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  1. #11
    Outside thinking.
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Just wanted to say a BIG thank you and appreciation to Paper Tiger for rescuing this competition. Also a big thanks to Kild for his/her excellent work.

    I hope a way can be found for this competition to continue and can't help thinking an approach NZX or NZSA for sponsorship or assistance to run the comp could be worthwhile. Surely it has the potential to be a good promotional tool for them?

    If I had the skills I would be in, but as I don't I hope Sylvester Cat's kind offer comes good.

  2. #12
    CEO, NZ Shareholders Association
    Join Date
    May 2017


    Hi all...I think I can make this work. I've built something that scrapes Yahoo Finance, so we should be able to get daily updates.
    Will try to render it via a protected Excel sheet or webpage somehow, so you can query your own results, without being able to delete/modify data!

    But just want to get some views on what the rules should be, so we're all on the same page.
    1) Rights Issues - what happens here? Do we account for the investment in rights (ie, reduction of capital), but then account for gains afterwards?
    2) Dividends - all based off ex date?
    3) If a stock is not traded on a particular day, do we take the last traded price as the price?
    4) Your picks - shall we say, 5 stocks with a weighting of your choosing? or do we go more than that?
    5) Do we include or exclude ETF's?

    Bound to be other issues, lets throw them out there and see what the consensus is.
    Thoughts very welcome.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    Hi Sylvestor

    Just thought i'd add an FYI. Sharesight has a number of API's that allow access to portfolio information. A portfolio could be set up that includes every stock. Far cheaper than NZX feeds. The data returned is arguably richer and more robust than a page scrape. However, a portfolio of that size not free of course - $25 / month - for sure, a page scrape is probably sufficient for the needs of this comp.

    Disc: no affiliation to Sharesight, just sharing some info
    Last edited by causecelebre; 23-11-2017 at 10:20 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by causecelebre View Post
    Hi Sylvestor

    Just thought i'd add an FYI. Sharesight has a number of API's that allow access to portfolio information. A portfolio could be set up that includes every stock. Far cheaper than NZX feeds. The data returned is arguably richer and more robust than a page scrape. However, a portfolio of that size not free of course - $25 / month - for sure, a page scrape is probably sufficient for the needs of this comp.

    Disc: no affiliation to Sharesight, just sharing some info
    Maybe Sharesight would be interested in sponsoring the comp and could come up with something to facilitate this ??? ...They must have a fair few customers on here ....

  5. #15
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Hi, Sharesight here - We'll be running our own stock picking comp again in 2018 - (as we did in 2017 ) - we'll announce our own competition for next year in the coming weeks.

    But we can certainly look at helping you out with your own comp here - Send our team an email at with what you'd like to do, and we'll see what we can do.
    Last edited by Sharesight; 23-11-2017 at 01:57 PM. Reason: typo - fat fingers

  6. #16
    CEO, NZ Shareholders Association
    Join Date
    May 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Sharesight View Post
    Hi, Sharesight here - We'll be running our own stock picking comp again in 2018 - (as we did in 2017 ) - we'll announce our own competition for next year in the coming weeks.

    But we can certainly look at helping you out with your own comp here - Send our team an email at with what you'd like to do, and we'll see what we can do.
    Will do. Thanks :-)

  7. #17
    CEO, NZ Shareholders Association
    Join Date
    May 2017


    Hi all...

    Right! Either way, there will be a picks competition for 2018! I have to start this an old-fashioned way given time constraints, but should be able to sweep it up as we go thru the year.

    Email your picks to...
    private message me on sharetrader

    Please make sure you include your sharetrader username. Happy to include people NOT on sharetrader, but will need an email address. i will obviously not share email addresses.

    1) Pick FIVE NZX-listed equity instruments (incl. Smartshares and foreign companies listed in NZ)
    2) Feel free to choose your weighting of those 5 shares
    3) Picks in by 11pm December 29th 2017 (New Zealand time)

    Returns calculations
    1) Each will start with a notional portfolio of $10,000
    2) Returns will be calculate from the last closing price of 2017 (which i think is the 29th) to the last closing price of 2018.
    3) Its a 'total return' comp, so Dividends will be included - but NOT benefits from imputation credits or other tax-specific benefits.
    4) Rights issues, and the money to take them up WILL be included - but will be treated as an increased investment pro-rata according to the amount of the year left.
    5) Winner is the person who has the largest %age increase.

    Before we go snap on those there any discussion / questions / changes people want to make...???

  8. #18
    Outside thinking.
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Great news that you are willing (and able) to pick up this competition for 2018. Nice to see Sharesite also willing to assist.

    My only comment is that as I understand it, in the past for reasons of simplicity, there has been equal weighting to all 5 picks.

    I suggest for simplicity (AND your ease of management) that Equal weighting to all 5 picks apply for 2018.

    I’m sure other posters will correct me if I’m wrong..... this just MHO.

    Once again sincere thanks for the work ahead of you. And thanks to Paper Tiger and others for their assistance in the past.

  9. #19
    CEO, NZ Shareholders Association
    Join Date
    May 2017


    What do others think? Quite happy to have different weightings, not too hard to manage, but open to consensus.

    Will probably run it thru my own tool, as have got a good way if doing it that will let you do your own reporting as well. Will get a website link up here shortly, which will also let you submit that way.

  10. #20
    CEO, NZ Shareholders Association
    Join Date
    May 2017


    Have to say tho - Sharesight did come back to me with an option to support this years picks comp, and full credit to them - its a great website, with some excellent functionality.

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