Originally Posted by
I actually averaged to mid $19's, I always thought this is overpriced, at all the price points since $8 until it just kept going up, I caved and bought in thinking it'll keep going - "Hey I might believe this is overpriced, but the gravy train is at full speed ahead, let's hop on!".
Bbut then I realised I was right, it IS overpriced. It's just milk that can be replicated, the "but muh coca cola" argument is flawed, Coke has the secret formula to make it taste the way it does, whilst A2 milk is just milk... "But it has the A2 protein!" well, get some A2 cows into other countries and you can have your own A2 milk, just like they're doing with Zespri golden kiwifruits :t_up:
Daigou argument is flawed, if the product is that desired, they'll just buy at their local store, or T-mall etc. If you desired a piece of A5 Wagyu steak but you had to go across town to get it - you WILL go across town to get it instead of settling for some Aussie chuck steak, wouldn't you? Obviousy A2 is not as desireable as one would think, therefore even if the Daigou argument is valid (the Daigou channel is hindered), consumers must've been thinking "gee, I can't get A2 from my favourite daigou, oh look that's some Sanlu milk, I'll have that instead, it's the same anyway" - that just reinfornces the idea A2 milk is just milk - nothing special.
I'm sure there'll be both sides of the arguments, if you strongly believe A2 is the future, I wish all bag holders the best - I'm a bag holder as well and just as frustrated as you all are, we're all in this together, for both right and wrong reasons.
Yes, I put money on this and I made a HUGE mistake, I learned a lot - I just want to minimise the cost of this lesson as much as I could, that's all. This is the part where I regret getting on the roller coaster and wish to undo all the things I've done, but the roller coaster has just started and there's no platform in sight for me to safely get off.