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  1. #71
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    Brainchip share price up 1000% in 5 months. Is it the next big thing? August 24.
    At the time of writing, the Brainchip share price has jumped nearly 18% today alone to 33 cents.
    Founded in 2011, the United States-based tech company hit an all-time low of 1.1 cent in January 2015. With a vision to mimic the human brain through a microchip, this prompted former Australian mining company, Aziana Limited, to acquire the tech company at a discounted rate.
    In the months following the deal, the Brainchip share price reached a record high of 46 cents in November 2015.
    Brainchip shares were trading at 3 cents in March 2020.
    Defying challenging market conditions, the world’s only pure-play AI company has been making tailwinds.

    Last week, Brainchip announced its partnership with Magik Eye Inc. to combine its AI processing unit with revolutionary 3D depth sensing technology.
    The week before, Brainchip entered a put option agreement with LDA Capital Limited, a US-based investment group. The agreement provides a financing facility of up to $29 million over the next 12 months. The drawdown will strengthen Brainchip’s balance sheet and support the commercialisation of its pioneering Akida technology.

  2. #72
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    BrainChip Holdings CEO Lou DiNardo talks about its Akida integrated circuit etc.

    So what we've done is we've taken the way your brain operates and we've put it in digital logic in silicon. And the way your brain operates, our brains operate, is that when we see an event, we process it. If we see something we already know, we don't, and that is what allows us to do ultra low power processing at the edge, which is required at the edge.

    In the meantime, we are marketing aggressively the intellectual property. There are edge devices which really don't have enough space for another chip, and what you have, what we call system on a chip, or ASICs, application-specific ICs. The opportunity for us to market our intellectual property for those companies that are building their own chips is already well underway and we've got several contracts that we're working on.

    Wafer fabrication began on April 8th. We have a back-end partner, which is one of the leading ASIC suppliers in the world, actually the second-largest ASIC supplier in the world, a company called Socionext, which was formerly Fujitsu Microelectronics and Panasonic combined.

    We have very deep technology validation going on everywhere: Seoul, South Korea; mainland China; Europe and the United States; top tier suppliers in the automotive industry; top tier suppliers in the smart home industry. We're starting to work in the medical industry, so the technology validation has gone really, really quite well know.
    But for a public market investor, we really are the only pure play public company.

  3. #73
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    BrainChip’s (ASX:BRN) Akida tech to be sold through Socionext

     New-age tech company BrainChip (BRN) has combined its Akida tech with Socionext's artificial intelligence platform
     Socionext is a Japanese "system on a chip" developer
     The companies teamed up in June 2019 to develop BrainChip's Akida technology
     Essentially, the Akida tech is a small chip with immense processing power
     The product will be available to customers through Socionext

    Akida is what's known as a "system on a chip" or SoC device. Essentially, this type of device has all the power of a personal computer built into one small chip.
    Through a combination of hardware and software, well-built SoCs can have incredible processing, graphic, and performance capabilities, but do it all for a fraction of the power cost. The most common types of SoCs are found in smartphones or tablets.
    This all falls under the umbrella of "edge" computing, which is the latest era of technology. Rather than relying on cloud-based tech which needs to connect to a far-away server to transmit information, edge tech does all of the processing in-house.

  4. #74
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    , , New Zealand.


    Off like a rocket today. Up 40% at the moment
    Last edited by biker; 02-09-2020 at 03:23 PM.

  5. #75
    Senior Member
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    , , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by biker View Post
    Off like a rocket today. Up 40% at the moment
    Make that Up 53% today

  6. #76
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2008


    What a day...held these since 2015. I wonder what they'l be like in another five years time?

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Little frog in a big pond


    Quote Originally Posted by biker View Post
    Make that Up 53% today
    thats what happens when you get in with NASA

  8. #78
    Aspiring to be an Awesome Bear
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    In the Woods


    Thanks for alerting me to this one Moka and for all your helpful posts. I took a small holding a few days ago so lucky timing with todays news. Hope this continues to be a cracking rocket ship for you and other holders, cheers
    Last edited by RupertBear; 02-09-2020 at 08:49 PM.

  9. #79
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    Yes off like a rocket today with NASA announcement. Not to the moon though.
    BrainChip Holdings Announces Vorago Technologies Collaboration
    BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN), a leading provider of ultra-low power high performance AI technology, today announced that VORAGO Technologies has signed the Akida Early Access Program Agreement. The collaboration is intended to support a Phase I NASA program for a neuromorphic processor that meets spaceflight requirements. The BrainChip Early Access Program is available to a select group of customers that require early access to the Akida device, evaluation boards and dedicated support. The EAP agreement includes payments that are intended to offset the Company’s expenses to support partner needs.
    Last edited by moka; 02-09-2020 at 09:07 PM.

  10. #80
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    Oct 2009


    Revenue..............US $13,397,000
    Loss.....................US $6,858,171
    Market cap at 47.5 cents is $478,800,000 ie 35.74 times revenue.
    Perhaps it could be said a lot of future profits are already built into the share price.


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