
Thread: Black Monday

  1. #15501
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SailorRob View Post
    If I get into an accident I will be looked after by the products of a free market, administered by a shambolic system that is horribly inefficient but will do the job. I will have contributed to the service I get many times over.

    Yes we don't want a police state which is what your commie system always leads to.

    Did that post describe you and your attitudes perfectly?
    In particular the products of a free market system from other countries, from which we benefit from. Almost no one seems to know that the majority of healthcare innovations comes from the United States, and yet most people will complain that the US doesn't have a public healthcare system. That's not to say I think the US healthcare system is perfect, I'd abolish the FDA if it were my choice.

    As a type one diabetic I am grateful for the innovations in glucose monitors and insulin pumps which have mostly came from US companies.

  2. #15502
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    Quote Originally Posted by SailorRob View Post
    The entire point of the market you fool isn't to isolate yourself from the world.
    Yep quite the opposite. In only a communist/socialist society or through government intervention, can you do nothing and receive something from the fruits of others labour.

  3. #15503
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValueNZ View Post
    In particular the products of a free market system from other countries, from which we benefit from. Almost no one seems to know that the majority of healthcare innovations comes from the United States, and yet most people will complain that the US doesn't have a public healthcare system. That's not to say I think the US healthcare system is perfect, I'd abolish the FDA if it were my choice.
    Still, half of funding comes from the US taxpayer.

    Given that they spend twice per capita then their public spending on healthcare is probably equivalent to ours (10% of GDP) with the insurance red tape industry making up the rest. The results of this huge investment = life expectancy being low for an advanced country.
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 18-08-2023 at 09:45 AM.

  4. #15504
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValueNZ View Post
    Yep quite the opposite. In only a communist/socialist society or through government intervention, can you do nothing and receive something from the fruits of others labour.
    The US redistributes more than we do. They have a cgt, dividend tax and estate tax, plus local taxes (incl. on property) with minimal to no sales tax..

    So yeah let's follow the US but without the enormous waste & spend it on the voters instead.
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 18-08-2023 at 09:38 AM.

  5. #15505
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    guess some of the socialist tranny's on this site will be disappointed with winston toilet policy ...
    one step ahead of the herd

  6. #15506
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    The US redistributes more than we do. they have a cgt, dividend tax and estate tax. Plus local taxes (incl. on property) with minimal to no sales tax.

    So yeah let's follow the US but without the enormous waste & spend it on the voters instead.
    But really you have not looked at the IRS site.

  7. #15507
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    Quote Originally Posted by SailorRob View Post
    You'd be surprised where these sniveling commies lurk. has a huge pile of them too. Sickening.

    Their thinking can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are.Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community.

    Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others.Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects — his laziness, incompetence, improvidence or stupidity.

    Never believe in the honesty or disinterestedness of anyone who disagrees with you.This basic hatred is the heart of the Daytra typesThis is their animating force.You can throw away the technical jargon, the “scientific” analysis, and millions of pretentious words, and you still have the core: The implacable hatred and envy that are the raison d’etre for all the rest.
    I could say this post takes the cake, but the next one I will reply on actually usurps the rubbish above.

    Commies! Really? haha
    I don't know about you, but I don't know any communists.
    The hate and envy, give me a break. They only thing I dislike on here is certain posters denigrating others from their small little world with no experience in what they are writing about. The next post will spell this out in much more detail.
    Calling a swing voter a Commie is the equivalent of calling a National voter a NAZI, not even an ACT voter but someone from the center right.
    It is not only ludicrous but just nasty and yet you suggest I hate others for succeeding. I have worked in a world where you are paid purely on your success. You are fired if you aren't successful. So please give me a break with your fear mongering propaganda.
    It reeks of desperation.

    Just look at what you wrote here. Who is the one full of hate? Some pretty ugly stuff here and with no foundation I might add.
    But its water off a ducks back to me as it is as rediculous as it is manufactured BS.

    "Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects — his laziness, incompetence, improvidence or stupidity."
    Last edited by Daytr; 18-08-2023 at 10:26 AM.

  8. #15508
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    Markets looking very shaky. Black Monday ahead?

    Bitcoin was a bang-on leading indicator the last crash, and it is looking shaky too.

    Mr Burry betting BIG on a crash (as I posted). Most doomsayers I ignore, but his bets are based on mega-data analysis; he's a genius. But even a genius can be wrong - often with timing the event or over-predicting the severity of the event.

  9. #15509
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    You're on fire! Wonderful insights, crap on the successful while blaming them for your own lack of success, and more, demand a share of their success to compensate for your lack of success! Unbelievable.

    And on a capital markets share trading and investments website? Unbelievable that these people exist, let alone take the time (a lot of time for some of them) to tell us we are all greedy capitalists and deserve to be be taken down by the socialistic regimes who demand a share of our success, while criticising and condemning it!

    Incredible hypocrisy, but it happens, it is happening, truely unbelievable.
    "a lot of time for some of them"

    I can't fathom the reasoning behind it lol !

  10. #15510
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Originally Posted by Daytr
    Such an A-typical response from you.
    You maybe surprised that I am not at your beck and call.
    You are comparing consumption to GDP in an inflationary & recessionary environment. Can't you see what this indicates?

    Recessionary? You must be bloody kidding. Some technical case where a propellor head calculates inflation slightly wrong puts us in a recession? Mate get out and about.

    Many younger people say under 35 - 40 have never experienced a recession, so it will be interesting to see if there is overconfidence in the economy.

    I will give you one of my latest calls and that was stocks were expensive & I have been shorting the US stock indices.
    I also went long gold & picked up more over the same time, however that is down as the USD has rallied, but not nearly as much as US equities. And I will now hold unless it breaks down.

    You're not a teenage girl, get off the trading app on your phone and do some real investing. (previously you have told us you trade the global markets from your cellphone while trying to run a business)

    Shorting US equities must be the stupidest thing you've done for a while! Mateeee you must be bleeding some serious red.

    I also converted all my super to cash about 8 months ago which has proven to be by far the right move.

    Going to cash 8 Months ago was by far the right move? WTF are you insane?

    So like all of us we get it wrong, we get it right.

    I have made big calls for a living and published those views daily to a wide audience.

    So bloody what? What does this prove? Why were you working for someone else publishing 'big calls' when you could get rich for yourself off these big calls? This is bloody ridiculous. Daily big calls... for gods sake man.

    I don't think it's a big call to say the economy is NOT running hot. It's obvious to anyone who has a clue.

    Answered your own statement there.

    Real world vs the world of a day trader. [QUOTE]

    Now this post takes the cake, the soufflé in fact the entire desert cart.
    I don't know what you have been smoking but it must be some pretty heavy-duty stuff.

    1) Inflaton is not how a recession is measured, it can contribute to a recession, but a recession is declared when there have been two consecutive quarters of negative GDP just like the last two quarters reported which announced the country is in recession. It might be what is called a technical recession, but none the less saying the country isn't in recession let alone "running hot" is a falsehood.

    2) My reference to inflation was in your response to you saying consumer spending is high versus GDP as if that is an indication how hot the economy is. Well with consumer spending being inflated by 7% p.a. without any additional consumption, just cost increase against a stalled or negative GDP is the real reflection of that ratio. So people are spending more to get the same or perhaps even less in goods and services.
    With half the mortgage market still yet to roll onto higher interest rates, billions more is about to be sucked out of the economy over the next 12 months let alone an estimated $5Bln in export revenue being wiped out from dairy. These numbers don't include the mulitplier effect on the economy as belts are tightened and spending reduces dramatically. So we may be in a 'technical recession' its soon to become a full blown recession.

    3) Yes I have been shorting US stocks via indicies over the last month or so. And this is where the what planet are you on comes in.
    To claim I must be on a big loser when day after day all the indicies are down. The best performer is down about 3.5% in the last month, the worst is down around 14%. So how on earth would you conclude I must be losing money being short US stocks? You just shoot from the hip with mud and hope it sticks. Meanwhile to anyone & I mean anyone that listens to the news or follows stocks would see how stupid these comments are.

    4) Yes I swapped my Kiwi Saver from Equities to cash earlier in the year when the NZX50 was around 12100 & have made a steady 3 - 5% since. So yes, the right move by some margin. Again, that ganja you're smoking must be good!

    You have run your mouth off a few times now, only to make a fool of yourself and at the same time insult others.
    I am all for constructive healthy interactions but will not sit by and let someone just write absolute fiction to denigrate others to make themselves feel better.

    Perhaps you were having a tough day yesterday, going by the litany of posts you put out, it doesn't mean you can't make amends or should get away with such garbage.

    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

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