Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
Wait I have just worked out who you are referring to when you mention taxpayers who contribute more through GST. There would be a group of NZers who might be contributing more through GST than income tax. Heavily leveraged property investors they could be cashing in or drawing down on their tax free capital gains not contributing a cent in income tax. What I envy most about this group is that they are the ones central banks are protecting with easy money and low interest rates while they screw over savers and people on fixed incomes or wage earners whose pay rises don't match the inflation rate (think property price inflation not the CPI bulls***t). Its a crazy financial system we have.
Yes a system that at it's core has been extended by the lowering of leading rates >> then you add in the fact the average consumer has been forced to take on more household debt to keep afloat ....

then at the core of pretty much modern man is Energy >> which is at record Low prices ...now this is not because the world is finding more cheap energy but because the OPECS of the world are pumping it out at higher rates to keep afloat as the price falls ....the basic scale of business if profit margins drop increase sales etc >>but this isn't going last much longer if the world isn't replacing reserves of energy>>

the falling EROI – Energy Returned On Investment in oil and gas industry. Unfortunately, most of the public and energy analysts still don’t understand how the Falling EROI is gutting the entire system. They don’t see it because the world has become so complex, they are unable to connect-the-dots. However, if we look past all the over-specialized data and analysis, we can see how bad things are getting in the global oil and gas industry.
