A few points. You need to decide if you want passive or active investments. ETFs are passive and investment trusts are active. I use both. Investment trusts are excellent for active investment as they are transparent and have lower fees than unit trusts. I stick with mainly global investment trusts and use ones with low fees. Scottish Mortgage has a max fee of 0.5% which has returned 168% for 5 years compared with the global index of 67% according to trustnet.com. There is no guarantee this will indicate future performance. I have sold a number that have under performed. Some are listed on the NZX.
Keep things simple. Perhaps use a couple of etfs for the core of your portfolio and a few investment trusts for active management. I do like an Etf that reflects the US market which represents 50% of the global share market. Few funds outperform the sp500 long term.
I purchase etfs on the asx. Using an asx online broker, fees are only 0.1% for purchase.
I do believe the NZX will have a global etf by the end of the year.