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Thread: National - FFS!

  1. #2851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Please, in reality NZ does not have a high taxes compared to other OECD countries. It's lower wages here that's the problem.

    In the UK even after Liz Truss's new top tax rate kicks in they are paying 40% on income over 50,000 UK pounds or NZD $100,000.
    And the UK still has one of the lower top tax rates out of all European Countries with most EU countries having a top tax rate between 45% & 55%.

    Australia's top tax rate is 45% on income over $180,000.

    Ours is 39% on income over $180,000 & National disingenuously say we have too drop it to 33% to be competitive.
    And unlike Australia & UK we don't have a CGT or Stamp Duty on property.

    Our top tax rate is considerably below the UK, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, Ireland, US, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, etc.

    Lower wages are the problem but National want to do away with Fair Pay agreements, fight Minimum Wage increases & import cheap migrant labour.
    And the UK economy is a disaster, inflation at 10% & forecast to get to 13% by the Bank of England.
    There's a fair number of people returning to NZ saying they can't believe how bad the moaning is here, & people don't realise just how bad things are in other countries.
    It's very clear,National want to help the rich get richer the poor poorer,divide and conquer,money talks ,money makes the rich fight like hell to keep it that way,influence,dogma you name it.National an alternative and good for NZ,no.

    I hope the Top party get a few seats next election,they really do have some great ideas to benefit all and not just the snouts.
    Last edited by Joshuatree; 03-10-2022 at 11:42 AM.

  2. #2852
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    It's very clear,National want to help the rich get richer the poor poorer,divide and conquer,money talks ,money makes the rich fight like hell to keep it that way,influence,dogma you name it.National an alternative and good for NZ,no
    They will probably hike GST again.. the party of higher tax & lower wages.

  3. #2853
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Sobering stuff, when you see all the new Labour taxes in a list. Labour said and got elected on "No new taxes", "most transparent government ever". Tui Ad.

    In just the past five years, Labour has dreamed up seven new taxes – and National will reverse them all:

    • The Regional Fuel Tax in Auckland.
    • A Light Rail Tax for Aucklanders.
    • The 10-year bright-line test extension.
    • The Tenant Tax removing interest deductibility on rental properties.
    • The new 39 per cent top income tax rate.
    • The Car Tax punishing anyone who needs a truck or ute.
    • The Jobs Tax which targets employees and businesses to subsidise unemployment benefits.
    Not only new and ever higher taxes, Labour & Ardern also borrowed more and more - to squander on wasteful spending with zero delivery.

  4. #2854
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Sobering stuff, when you see all the new Labour taxes in a list. Labour said and got elected on "No new taxes", "most transparent government ever". Tui Ad.


    More taxes and more spending leave everyone worse off. Unlike Labour, National believes Kiwis should keep more of what they earn.

    LabourÂ’s only approach to the economy has been to spend, spend, spend. And instead of finding savings or eliminating waste, Kiwis are being hit by a never-ending tide of new taxes.

    And with inflation running rampant, everyone is being pulled into higher tax brackets, despite not being any better off. Kiwis are running faster only to keep falling further behind.

    Unlike Labour, National trusts Kiwis to spend their own money better than the Government. ThatÂ’s why we believe everyone should keep more of what they earn.

    In just the past five years, Labour has dreamed up seven new taxes – and National will reverse them all:

    • The Regional Fuel Tax in Auckland.
    • A Light Rail Tax for Aucklanders.
    • The 10-year bright-line test extension.
    • The Tenant Tax removing interest deductibility on rental properties.
    • The new 39 per cent top income tax rate.
    • The Car Tax punishing anyone who needs a truck or ute.
    • The Jobs Tax which targets employees and businesses to subsidise unemployment benefits.

    National will present a fully-costed tax plan at the election. As part of this, we are committed to delivering New Zealanders a reduction in income taxes, including indexing tax thresholds for inflation.

    Details of the plan we proposed earlier this year can be found here. This is what we will deliver at a minimum. We will take into account the economic and fiscal conditions at the election and if we can go even further in providing Kiwis with tax relief, we will.

    It's easy to have a knee jerk reaction but lets look at these rationally one by one.

    Auckland faces crippling traffic congestion after years of underfunding infrastructure, it's a huge cost to businesses & with the large increase in Auckland population coming, the city will be crippled & growth stalled if we can't ease congestion & have solutions like Light Rail.
    How would you suggest this infrastructure is paid for, or would you prefer National scrap the Auckland Regional Fuel tax & the possible Light Rail tax (proposed only for those properties along the route which are immediately going to gain value as a result) and cripple Auckland's planned future growth & development ?

    The extension of the 5 year to 10 Year Brightline Test & Removal of interest deductibility on Rental property is to help improve Home Ownership which you either think is a good thing, or you prefer the status quo with house price ratios 10 X income & the among the most unaffordable in the world. A whole industry around Rental property has developed squeezing out First Home buyers & to the detriment of home ownership & investment in industry & business in NZ. Do you want your children to become renters or home owners?

    The 39% top tax rate is low by comparison with other countries like Australia, UK, most EU etc. Liz Truss just had to reverse her policy of scrapping the 45% top tax rate due to being unpopular & the financial carnage it caused.
    National can only fund tax cuts through borrowing & increasing govt debt, (Luxon has admitted as much) so maybe that's not such a good idea after seeing whats happened in England.
    Will be interesting to see how strongly National cling to this policy in view of what we've just seen.

    The Electric Vehicle rebate, is a neutral tax to incentivise people into EV's. A rebate given to buyers of EV's paid for by a tax on buyers of dirty carbon admitting vehicles contributing to the Climate Change crisis. (There are really good EV Utes available now.) Excellent policy if you're worried about the future of the planet, not so much if you're the minority who don't care.

    The Employment Insurance Scheme, which will provide anyone laid off through no fault of their own, with 80% of their income for up to 7 months while looking for a job. This policy was first proposed & being looked at by National back in 2018 & picked up by Labour & Business NZ. National will not scrap this, its good policy will be popular & about time NZ had it like several other OECD countries.
    Last edited by Blue Skies; 04-10-2022 at 02:58 PM.

  5. #2855
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    I'm worried that my son, only 19, might never come back to NZ to work or build a life, hopefully he might visit us from time to time. Why would he work here? He got a 50% increase in salary on day one in Melbourne, fat bonuses already banked and is looking to an adventure in the UK. Might never come back to work or live here, the Kiwi dream seems to be over under this oppressive government taxing taxing taxing. Why work or live here?

    "no new taxes", "most transparent government ever".

    Lies, all of it has been lies. Despicable, driving our younger generation out of the country in search of prosperity as there is no chance for them here under the current regime.
    You ought to warn him of the general CGT, stamp duties and other taxes that NZ does not have. It may not concern a younger person, but it may affect him in other countries if he stays away. NZ does put the tax burden on lower and middle income earners. If only NZ capital had been deployed in investing in keeping in NZ the businesses that employ high valued employees instead of being invested in expensive real estate….

    This issue has taken decades in the making. If I had to apportion blame, it would lie more with National. There are lots of Skype grandparents in NZ. Younger folk look for career progression and/or an affordable lifestyle overseas.

  6. #2856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Sobering stuff, when you see all the new Labour taxes in a list. Labour said and got elected on "No new taxes", "most transparent government ever". Tui Ad.

    How many slogans can you fit on one webpage.

    Luxon = All catchphrase, no substance.

  7. #2857
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Ardern = all spin & no delivery.

    Disgusting useless woman.

  8. #2858
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    You ought to warn him of the general CGT, stamp duties and other taxes that NZ does not have. It may not concern a younger person, but it may affect him in other countries if he stays away. NZ does put the tax burden on lower and middle income earners......
    Well pickle me! There'a a revelation!! And silly ol' me thought that the wealthiest 1% of NZers paid 30% of the tax take. Better let the Stats dept. know they've got it wrong.

  9. #2859
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    Well pickle me! There'a a revelation!! And silly ol' me thought that the wealthiest 1% of NZers paid 30% of the tax take. Better let the Stats dept. know they've got it wrong.
    So what percentage of the wealth of the Wealthiest top 1% is paid in tax (all tax -not just income tax) each year? How does that compare to the percentage of their wealth that the person with the median wealth has to pay each year. I think you will find that the top 1% pay a significantly smaller percentage of their wealth in tax each year.

    Perhaps to assess the burden on each person, it is fair to measure how much of their capital gains plus income is paid in tax (all tax) each year.
    Last edited by Bjauck; 05-10-2022 at 11:32 AM.

  10. #2860
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    Well pickle me! There'a a revelation!! And silly ol' me thought that the wealthiest 1% of NZers paid 30% of the tax take. Better let the Stats dept. know they've got it wrong.

    How do you feel about the the top 1% structuring their affairs so they pay on average a tax rate of 12% on income, which is a lower rate than our minimum paid essential workers, and about 35% of the countries income goes to the top 10% ?
    Last edited by Blue Skies; 05-10-2022 at 11:26 AM.


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