View Full Version : Investment Advisers Performance - IAPM

05-09-2013, 07:41 AM
While looking through the local "Money Week" activities, I came across the IAPM website (http://www.iapm.co.nz/portal/solution.asp). It appears they are trying to create a confidential way to compare Investment Advisors, which sounds interesting. As far as I can see, it looks like they are at the "register your interest" stage - clearly this would require a reasonable sample to provide any useful info.

The fees (http://www.iapm.co.nz/portal/process.asp) look fairly steep - but early adopters may get a 100% discount. I guess it might be worth it if the report actually suggests a "better" advisor than the one you are using - but I'm not quite clear on that... maybe it just tells you where your one currently sits in the range of returns?

Not sure if it is of use outside of managed accounts - is it fair to measure advisors who are only providing monitoring and advice (especially if the client rarely takes their advice in a timely manner)?

It would be nice to have some public method of finding out more about and choosing financial advisers. Perhaps IAPM will add something to what is currently available? I don't have an Investment Advisor - or at least not one that tracks my portfolio for me - so don't think I will be able to sign up, but would be interested to hear comments from anyone that does.

05-09-2013, 12:56 PM
What are the potential ratings/categories....he made me money I like him...I lost money I hate him...?

05-09-2013, 01:12 PM
What are the potential ratings/categories....he made me money I like him...I lost money I hate him...?Exactly - everyone loved Ponzi (Ross, Madoff, (Hubbard?)) until after it call came crashing down.

05-09-2013, 09:18 PM
From what I can see, it requires you to upload your portfolio performance and tells you where it ranks against other advisors in your region... though could actually have been good for business at Ross and Madoff offices, I guess.