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  1. #10
    Permanent Newbie
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    Why would I let facts get in the way of my beliefs? I believe that at best tax is theft, and therefore the lower the tax take the better. Nothing ideologous about that at all. Just an opinion I am (still) legally allowed to hold.
    You can have an opinion and believe whatever you like (some people still believe the world is flat, which is fine just don't talk to me about it).
    A common theme of most wealthy countries around the world is strong public institutions and corruption free democratically elected government providing wealth redistribution through progressive taxes.

    As an example of how ACT seeks to rectify this unfairness as FP puts it is poor old David Hisco. What did he make $3million a year?. Currently that's $980,920.00 in income tax under ACTs policy that reduces to $525,000 or a saving of $455,920 under ACT. Imagine the problems that would have been solved if he could have afforded his own chauffer and wine cellar. I can see ACT policies already solving some of the bigger issues facing the nation... so aspirational.

    Sadly if Labour/Green/NZ First voters in Epsom were any smarter and gave National their electorate vote Blackcap and FP would be left without representation in Parliament. So I guess this is another reason they can be grateful the left is soo stooopid.
    Last edited by Aaron; 20-06-2019 at 03:16 PM.


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