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11-11-2013, 09:25 PM
Hi sharetraders, I've just found this website a few days ago & I could not resist signing up. Great knowledge and a bit of banter to boot is the makings of a good, happy & solid forum.
I got burnt back in 87 and it’s taken me all this time to get back into investing. So yes a newbie all over again, but somewhat wiser -hopefully. The game has changed plenty from how I remembered it.
Why did I start investing in stocks again? I got into a deep and meaningful discussion with somebody from the green Taliban about green politics and his vision for stopping NZ progressing and it really peed me off. How we should stand behind farming, income from tourism, the wine industry and green energy for our future and all of that. Sort of like the debate on TV3 last week but 6 months ago. He hated the facts I quoted that were dairy farming is killing our clean green image, vineyards are killing their neighbors and themselves with Pesticide over-spray, tourists are getting robbed, murdered, raped & dying in road accidents in large numbers every year in NZ and green energy is not ready to run without the known and proven for many years to come yet.
He told me to put my money where my mouth was - and I did. Funny how wisdom slows down your actions, but after about 20 weeks research I've brought two stocks that I thought were to good to overlook. Both are on the TSX & are Canadian corporations involved with NZ unconventional oil exploration in the East Coast Basin and one is drilling on shore in Taranaki. Most here could guess what stocks they are. Does not seem to be a lot of talk about them in the threads that I've seen. Does anybody else have an interest in the East Coast play?
If I’d found this site earlier I would of learnt that the ASB would be far more expensive than some of the American brokers mentioned within your US market threads before I ran with ASB securities. Just the mere fact that trading with ASB securities in North America is way on the high side, its stopped me taking profits when and were I should. I did check out Scottrade, but they aren't set up for internationals outside of China yet. I will be looking into a broker to handle those trades in the future, but might just leave them as a long play.
I’m also looking at the NZX & ASX. Homework on all possibilities first though. PEB looks good, not as good as a few weeks ago, never mind still a goer in my mind.
That’s my story and look forward to reading more of the wisdom and feel free to advise me when I state the obvious mistake because sparky the clown I am not. glta.

13-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Welcome to the forum Cuzzie and good luck with your investing. Oilers aren't typically my bag but there are several posters here who do follow them.

14-11-2013, 11:15 AM
I am cautious of investing in any traditional energy stocks e.g. oil, gas, coal etc. I say this because there is a lot of very promising research going on in alternative energy and one of them will hit in the next 5 - 10 years. By alternative energy I am not talking about solar or wind, but fusion and direct solar to liquid fuel conversion.

Some examples:




14-11-2013, 11:20 AM
Cheers for that Halebop. I'll have a look around some of the threads a bit more to try and find more Oilers.

16-11-2013, 07:50 PM
Cheers for that Halebop. I'll have a look around some of the threads a bit more to try and find more Oilers.
Get a hold of digger perhaps on a pm. Hes knows a bit about Tag, NZEC, marauder, Nzog. You may find him on the NTL thread.

16-11-2013, 08:28 PM
I got burnt back in 87 and it’s taken me all this time to get back into investing.
Welcome to the forum.

Some would say that current market conditions are very much like 87.

For example we are experiencing:
1. Elevated valuations in traditional stocks
2. New technologies that mean traditional valuation techniques to not matter for cloud companies
3. Heaps of new listing of stocks that don't make a profit
4. Many stocks have been invested in because they have a "story", rather than using meaningful financial analysis
5. Many new newbies on the forum

Call me old and crusty(I'm younger than you), but I think it will end like 87.

Best of luck

[Edit] Oiler's are definitely not in a bubble. Returns have been poor for years. Maybe you have found the bottom?

18-11-2013, 10:10 AM
I agree with the future of alternative energy, but feel we are not yet done with traditional yet. Thanks for those links, I will look into them.

18-11-2013, 10:11 AM
Thanks MBJ, I will take up that advice.

18-11-2013, 10:19 AM
Welcome to the forum.

Some would say that current market conditions are very much like 87.

For example we are experiencing:
1. Elevated valuations in traditional stocks
2. New technologies that mean traditional valuation techniques to not matter for cloud companies
3. Heaps of new listing of stocks that don't make a profit
4. Many stocks have been invested in because they have a "story", rather than using meaningful financial analysis
5. Many new newbies on the forum

Call me old and crusty(I'm younger than you), but I think it will end like 87.

Best of luck

[Edit] Oiler's are definitely not in a bubble. Returns have been poor for years. Maybe you have found the bottom?
Oh yeah your so right noodles all those signs are there all right. One big difference is back in 87 I was young, a dreamer and was easily influenced by a family friend who made millions before the 87 crash. I invested and promptly lost my deposit on a house. The family friend lost everything too, but then borrowed some more to margin trade and ended up a very rich man. If I taken the second part of his advice, well I would of got my deposit back and plenty more.

So to answer your examples we are experiencing right now:

1. The two stocks I have invested in are under valued right now.
2. Cloud companies aside, the oil industry has new technologies to deal with deep down impervious cap rock like we have in parts of NZ.
3. I agree and even more so with Oil Juniors on the TSX. You owe it to yourself to do the homework first.
4. Yep and mine most certainly had stories and that's how they stay, stories. Stories should always be confirmed only by your research into the known facts.
5. Me being one of the newest newbies on here is to further my knowledge. It's great source of info for looking at the NZX & ASX as I'm looking for investment in these areas too.

To answer your last statement, no bottom found just knowledge. There is a massive bonus on the new oil revolution that is about to unfold for the East Coast play and that would be LPG, not just for domestic use but for export to China. There are numerous LPG tankers being built right now due to a surplus of Gas in the USA. The US will be exporting LPG to China. NZ is closer to China and have a trade agreement, plus the LPG Tankers will go where China directs them. The gas will go where our oil will - China ;-)