What a fantastic recent ride Lithium has proven to be.

PLS up 11% today and now valued at 6.7B, I love how at the diggers and dealers presentation Ken called the AJM acquisition "cost-effective" - I would say it was an absolute steal. Their BMX platform showed us the real spot price of spodumene. His comments about "overbuilt" processing capacity in China was odd to me - especially when he then continues to talk about their potential build with POSCO in South Korea you have to take these comments with a grain of salt.

AVZ jumped massive yesterday on no news, I'm suprised that they didn't get a speeding ticket for it... in the past they've had news leak before so will be interesting if they release something later this week.

MIN has also been a rocket... the IO price is affecting it going higher at present, the commissioning of the Kemerton site is expected by the end of 2021 the plant is expected to be producing battery grade lithium hydroxide... both ALB and MIN are hiring people there but labour is hard to find and expensive which the whole mining industry is experiencing at the moment... at the moment their FCF is fantastic from IO and I'm pretty sure that as soon as Kemerton is open that they will be opening Wodgina back up to feed it.