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Thread: New Forum Rules

  1. #31
    Advanced Member BIRMANBOY's Avatar
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    MBJ.being a student of the injustice system, you well know that ignorance of the law is no excuse. So by ignoring the ignoreee, is this a sign of my ignorance or am I merely just another ignorant ignoror. I'm having trouble coming to grips with fact I'm gnawing on the knowing and could use some guidance.... as could you apparently. Lets keep it simple...just don't read anything from posters that have exhibited anti-MBJ sentiment or inclination....but hang on ..just a quick know you want to...we all have been guilty. I like to think of it as glass half full behaviour ..always looking for betterment and improvement in the status quo. Judith Collins is living proof of this positivity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    Ignore list.
    Advise posters they have been placed on an ignore list and who the anonymous poster is that has done so.
    1. If a poster gets too many he may realise that he is not flavour of the month generally speaking and as a consequence may apply more thought to what he is saying.
    2. In order to prevent ongoing discourse and unwarranted ignore, ie ganging up, if a poster ignores someone it becomes valid for two weeks and the ignore cannot be removed.
    This stops you ignoring someone and then sneaking back for a look and carrying on as before.
    I am guilty of this.
    It would also make you think before ignoring someone in the first place which may make the ignoree in turn think about what he/she has said.
    Just a suggestion, ignore it by all means.
    Conservative Investing and dividend producers...get rich slowly!

  2. #32
    Senior Member warthog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vince View Post
    Ok, so obviously we need some new rules around posting etc.

    I invite members to post here some rules they would like to give a definitive as to what is right & wrong…Regard's,
    Well that's incorrect use of punctuation for a start.
    warthog ... muddy and smelly

  3. #33
    Advanced Member BIRMANBOY's Avatar
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    So to get this back on track which is Forum Rules. Where are we at? Has a new draft set been formulated by MODS that we could comment on....needs to be a staged project otherwise will get put in the too hard basket. This whole uproar has been precipitated by the rules and how they are interpreted, and by whom.
    Conservative Investing and dividend producers...get rich slowly!

  4. #34
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    OMG we could not even agree on some simple rules This is going to be really GREAT!!!

  5. #35
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    OMG we could not even agree on some simple rules This is going to be really GREAT!!!

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by RGR367 View Post
    OMG we could not even agree on some simple rules This is going to be really GREAT!!!
    There was'nt much going on ,on the other threads,RGR,it was raining outside,etc

    ie:ignore list--Imo mandatory informing people that others have put them on the ignore list,just fuels the fire.
    If you want to ignore -just ignore.

    a few questions..If someone repeatedly talks of ''secret information'' that will affect a share--how does one respond?

    If someone says they have voluntarily left but has been asked to come back to defend a share-is it ok to ask
    who asked them?

    Is it ok to ask a poster if they are reincarnation of a previous poster? and is it ok to return as another poster?

    Is it ok to get drunk and read share trader(ok -I was kidding on that last one)

    Ah Bugger--maybe we should just not mess with it except for the mods giving a reason why someone is on thin ice

  7. #37
    ShareTrader Legend bull....'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nextbigthing View Post
    My opinion - No moderation other than deleting anything illegal or racist, sexist etc. Otherwise, free for all. If someone repeatedly posts like an idiot then hit the ignore button. If two grown men want to act like schoolgirls having a bunfight online then let them make fools of themselves, we can simply skip past it or enjoy it with some popcorn if you're that way inclined.

    Only exception, one day bans max for someone who clearly needs a cool down, like that time the Moose got drunk and started abusing a CEO

    And previously banned posters back and encourage those who have chosen to leave to come back (via email).

    Just my opinion.
    I agree with points above
    one step ahead of the herd

  8. #38
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    Rules always backfire in my experience. Just look at all the traffic stuff the police constantly come up with and it doesn't seem to achieve anything much.

    Personally, I prefer the golden rule instead: do unto others etc. On a forum like this, that boils down to simply dealing with the problem of trolls. Nobody has ever come up with a clear definition of that, so rules are a bit pointless, and that's what moderators are for surely? I've been trolled a bit (in my opinion) but I don't expect to be totally protected from that, merely for the forum to exercise judgement from time to time to calm things down. Life isn't perfect.

    And I think people have to give Vince less stick when he does make decisions. With due respect, but isn't complaining about who has been banned just more trolling, of Vince? By all means send him a PM, but in public? After all, someone has to make decisions. Agree that many bans should be short term, but sometimes people have such volatile personalities that they aren't well suited to forums like this in the long term?

    However, separately, I think outsiders may understand the purpose of this forum less than regulars, and so I would like to see a general disclaimer at the top all the time reminding people that these are just personal opinions. I mention that myself from time to time on posts, but that's a really tedious and repetitive thing to do, and I think it should be displayed at the top of the forum, even if not in huge letters.

    So, no, I'm not in favour of fixed rules. Sorry, Vince, but I think you just have to keep standing in the middle from time to time, rather than coming up with rules. Yes, it's been a bit messy lately, but I think that will settle down again.

  9. #39
    Advanced Member BIRMANBOY's Avatar
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    What a wonderful world that would where you could rely on people to do the right thing all the time. As much as most of us try ..the reality is that people are imperfect beings and that shows up in the occasional flare up in even the politest of society's. Rules are useful in reminding those with short memories and fuses that certain behaviours are counter productive and will not be tolerated. 95% of posters are probably fine but why should the aberrant 5% be permitted to take undue advantage. This is why there needs to be someone moderating and acting as an impartial referee. Problem then of course is that in any dispute the "aggrieved" party questions the parentage and motives of the referee. So it is imperative that the rules are simple, accepted by all participants prior to engagement and simple and obvious for the referee and or umpire to get it right. Bad rules are almost as bad as no rules. I'm not saying the ST rules are bad ..what I'm saying is that when you get situations like this its crucial to look at underlying causes. If people understand the rules and transgress there is no comeback available so moderation is expected and accepted. When there is too much room for interpretation, then there is possible comeback and transgressors have themselves a platform.
    Quote Originally Posted by simla View Post
    Rules always backfire in my experience. Just look at all the traffic stuff the police constantly come up with and it doesn't seem to achieve anything much.

    Personally, I prefer the golden rule instead: do unto others etc. On a forum like this, that boils down to simply dealing with the problem of trolls. Nobody has ever come up with a clear definition of that, so rules are a bit pointless, and that's what moderators are for surely? I've been trolled a bit (in my opinion) but I don't expect to be totally protected from that, merely for the forum to exercise judgement from time to time to calm things down. Life isn't perfect.

    And I think people have to give Vince less stick when he does make decisions. With due respect, but isn't complaining about who has been banned just more trolling, of Vince? By all means send him a PM, but in public? After all, someone has to make decisions. Agree that many bans should be short term, but sometimes people have such volatile personalities that they aren't well suited to forums like this in the long term?

    However, separately, I think outsiders may understand the purpose of this forum less than regulars, and so I would like to see a general disclaimer at the top all the time reminding people that these are just personal opinions. I mention that myself from time to time on posts, but that's a really tedious and repetitive thing to do, and I think it should be displayed at the top of the forum, even if not in huge letters.

    So, no, I'm not in favour of fixed rules. Sorry, Vince, but I think you just have to keep standing in the middle from time to time, rather than coming up with rules. Yes, it's been a bit messy lately, but I think that will settle down again.
    Conservative Investing and dividend producers...get rich slowly!

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by simla View Post
    Rules always backfire in my experience. Just look at all the traffic stuff the police constantly come up with and it doesn't seem to achieve anything much.

    Personally, I prefer the golden rule instead: do unto others etc. On a forum like this, that boils down to simply dealing with the problem of trolls. Nobody has ever come up with a clear definition of that, so rules are a bit pointless, and that's what moderators are for surely? I've been trolled a bit (in my opinion) but I don't expect to be totally protected from that, merely for the forum to exercise judgement from time to time to calm things down. Life isn't perfect.

    And I think people have to give Vince less stick when he does make decisions. With due respect, but isn't complaining about who has been banned just more trolling, of Vince? By all means send him a PM, but in public? After all, someone has to make decisions. Agree that many bans should be short term, but sometimes people have such volatile personalities that they aren't well suited to forums like this in the long term?

    However, separately, I think outsiders may understand the purpose of this forum less than regulars, and so I would like to see a general disclaimer at the top all the time reminding people that these are just personal opinions. I mention that myself from time to time on posts, but that's a really tedious and repetitive thing to do, and I think it should be displayed at the top of the forum, even if not in huge letters.

    So, no, I'm not in favour of fixed rules. Sorry, Vince, but I think you just have to keep standing in the middle from time to time, rather than coming up with rules. Yes, it's been a bit messy lately, but I think that will settle down again.
    Good post



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