The chart below shows the age spread of both my current loans and loans that have defaulted.

Orange: Age spread of current loans - scale on the left axis (example: there are 130 loans that are 15 months old)
Blue: Age spread of defaulted loans - scale on the right axis (example: 4 loans defaulted 6 months after purchase)

Age of Loans.png

I have no clue why month 8 and 9 are so low in relation to loans defaulting - just an anomaly due to low number of overall defaults at this point in time I guess.

An informative graph I think - for my loan set it shows that a good portion (~35%) are now out of the 'default' danger zone.

  • Loan default date is taken as charged-off date, not last payment date.
  • Three of the charged-off loans are currently still being paid...Harmoney data errors......
  • This would be a great graph to have time-lapsed, but it's just too much work to be bothered...