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  1. #21
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    New Zealand.


    P S when was the last time you guys/guysses sent anything by rail ?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by whatsup View Post
    Do you know the state of the rail in northland , 50 years of neglect not to mention the tunnels and the tracks that need to be widened and up graded by whom the N Z govt ( people ) or the Rail Corp.
    Read the study that was prepared on this subject 2 years ago !!! dooooooough dumd imo another w@nker winstone decision.
    Of course you have priced in the estimated $2 billion annual cost that Auckland congestion causes the NZ economy. Of course you have considered that some containers go north from Auckland and vice versa.. Of course you have considered that some containers can also go to Tauranga
    Of course you have considered that abusive posts such as yours, cause well- respected posters on this forum to leave, to the detriment of the quality of the forum.

  3. #23
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    New Zealand.


    Where are the real figures the congestion costs the Auckland economy $2 billion per year , that was a throwaway estimate that everyone has been hanging their hats on for years?

  4. #24
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    New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by whatsup View Post
    P S when was the last time you guys/guysses sent anything by rail ?
    Most of the nortland rail system is single track after its leaves Swanson, then there is the massive problem of the Swanson tunnel , have a look at that one,
    Double tracking from Swanson to the Marsden P is one massive investment , regrading and reforming, widening the track for double tracks, refencing, then there is the issues of double widening of the tunnels that are required, the list goes on !!

  5. #25
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    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by whatsup View Post
    Most of the nortland rail system is single track after its leaves Swanson, then there is the massive problem of the Swanson tunnel , have a look at that one,
    Double tracking from Swanson to the Marsden P is one massive investment , regrading and reforming, widening the track for double tracks, refencing, then there is the issues of double widening of the tunnels that are required, the list goes on !!
    Why would you double track the whole way? I'm fairly sure signals and lay-bys are pretty low tech and do away with the need to double track

  6. #26
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Of course it is going to cost - just as the waterview tunnel cost $1.6 billion.

    NZ and Auckland in particular need to start thinking long term - rather than the usual panic plan and ad hoc implementation of solutions to resolve capacity problems. Best example - housing crisis which has resulted in a land rich region like Auckland pricing a small piece of dirt (380 sq meter) at $1 million?

    Just been to China and it is amazing to observe how they can build super infrastructure there - fast, efficient, long distance, quick and with reasonable cost.

    Goods (including containers by the squillions) are freighted by train all across this vast country - on new railway lines - and in the future, all over continental Asia and Europe.

    How pathetic that in NZ, a relatively short railway line (with land already set aside and basic infrastructure in place) can cause so much angst and howls of outrage. Or are we hearing the desperate anguish cries of vested interests (freight companies, Ports of Auckland executives etc) trying to stop a project which will bring huge long term benefits to Auckland and Northland?
    Last edited by Balance; 28-09-2017 at 09:32 AM.

  7. #27
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    For those who are interested, the Northland Port proposal was one which was properly assessed and obviously championed by the Northland Council and obviously, Northland Port - way back in the 2000s.

    The logic and economies of doing so were so profound that Ports of Auckland promptly moved to take a 20% shareholding in the company.

    Here's hoping that Winston keeps his promise and Auckland gets rid of that ghastly waterfront dominated by cranes and the most expensive carparking facility in the world. Time the self-interested visionless directors and management of POA get booted out.

  8. #28
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    certainly could make the waterfront aucklands jewell in the crown; without the port there they could have an amazing thriving waterfront magnet for all and even nz's variation of the sydney opera house, maybe shaped like a giant standing opened bivalve paua shell shape with all the polished irridescent colours on the outside.;;

  9. #29
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    certainly could make the waterfront aucklands jewell in the crown; without the port there they could have an amazing thriving waterfront magnet for all and even nz's variation of the sydney opera house, maybe shaped like a giant standing opened bivalve paua shell shape with all the polished irridescent colours on the outside.;;
    So many wonderful things can be done with an awesome harbour like Auckland - just go to other cities like Sydney, Vancouver, Hong Kong, Lisbon, Stockholm, Baltimore etc where ports have been relocated and the port area redeveloped into living, thriving, vibrant and beautiful areas available to all citizens.

    Auckland port is simply the biggest disgrace in the world - a beautiful harbour blighted by self interested individuals with no vision and no motivation beyond keeping their jobs and racking in the salaries.

    Go Winston GO!

  10. #30
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    New Zealand.


    Balance, I lived in Vancouver for 5 years and the port is still where it has always been.
    So if the port is moved to Northland who gets the $50 mil that the Ports of Auckland generates for Auckland , afterall the POA is owned by the Auckland Council, will they sell it to someone ( Nthland Council/Ports/public ) and if not then does the Port of Northland do all of the infrastructure that is necessary for free and they also run the port for free ?

    The current working port brings a working excitement to this city .


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