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Thread: FXL Flexigroup

  1. #51
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    Clearly not. in fact they don't seem to believe anything these days because FXL is still trading at 6.8 PE - they aren't meant to be a dividend stock (now that they reduced their dividend payout to 30 - 50%, to support growth), yet the 5 ish % yield would indicate otherwise.

    Made all the right noises during the conference thingy as well, apparently.

    I am baffled.
    Business too complicated and too hard too understand? with some execution risks in some of their growth initiatives?

    Share price / value is generally 'set' by the big boys in town. CBA seem to have all they want and a couple of others who have filed SSH lately maybe have their quota as well. Who will get excited next?
    ”When investors are euphoric, they are incapable of recognising euphoria itself “

  2. #52
    Antiquated & irrational t.rexjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    Clearly not. in fact they don't seem to believe anything these days because FXL is still trading at 6.8 PE - they aren't meant to be a dividend stock (now that they reduced their dividend payout to 30 - 50%, to support growth), yet the 5 ish % yield would indicate otherwise.

    Made all the right noises during the conference thingy as well, apparently.

    I am baffled.
    The yield was exactly the reason I bought in. Can't fathom why it sp would drop below these lows. If the growth storey transpires then thats always a bonus. Sounded plausable (as all presentaions do). In a year or few they reinstate the full dividend and we're laughing!

  3. #53
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    Webcast finished late in the day and a lot of info there. Will the s/p respond more favourably tomorrow when analysts can present their reccos?. Has the mkt been convinced that FXL is still as good growth story (i am) but there are pieces of the business that need work (certegy esp) and more money needs to grow Ireland etc. The cards business is very exciting with so many ways to grow it with leading edge devices that everyone has; their smart phones.Its a 2 year story? and atm a wall of worry is building re a poss mkt correction, housing correction etc.
    Last edited by Joshuatree; 22-06-2017 at 09:35 PM.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by macduffy View Post
    Isn't it a sector issue rather than a Flexigroup problem? Increasing concern about household indebtedness in Australia is playing havoc with all financial services stocks, banks included, and with other consumer/retail companies. Personally, I won't be touching any of them until there's a reversal, economic and market-wise.
    This is still the issue, IMO.

  5. #55
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    Double whammy!!? Heard you the first time mac. Happy to hold this for now; so much going on with this company ;even if they get most of the ducks lined up; the cards business could be phenomenal plus all the other leading edge tech things like loans by phones especially small ones; they are prob going to increase in this climate; just my opinion DYOR.

  6. #56
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    Sorry for the heavy sell, Jt.

    It's just that I have the feeling that discussion on this thread doesn't seem to be giving enough weight to the macro effect on the sector.


  7. #57
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    Understood .I forgot to put an emoticon in my post. Thanks for sharing your concern. My thinking is we will muddle on through and all the services FXL offer will be in heavy usage. But there is a growing wall of worry out there for sure.

  8. #58
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    Early days but so far so good; up another 5c atm to $1.73; good demand ,600,000 through already.

  9. #59
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    Seems to be losing a bit of steam this afternoon, but I wouldn't be surprised if this stock broke above $1.80 this week.

    Crazy stupid it is still below $2 really, but it is what it is! At least the upwards trend is a nice reversal of the short and pretty sharp downward trend since the 'downgrade' of $1m (yes just 1 million - about 2% off the top end of previous guidance) was mentioned at the start of May.

  10. #60
    Antiquated & irrational t.rexjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    Seems to be losing a bit of steam this afternoon, but I wouldn't be surprised if this stock broke above $1.80 this week.

    Crazy stupid it is still below $2 really, but it is what it is! At least the upwards trend is a nice reversal of the short and pretty sharp downward trend since the 'downgrade' of $1m (yes just 1 million - about 2% off the top end of previous guidance) was mentioned at the start of May.
    The silly thing is, they were still within guidence. There was no obligation for the 'downgrade'. I wonder where the SP would be had they not...

    Anyway thus far am happy they did


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