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Thread: Wheres Winston?

  1. #291
    Join Date
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    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Suspect that you are right snd that’s exactly why voters ( like my farmer contact) who previously voted National first thought of ACT to vote but then, decided they like better the steel which can be braced onto National’s spine to carry out some pressing reforms by voting NZF.

    Going to be a fascinating evening tomorrow night.
    National and Act will be fine. Throw Winston in the mix - goodbye stability,

  2. #292
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    National and Act will be fine. Throw Winston in the mix - goodbye stability,
    Think so?

    Jim Bolger actually has nothing but praise for his working relationship with Winnie.

  3. #293
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    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Think so?

    Jim Bolger actually has nothing but praise for his working relationship with Winnie.
    One swallow does not make a summer.

  4. #294
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    "Peters himself will soon be retired & will require a Care Worker to help him get dressed & go for a walk." - David Seymour pontificating on Winston Peters, July 2020.

    "Ive spent much of my career respecting & working for retirees. You seem to want to euthanise them. As for you nasty comments about my physical - I reckon you'd last 10 seconds in the ring with me." - Winston Peters responding.

    "There'd be 3 hits - you hitting me, me hitting you, & the ambulance hitting 100. Thank your lucky stars Im not into violence." - Winston Peters

    "I wouldn't fight him like that, it would be elder abuse." - David Seymour

    "You are a crook. A charismatic crook perhaps, but a crook all the same " - David Seymour on Winston 2020 TV debate.
    "We're not going to sit around the cabinet table with this clown." - Seymour on Peters, Sept 23
    "The least trustworthy person in New Zealand politics." - Seymour on Peters, Sept 23

    "David Seymour reminds me of a chihuahua at the front gate barking at every cat, human being or fellow dog that passes by." - Winston Peters on Seymour, 2017.

    Heard several people on talkback saying they can't wait till tomorrow's election, - & for it all to be over.
    All to be over! Ahh...are you kidding, if it's an NAT/ACT/NZF coalition, which is highly likely, the show has only just started.

    (NB, just to be clear this post is not intended as a rational to party vote Labour, or to vote National, just an observation its going to be fun watching these 2 in coalition together ! )
    Last edited by Blue Skies; 13-10-2023 at 04:23 PM.

  5. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Heard several people on talkback saying they can't wait till tomorrow's election, - & for it all to be over.
    All to be over! Ahh...are you kidding, if it's an NAT/ACT/NZF coalition, the show has only just started.

    And the Show so far and going forwards with Labour under CHIPKINS has so far been Most Underwhelming. if not almost bankrupt on clues after past 6 years of gross incompetence, carrying with it very little prospect of any improvement under Labour on the horizon - just more carnage, spiralling costs, spiked taxes, more Crime, likely More dependency for basic living support on the way

    Even Peters recognises this as the likely prospect with the Labour No-Hoper Cartel of Do Little Incompetents trying to sleepwalk their fluffy dreams in on the back of past chapters of mostly FAILURES

    Peter's is smart .. if anyone thinks Peters will swallow the myriad of dead rats that litter the Left arena for a minor role where most Labour / Green / Te Pati policy screechings will put NZ back light years into third world territory, then think again, after 2017
    Last edited by nztx; 13-10-2023 at 01:27 PM.

  6. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    National and Act will be fine. Throw Winston in the mix - goodbye stability,
    Going by the most recent polls I can't see Winston not being in the mix.
    He is a lot more centered when in government than he is on the campaign trail where like Seymour he has to appeal to the extremes.

  7. #297
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    Winston Peters discussing the over 11,000 health worker vaccine exemptions. The video says health workers, but businesses could get exemptions too, so they weren’t necessarily all health workers.

    Chris Lynch 0:51 I want to ask a couple of other questions too that I think are quite important at the moment Mr Peters over 11,000 health workers received vaccine exemptions while the public was being urged to vaccinate now in an official information at request which has been released Matt Hannant from Te Whatu Ora confirmed 103 applications covering these workers from 13 of November 2021 to 26 of September 2022. What's your reaction to this?

    Winston - I had great difficulty believing it was true but I understand it is true, which shows the discrimination that went on where people were just mandated out of their jobs when these exemptions were taking place. And there were the odd cases that were challenging this and two of them were successful but this is a mass disclosure of deception and discrimination and it's just not a matter being of a conspiracy theorist or going down a rabbit hole if the mainstream media can't see how seriously dysfunctional and discriminated it was towards people who had a legitimate purposes, have the right to say I don't agree and they don't deserve to be in their jobs. That's the mainstream media I mean. This is awful when you saw that I thought this can this has got to be a fix, it's got to be trying to somebody trying to put out misinformation.

    Lynch - Well to be honest with you Winston I thought the same. I was looking at it. It looked legitimate I made some calls to the Ministry of Health. They said they couldn't comment you have to talk to Te Whatu Ora, said you have put in official information at request because the questions were in depth. I put in a request to another Te Whatu Ora organization or a subsidiary and they said we can't answer those questions and the Minister of Health Press office said to me you have to go back to the Ministry of Health for those comments because they were too much of an operational matter they said. So I thought well we must be onto something if things are going in circles. Now I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. It may turn out to be not quite as bad.

    Winston - We're in a democracy and this is a government that claimed it would be the most transparent ever now you see what a lie that was and we're still didn't even strive to be transparent, thought that they could cover it up and get away with it thank heavens that this information is out now.

  8. #298
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    I think a nat/act/NZfirst would see out its term. Winston would want to create a legendary. I believe this would be his final parliamentary term.

  9. #299
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    A desperate Labour / Green base would like to think that Winstone is part of the mix .. their only hope

    Would they be willing to get bent over the barrel so badly that He becomes PM and they get marginalised
    so far it isn't funny ?

    There could be a very large price tag, assuming the past "He wouldn't work with Labour" impasse is broken

  10. #300
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post
    A desperate Labour / Green base would like to think that Winstone is part of the mix .. their only hope

    Would they be willing to get bent over the barrel so badly that He becomes PM and they get marginalised
    so far it isn't funny ?

    There could be a very large price tag, assuming the past "He wouldn't work with Labour" impasse is broken
    Hipkins would sell his mother and go into coalition with Winston if Winston would have him. That’s the sort of hypocrite and despicable piece of scum that he is.


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