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Thread: BeeBop does UK

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    As I have now transferred hemispheres (again), it is time for another short update. On May 11th, I said that I had sold one of my large global funds, I had sold most of it but not all. So recently, I sold the remains and put it into my Japan small cap fund (BGS.L). Luckily, I did the transfer following a bit of a two week boom on the fund and into a price/NAV discount on my BGS.L so the portfolio is decidedly healthy.

    TRI.L reported last week and yet again, it performs steadily. Cross checking its metrics against my targets there is no reason to sell. It is no longer a high growth stock as one of my key metrics is just shy of target but well within a healthy level. It, however, now makes up 14% of my growth portfolio and I don't want to have a single share taking up much more than 10%. As I have concentrated my holdings down, a decent weighting is acceptable. Another solution to this weighting is to merely add some more funds to the portfolio and another share which would dilute the holding a tad - a bit sneaky but it will do the job.

    So over the past two weeks my growth performers have been TRI.L, MNKS.L, JEO.L, and THRG.L.

    In the education/conservative portfolio, sweet nothing has happened. LLOY.L is like watching paint dry and VOD.L is so fickle that I am fed up. That will be sold once it gets back to its last cycle top (it seems to like going up and down according to which way the wind is blowing). Nice dividends though!!

    On the cash front, I have yet another stash lost in the ether - international banking is a dang humbug.
    Last edited by BeeBop; 16-06-2018 at 04:53 PM. Reason: Typo JEP.l should have been JEO.L


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