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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    At least you get some satisfaction from your job - even if it's minimal

    Hope you not working for the government or anything

    But at least you getting paid for being your own Investment Manager
    nah I do work of course, have to earn my wage - got in top 5% on perfomance review for a pay rise last year. was still a small pay rise though lol
    But on any micro break or whatever im tabbing to check my investments - or doing stuff like posting here as is the case now.

    Investment income (rent, p2p interest, dividends) is forecast to be > than wage earnings this year. Something I'm pretty excited about.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by alistar_mid View Post
    nah I do work of course, have to earn my wage - got in top 5% on perfomance review for a pay rise last year. was still a small pay rise though lol
    But on any micro break or whatever im tabbing to check my investments - or doing stuff like posting here as is the case now.

    Investment income (rent, p2p interest, dividends) is forecast to be > than wage earnings this year. Something I'm pretty excited about.
    I used to hate my job (and it really was a good one)....said to myself one year (2006), must work smarter because I just can't work harder....I did that and got to "retire" us to a one person income family in 2010....and now a further seven years on we earn more and have more net worth that we could have had if I had not changed our approach. Moving to just one income earner freed us up to make some really interesting life changes.

    Enjoy checking on your prices frequently, keep planning and plotting....just don't make rash decisions based on a lunchtime quick price update!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by BeeBop View Post
    I used to hate my job (and it really was a good one)....said to myself one year (2006), must work smarter because I just can't work harder....I did that and got to "retire" us to a one person income family in 2010....and now a further seven years on we earn more and have more net worth that we could have had if I had not changed our approach. Moving to just one income earner freed us up to make some really interesting life changes.

    Enjoy checking on your prices frequently, keep planning and plotting....just don't make rash decisions based on a lunchtime quick price update!
    I'm not really a rash decision maker, but yeah planning plotting forecasting tabulating extrapolating modelling make the hours tick away

  4. #14
    Ignorant. Just ignorant.
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Wrong Side of the Tracks


    Different things need different amounts of looking at.

    So I look at some things daily, some things weekly, some things monthly.

    It depends on the thing.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    i was just thinking about this yesterday - its so easy to check stock prices every 5 minutes esp if you have a boring job but then you have your emotions dictated by rises & falls and its getting a bit much.

    like the OP im not a day trader but not necessarily content to just set and forget my portfolio - i like to think im somewhere in between but then in some ways it starts to feel like im basically at the casino and the only winner is really asb for all the brokerage they make out of me

    ive only been investing in shares more seriously in the last 6 months and right now im actually in the negatives (due to some poor choices with WHS and TEN) fortunately balanced out to some extent by some strong performing NZ companies but while the lure of making easy profits is addictive (thanks AIR) I know its no different from gambling in a lot of ways - yeh i know you can do your research, follow trends, review history etc but theres still a lot of unknowns

    how do you find that sweet spot between checking prices all the time but not missing those opportunities to sell high/buy low? just do some research and make trades using order limits?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hamilton New Zealand.


    At least once every day and many times each day if my stocks are reaching critical buy/sell trigger points..I don't automate my stops I use the manual method as NZSE volume is low and stock prices are prone to getting whipsawed with shake outs and fake outs...
    Been doing it this way for about 19 -20 years now, ever since I swapped from being a long term FA'er to variable term TAer..

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by nocomment View Post
    i was just thinking about this yesterday - its so easy to check stock prices every 5 minutes esp if you have a boring job but then you have your emotions dictated by rises & falls and its getting a bit much.

    like the OP im not a day trader but not necessarily content to just set and forget my portfolio - i like to think im somewhere in between but then in some ways it starts to feel like im basically at the casino and the only winner is really asb for all the brokerage they make out of me

    ive only been investing in shares more seriously in the last 6 months and right now im actually in the negatives (due to some poor choices with WHS and TEN) fortunately balanced out to some extent by some strong performing NZ companies but while the lure of making easy profits is addictive (thanks AIR) I know its no different from gambling in a lot of ways - yeh i know you can do your research, follow trends, review history etc but theres still a lot of unknowns

    how do you find that sweet spot between checking prices all the time but not missing those opportunities to sell high/buy low? just do some research and make trades using order limits?
    Nah despite me checking all the time it doesn't make me do any rash trading decisions, or to try and time the market.

    It makes me think of better ways to do my forecasting and reporting of my portfolio, to re balance the cashflows, ie the rent, harmoney interest, my wage coming and re balance the AP's going into my ETF's and managed funds. Ie can I increase them and live off X amount per month, have I been good with spending this month etc - although about to head out on the booze now with 2 mates so could end up an expensive one.

    Then I have revolving credit at the bank so I often think is there a snowball effect investment I want to throw a good chunk at, decisions decisions...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by alistar_mid View Post
    Nah despite me checking all the time it doesn't make me do any rash trading decisions, or to try and time the market.

    It makes me think of better ways to do my forecasting and reporting of my portfolio, to re balance the cashflows, ie the rent, harmoney interest, my wage coming and re balance the AP's going into my ETF's and managed funds. Ie can I increase them and live off X amount per month, have I been good with spending this month etc - although about to head out on the booze now with 2 mates so could end up an expensive one.

    Then I have revolving credit at the bank so I often think is there a snowball effect investment I want to throw a good chunk at, decisions decisions...
    As you mention snowball effect, are you aware of anyone that has made money on that or had the opportunity to see growth with a company listing being bought out etc.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Meextr View Post
    As you mention snowball effect, are you aware of anyone that has made money on that or had the opportunity to see growth with a company listing being bought out etc.
    nah not yet, I have only been in snowball effect stuff a few months

    although back in the day I brought into 42 below, and that ended up being brought out.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    May 2007
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    I do an overall investment spreadsheet update about 3-monthly (4 times a year, not 3 times a month!). I find that often enough to see where things are headed and if I need to make some adjustments. Most of my investments are now bonds, notes, perps, etc.
    I do check my share holdings most days, but have been selling these down recently as prices have been on the rise (probably too soon on some, but it helps me sleep......).
    My wife is reaching retirement age this year and although I'm a few years off we are tracking towards an early retirement for me as long as our investments don't drop too much, so locking in some gains for certainty.


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