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  1. #1
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Central Otago

    Default "SHARE TRADING" strategies ,thoughts , ideas- why I love to pay TAX

    Ever since I doubled the value of my portfolio in the 04-05 fy (my third year of buying and selling my own shares online ,,,no more expensive stuffy old broker for me) I knew it was time to make a change

    I decided with the advice from my accountant to form a company and become a TAX paying Trader ....I had the Trading bug and finally with the new structure I could break loose and BUY and SELL whenever I wanted more stress ....(well not really ended up way more stressful LOL)

    After simply thousands and thousands of hours of study and market watching have passed to date ...and I think it's about time I pass on some of my strategies thoughts ideas I have found have helped me get some brilliant returns and also what has cost me HUGE in wasted funds

    Any Questions..... personal viewpoints ....Good/bad outcomes from others efforts doesn't matter how stupid put it up>>>

    I'm certainly not the best technically trader but like the motto K.I.S.S .....

    Now and again I'll throw up a post on another aspect to my own trading style I've mashed together over the years ....
    Last edited by JBmurc; 01-07-2017 at 09:43 AM.
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu


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