BeeBop is freezing in NZ.

The UK portfolio seems to be stable with no significant growth since mid-June but the divvies are coming in so I am happy with that. As for the NZ portfolio, I am kicking myself that I sold my AIR.NZ at $3.00 - I always sell too early! But due to the cold weather, and a desire to improve cashflow, I am considering a property sale: this would somewhat increase my portfolio management activities - exchange rates are favourable! My big question to self is: should I pay the exorbitant fees charged by the wealth management companies in NZ, or, manage myself, or split the difference (leave some in NZ wealth management and take the rest to invest off-shore myself) and swallow the fee (I value every single individual dollar). I seem to have been spoilt with my int.TDwaterhouse fees (now bought out again and back to its original

Currently, I have no plans for UK share purchases in the near term and remain happy with my MNKS.L and Jupiter India purchases - these two are my wee shining stars at this point.