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  1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by duncan22 View Post
    GNX feasibility study out now for their pumped hydro-storage project:

    Looks pretty good to me, they were initially targeting 330MW at IPO and its come in at 250MW, slightly down but a lot of progress being made and the debt/govt funding as opposed to equity would be a great outcome for shareholders.
    Hi duncan - we actually have a separate GNX thread now. Please have a look and I'd love to see your posts there for clearer presentation. I'm big and long on GNX.

  2. #142
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    Default Bid energy

    Check out Bid Energy (BID)

    Did a backdoor listing about a month ago after raising $7M at 10c per share. Currently trading around 7.2c

    By all accounts impressive energy management and billing aggregation software for businesses.

    Contract wins look good with BP (Aus and NZ sites) and now Flight Centre.

    Launching in US and UK at some stage: this is an exciting opportunity for those with patience.

    Market cap shows as $14M but lots of options and non-listed escrow shares so fully diluted it is more like $25M, the founders and management have plenty of skin in the game so that is also a positive.
    Last edited by Mothman; 10-11-2016 at 11:28 AM.

  3. #143
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    Note to self ; add RBO (thanks silu) to the list when I or someone else updates t​he list when the energy provides.

  4. #144
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    Default DTZ - Dotz Nano

    Here's an interesting little company from Israel.

    DTZ - Dotz Nano

    It aims to manufacture Graphene Quantum Dotz using coal as source, effectively making them a lot cheaper than competition. It emerged from Rice University.

    someone compiled info on HC to pasting this below:

    Essentially these are tiny semiconductor particles that Dotz are extracting from coal – much more cheaply, nontoxic and greater yields than current standards. They fluoresce when exposed to UV light / in solution and have a variety of applications. Different types of coal can yield different types of dots that will present as different colours (as others have discussed we have produced several colours so far).

    They are most well-known for the high tech applications in TV’s and touchscreens etc, even though this is not our priority at the moment. The new Samsung pic going around shows the superior colour quality of using this GQD technology.

    The cleaning / detergent industry is worth billions worldwide and these GQD’s can improve the efficiency of the products as well as extending the life of them (such as increasing and sustaining the whitening effect of clothing).

    Anti-counterfeiting is another interesting application. That is a growing concern so I see potential there for marking notes, use in casino chips etc. Dotz have mentioned these areas previously. Awhile back I recall someone mentioning potential military application too. Something about marking packages that would be placed out in the field where specialised night vision goggles would be designed to only pick up the GQD coated package, allowing for easier spotting by the desired party while camouflaging it from everyone else. I can't recall if the poster was just brainstorming or there had been mention of this type of thing by Dotz.

    Some other applications either currently being utilised or explored are biological / medical (this is what got me interested), infrared and optical sensors, LED’s and other lighting applications, printing etc.

    The key thing is the economics of producing these GQD’s from coal and the non-toxic nature opening up other applications especially in the biological / medical field. Further to this, we have the partnership in Singapore to explore additional applications for future commercialisation.

    Here is a recap of the announcements in snippets:

    • Dotz Nano and NTU Singapore will establish the first Global joint research program focusing on the applications and development of GQDs, and the Company will have exclusive licensing rights to commercialise the developed applications.

    • Dotz Nano and NTU Singapore will provide up to S$20 million in joint funding over a 5 year period. In addition to the above financing, both parties will endeavour to obtain additional grant funding from other sources.

    • Dotz Nano to have exclusive licensing rights to commercialise developed applications

    • “We are extremely pleased by this partnership. NTU Singapore is one of the leading universities in Advance Materials and in the research of GQDs, and this agreement demonstrates the significance of the research into the GQDs space and how the material will become of common use in the future.

    • Dotz Nano brings to the market the next generation of nanoparticles, via coal derived GQDs with patented methods and commercial and technological benefits surpassing graphite derived quantum dots, which are costly and complex to produce, with both low yields and quantum efficiency.

    • Dotz Nano’s exclusive ability to extract graphene quantum dots from coal rather than graphite, allows the Company to produce inexpensive, non-toxic GQDs at ten times the production yield of conventional GQDs (currently ~25% yield coal derived, compared to ~2% from graphite).

    • Dotz Nano will start to commercialise its technology between Q4 2016 and Q2 2017; falling in line with the Company’s expected first sales of GQDs. The Company intends to be in a position to generate revenue through license fees and royalties in the short to medium term.

    • Integrating the new Parr hi-pressure hi-temperature reactor, will allow Dotz Nano to produce up to 100 kg of GQD’s per year, and additionally produce specialised GQD’s adapted to specific applications that the Company is developing with GQD consumers.

    • What’s so special about Dotz? The Company has the sole rights to extract GQDs from coal instead of graphite, producing cheaper, non-toxic and at ten times the production yield GQDs (25% yield instead of 2% from graphite).

    • Dotz Nano is currently not aware of any other party that is commercialising graphene quantum dots.

    • GQDs can create a shift in the applications market allowing traditional applications to use GQDs to achieve performance levels otherwise not considered possible.

    • Dotz intends to focus on the low cost/ high volume markets, targeting applications which require low to zero quantum yield

    • Quantum dots are currently produced out of cadmium and other heavy metals.

    • Applications which require high quantum yield (60-80%) – display market, photovoltaics, imaging, medical applications, pigments, inks, etc.

    • Applications which need low quantum yield- casino chips, security applications, detergents, textiles, etc.

    • Major commercial market DISPLAY MARKET QD based displays to improve colour and energy are starting to emerge (Sony flat screen displays, Amazon’s Kindle Fire HDX e-reader)

    • Early stage commercial market HEALTHCARE Currently the main market (tissue labelling, cancer therapy, tumour detection)

    • Early stage commercial market PHOTOVOLTAIC & ENERGY QDs allow for increase battery efficiency and are currently in the R&D stage in energy related devices, such as photovoltaics, fuel cells and batteries

    • DTZ solution: Innovative breakthrough process for producing GQDs developed in the lab of Prof. James Tour of Rice University in Texas. Based on extracting non-toxic GQDs from inexpensive COAL. Allows a large supply of inexpensive GQDs. Greatly reduces manufacturing costs, and 10 times greater production yield

    • GQDs can significantly improve the appearance and brightness of colours, and in healthcare GQDs hold the promise for early cancer imaging and detection

    • Milestone 3 – 100kg

    • Over the next 12 months Dotz Nano aims to be a premier GQD producer. The Company is currently producing blue, yellow, green and white GQDs, with red GQD’s to come online shortly.

    • Following six months of extensive research and experimentation, with verification by independent laboratories, Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs) producer Dotz Nano has succeeded in developing new cost-efficient GQDs with a significant rise in Quantum Yield (QY) (>65%), adapted for large-scale manufacturing

    • This new development is applicable to the high-end users of GQDs such as displays, TVs, solar cells and biomedical imaging, a market previously not available to Dotz Nano.

    • Capable of large scale manufacturing

    • Potential customers evaluating samples

    • In applications that require a high QY, such as high definition TVs and medical imaging, QY is an essential parameter that is used to evaluate the light emission properties of the Quantum Dot.

    • The new process allows Dotz Nano to currently produce blue fluorescent GQDs with a QY of over 65% compared with a modest 5-8% achieved currently.

    • For comparison, metallic based Quantum Dots currently marketed by several Quantum Dots producers’ and used for high-end applications as listed above, exhibit quantum yields of 50-60%. Standard conventional Graphene Quantum Dots when produced exhibit much lower QYs, usually in the 3-6% range.

    • Several producers of high QY applications and products have received samples of Dotz Nano’s high QY GQDs to evaluate for compatibility with their application products that can ultimately lead to potential sales for high-end applications.

    • “This development is a significant game changer for Dotz Nano.”

    • The new GQDs have a QY comparable to metal based QDs but with the low cost and non-toxic properties of Dotz GQDs. This new development potentially opens new high value markets such as high definition TVs, medical imaging, lighting products and photovoltaics.

    • Multi kilogram production capacity of the enhanced GQD is attained with existing equipment installed at Dotz Nano’s facilities in Israel and a potential manufacturer partner capable of mass producing the main product has been identified.

    • Dotz Nano continues to undertake research and development for large-scale manufacturing of cyan, green and yellow fluorescent GQDs with enhanced QY and look forward to updating the market on these key technological developments as they unfold.

    • Expansion of production capacity of GQDs up to 100kgs per annum in anticipation of sales pipeline over the coming months

    • Commercialisation negotiations continuing

    • Dotz Nano's production facility in Israel, is centred upon a 3 litre reactor capable of producing 100-200 grams of GQD’s per day or approximately 50kg per year. Integrating the new Parr hi-pressure hi-temperature reactor, will allow

    • Dotz Nano to produce up to 100 kg of GQD’s per year, and additionally produce specialised GQD’s adapted to specific applications that the Company is developing with GQD consumers.

    • Dotz continues to negotiate commercial contracts with potential customers for the supply of GQD’s and sublicensing of applications in accordance with its commercialisation strategy.

    • The expanded production capacity will assist Dotz Nano in meeting demand in the interim period while plans for a larger production facility are progressed.

    • With the integration of the new reactor and freeze dryer, we have expanded the Company’s capabilities of supplying future consumer demand of GQDs for any applications, both high and low yield quantum dots. With our intensive business development and marketing efforts on foot, this reactor will be an important part of the GQD supply chain.

    • Currently all GQD production worldwide is manufactured in milligram sized batches and in laboratories, none of which are at serious production levels.
    • Dotz Nano is not aware of any other company in the world that is commercialising GQDs on a serial production status, especially in such quantities and quality as Dotz Nano."

    • Further to the additional reactor, Dotz Nano has also purchased a Lyophilizer or Freeze Dryer that will allow the Company to ship GQDs in powdered form instead of solvent, thus creating an easier logistics solution for Dotz Nano customers.

    • Dotz Nano and its US based manufacturing partner Pflaumer Brothers Inc. have been awarded a conditional AUD$1.2m (USD$0.9m) grant by The BIRD Foundation

    • The purpose of the grant is to fund Quality Assurance Lab and Production facilities​

    • The approval for the grant is valid for three months and subject to the execution of a cooperation and funding agreement between the parties

    • Dotz Nano recently identified Pflaumer Brothers Inc as a potential US based manufacturing partner with facilities capable of producing the Company’s GQD products. The receipt of the BIRD grant will be an important step in developing this commercial partnership further

    • BIRD supports approximately 20 projects annually. The cumulative sales of products developed through BIRD projects have exceeded $8 billion. Since its inception in 1977, BIRD has approved over 800 projects with leading companies in the U.S., for example: ADM, American Red Cross, Applied Materials, Avaya, Bayer Pharmaceutical, Becton Dickinson, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Eastman Kodak, General Dynamics, General Electric, Guidant, IBM, J&J, KLA- Tencor, Molex, Motorola, Procter & Gamble, SanDisk, Spansion, Telcordia, Texas Instruments, Tyco and others.

    gluck dyor and all that

  5. #145
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    I haven't taken a position in RBO (Robo 3D) yet but today they announced a manufacturing agreement with Foxconn. Will try to get into this on any mid-day SP weakness after a most likely big opening.

  6. #146
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    Took a small position in RBO at 12.5c with money I can afford to loose. Not that I think that this is in danger of going under but the 3D printer market isn't fully formed yet so there will be a few winners and a lot of losers. Adaptability towards the retail market is a major plus for Robo 3D but not every industry advancement is necessarily taken up by the average punter.

  7. #147
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    HZR has announced construction of their pre-pilot plant facility. Construction and first graphite production in Q1 2017 and is also already in discussion with a number of partners for sending out samples for testing and market validation. I wish Hazer all the best with their endeavours. I have bought some more last week at 63c.

  8. #148
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    Thanks silu; i will make some time to look at RBO, and update myself on HZR again.

    Bought a few MEB, depression diagnostics, another growth industry unfortunately.Plenty of cash after cap raise in Nov

    "We ended the year on a high note. The results published lastweek from the pilot phase of the John Hopkins University studyof Medibio’s clinical diagnostic for depression didn’t disappoint.They were exactly what we hoped to achieve and well above thatrequired to support the intended claims in our FDA application.
    Our proprietary technology registered 81% accuracy diagnosingthe 26 patients, 11 with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and15 normal controls, JHU assessed. Sensitivity and speci citymeasures were in the same ballpark.
    Not a recco DYOR

    Download Document 1.54MB
    Last edited by Joshuatree; 26-01-2017 at 10:40 AM.

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by silu View Post
    HZR has announced construction of their pre-pilot plant facility. Construction and first graphite production in Q1 2017 and is also already in discussion with a number of partners for sending out samples for testing and market validation. I wish Hazer all the best with their endeavours. I have bought some more last week at 63c.
    Looked at picking some up last week around 60c but figured I'd wait for trump to become offical in case in sh*t the bed on his first day.... turns out I was wrong and had to pick some up at 66c yesterday. Though with Australia Day today and the asx closed while the Dow breaks 20000 I'm sure tomorrow is going to be a banger for HZR!

    just my thoughts!

  10. #150
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    Taking a PUNT on NUH. their IQEarbuds look set to be a disruptive game breaker. Time will tell; for risk takers DYOR


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