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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default (Mis)understanding the NZX charts

    I am confused about two things I see on the online charts for the NZX market:

    1. Often when looking at the online charts for the day's trading on the NZX website or on the ASB Securities website, I see that the last traded price doesn't match the price shown at the end of the day on the daily chart. For example, looking at MCY for today (, the "last traded price" is $3.35, but the chart shows the daily trading closing at $3.28. In fact, nowhere on the daily chart is there any trade at $3.35 - the trades started at $3.32 and fell to $3.28.

    2. The daily volumes often don't match up on the NZX website and the ASB Securities website. Well, they always seem to match for the current day, but often the volume for a particular day drops subsequently on the NZX website, while it remains the same on the ASB Securities website, so they end up with a large discrepency. For example ASB Securities is showing the volume for SAN yesterday as over 2.7 million, while the NZX site is showing it as 3764 - a HUGE difference.

    Can anyone explain to me what is happening in either of these cases? I feel as if I am not seeing the full picture.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


    Have you seen the bid price of $3.28 and are referring to this? A bid price is the price a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Someone has placed an order for X shares at $3.28 which hasn't been fulfilled, the last price shares actually traded at is $3.35

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    I think I understand that, but the graph with the line that goes up and down during the day is showing actual trades, isn't it? So the number it finishes at at the right of the graph should match the "last traded price"?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Just had a look, looks all Ok to me.
    Chart says 3.35 - last traded price on both sites/both charts says $3.35

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
    I think I understand that, but the graph with the line that goes up and down during the day is showing actual trades, isn't it? So the number it finishes at at the right of the graph should match the "last traded price"?
    Could be that the last traded price was $3.28, but some after market and international trades going through at 3.35?

  6. #6
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
    I am confused about two things I see on the online charts for the NZX market:

    1. Often when looking at the online charts for the day's trading on the NZX website or on the ASB Securities website, I see that the last traded price doesn't match the price shown at the end of the day on the daily chart. For example, looking at MCY for today (, the "last traded price" is $3.35, but the chart shows the daily trading closing at $3.28. In fact, nowhere on the daily chart is there any trade at $3.35 - the trades started at $3.32 and fell to $3.28.

    2. The daily volumes often don't match up on the NZX website and the ASB Securities website. Well, they always seem to match for the current day, but often the volume for a particular day drops subsequently on the NZX website, while it remains the same on the ASB Securities website, so they end up with a large discrepency. For example ASB Securities is showing the volume for SAN yesterday as over 2.7 million, while the NZX site is showing it as 3764 - a HUGE difference.

    Can anyone explain to me what is happening in either of these cases? I feel as if I am not seeing the full picture.
    2/ There was a single crossing at 2.7M shares which is the difference - I noticed it yesterday because for one reason or another we were keeping an eye on SAN.
    The NZX doesnt show that transaction at the views containing 1 -5 days, but if you go to the 30 day view it shows it as the expected spike.
    The transaction itself is a bit interesting, though as a vegetarian I dont eat fish.
    For clarity, nothing I say is advice....

  7. #7
    Reincarnated Panthera Snow Leopard's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Expert opnion

    What some of the chart views on both the NZX & ASB are doing is showing a chart of [normal] trades upto the pre-close at 16:45 but not the result of the closing auction at 17:00.
    Thus the price discrepancy.

    As an engineer, technical analysis software engineer and web-site creator (click links in signature below) I can tell you these chart implementations are what we in the business call 'a load of rubbish'.

    om mani peme hum

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peat View Post
    2/ There was a single crossing at 2.7M shares which is the difference - I noticed it yesterday because for one reason or another we were keeping an eye on SAN.
    The NZX doesnt show that transaction at the views containing 1 -5 days, but if you go to the 30 day view it shows it as the expected spike.
    The transaction itself is a bit interesting, though as a vegetarian I dont eat fish.
    I can see the 2.7M transaction on the NZX site in the 1-5 day chart now, but it isn't included in the corresponding daily total on the 30 day chart, or the 1 year chart etc. So what does that mean? Did the transaction really happen? If it did, why isn't it included in all the chart views?

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Tiger View Post
    What some of the chart views on both the NZX & ASB are doing is showing a chart of [normal] trades upto the pre-close at 16:45 but not the result of the closing auction at 17:00.
    Thus the price discrepancy.

    As an engineer, technical analysis software engineer and web-site creator (click links in signature below) I can tell you these chart implementations are what we in the business call 'a load of rubbish'.

    Yes, I am suspecting you are right about the 'load of rubbish'. I contacted NZX a month or so ago about some of the discrepencies, but have got no reply beyond the 'we will look into it...'. Thanks for the stocknessmonster recommendation.


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