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steve fleming
29-03-2014, 12:43 PM

Copy of my post on h/c...just putting it out there as there is no thread for RFT on ST


Pudu/ Wangs got involved in RFT to utilise their chinese connections to drive sales from China as a medium term strategy. China is what they saw that could drive some decent growth in the business. Nothing much happened for a couple of years. But a couple of key announcements at the back end of 2013 and a return to NPAT profitability suggests this strategy maybe now working.

IMO (apart from QTG) at just over $4m it's the cheapest (by m/c) exposure to a genuine, growing NPAT positive business on the ASX

Still a long way to go to become 'investment grade' from a fundies perspective. Low quality board, poor governance and a pretty opaque register. Though I guess having a substantial chinese listed company as a major shareholder now helps a bit. Given the low 'quality' qualitative aspects, the numbers are going to have to be the driver of the share price, unless chinese money starts to get interested.

I have asked Management to get their Form 603s and 604s lodged for all the change in shareholding activity of late last year, before ASX gets on their case.

Hold a few mil of these, so see how we go as a hopefully lower risk profitable spec play

Well Endowed
31-03-2014, 11:53 AM
Hi Steve, looks interesting. Do they hold patents/competitive advantages for their AC/DC converters/peripherials, or is it more of a niche manufacturing play?

I had a read through the last handful of announcements, looks like plenty of registry movement between chinese counterparts. The cost savings largely driven by the movement of manufacturing location to malaysia and redundancies/resignations, further profitability likely to be generated by contract wins?

The company structure and business has similarities with MLA I reckon. Will have to do some further reading.


31-03-2014, 12:27 PM
HI steve ,
I am happy for a punt joined you on the register , in @ .004


Well Endowed
31-03-2014, 12:49 PM
but a bit of a flurry of activity on open, still reading through reports! might've missed the boat hah

31-03-2014, 08:15 PM
HI steve ,
I am happy for a punt joined you on the register , in @ .004


Me too,1mil at 4cents at open.Did not get the contract note until they were going through at 5 cents,so thought I may have missed.So we are up 25% in a day."That's incredible."
Thank you Steve.

01-04-2014, 05:40 PM
Steve I hope they haven't sold the Golden goose ?

01-04-2014, 06:19 PM
"In the 6 months to 31 December 2013, RTUK contributed approximately 35% of RT’s revenue and was the largest contributor to RT's group profit"

Bit sucky. But at least you don't own PBT right? :t_up:

correct not in that one thankfully. ( at least I only have half a cent to lose here !! )

01-04-2014, 06:28 PM
Well its either the right thing to do,or it is the wrong thing to do.
If you are prepared to sell your biggest earner you must be confident the proceeds of the sale can generate better returns.
The people with the most at risk have decided it is the right thing to do.Half a million pound should bolster the finances.[A$900,000]
We have paid our money to join the party,so lets see what happens.!

steve fleming
01-04-2014, 09:24 PM
Well its either the right thing to do,or it is the wrong thing to do.
If you are prepared to sell your biggest earner you must be confident the proceeds of the sale can generate better returns.
The people with the most at risk have decided it is the right thing to do.Half a million pound should bolster the finances.[A$900,000]
We have paid our money to join the party,so lets see what happens.!

Yes RFT very much a China story

Their UK operations have plodded along OK historically selling their battery charger units to rail companies, but have always been a bit non-core. As per the announcements from late last year and per Management’s strategy, the focus is to drive sales from Americas/Asia and in particular China. Low cost manufacturing out of Malaysia is a key driver.

Hopefully these operations are now at a level that they can be self supporting, such that the time was right to drop the UK operations, otherwise indeed it would be silly to sell UK after all these years

Anyway good to have Management now focussed solely on the key growth driver - Asia.

steve fleming
08-06-2014, 12:19 PM
A link to the RFT / Yimikang share purchase and cooperation agreement (dated 19 December 2013):

http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://www.cfi.net.cn/p20131219001122.html&usg=ALkJrhjBmpBbBXX-OjqnB4hSLSch58bpPw

Translation is a bit dodgy. Have copied some of the key paragraphs below (with some minor amendments to correct translation issues. Yimikang is referred to as Micon)

Bascially it states, that RFT tech is essential for Yimikang. RFT technology is world leading and has already been licensed through 180 licensing deals. It identifies a number of potential customers who may use the RFT/Yimikang combined product.

Copies of paragraphs below:


The Target Company (RFT) has a world leader switching power supply technology research and development team, a team Members include founder Mr.Valentino Francesco Vescovi ( is now a director) and technology leaders Mr.Nigel Machin (is now chief engineer), including 15 R & D team.

RFT R & D team has successfully developed the world upper bound of the first 200A-12KW switching power supply, and a wide range of applications in the telecommunications industry; successfully developed a series of dozens of RT, Including various models, specifications rectifier switching power supply, control systems, battery management systems;

Part of technology transfer contracts signed with more than 60 Foreign company, involving more than 180 technology licensing, technology licensing company to buy RT manufacturers throughout Asia, Europe, AmericaAsia, Africa and Australia native, use the company's technology permits the production of RFT power products covering almost every corner of the world.

Active in China since the early nineties communication power supply market, there are many companies that are directly or indirectly benefit from the company's RFT Technology transfer, such as CIMIC (Delta), Putian, Wuhan Intercontinental, Pearl telecommunications, Shenyang AMVIG letter, Asia and Macao, Wuhan able to create, Datang Telecom (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_600198.html&usg=ALkJrhirYvYidf00ZblkMqJz8jLksQoDaA) and so on.

Implementation of the project will make Yimikang (=Micon):

*more efficient, convenient, low cost switching power absorption using RFT's technology development and research, thereby expanding by Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) Precision Environmental aspects related products and services technology involved, upgrade according to meters Kang (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) s professional and technical capacity.

*contribute to the expansion by Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) product applications, synergy present by Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) users mainly in the telecommunications, health care, finance, transportation, energy, manufacturing, and other industries in the data centerand government departments, and the high pressure DC power supply (HVDC) applications

*After the implementation of the project, according to Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) said users will have the ability to provide a leading technology (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_1B0973.html&usg=ALkJrhh3PlE-g7l54ql30QCQptJ2o-qL1w) , high efficiency and cost advantages of high voltage DC power supply (HVDC), thereby expanding by Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) product applications; simultaneously with by Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) existing products and services business synergies to further enhance by Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) 's share marketturnover.

*helps improve by Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) scale, thereby enhancing the profitability of applied research from 2007 until the beginning of the domestic high-voltage DC power supply (HVDC), the late start. With the depth of information construction into development, as well as substantive advance, high standards, green room and data center construction market demand national energy policy even stronger.Room and data center energy efficiency, low operating costs, high reliability requirements of the building, will be rectified with high efficiency, high power density, good product stability and product cost-effective high-voltage DC power supply (HVDC) a huge market opportunity .

Bid high voltage DC power supply (HVDC) a huge market opportunity, according to Hui Dian research report 2012 China High Voltage Direct Uninterrupted flow systems market size of about 100 million yuan, is expected to reach 2.5 billion yuan in 2015 market capacity.

China started late HVDC power technology, the overall level and there is a great gap compared to foreign technology, from the overall product On taste and product quality, reliability, it is still a long way to go. Currently on the market is the field of communication to promote high Voltage DC power supply applications, especially since 2007, China Telecom launched high-voltage DC power technology research and in 2011 the Products included in the centralized purchasing, while others, such as finance, electricity, broadcasting, transport, defense, scientific research and other applications in the field of marketing. Rapid progress has yet to be expanded. But the high-voltage DC power supply (HVDC) alternative to AC UPS is an inevitable trend, because the product Life cycle is now in the initial stage, the current cut is more appropriate timing, the first intervention to seize the market and technology companies will be Machine, is conducive to the formation of their own competitive advantage. , the implementation of the project, according to Micon (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drectifier%2Brt15%26start%3D20%26sa%3D N%26biw%3D2560%26bih%3D1335%26tbs%3Dqdr:y&rurl=translate.google.com.au&sl=zh-CN&u=http://quote.cfi.cn/quote_300249.html&usg=ALkJrhiKe95qP84DLmhgfBA9tAJdCShPFQ) will work closely with the RFT to participate in China's rapid communications, data centers, etc.
The high-voltage DC power supply market segments (HVDC) market competition, sharing high-voltage DC power supply (HVDC) rapidly expanding market.

steve fleming
08-06-2014, 12:22 PM
RFT wins two Prestigious 2014 iAwards


Congratulations RFT, and congrats to the Vic Govt for all the support they have given RFT

"The most outstanding ICT R&D project in Victoria"

So, RFT have:

*an externally validated, award winning, innovative secure power solution
*highly environmentally friendly / energy efficient
*a growing market for their product to be distributed into (DCs)
* a financially strong and experienced distributor, who as the major shareholder is well incentivised to put lots of effort into the distribution
* a business model that is already profitable

The good thing is that all the R&D on RT15 now appears complete, so RT15 looks ready for Yimikang to take to market. Exciting times ahead

Well Endowed
10-06-2014, 12:56 PM
added to a small position in this today, thanks for the info Steve. hoping the SP will gain traction over the coming quaters. Still only a 4mil MC.

28-07-2014, 06:10 PM
My buy finally got hit @.003c. Been a standoff for weeks

29-08-2014, 09:57 PM
Looking good Steve you beaut:t_up:
Results in after mkt
REV up from $5.2 mill to $5.9 mill
EBITDA $823,000 from a LOSS of $625,000
NPAT $576 ,000 up from $760,000 LOSS last year
Mkt Cap $3.28 million.

30-08-2014, 08:07 AM
Looking good Steve you beaut:t_up:
Results in after mkt
REV up from $5.2 mill to $5.9 mill
EBITDA $823,000 from a LOSS of $625,000
NPAT $576 ,000 up from $760,000 LOSS last year
Mkt Cap $3.28 million.
It might be worth pointing out that more than half of that profit is from discontinued operations?

30-08-2014, 10:09 AM
Cheers noodles, i see Steve mentions that too but lots to like with momentum atp and profit from non UK ops increasing and cost reductions. Tiny and hopefully growing with more liquidity and int going forward.

steve fleming
30-08-2014, 12:40 PM
Cheers noodles, i see Steve mentions that too but lots to like with momentum atp and profit from non UK ops increasing and cost reductions. Tiny and hopefully growing with more liquidity and int going forward.

When the new RFT/Yimikang product for data centres gets full regulatory approval and can be commercially sold, is when the real kick in revenue and profit will come. At the moment, sales predominantly comprise the older RFT products (which are still in demand).

Given this (RT15) is a recognised award winning product with strong green credentials, approvals should be forthcoming. Hopefully not too long a wait.

The appointment of the Yimikang chairman to the RFT board shows Yimikang's commitment to RFT.

However, stiil a very small and risky business though.

01-09-2014, 12:16 PM
Big lift from .003c to .005c today. have sold 30% ,aiming for the higher plane called Free Carried. is the goal.

01-09-2014, 12:32 PM
Big lift from .003c to .005c today. have sold 30% ,aiming for the higher plane called Free Carried. is the goal.

Legend! Talk up the stock just 4 days ago then sell today for 66% gain.

Well done.

01-09-2014, 12:36 PM
Thanks to Steve and its only a snapshot and still a riskier stock to hold but looking good to me.

26-11-2014, 11:57 AM
Net assets increased from -$18.61k to $835k
Significant increase in gross margin from 30.1% to 50%
New products released
Mkt cap still $3.28 mill

27-02-2015, 07:39 PM
Todays result shows a big improvement in profit and cashflow.
They appear to be getting there slowly.

27-02-2015, 09:01 PM
Yeah it looks like up; to me ,for this micro micro cap. New products rolling out too for Electric cars etc.

04-03-2015, 05:39 PM
,006c today. Am out for now. Worth the 7 month hold. On the watch list , future looks more promising now.

05-03-2015, 02:33 PM
Thanks again to Steve for starting this thread. Hope to be back.

13-03-2015, 07:25 PM
Well Percy the punter kept the faith??????
The rise of 22% today to finish the week at 1.1 cent is a huge increase from 0.04 it was a week or two ago.!!!

steve fleming
13-03-2015, 07:31 PM
Well Percy the punter kept the faith??????
The rise of 22% today to finish the week at 1.1 cent is a huge increase from 0.04 it was a week or two ago.!!!

Good to hear Percy - am very pleased it has done well for you!

Good lesson in patience here. I was accumulating a top 10 position in RFT for over a year, from Feb last year, to March this year. Initially at 0.3c then averageing down at 0.2c.

Nice to have a good pay day.

13-03-2015, 07:32 PM
Well Percy the punter kept the faith??????
The rise of 22% today to finish the week at 1.1 cent is a huge increase from 0.04 it was a week or two ago.!!!
Like ����.......

13-03-2015, 07:48 PM
Good to hear Percy - am very pleased it has done well for you!

Good lesson in patience here. I was accumulating a top 10 position in RFT for over a year, from Feb last year, to March this year. Initially at 0.3c then averageing down at 0.2c.

Nice to have a good pay day.

Well a really top day Friday the 13th turned out for me.
Great book sales in Timaru,and a great run by EBO[nz] and RFT.
But knowing Steve accumulated a top 10 position is the icing on the cake.
Thank you Steve,and well done!!

14-03-2015, 08:08 AM
Tops all round guys, I bought a few at last week for 0.6c, good little rise since! Cheers for all the info.

16-03-2015, 11:02 AM
Wow it's 11c now. Is it too late now?

Well Endowed
17-03-2015, 08:12 AM
I'm out. good gain, but overdone, looks like a classic hotcopper pump in my opinion. fundamentals good but way ahead of itself.

17-03-2015, 08:23 AM
Yep I let them go yesterday too - will pick up again if dips

17-03-2015, 09:01 AM
Well you guys are most probably right,but as I brought at 0.04 just about a year ago, I think I will just sit and enjoy the fun.!!

30-07-2015, 07:11 PM
Well, just saw that RFT has his 1.3 cents today (17 mil shares traded), I bought in again at 0.7c, anyone else still holding.

30-07-2015, 07:47 PM
Well, just saw that RFT has his 1.3 cents today (17 mil shares traded), I bought in again at 0.7c, anyone else still holding.
Yep , been trading this . Think update due any day , so judging by today's volume might be good ...

Fuzzy Dunlop
30-07-2015, 07:48 PM
I annoyingly insist on selling a third of my holding on the 2nd bag and did so this week in a rare show of conviction - Lord knows I didn't want to since things are looking very interesting. Hopefully we now have a new base...

30-07-2015, 08:44 PM
Looks like Assad Tannous has been buying. He has so many followers, he can move the market by making a call on twitter.

30-07-2015, 08:58 PM
Looks like Assad Tannous has been buying. He has so many followers, he can move the market by making a call on twitter.

Just keep making those calls Assad.!!! lol.
I have not sold any.
Still enjoying the fun.

21-06-2016, 12:22 PM
Up 66% this morning on very good announcement, RFT's new rectifier has successfully been utilised in Efacec's rapid battery car charger


21-06-2016, 12:23 PM
A little on Efacec's; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFACEC

21-06-2016, 02:05 PM
144 % , 2 years in the making love it

21-06-2016, 02:38 PM
Sold half my holding, well and truly free carried now

Fuzzy Dunlop
21-06-2016, 03:28 PM
Well done! A great day for us long term holders. I've sold down 2/3 of my holding over the day - It's stressful stuff selling into such an aggressive run with such little information to hand...

21-06-2016, 07:23 PM
Yeh its stressful alright, it was going so quick, no time to change orders

21-06-2016, 07:39 PM
Yeh its stressful alright, it was going so quick, no time to change orders
I think we came across some first world problems today !! Always good to have some tax to pay ...

21-06-2016, 07:54 PM
Very true stoploss

21-06-2016, 09:12 PM
Oh no,you have done it again Percy.!!
Brought 0.04 sold 0.08 and 0.09.lol.

21-06-2016, 11:46 PM
where has steve fleming gone to? must be popping some bottles!

Fuzzy Dunlop
22-06-2016, 12:59 PM
Absolutely, I seem to recall that he had accumulated a top ten position at one point

22-06-2016, 01:42 PM
where has steve fleming gone to? must be popping some bottles!



I had this urge to buy some RFT about two weeks ago but literally couldn't be bothered unloading another position to do so. Bugger. I hope Steve still has some

29-09-2016, 01:15 PM
seems some investigative work by people on HC has revealed the car charging company who RFT is supplying had signed a deal with VW. Anyway SP is heading upward pretty quick this morning

29-09-2016, 01:26 PM
Bought at $.003 sold last @ $.006. Currently $.034 10 bagger for some , you NZS ?:t_up:

29-09-2016, 05:54 PM
I bout at 0.5c, sold at 1.2c early on, then bought in at 0.6c and sold half at 3.2c still holding a bunch at 0.6c buy which are now free carried - a little trick I learnt of a guy called JT.. haha, I like the long term prospects. (doing a bit better than the latest buy TPP...)

05-05-2017, 01:12 PM
Good news Ann out today new rt7e verified in China's - plug in replacement for rt7. Approx 100,000 coming to the end of their life. Made things move back up!

12-10-2017, 01:14 PM
Well I had to sell most of my shares 6 months or so ago, haven't been keeping my eye on things really. However, I do still have a holding in Rft and the news out today is very promising. Order for approx 600k USD and more to come. As a percentage this is a decent chunk of rfts rev, so more orders could increase rev substantially and their gross margin is around 50% so that could be some very tidy eps/profit growth. Sp Up 25% today but I'd say a few more orders and it will double easily.

12-10-2017, 01:22 PM
There will be a few sellers who have a poor understanding that got in during the hype a while back so it's a good opportunity to take position before fundamentals start driving the price.

29-01-2018, 05:20 PM
well, a very interesting post on hc today re shipping volumes out of Singapore re rft. approx 3.5t left the port there in jan - thats about the same amount as the previous 4 months. enough speculation for me to top up.

14-05-2018, 10:00 AM
Nice update - 800k USD rectifiers for EV market sold. Released to marked at 3.30 Friday. I think things are starting to align for this little guy.

14-06-2018, 07:47 PM
well well, how this little guy is stating to really warm up - release today; $5mil USD sale contract,

14-06-2018, 08:19 PM
WOW :scared: up 66% today and now at 3.5c !!. Took my eye off the ball. Been trading it NZS or sitting on your hands? Congrats.

14-06-2018, 08:46 PM
basically held and sold in 2015 for a profit, then bought in again and sold when it popped in 2016 and then bought in again not long after and have held, iv'e been to scared to sell in the last few years as management is so unpredictable in their announcements, and this ev market has been heating up for them! everything seems to be lining up now and that is a 7mil AUD order so I'm holding these now. This is a profitable company anyway (and has been for many years) to financials have never worried me compared with some of those dreadful Aussie specs which all talk/revenue and no profit, however i think RFT gets put in their basket sometimes. (ie holding it is safe as its got some value as a good profitable business)

27-07-2018, 05:54 PM
A little info from facebook;

Rectifier technologies limited - an interesting small cap that has began to uptrend on very good movement into the Electric Vehicle (EV) chargingmarket. They manufacture rectifier's that convert AC power to DC power, a necessity for an electric vehicle charger.The EV segment of its business had $0 rev in FY 2015, approx 50k in 2016, 166k in 2017and just shy of a $1mil in HY18 end Dec 31. Since the half year is has announced approx $9.5 million (AUD) of sales in the EV market. It has other segments that are ticking away however the growth is coming from this the EV market. RFT has been established since 1992 and a profitable business for many years. It has recently had a good movement on the back of announcements from approx 2.2c - 2.5c and is now sitting around 3.5c. A break above 4c would be bullish. It recently tripled its manufacturing capacity in preparation for EV market sales.

11-04-2019, 08:55 PM
One of my picks in the ASX comp .Been 5 years in the making ... up 15% today to close all time high 4.6 cents on some decent volume .The electric revolution might be starting to get some traction .

12-04-2019, 06:37 PM
Up another 15% today to hit 5.5 at one stage . Another massive volume day , I fed the dogs this afternoon , but still holding a good position .

09-11-2021, 08:30 PM
This roared back into life today with a 3.7-5.8 range finishing at 5.2 cents + 44.4% on the day . Speeding ticket beckons tomorrow.
Something that has been in a growth industry for a long time are they finally going to deliver on something ......

09-11-2021, 08:50 PM
This roared back into life today with a 3.7-5.8 range finishing at 5.2 cents + 44.4% on the day . Speeding ticket beckons tomorrow.
Something that has been in a growth industry for a long time are they finally going to deliver on something ......

Forgot I had ever owned them...lol.
Well done holders.

10-11-2021, 12:32 PM
Haha looks like this thread roared back into life too. I have had it on my watchlist but haven't been in for ages. The sold a lot less rectifiers to the EV market in 2021 (approx 13 mil rev ev segment) vs 2020 (17 mil rev ev segment). reading the speeding ticket about the aus govt announcement & motley fool article. Will probably come back to 3 c trading range as any big jump in rev may be a while away.