A cunning way to quickly check the financial health of an asx company is by using the Lincoln Indicators free "portfolio health check" -
https://www.lincolnindicators.com.au...iohealthcheck/ and entering just the ticker of one stock you'd like to check.
I think this is the most useful of the 3 factors lincoln stockdoctor assess (management and outlook being harder to quantify) and you can do it for free

From their website: Financial Health is our first and most important Golden Rule. Knowing the true Financial Health of a company is critical to long-term investing success. Without knowing the risk your businesses are exposed to, you are gambling and seriously risking loss.Developed in 1982 by Lincoln founder, academic and former Olympian Dr Merv Lincoln, Lincoln’s unique Financial Health model assesses key accounting ratios relating to each company’s profitability, cash flow, liabilities and assets. It then determines a Financial Health rating commensurate with the business risk of the company. Using Lincoln’s Methodology, investors can quickly identify stocks that warrant further consideration and eliminate those that don’t.
To meet this criteria a stock must exhibit Strong or Satisfactory Financial Health ratings. A company must be healthy for at least two consecutive periods or more. It is not sufficient for a stock to be healthy for a single period.
- See more at: https://www.lincolnindicators.com.au....b8HGnek5.dpuf