ask Moosie.....

07-11-2013, 11:01 AM
Thanks buddy. Great, sounds promising!

07-11-2013, 11:37 AM
Recon higher SP this wk. Whats the SP by next week?

07-11-2013, 11:43 AM
Here we go, is this finally going to get some momentum?

07-11-2013, 12:51 PM
what did you pay moosie?

07-11-2013, 01:26 PM
Thanks mate, good buying going on at the moment.

see weed
07-11-2013, 02:45 PM
had my hopes up again for awhile,only to get quashed yet again. quarterly due out soon. you read these boards Handley, stop laughing about my concerns I wrote to you about and DEAL WITH THEM!

Patience Moosie Patience. 7c, 8c, and 9c is going to look pretty cheap when it hits 18c . q2 results out soon. You should be writing to Mark Ryan and his team, who are extremely busy at the moment.

07-11-2013, 03:16 PM
Shareholders got an update email this morning that seems to be a mixture of everything on this site.Sounds great to me. Even explains the overhead guys.

Blue Horseshoe
07-11-2013, 03:31 PM
12 cents hit again for the first time in months. if this level breaks today we have huge support on very high volume. high net worth investors pouring in today.

anyone else receive their Snakk newsletter today?

Balance, you still around?

No I think he's left through the backdoor.:D

07-11-2013, 04:16 PM
No newsletter for me today even though I've been a shareholder for a few months

07-11-2013, 04:47 PM
No newsletter for me today even though I've been a shareholder for a few months

Radler I think you have to have been put on company email list.I get email and my wife and I both get posted copy in few days.She is not on email list like you....Probably have to look at company website or investor info....regards...

07-11-2013, 05:35 PM
[QUOTE=moosie_900;439672]12 cents hit again for the first time in months. if this level breaks today we have huge support on very high volume. high net worth investors pouring in today.

anyone else receive their Snakk newsletter today?

Balance, you still around?

I did.

07-11-2013, 05:52 PM
...Movements on the share register show the vast majority of our shareholders understand the long-term view of holding stock in a company that is operating in a high-growth market and are committed to the long haul. Some investors with a longer-term outlook may even see an attractive opportunity to consider investing in the company to further build their holdings.

The second sentence is telling me "BUY" more if you want to, why you can, before we do the Q2 announcement. Do you concur Moosie or anyone else?I dont think the first bolded part leads to the second. There would be no need to put in the longer-term part if there was.

07-11-2013, 06:25 PM
Thanks Copper - have just signed up on the Snakk website under the Investor tab.

Sounds like some exciting times ahead .... hope so anyway

07-11-2013, 07:54 PM
Maybe a positive time tomorrow also for trading.

07-11-2013, 08:19 PM
Maybe a positive time tomorrow also for trading.

I have a feeling that the share price may be in for something good.Trade like you may but with the overhang looking shaky you had better pick your prices. Take Xero...39 to 41 then to 34.that is this market. I'm too old to keep up.....

07-11-2013, 08:45 PM
I bought in in the placement that took out seadragon a couple of weeks ago. I think the big sellers are largely finished now. Looking ahead has anyone looked at the scalability of the service/ product these guys are selling?

That post in itself is enuf for me ..tks a lot.

07-11-2013, 09:06 PM
Wow what a turn around from my post last night lambasting handley for a lack of news, more bad timing on my part. Ill have to go look for this email now. Is it on there site?

steve fleming
07-11-2013, 09:19 PM
I attended the MBE AGM today in which Snakk got a mention as a key competitor in the mobile advertising space.

However, something that SNK holders might want to be aware of is that MBE consider the mobile advertising space to be relatively low margin and not very scaleable.

MBE now obtain about 75% of their revenues from m-payments, which they consider to be higher margin, far better operating leverage, and far easier to roll out globally....not sure if SNK has a m-payments offering??

08-11-2013, 08:05 AM
Id like to buy more but with sorehead etc still there it makes to much risk, soon as we get traction he seems to flood the market with his 100000 lots.
Why pay 11 today when you can possibly pay 8 or 9 in a month.
Edit: i dont know why derek doesnt just buy him out he must have lots of money.

08-11-2013, 08:56 AM
Moosie - be careful as you are gaining a reputation.

"By shamelessly merchandising birdless bushes, promoters have in recent years moved billions of dollars from the pockets of the public to their own purses (and to those of their friends and associates). The fact is that a bubble market has allowed the creation of bubble companies, entities designed more with an eye to making money off investors rather than for them. Too often, an IPO, not profits, was the primary goal of a company’s promoters. At bottom, the "business model" for these companies has been the old-fashioned chain letter, for which many fee-hungry investment bankers acted as eager postmen."

08-11-2013, 09:53 AM
Aye, at least he is not forming the bubble, everyone will be happy.

08-11-2013, 10:17 AM
When is that quarterly result due moosie ?

08-11-2013, 10:50 AM
great thanks. Established a position yesterday.

see weed
08-11-2013, 11:43 AM
When is that quarterly result due moosie ?

From 5/11/13...They haven't released a date for the q2 results yet. Making sure they have their revenue recognition correct.

08-11-2013, 12:37 PM
Congrats to all that have held on post the SPP!! Now in positive territory!! And looking like it is quickly heading north. Well done!!

Yeah glad I averaged down at 10c last week. Now on the cusp of breaking even, come on 13c! LOL

08-11-2013, 02:00 PM
Anyone watched the videos on the Snakk website ? Very informative I thought.

08-11-2013, 02:15 PM
Just a word of caution. I see all the moaning and negativity regarding Sorenson and Sea Dragon unloading has stopped. However both parties are still looking to exit. If they can do it off market all might be rosy. If they can't-Hello sub 10 again. It is still a big cloud hanging over the sp imho.

08-11-2013, 02:25 PM
Just a word of caution. I see all the moaning and negativity regarding Sorenson and Sea Dragon unloading has stopped. However both parties are still looking to exit. If they can do it off market all might be rosy. If they can't-Hello sub 10 again. It is still a big cloud hanging over the sp imho.

As I have written several times before, forget about Sorenson selling.

If you believe in Snakk, take it as a buying opportunity.

08-11-2013, 02:27 PM
And here's the snakk oil merchant peddling his wares :


Read the article carefully and you can see a master snakk oil merchant at play to his target audience.

J R Ewing
08-11-2013, 03:06 PM
ummm, that's required some pretty brilliant forethought actually balance. I'm sure his 20 mates are very happy with him now. I would be too. hopefully he uses his profits to buy some more in his own company...
If he wanted to own more of this, surely the easiest way to do that was to fund it through debt or private equity, not a public listing. But he more or less stated that he was going into the business of selling new businesses... Not buying them.

08-11-2013, 04:14 PM
ummm, that's required some pretty brilliant forethought actually balance. I'm sure his 20 mates are very happy with him now. I would be too. hopefully he uses his profits to buy some more in his own company...

You don't just dream up that idea and think it will work.It takes some good connections which he obviously has.Maybe a bit of Branson in there......

08-11-2013, 04:35 PM
You don't just dream up that idea and think it will work.It takes some good connections which he obviously has.Maybe a bit of Branson in there......

Read the article carefully.

Does the fund actually own any Twitter shares?

08-11-2013, 04:55 PM
"its confidential". fair enough.

Notice the liberal use of the word "like"?

"like Facebook and Twitter before they were on track to be in the public market"

"backed the social networks a few years ago "knowing that obviously they were on the path" to do something like Twitter had done today."

"a part of [a company like] Twitter long before its listing"

08-11-2013, 05:03 PM
Notice the liberal use of the word "like"?

"like Facebook and Twitter before they were on track to be in the public market"

"backed the social networks a few years ago "knowing that obviously they were on the path" to do something like Twitter had done today."

"a part of [a company like] Twitter long before its listing"

You are so cynical mate

08-11-2013, 05:07 PM
Hie tweeted good to be in pre- ipo

08-11-2013, 05:10 PM
You are so cynical mate

He is same person who commented that Snakk cannot control what promotor shareholders can do with their shares?

08-11-2013, 06:20 PM
ummm, that's required some pretty brilliant forethought actually balance. I'm sure his 20 mates are very happy with him now. I would be too. hopefully he uses his profits to buy some more in his own company...

He's just making another snake

08-11-2013, 06:58 PM
I think you are reading a bit much into this one mate. Surely IF they the fund hadn't actually invested in Twitters IPO some of the members of the fund might be a little angry about the news article...

At 7 cents we were worrying about Sorenson and Handley .Balance then changed stripes and said we should invest if we have confidence in the Company.Now we are at 12 cents and we are still worrying about Sorenson and Handley and Balance is fighting the usual rearguard action.At 17 cents we will be doing the same thing .There appear to be hundreds of people out there that don't worry about our problems and are getting a good ride for their buck.At 25 cents I think we may go back over this thread and realize that the snakes and soreheads were irrelevant .

08-11-2013, 07:42 PM
I've taken a close look at the team and the objectives and I'm happy for the time being so long as the next quarter results look good. I've read all the negative comments and am now focusing on the team & what they can deliver. I'm in for the ride.

08-11-2013, 08:58 PM
snakes and soreheads

Copper can handley the power

08-11-2013, 09:30 PM
Tried to search for a mention of the SkyTV announcement (http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/9322951/Sky-TV-coming-to-mobile-devices) on this thread but didn't have any luck. Does anyone else think that with Handley on the board of Sky that good things will come of this for SNK?

08-11-2013, 10:15 PM
see what happened after VML announced the TEL deal? ditto, and soon ;)

Moosie I hope you're not suggesting that he could compromise his directorship of both companies by some inappropriate cross pollination?

08-11-2013, 10:56 PM
At 7 cents we were worrying about Sorenson and Handley .Balance then changed stripes and said we should invest if we have confidence in the Company.Now we are at 12 cents and we are still worrying about Sorenson and Handley and Balance is fighting the usual rearguard action.At 17 cents we will be doing the same thing .There appear to be hundreds of people out there that don't worry about our problems and are getting a good ride for their buck.At 25 cents I think we may go back over this thread and realize that the snakes and soreheads were irrelevant .

Nope - I have not changed my opinion about Snakk one iota. It's a backdoor job - as bad and as nasty as they come.

The point I was and am making is that it is plain dumb logic for some posters here to believing Snakk is worth more than 8c or 10c but will not invest until Sorenson is finished.

He is making cheap stocks available if you believe it is worth more than the price he is selling at.

08-11-2013, 11:08 PM
Simply timing balance. would you rather hold shares at 7 cents for 6 months waiting for the uptrend knowing a big seller is trashing the price? or would you rather buy the day before he is done and hit the uptrend running? hmmmm...

If you are trading, then timing is everything.

Don't get caught being the last person holding the baby though. :D

09-11-2013, 09:32 AM
Simply timing balance. would you rather hold shares at 7 cents for 6 months waiting for the uptrend knowing a big seller is trashing the price? or would you rather buy the day before he is done and hit the uptrend running? hmmmm...

Moosie my experience with MKB a few weeks ago was that the share price closed at 12c (the day beforehand). An announcement came at 5 min till opening which was good news for the company.It opened at 14.5 instantly and climbed thereafter.

My guess is that the same will happen to Snakk when they announce Q2 (which we all know that it is due before the end of the month). It will jump instantly depending on the news before you can buy.
So my thinking is to purchase now if anyone wants to increase their holdings at a reasonable price .Do you concur or does anyone else want to comment please. Cheers

09-11-2013, 10:18 AM
Moosie my experience with MKB a few weeks ago was that the share price closed at 12c (the day beforehand). An announcement came at 5 min till opening which was good news for the company.It opened at 14.5 instantly and climbed thereafter.

My guess is that the same will happen to Snakk when they announce Q2 (which we all know that it is due before the end of the month). It will jump instantly depending on the news before you can buy.
So my thinking is to purchase now if anyone wants to increase their holdings at a reasonable price .Do you concur or does anyone else want to comment please. Cheers

Last revenue announcement, sp went backwards.

Meanwhile, Handley is getting his mates at the NZ Herald to give him profile and get ready for his next backdoor job.

09-11-2013, 10:42 AM
To be fair balance, Sorenson was selling millions of shares on market at this time, spooking the heck out of potential investors in this stock, and as a result the SP was going backwards in a huge hurry.

Now the SP is on the rise, the Sorenson effect is running out of Puff, other companies in this sector are on a tear, so IF the quarterly provides solid numbers, I expect the SP WILL head north!

That being the case, time to buy.

Just make sure you have your back to a wall or have an iron plate against your backside.

I can just imagine someone licking his lips with a grin in anticipation.

09-11-2013, 01:39 PM
So predictions on Q2 revenue numbers?

I have Q2 of 12/13 to be $710,007 last three quarters have grown at 110%, 87% and 116% respectively. Average those and we get 104%?? So should we be expecting roughly $1,400,000??

The bit I haven't gotten my head around is that obviously revenue is seasonal to some extent in this sector, but I am not sure how this factors in for this Q?? If we look at last years 12/13 Q1 numbers ($556,696) compared to Q2 ($710,007) then we can see that Q2 was about 27% greater than Q1. If we use the same percentage increase for this financial year then we get roughly $1,500,000 (27% increase on 13/14 Q1 of $1,202,464) for Q2 this year.

My expectation for Q2 this year is somewhere in the $1.4m to $1.5m range based on those very crude calculations. (just been doing these calcs on the fly so if my numbers are out please let me know).

I'd be interested to hear what others have calculated expected Q2 revenues.

I am impressed with your calculations and estimations turmeric. Well done, top effort. It all looks good to me by the way you have presented the above.

Finally when they do come out lets see how close you are. Cheers

09-11-2013, 02:34 PM
We wait with anticipation. I like the team. Focused on the job, good objectives, they know where they are going and where they want the company to be. They are young, talented and passionate. I've invested in all that.

09-11-2013, 02:46 PM
We wait with anticipation. I like the team. Focused on the job, good objectives, they know where they are going and where they want the company to be. They are young, talented and passionate. I've invested in all that.

I remember people writing that about Eric Watson (and his teams) when he was on the up and up.

So many parallels to be drawn between Eric and Derek.

09-11-2013, 04:07 PM
All revealed with passage of time. Yes happy to be in as well and will keep a close eye on eventualities.

09-11-2013, 04:08 PM
my estimate was $1.5M+ as this quarter is usually a bumper one and I have been hearing things about very good revenue results and a big deal in the making.

happy to be IN and happier when Sorehead is OUT next week (keep selling buddy, were all cheering you on) ;)

Change in tune, Moosie?

Why weren't you happy when he was selling at 7c?

09-11-2013, 04:37 PM
We've been over this so many times its not funny. if you don't know my reasons for buying by now you never will. you're on this thread more than me so why don't you tell me?

Buy in, ramp and and sell to the next sucker?

Reason for buying in becomes irrelevant then, right?

That's why Sorenson selling was played up to get the sp down.

Now Sorenson selling becomes irrelevant as you have bought in?

09-11-2013, 05:49 PM
So now you're accussing me of ramping? the person who was the only one to write to Handley about my concerns for shareholders? the one who was going to write again but got maybe one other taker when I asked for hands up to help? the one who has kept people informed about the company and made a choice to try and balance (excuse thr pun) out the unethicalness of Soreheads actions?

Balance, I comment on stocks whether I have them or not to provide helpful info to others who may not be so privileged. whether I hold them or not is immaterial. you weren't exactly accusing me of ramping on DIL were you?

if you met me you would know I'm an open and honest guy and only want the best for my fellow traders. you sir, I hope to never met now.

enjoy your weekend :)

Your call, not mine.

I only observe and comment accordingly in this case.

You bought in, talked the story up, sold out, highlighted Sorenson's selling out etc etc

You now buy back in, talking the story up, Sorenson is now not a problem etc.

On the balance of probabilities, what does it look like?

It is cool either way. Worries me not but you should clarify.

09-11-2013, 06:09 PM
Ok, just remember what YOUR money is going to fund next.

I know you can't have ethics most of the time in the stock market (kind of like you can't have emotions when you're a pimp [yes, I watched the Other Guys last night; now singing "Pimps Don't Cry" in my head]).

Just food for thought. There's plenty more Oz stocks to buy right now. Snakk is a dog compared to all of them BECAUSE of Sorenson! Just take a look at MKB, MBE, ABN, MNW etc. SNK has more revenue yet is going nowhere...

Because of Sorenson, Snakk is a dog.

Now, a plea for Sorenson to sell more.

I am confused? Nope.

see weed
09-11-2013, 11:57 PM
Now lets all settle down and have a nice cup of tea. At the Auckland meeting ...Horse n Trap last Monday ,somebody there asked which company you would pick for 2014. I piped up and said Snakk Media, probably because i have shares with them. I was cut down to size at the knees pretty fast, and thought I better shut up and not talk and just listen. All i wanted to say was that I bought 60,000 shares at .074c and they had gone up about 40%. Noticed the sp go down for the next 2 days, so started to accumulate more during the week. What ever will be will be, go up go down go side ways. If you believe in Snakk then buy more Snakk to go with your cup of tea.

10-11-2013, 12:01 AM
Balance mate, if people are doing that, that money won't last long.

10-11-2013, 08:33 AM
Now lets all settle down and have a nice cup of tea. At the Auckland meeting ...Horse n Trap last Monday ,somebody there asked which company you would pick for 2014. I piped up and said Snakk Media, probably because i have shares with them. I was cut down to size at the knees pretty fast, and thought I better shut up and not talk and just listen. All i wanted to say was that I bought 60,000 shares at .074c and they had gone up about 40%. Noticed the sp go down for the next 2 days, so started to accumulate more during the week. What ever will be will be, go up go down go side ways. If you believe in Snakk then buy more Snakk to go with your cup of tea.

I also got some SNK, paid 9.1 cents so way more then you by 23%. Who were cutting your knees off? They will ban them of any future meetings. lol

10-11-2013, 09:58 AM
I also got some SNK, paid 9.1 cents so way more then you by 23%. Who were cutting your knees off? They will ban them of any future meetings. lol

Not me either. I also have a small holding in SNK. I met see weed at the meeting, but did not get a chance to talk with him. Maybe next time.

11-11-2013, 10:56 AM
It really is very interesting (and frustrating) to watch 100k lots pop up as soon as there is some support on the buy side. Have watched it closely this morning and it's the two trades at 10:09 and 10:50 (still has 35k to complete it at 12.5)

11-11-2013, 11:21 AM
A slow steady increase suits me just fine.

11-11-2013, 01:26 PM
Have noticed some very big trading gaps between 12 and 1.30pm lately. take from that what you will...

Also to note is that the Buys are in the 10.8-12.1 tight Range, whilst the Sells 12.5 -18.5 are in a wide spread range.

11-11-2013, 07:36 PM
Have noticed some very big trading gaps between 12 and 1.30pm lately. take from that what you will...

The turnover is getting up to quite high levels.There is some momentum developing.All bodes well ......

see weed
11-11-2013, 09:22 PM
I also got some SNK, paid 9.1 cents so way more then you by 23%. Who were cutting your knees off? They will ban them of any future meetings. lol

I don't know, he didn't have his name tag on. No worries, i'm looking forward to the good positive q2 results.

see weed
11-11-2013, 09:30 PM
Have noticed some very big trading gaps between 12 and 1.30pm lately. take from that what you will...

They probably all went out for lunch.

Blue Horseshoe
11-11-2013, 10:01 PM
exactly. and what types of buyers take a brwak from buying for lunch...

Insto's with big appetites that need a Snakk when they get back from lunch.

Tony Two Gloves
12-11-2013, 01:18 PM
Snakk is the new Endacott Steel !!

12-11-2013, 04:17 PM
Just out from SNK https://nzx.com/companies/SNK/announcements/243690

12-11-2013, 04:33 PM
Just out from SNK https://nzx.com/companies/SNK/announcements/243690

Isn't that the same mouthful that came the other day.I got it by email.Did others not get it ??

12-11-2013, 04:41 PM
Isn't that the same mouthful that came the other day.I got it by email.Did others not get it ??
Yep, same mouthful....

12-11-2013, 06:13 PM
exactly the same, seems to have brought in some small buyers end f day. I noticed someone being VERY skittish with their buy and sell orders today. the market is also unsure of where to go now as well. anything between 10 and 12 is a buy imho on potential weakness as profit taking starts.

This damn thing might run out of steam if they don't watch out.Was it the boy who cried " Wolf "

12-11-2013, 06:38 PM
This damn thing might run out of steam if they don't watch out.Was it the boy who cried " Wolf "

Does that really matter in the long run? Companies that rely on hype and pr to move a shareprice are companies I try and stay well away from. Moosie is correct in saying that the quarterly should provide some indication or direction.

12-11-2013, 09:13 PM
After rereading that announcement im really expecting good things from the quarterly.
They seem really confident with the numbers and the business in the future.
I may even top up for the long term again if it falls to 10 cent range.
Anyone want to hazard a year or two year sp forecast if it goes how management hope?

12-11-2013, 09:31 PM
Anyone want to hazard a year or two year sp forecast if it goes how management hope?

I'll take the bait and regret it, but end of 2014 I'll say 31-35 cents.

12-11-2013, 09:59 PM
I have just read both announcements and the wording is different in each one.The theme is the same and both are positive in my view.

That Q2 result announcement can not be far away.

12-11-2013, 10:14 PM
I'll take the bait and regret it, but end of 2014 I'll say 31-35 cents.

OK I will have a go also 16c on 31.12.2013......48c on 31.12.2014.

Anyone else.....

see weed
13-11-2013, 12:31 AM
OK I will have a go also 16c on 31.12.2013......48c on 31.12.2014.

Anyone else.....

17c and 49c

13-11-2013, 06:10 AM
Jeez guys ....you make it out to be a real multi bagger and only go 3 or 4 times at beast ....in a years time

I say handley magic prevails and a buck by xmas

Better than MBE eh? So should be a 10 bagger on the expected sales growth

13-11-2013, 06:48 AM
That Q2 result announcement can not be far away.

Any idea on when we are expecting this? Next week? End of the month?

13-11-2013, 08:50 AM
based upon their last few announcements, I have Monday, 25 november as an 85% certainty, most likely late in the day.

Sounds good to me . Lets see. And are you going to put in your picks Moosie as above for 2013 and 2014 ending? Cheers

The Real Bud Fox
13-11-2013, 08:52 AM
The hype around mobile usage is huge.


The likes of SNK and VMOB, if they can capture market share and gain traction, will see a re-rating upwards.

13-11-2013, 09:28 AM
The hype around mobile usage is huge.


Hype without substance? Or hype including substance? Will market share eventuate into profits is the big question for me.
Sounds very similar to 1999 where the "internet" was going to do everything and all consumer money would flow through. But ultimately it has changed our lives but the profits for the "internet" companies never eventuated :( It was not enough to have "hits" or numbers. Numbers did not flow through to revenues. But lets hope SNK can make something of it. Not tempted yet though.... :)

13-11-2013, 09:31 AM
said earlier, 17 cents by xmas, not bettin on next year, too many variables

While it's a bit of a laugh to have guestimate on future sp, I reckon if you guys really believed it there would be massive depth on the bid to pick up a 50% gain by Christmas. Strangely there isn't. So I reckon it qualifies as ramping.:)

13-11-2013, 09:36 AM
While it's a bit of a laugh to have guestimate on future sp, I reckon if you guys really believed it there would be massive depth on the bid to pick up a 50% gain by Christmas. Strangely there isn't. So I reckon it qualifies as ramping.:)

Exactly Jonu, at present market consensus is saying they expect SNK to be 12.30166 cents by Christmas (12.2 * 1+.1/12) assuming 10% discount rate and one month to go till Christmas :)

13-11-2013, 09:41 AM
While it's a bit of a laugh to have guestimate on future sp, I reckon if you guys really believed it there would be massive depth on the bid to pick up a 50% gain by Christmas. Strangely there isn't. So I reckon it qualifies as ramping.:)

Maybe we have the ingredients for a self-fulfilling phrophecy here! If everyone did put in massive bids now, it might be 17 by Christmas:p

steve fleming
13-11-2013, 09:53 AM
Hype without substance? Or hype including substance? Will market share eventuate into profits is the big question for me.

the issue is more whether the market is big enough...given such a low margin business, in Australia and NZ, the mobile user market is simply not big enough to provide sufficient scale for meaningful margins from mobile advertising, particaulry when there are so many players taking a cut (ie inventory provider, creative provider, mobile developer, advertsing agency)

13-11-2013, 10:05 AM
the issue is more whether the market is big enough...given such a low margin business, in Australia and NZ, the mobile user market is simply not big enough to provide sufficient scale for meaningful margins from mobile advertising, particaulry when there are so many players taking a cut (ie inventory provider, creative provider, mobile developer, advertsing agency)


If it's such great business, Mr Snakk will keep the business for himself - none of this backdoor listing 'I get shares at 50c, rest of you pay $12.00' BS.

If his Twitter PR is true, he sure kept it to himself and a few of his mates?

Why do I see another Eric Watson here?

13-11-2013, 10:09 AM

If it's such great business, Mr Snakk will keep the business to himself - non of this backdoor listing 'I get shares at 5c, rest of you pay $1.20' BS.

His mates would have all piled in at the beginning.

Just a quick question from someone not fully acquainted with SNK and its history. Are you suggesting that there was no capital raised when they listed? Because if not then why the hell list in the first place? Or there has to be a "motive" for listing then doesn't there....

Harvey Specter
13-11-2013, 10:17 AM
Just a quick question from someone not fully acquainted with SNK and its history. Are you suggesting that there was no capital raised when they listed? Because if not then why the hell list in the first place? Or there has to be a "motive" for listing then doesn't there....No capital raised at issue but they did a SPP shortly afterwards. This is the cheapest way to list as IPO require lots of documents - GEO is another example but they did the capital raise pre compliance listing and haven't sought extra funds yet.

There a lots of reasons to list even if you dont raise new capital.

J R Ewing
13-11-2013, 10:28 AM
No capital raised at issue but they did a SPP shortly afterwards. This is the cheapest way to list as IPO require lots of documents - GEO is another example but they did the capital raise pre compliance listing and haven't sought extra funds yet.

There a lots of reasons to list even if you dont raise new capital.

Such as? I'm sure you are right, there are. But not all of them are good reasons. Why did Snakk list as opposed to debt fund or take on a cornerstone PE shareholder?

Harvey Specter
13-11-2013, 10:33 AM
Such as? I'm sure you are right, there are. But not all of them are good reasons. Why did Snakk list as opposed to debt fund or take on a cornerstone PE shareholder?A quick three of the top of my head:

Xero listed (in part) as they though a listed entity gave them extra marketability - ie we aren't a small co, we are listed.
It gives liquidity to investors who have supported along the way (ideally only small shareholders like staff who received options instead of wages in the early days, not big holders like Sorensen, Business Bakery, founders)
It gives easy access to future funds, either via a placement (market gives market value so easy from a pricing perspective) or SPP (upto $15k from each shareholder). XRO has used both several times as it required funds.

13-11-2013, 10:42 AM
A quick three of the top of my head:

Xero listed (in part) as they though a listed entity gave them extra marketability - ie we aren't a small co, we are listed.
It gives liquidity to investors who have supported along the way (ideally only small shareholders like staff who received options instead of wages in the early days, not big holders like Sorensen, Business Bakery, founders)
It gives easy access to future funds, either via a placement (market gives market value so easy from a pricing perspective) or SPP (upto $15k from each shareholder). XRO has used both several times as it required funds.

Don't try and compare Snakk with Xero - it's like comparing Pol Pot to Mandela!

Harvey Specter
13-11-2013, 10:49 AM
Don't try and compare Snakk with Xero - it's like comparing Pol Pot to Mandela! I was not comparing - I was giving reasons why a company would choose to list rather than stay private. XRO is a great case study for that - that is all.

13-11-2013, 10:56 AM
I was not comparing - I was giving reasons why a company would choose to list rather than stay private. XRO is a great case study for that - that is all.

Well, here's the difference :

Snakk is a BACKDOOR listing - all done under the cover of darkness, no transparency and on hype.

Just look at how Xero listed - independent and strategic investors subscribed for shares along with everybody else at the IPO price, with full disclosure.

None of Snakk's nonsensical promotors get shares at 50c, and the rest of you all pay $12.00.

************************************************** *****

Xero announces initial public offering of $15 million

Xero Live Limited ("Xero") has today confirmed that it will proceed with an initial public offering on the NZSX to raise $15 million, reserving the right to accept a further $3 million in

The offer, at $1.00 per share, will open on Monday 14 May 2007.
Xero, based in Wellington, provides an online accounting system for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which typically have less than 20 employees. Its product has been available in a limited release since April 2007 and Xero has already attracted more than 100 paying customers. Short-term plans include expansion within New Zealand initially, then into the UK and Australia.

Xero was established in July 2006 by Rod Drury, an experienced technology entrepreneur with a record of building successful software businesses, and Hamish Edwards, the owner of a SME accounting business and a commentator on SMEs. Mr Drury is Chief Executive Officer and Mr Edwards Chief Financial Officer. Xero has recruited a strong management team and currently has 27 employees.

Mr Drury said Xero's product had received strong endorsement in testing and marketing to date. "We believe the convenience and flexibility of an online accounting solution, adopting a
'software-as-a-service' model, is highly attractive to SMEs and their owners. It means they can keep up-to-date accounts that are simple to maintain, always accessible online, can be shared easily with advisers, and do not require up-front costs such as software installation and maintenance."

Xero is chaired by Phil Norman, an experienced company director, advisor and investor with more than 30 years' involvement in information technology and telecommunications. The other independent directors are Graham Shaw, Guy Haddleton and Sam Morgan.

Mr Norman said the board was delighted to offer the public an opportunity to participate in a New Zealand based technology venture. "The business has achieved considerable momentum in a short time, based on a strong business concept with demonstrated appeal to a large target market. The number of SMEs in our target countries - New Zealand, the UK and Australia - is around 5.8 million. The proceeds of the IPO will fund Xero's continued
market development and growth."

Mr Norman said "We have considered a number of models for raising the additional capital required, but we believe the profile and transparency created by a public offering will be most effective in accelerating our business plan."

Xero's financial adviser and joint organising sponsor is Cameron Partners Limited. First NZ Capital Limited is lead broker and joint organising sponsor.

The independent directors intend to subscribe for $1.35 million of Shares under the offer, and strategic partners and other investors for approximately $5 million. None of those persons
guarantee the Shares. The balance of the offer is reserved for clients of First NZ Capital, and for other investors on application.

13-11-2013, 11:04 AM
So who are Snakk's independent directors?

How many shares did they subscribe for at the IPO?

Harvey Specter
13-11-2013, 11:25 AM
Well, here's the difference :

Snakk is a BACKDOOR listing - all done under the cover of darkness, no transparency and on hype.

Just look at how Xero listed - independent and strategic investors subscribed for shares along with everybody else at the IPO price, with full disclosure.Your talking about how they listed, not why they would choose to list.

Re your comments on how they listed, I completely agree.

J R Ewing
13-11-2013, 11:39 AM
A quick three of the top of my head:

Xero listed (in part) as they though a listed entity gave them extra marketability - ie we aren't a small co, we are listed.
It gives liquidity to investors who have supported along the way (ideally only small shareholders like staff who received options instead of wages in the early days, not big holders like Sorensen, Business Bakery, founders)
It gives easy access to future funds, either via a placement (market gives market value so easy from a pricing perspective) or SPP (upto $15k from each shareholder). XRO has used both several times as it required funds.

1. I don't really buy that. There are several very small companies listed on the NZAX. The advantages are completely outweighed by the extra compliance burden.
2. But when Snakk listed - those WERE the "early days"! There were no people who had been toiling away for years building the company up from nothing. But "liquidity" could be a very bad reason for listing if the object of the excercise is simply for founding shareholders to exit.
3. Time will tell I guess, let's see if they do raise more funds and then what they propose to use the funds for - acquisitions or cash burn?

Harvey Specter
13-11-2013, 12:06 PM
I don't really buy that.Yes. There are Pro's and Con's. I was only asked for Pro's and was giving generic answers which could apply to SNK, VML, GEO, XRO, etc.

We all know Balances views that there a lot more "Con's" involved with Snakk than "Pro's" but then, I wasn't talking about the people involved. ;)

14-11-2013, 10:18 AM
I bought a parcel yesterday at 11.8c small enough that I could afford to lose it all. My only reason for investing is Derek Handley and his merry circle of friends and business contacts.

14-11-2013, 11:01 AM
I bought a parcel yesterday at 11.8c small enough that I could afford to lose it all. My only reason for investing is Derek Handley and his merry circle of friends and business contacts.

You are making a huge assumption Derek is sharing those friends and contacts with you. The evidence so far is that he is sharing investors' wealth with his friends and contacts.

Hope you donated some money to the Philippines Disaster Fund.

14-11-2013, 11:07 AM
You are making a huge assumption Derek is sharing those friends and contacts with you. The evidence so far is that he is sharing investors' wealth with his friends and contacts.

Hope you donated some money to the Philippines Disaster Fund.

Sure have donated a sizeable amount. Everyone with spare cash should.

14-11-2013, 11:08 AM
Sure have donated a sizeable amount. Everyone with spare cash should.

You are a champ.

Thumbs up.

14-11-2013, 11:20 AM
Spare cash is whatever it is to you. Could be $5 could be 5k.

14-11-2013, 11:48 AM
I bought a parcel yesterday at 11.8c small enough that I could afford to lose it all. My only reason for investing is Derek Handley and his merry circle of friends and business contacts.
Good one, i invested because of him and the management team they have there, and the fact phone and tablet, internet tv advertising etc is the way of the future.