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  1. #61
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    Default Shane Jones delivers crayfish to caucus and rail to Northport.

    About time there was a railway to the port.

    A $500 million-plus upgrade of rail to Auckland, a $150m-plus rail spur to Marsden Pt, and the possibility of moving Ports of Auckland work to Northport - new Forestry, Regional Economic Development, and Infrastructure Minister Shane Jones has promised major economic development for Northland.

    Mr Jones said proposals for funding would go before a panel of public sector and private sector experts for approval, but there was already one project that he had given the go ahead to.
    "The first cab off the ranks is a new wharf for Opotiki, in the eastern Bay of Plenty, that plan's been around for 10 years but hasn't got the funding. We will make that happen and it will allow economic development and tourism opportunities there."

  2. #62
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    New Zealand.


    The facts of the matter are this re the shifting of the POA to Northland, IF, that ever happened and the land that is occupied by the POA was vacated then it would most probably be claimed by the Orakei Maori under a treaty settlement claim and given to them by this stupid government thus negating the reason of shifting the POA in the first place, all for nothing!!

  3. #63
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by whatsup View Post
    The facts of the matter are this re the shifting of the POA to Northland, IF, that ever happened and the land that is occupied by the POA was vacated then it would most probably be claimed by the Orakei Maori under a treaty settlement claim and given to them by this stupid government thus negating the reason of shifting the POA in the first place, all for nothing!!
    POA is not a government entity and there is no provision under the treaty for non-government land to be taken over - unless it is bought by the NZ government and returned to the Maoris. That is a different argument to be had.

    A workable deal will be for POA to take over Northland Port for say, $250m with another $1 billion for developing the port into a world class container port and yes, car park. Government will take care of the transport infrastructure to Auckland and Hamilton inland port from funds freed up from building yet more roads to accommodate ever more trucks tearing up the roads with their 18 to 24 wheels.

    The shelving of the motorway link through Onehunga has already freed up $1.8 billion.

    POA can raise the $1.25 billion easily by selling the freehold (yes, freehold) of the waterfront land to developers to build world class facilities for business, entertainment, leisure and housing.

    Auckland gets to keep the $50m a year earnings so alarmingly highlighted as 'lost' if the move happens, as Northland Port will deliver earnings.

    Always been a question of political will and getting rid of vested interests - directors and management of POA want jobs for life, a law unto themselves. Witness how quickly POA has backed off caliming more waterfront land to build more FREAKING CARPARKS!
    Last edited by Balance; 28-10-2017 at 10:25 AM.

  4. #64
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    About time there was a railway to the port.

    A $500 million-plus upgrade of rail to Auckland, a $150m-plus rail spur to Marsden Pt, and the possibility of moving Ports of Auckland work to Northport - new Forestry, Regional Economic Development, and Infrastructure Minister Shane Jones has promised major economic development for Northland.

    Mr Jones said proposals for funding would go before a panel of public sector and private sector experts for approval, but there was already one project that he had given the go ahead to.
    "The first cab off the ranks is a new wharf for Opotiki, in the eastern Bay of Plenty, that plan's been around for 10 years but hasn't got the funding. We will make that happen and it will allow economic development and tourism opportunities there."

    Double reinforcing the inevitable :

    The beginning of the revival of Northland and Northport.

    The land that MMH is sitting on around the port - going to be substantially revalued upwards in the years ahead.

  5. #65
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    Another one to watch on that note is NZR as they also have a large amount of land outside of the refinery fence.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    POA is not a government entity and there is no provision under the treaty for non-government land to be taken over - unless it is bought by the NZ government and returned to the Maoris. That is a different argument to be had.

    A workable deal will be for POA to take over Northland Port for say, $250m with another $1 billion for developing the port into a world class container port and yes, car park. Government will take care of the transport infrastructure to Auckland and Hamilton inland port from funds freed up from building yet more roads to accommodate ever more trucks tearing up the roads with their 18 to 24 wheels.

    The shelving of the motorway link through Onehunga has already freed up $1.8 billion.

    POA can raise the $1.25 billion easily by selling the freehold (yes, freehold) of the waterfront land to developers to build world class facilities for business, entertainment, leisure and housing.

    Auckland gets to keep the $50m a year earnings so alarmingly highlighted as 'lost' if the move happens, as Northland Port will deliver earnings.

    Always been a question of political will and getting rid of vested interests - directors and management of POA want jobs for life, a law unto themselves. Witness how quickly POA has backed off caliming more waterfront land to build more FREAKING CARPARKS!
    Bal, that does not really matter to the Maori, they have laid claim to the land that the Gladstone Rd tennis Club land , they don't care who owns what its all land to them and they can tie it up for years in the courts, IMO they will do the same for the POA if there is a 5% chance of success and the coalition Govt cannot do anything about it, talk about a wasps nest !

  7. #67
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    The land the tennis club is on is owned by the Crown:

    And the Iwi claiming say they have an historical association to that piece of land and it was promised to them in 1842. That may or may not be the case, but the POAL land is all reclaimed, so no chance of any historical attachment to it by Iwi.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by mondograss View Post
    The land the tennis club is on is owned by the Crown:

    And the Iwi claiming say they have an historical association to that piece of land and it was promised to them in 1842. That may or may not be the case, but the POAL land is all reclaimed, so no chance of any historical attachment to it by Iwi.
    Unless you claim the sea bed and foreshore. But that would never happen

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by mondograss View Post
    The land the tennis club is on is owned by the Crown:

    And the Iwi claiming say they have an historical association to that piece of land and it was promised to them in 1842. That may or may not be the case, but the POAL land is all reclaimed, so no chance of any historical attachment to it by Iwi.
    Mono, When I was a member in the late 1970's the club grounds was owned by the A C C, strange how ownership can be changed according to political wim !@!

  10. #70
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    “New Northland haul-out ramp and hardstand at Marsden Cove Marina opens
    Operating six days a week, the Marsden Maritime Holdings-owned haul-out ramp can accommodate vessels up to 12 metres wide to a maximum length of 35 metres and maximum weight of 80 tonnes.
    "Lack of capacity in Auckland boatyards is a really big issue," said Marsden Maritime Holdings chief executive Graham Wallace.”


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