Thanks Beagle for raising this topic as I've found very good information specially the link KW posted.

Something that got me thinking is not about how worry of what to achieve is more a feeling of frustration of how steep is the climb if you have to rely in your salary plus investments. I'm an IT specialist and sometimes I think of those who work on more physical demanding jobs that pay close to the minimum and the only thing could make a difference is the mindset. So I take the challenge anyway.

My country of origin had between 2010 and 2016 around 40% of inflation per year, last two years is around 20% but seems staying there. Usually the only asset there to beat inflation are shares but I believe is just 3% of the population who invest in the stockmarket.

So I said the mindset because if we don't keep it open to learn I think makes hard to achieve the goals. Again thanks to everyone as after reading the whole post I've learnt a bit.