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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Drill results very close now - once we get them this should fly - exciting times and i expect shareprice to double on release of announcement of drill results - big call but considering its under the radar big time - bets time to get in if you like this one
    lots of anticipation on this one as its Australias largest reported Graphite mineral resource and is the future !!

    The Siviour graphite deposit is currently the largest reported graphite Mineral Resource in Australia,
    with a JORC-compliant Mineral Resource estimate of 16.8Mt @ 7.4% TGC for 1,243,200t of contained
    graphite, including high-grade mineralisation of 5.9Mt @ 10.0% TGC 590,000t of contained

    Initial met and petrological testing!!!!!!!

    In addition to the drilling, EPM conducted some preliminary flotation tests
    in 2014 on a sample from one hole drilled on the eastern margins of the
    Paxtons prospect, which is part of the current exploration target. ALS
    Metallurgy performed bench flotation and gravity tests over a 2.5kg core
    sample, obtaining graphite recovery of 87% and producing 93% purity of
    concentrates with flake size up to 600µm.

    Graphene is the future. Plain and simple.
    It's 200 times stronger than steel, thinner than a sheet of paper, and more conductive than copper.
    And that's not all...
    Researchers the world over are using it for critical advances in a variety of industries. Graphene makes:
    Solar – 50x-100x more efficient
    Semiconductors – 50x-100x faster
    Aircraft – 70% lighter

    We're talking batteries that charge 10x faster and store 10x more power...
    Phones and computer displays that bend and fold...
    And even the potential to make people and things completely invisible.
    Indeed, the Huffington Post notes graphene will “change the world.”

    It's so vital to our future that it's been named a "supply critical mineral" and a "strategic mineral" by the United States and the European Union.
    Yet only a few companies around the world have access to mineral resource that is required to make graphene. And 70% of supply is controlled by China.
    So the setup is perfect for any non-Chinese supply to become an extremely lucrative investment, just like rare earths a few years ago.

    A new report from the Outsider Club fully outlines the situation:
    What graphene is used for...
    Where the supply will come from...
    And why now is the perfect time to invest in this world-changing discovery.
    Last edited by SCHUMACHER; 13-07-2016 at 12:20 PM.
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Check out slide number 8 - shows companies that have been massively re- rated after drilling- example is Volt Resources VRC - look what happened to their share price - exciting times for RNU and so under the radar its not funny - amazing opportunity to make some serious money here IMO dyor

    Love this quote below !!!!

    "This graphene battery technology is set to iron out all of the bugs currently hindering lithium ion batteries."

    *******Graphene, made from graphite, will eventually surpass the lithium technology phase we are in.

    RNU represents great value for money given the need for graphite in battery technology. -watch the SP rocket.
    Last edited by SCHUMACHER; 13-07-2016 at 12:42 PM.
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    For those interested..........

    released 7th June
    This below is what the market is waiting for so we are probably a week overdue - so any movement through 2c may indicate news is close - they reported that they had SIGNIFICANT STRIKES so lab has had the drill cores for over 3 weeks - im hearing that we may get announcement by end of this week - Please dont take this as an indication to buy AS ITS NOT FACTUAL and please DYOR

    might even call the company to get clarification

    7th June 2016
    Completion of diamond drilling !!
    Renascor Resources Limited (ASX: RNU) is pleased to announce the successful completion of a large
    diameter, diamond core drill program at its Arno Graphite Project in South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula.
    See Figure 1. Renascor completed four holes for approximately 225m within the Indicated and Inferred
    portions of the Siviour graphite deposit.
    Renascor intersected substantial graphite in each of the four holes drilled in the current program. Core
    cutting is underway, with samples to be sent to the laboratory this week and assay results expected to be
    released later this month.
    Renascor expects to use the core obtained to advance further metallurgical test work, including detailedsize
    fraction analysis and sighter test work to determine the appropriate parameters for flow-sheet
    determination. Results of the upcoming metallurgical tests are expected to assist in preparation of a
    scoping study next quarter.
    Results from the diamond drill
    program are also expected to
    assist in upgrading the current
    Indicated and Inferred
    Resources at Siviour, which is
    currently Australia’s largest
    graphite Mineral Resource.
    Pending receipt of assays,
    further resource expansion
    drilling at Sivour is expected to
    commence later this month
    Last edited by SCHUMACHER; 13-07-2016 at 01:18 PM.
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Oh well hope you guys got in - as predicted massive GRAPHITE ANNOUNCEMENT !!! boom !!!



    as always traders controlling the play with capping and trying to get people into selling by flushing out the weak - they cant keep it down for too long - Aussies largest graphite play and highest grades - im calling 10c by end of year - they doing more drilling this month but these grades are outstanding

    • Diamond drilling intersects shallow, high-grade graphite at Renascor’s Siviour Graphite Deposit,
    with assays for total graphitic carbon (TGC) of up to 20.5% (SIV034) and intervals including:
    o 27m @ 13.3% TGC (from11m to 38m) (SIV035),
    o 8m @ 8.2% TGC (from 30m to 38m) and 15m @ 10.2% (from 40m to 55m) (SIV034),
    o 34m @ 5.9% TGC (from 6m to 40m), including 16m @ 8.8% TGC (from 18m to 34m)
    (SIV033), and
    o 35m @ 6.7% TGC (from 31m to 66m), including 15m @ 10.1% TGC (from 50m to 65m)

    • Assay results confirm continuity of high-grade graphite, suggesting the Siviour mineralised body
    has a shallow, near flat-lying orientation, with substantial true thickness
    • Results also include substantial intervals of high-grade graphite within Inferred Resource (SIV034),
    suggesting the potential to upgrade the resource in grade and volume
    • Drilling targeting further shallow, high-grade graphite zones scheduled to commence later this Month

    shareprice might pop this afternoon or tomorrow
    Last edited by SCHUMACHER; 14-07-2016 at 02:04 PM.
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy

  5. #15
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Outstanding schumacher i owe it to you for my first ever double bagger quite amazing how it can go from up 100% in a day to sit around +50% must be a lot of profit taking going on hoping to pick more up before it really takes off!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Yep I am in ..

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Rawiri View Post
    Outstanding schumacher i owe it to you for my first ever double bagger quite amazing how it can go from up 100% in a day to sit around +50% must be a lot of profit taking going on hoping to pick more up before it really takes off!

    Your welcome mcdongle- i think once the market realises what they are holding this will be a steal under 10c - more drilling to come but from what i can see we are on a Winner - some saying the next SYR i would be happy of it was 1/10 th of SYR


    IM BUYing more at these levels as market is about to be woken up to Australias largest and high grade graphite deposit - 2.6c is a gift ... i also expect a rally this afternoon to take it closer to 3c again- if not today perhaps tomorrow

    If you consider we have had 90 million shares trade today (25% of the issued capital ) at VWAP (aVERAGE BUY PRICE ) OF 2.7c- wait until the wider investment community evaluates these results

    Patience is KEY
    Last edited by SCHUMACHER; 14-07-2016 at 03:42 PM.
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    (Taken from BCP Equities research report in April 2016, also on the companies website )

    "We believe that RNU is trading at a significant discount to its peers despite having a bigger or better quality resource and is potentially the most commercially viable graphite deposit outside of East Africa. It is reasonable to expect RNU to be trading at least in line with the average in – situ valuation of its peers. It is for these reasons we are initiating coverage of RNU with a Speculative Buy recommendation and a price target of $0.06/share."

    AND THIS WAS BEFORE TODAYS DRILLING RESULTS !! Over coming weeks we may see this up as high at 5c - with todays announcement i suspect there could be interest from the big end of town at some stage which means we sit tight and accumulate untill they arrive - as always time will tell

    lets hope we dont get a takeover situation in 12 months time - im sure this management will take it into production

    Last edited by SCHUMACHER; 14-07-2016 at 03:54 PM.
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    big run through 3c - looking good and options also nearly in the money RNUO at .007

    I Think tomorrow could be BIG !!
    Last edited by SCHUMACHER; 14-07-2016 at 05:02 PM.
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand


    Forgot to mention RNUO options expire on 30 September so only 2 months at exercise price of 3c so if your buying at .007 today it will cost you 3c + .007 = 3.7c for each share if you convert , therefore its high risk and heads safer
    \"if women didn,t exist , all the money in the world would mean nothing\" Aristotle Anasis.

    \"The trend is your friend\"

    \"A mans reach should always extend beyond his grasp" J.F Kennedy


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