
Thread: AIR - Air NZ.

  1. #16881
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by bull.... View Post
    Peters said he still wanted to run Air New Zealand along "business lines," but not as it is traditionally understood.
    Instead of the company providing value to its shareholders and itself, Peters wanted it to be looked at in terms of the value it added to the wider regional economy.

    no big profits for years or dividends , its a not for profit community service now
    Without exceptions for air travel, It will be tough as social distancing requirements will make air travel a rich person's form of transport. If the government does not like that, then it should subsidise the true cost of a ticket allowing for the 2m covid distancing required in an aircraft.

    Peter's attitude does reflect a fairly common attitude in NZ politicians on both right and left. Many NZ politicians seem to think that NZ companies should act as charitable organisations administering the politicians' desired social policy yet for their prices not to reflect that.

    When NZ shareholders decide they can't be donors to a charity, then foreign investors step in and become the owners, and hey presto you get our current situation of having a tiny share market and much of business being foreign controlled (and NZers investing in expensive land instead!)

  2. #16882
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    The whole point is, why should I listen to the words of those in power when their deeds tell a different story?
    Doing a David Clark?

    I understand and it has always been the "Do as I say not as I do!"

  3. #16883
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    Quote Originally Posted by Left field View Post
    And no doubt you will be the first to complain and blame the Govt if NZ has to go back to level 4 lock-down and the economic downturn worsens.

    FWIW in my area Kiwi's are taking their responsibilities v seriously. Pity you aren't.
    As I said before, I actually am taking my responsibility seriously, but in my post I meant the royal "I" as in the populace. Yes I personally am following the law, almost to the letter, even though I disagree with it. But I can really understand why so many are not when there are so many conflicted signals out there. AIR being one of the larger ones and more visible that is obviously flouting the law.

  4. #16884
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    [QUOTE=blackcap;812078]Personally I don't give a crap about the spacing and I have let people closer than 2m to me. Does not bother me. But what does bother me is the government telling us ad naseaum that we must keep our distance and then an entity which they own blatantly flouts this rule. You are so right, the respect from me (and many others) for the level 3 rules is long gone.

    The moral outrage & anger being expressed by some on here is absurd.
    If as is implied, you (& others) have such a highly evolved moral & ethical sensibilities that you've lost all respect for the Govt's Public Health advice (Level 3 rules) & are therefore justified in ignoring them, due to the apparent inadequacy of AIR's spaced seating plan, there's something v wrong.

    Yes yes, I get it, AIR's spaced seating plan doesn't quite match the letter of the guidelines, but for all practical purposes & in context where people aren't moving around & there's hospital grade air recirculation & there a barrier between the person in front & behind, it probably does achieve or surpass the same levels of safety.

    Some of the good things to come out of this awful crisis are the inspiring stories of so many people in NZ helping each other & pulling together to achieve what is widely recognised as one of the best results in the entire world.
    While there will always be a small percentage who will never be team players ( personality types now categorised as 'resistors') & deliberately flout the rules, its not something I would have thought wise to brag about.
    Please think again & help us all eradicate Covad 19 from NZ as quickly as possible.
    It only takes a few to sink the whole ship & send us right back to where we started.

  5. #16885
    Go The Warriors "This Year!"
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    Quote Originally Posted by bull.... View Post
    Peters said he still wanted to run Air New Zealand along "business lines," but not as it is traditionally understood.
    Instead of the company providing value to its shareholders and itself, Peters wanted it to be looked at in terms of the value it added to the wider regional economy.

    no big profits for years or dividends , its a not for profit community service now
    Cool... Means they can bring the engineering work back from Singapore now... Major Shareholder (the government) very quick to promote buy local and support local... But still send work themselves overseas...

  6. #16886
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    As I said before, I actually am taking my responsibility seriously, but in my post I meant the royal "I" as in the populace. Yes I personally am following the law, almost to the letter, even though I disagree with it. But I can really understand why so many are not when there are so many conflicted signals out there. AIR being one of the larger ones and more visible that is obviously flouting the law.

    Thanks Blackcap, great to see you are personally taking responsibilities seriously.

  7. #16887
    ShareTrader Legend bull....'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benny1 View Post
    Cool... Means they can bring the engineering work back from Singapore now... Major Shareholder (the government) very quick to promote buy local and support local... But still send work themselves overseas...
    be a good move , the nz manufacturing hub that was in NZ was world class.
    one step ahead of the herd

  8. #16888
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    [QUOTE=Blue Skies;812095]
    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post

    Yes yes, I get it, AIR's spaced seating plan doesn't quite match the letter of the guidelines, but for all practical purposes & in context where people aren't moving around & there's hospital grade air recirculation & there a barrier between the person in front & behind, it probably does achieve or surpass the same levels of safety.
    Then why have laws at all Blue Skies? The 2m spacing is part of the Health Act that was signed by Ashley Bloomfield. Who decides when exemptions to the law are applicable? The seating plan does not quite match the letter of the guidelines? Pull the other one. You can almost get 3 x 78 cm pitch seats in a 2m space and as Beagle pointed out the 43 cm taking out the middle row... well 200 cm and 43cm is some difference. Packed in like sardines. I don't get it at all. Why have laws when they are selectively enforced? And as for labeling people (resistors), I tend to find that goes into deep dark holes and is very dangerous. A certain dictator back in the 30's also tried to put labels on people.

    Anyway enough from me on this topic. AIR is still way overvalued as I see it because even flying at 60% capacity domestically they will be losing money hand over fist. Not sure what they are going to do with their 777 and 787's in the meantime either.
    Last edited by blackcap; 01-05-2020 at 09:37 AM.

  9. #16889
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    As an aside, a good friend of mine went hunting with his kids during level 4 lockdown. He told a policeman friend (past the fact) of his who thought it was the funniets thing.
    Some relations of mine decided to have a nice family get together for one of their birthdays under level 4, with at least one side already having a pretty extended bubble. The most disappointing thing is that one of them is a copper.

  10. #16890
    Guru justakiwi's Avatar
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    I would have reported them. Especially given that one of them was a cop.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclical View Post
    Some relations of mine decided to have a nice family get together for one of their birthdays under level 4, with at least one side already having a pretty extended bubble. The most disappointing thing is that one of them is a copper.

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