Sorry for the long break...always a busy time of year. Results to April 20th are attached below - note that I have included a valuation for the FBU rights issue according to the "Snoopy formula", applied as from April 19th; that adds about 30c return to the current share price for FBU.

Username Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3 Pick 4 Pick 5 Opening Investment Closing Investment add Dividends add Rights Issue TOTAL $ RETURN TOTAL %AGE TOTAL Annualised %age Rank
Lawnmower man ATM SUM SML PPH HLG $10,000 $12,764 $127 $0 $2,891 28.9% 94.2% 1
B777 ATM SML KFL SCL SUM $10,000 $12,503 $107 $0 $2,609 26.1% 85.0% 2
lowrolling PPH SUM ATM SML THL $10,000 $12,372 $69 $0 $2,441 24.4% 79.5% 3

Quite a change to the top3, with B777 and lowrolling both doing well - but lawnmower man is waaaay out in front!

Full results will be available on the website shortly: