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Thread: BeeBop does UK

  1. #21
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    I really appreciate for your reply and Thanks.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by MARKETWINNER View Post

    I really appreciate for your reply and Thanks.
    I am wondering if you purchased IHG - it has done quite well according to the news reports.

  3. #23
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    Aug 2015


    So an update on my thread:

    My UK portfolio is continuing to do well. As I sat in NZ over the winter, I "fiddled" with the mix, the end result was a slightly more concentrated folio as I sold my infrastructure share HICL and the bond holding putting the funds into more TRI.L and EMR.L. I also sold the KIE.L (infrastructure) but I decided to play a little game and use a different strategy for that money: here I put it into one of the Top 5 performing Investment Trusts (using a selection tool) and I will hold for either 3 or 6 months and then sell (if another one at the time overtakes it). Independent Investment Trust (IIT.L) was the one and it doing this I keep my trades going with at least one per 3 months (fees at the minimum point).

    So far so good and the performance of my UK folio has lifted from good to "gooder". Mind you, now with the NZD:GBP as less desirable so I want to fund UK costs out of the UK folio - the NZ folio is more conservative so I will just let that lot compound and sit untouched.

    If anyone had purchased UK funds pre election (say around 6 months ago) they would have been sitting fairly pretty on a theoretical return to NZD!

    MARKETWINNER - As much as I like IHG, I have recently discovered the Premier Inn chain...I can get nights at GBP29.90 connected to T4 and Heathrow Airport (nice rooms too), so am now looking at the owner - Whitbread (I think)....this may be a long-term pick for me once I have taken the time to look into their reports...although, staying in Holiday Inn when I am in New York as there is no Premier Inn there and Holiday Inn is pretty dang good. No more Accor chain for me again!

  4. #24
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    BeeBop-Thank you for the update.

    It is good to hear you are doing well. To tell the truth I was studying their market behaviour. Suddenly out of the blue moon I found a special situation in a frontier market. Some opportunity comes unexpectedly. We can reasonably expect further fall in overvalued NZD.
    Last edited by Valuegrowth; 22-10-2017 at 09:25 PM.

  5. #25
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    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by MARKETWINNER View Post
    BeeBop-Thank you for the update.

    It is good to hear you are doing well. To tell the truth I was studying their market behaviour. Suddenly out of the blue moon I found a special situation in a frontier market. Some opportunity comes unexpectedly. We can reasonably expect further fall in overvalued NZD.
    Is that you Winston ?

  6. #26
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    You are wrong Pungus pudding. I didn’t follow politics much and not much interested about it. I have some idea about policies of both Labour and National. Because of election heat I got some idea about green as well. Suddenly MP WP came to my mind as he was tried to negotiate to form a government.

    Anyway I just now found the following link.

  7. #27
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    So another update: all goes forth well. As eluded to in prior posts, I have been proceeding cautiously but it seems that the market does not. Currently, I am thankful that I concentrated my folio a little as the “concentrates” have just reported very well. TRI.L, SDY.L, and VOD.L have all reported today all all above expectations. The new investment trust (IIT.L) is doing what is should have and remains at the top of the performance board along with my MNKS.L investment trust.

    Shortly, I will have more funds to invest (capital input combined with dividends). The capital may be split between Whitbread group and/or an Asian/Pacific income delivering fund - I just need to do some homework to ensure that my current investment trusts do not have an overlap.

    Folio is up 6% since my August tweak.

    Really enjoying the energy of the UK market, plenty of news to read BUT I remain cautious and have increased my cash holding for our emergency plans.

  8. #28
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    Beebop continues on the UK listed equities run. To clarify though, these are trusts and shares listed on the LSE and purchased with GBP. I have not taken exchange rate gains into account (if I had, then the folio would be up quite a bit more). But as my GBP has been purchased for UK spending, exchange rate gains are irrelevant.

    As I am on “holiday” in the North Atlantic Ocean, I have decided to review the folio, read my investment sources, and dissect in detail. The net result is an adjustment. Previously I was becoming cautious and hoarding cash in a 0% GBP off-shore account but this was growing, as we save a bit too much, so I have decided to create two folios: the first is a conservative, wealth protection, income folio to pay for outlandish UK public school fees and the second is my growth folio (the interesting one).

    The conservative is high on cash but I have added the Lloyds shares to it and intend buying more as they pay a circa 6.5% dividend with considerable upside value available once the market sees their strength (as I hope they do once I have finished adding shares). I will also add a listed trust such as Ruffer (RICA) and/or Royal Dutch Shell. My aim here is to get exposure to the global markets via active management as my timeframe is three to five years. If I were looking to a much longer time horizon, I would go for a global tracker ETF but I am not looking looooong so active management and direct dividend paying shares should be okay.

    The second growth folio is essentially my main one and it continues to do very well. Rather than becoming predicative of the impending crash that I have been preparing for since 2013, I have decided to ride some momentum themes. Namely buying into Japan via the Bailley Gifford Shin Nippon (BGS) listed trust (I like Bailley Gifford because their Monks Trust has a good strategy and performance behind it so I think their management is great). My second new momentum play is also regional as I have entered Europe via Jupiter European Opportunites (JEO). Within their Top 10 holdings they have a few shares that I was looking to buy but decided that Jupiter would do a better job than me. Overall my winners are still winning (Trifast, Monks,), my absolute disaster is recovering (Bonmarche), and my income stocks are paying me enough to feed and grow the conservative portfolio. I also note that the folio is about 25% weighted in technology based equities (grouped as information technology, new healthcare technology, and robotics/automation). As for older technology, my Trifast holding represents about 12% of the folio and it is literally boring old nuts and bolts with an exquisite logistics system and has now doubled in value. I like this folio very much.

    If there is a crash, I will be hit hard in the growth folio but this won’t really affect much else (enough other assets spread around other places include properties) and I will still be able to cover school fees. But I can assure you, I will be upset, very very upset because I don’t like loosing very much.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Beebop - which broker do you use to buy your UK shares?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by morphs View Post
    Beebop - which broker do you use to buy your UK shares?
    Sorry for the slow response - ship internet is far too slow to use easily.

    I have used for the past 15 years and have been happy - they are based out of Luxembourg. A hassle to set-up but worth the security.


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