Invercargill, McCulloch & Partners, 13. Oct, 5.00pm: Dean Anderson talks about Smartshares
This is an event organised by the NZSA South Island Branch:
Summary taken off the September issue of the "Southern Equity":
Dean Anderson, NZX Smartshares Product Manager, has been invited to talk about Smartshares. The
Smartshares are ETFs that is, Exchange Traded Funds tradable directly with the NZX.
The concept in broad terms is that ETFs buy into a segment of the stock market on behalf of
their clients – people such as you or me.Venue is the McCulloch & Partners new Board Room, Level 1, 20 Don St. Invercargill.ETF's are promoted as a cheap and relatively safe way of entering the Sharemarket, which
is why it is so attractive to younger people. However, they are also a way for investors to spread their
risk, for example, one might hold most shares in NZ listed companies, by taking up some of the options
available with ETFs one can invest in a range of overseas options.
Non-members welcome. No cover charge. Venue opens at 4.30, talk starts at 5 pm;
Please note - start time changed from 6 pm to 5pm
PM me if you need further information.