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  1. #621
    Permanent Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    Because you and the poor produce nothing.

    Is it starting to sink in?
    A thought occurred to me last night, from your posts I understand you own real estate and shares.

    Did you build any of the real estate or did you buy it off the developer or buy existing homes/buildings?

    Did you start up any of the companies you are invested in other than companies you set up to own assets.

    What do you actually produce? Aren't you just a rentier using cheap money to buy existing assets or riding on the coat tails of real entrepreneurs like Elon Musk. You don't actually add much I suspect, rentiers could be considered a bit like parasites living off society, buying up income streams but not actually producing any additional goods or services.

    Your valuable advice aside, do you really add much to society or do you just try and draw off as much as you can with the aid of the RBNZ.

    Disclaimer I am hoping to be a rentier and live off other peoples time and/or money, I just don't view myself as gods gift to mankind for doing so. I am upset as I have tried to build capital by saving and have been reluctant to use too much debt on the false assumption central banks job is to manage the currency and ensure price stability. It turns out their job is to save the banks and the overindebted every time there is a crisis by inflating assets a lot and inflating consumer prices a little bit to help pay off the debts.

  2. #622
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Auckland the only city that matters with the best looking Investors and you know it.


    Re: Aaron.

    That depends on how you see me,

    The majority of Kiwis invest in Kiwisaver , most of those investments are from overseas, doe's this make Kiwis parasites?

    I believed in Tesla and Elon when the world thought the company was a joke, I invested hundreds of thousands years ago when the company was struggling

    It's now single handedly destroying the use of the internal combustion engine, is that not productive for future generations?

    I supply housing to the unhousable, the homeless, welfare dependant,drug addicts, mentally ill and businesses through community trusts .

    Would you prefer they slept outside your dairy or local shops or in cars?

    My investments add value and "produce" a positive impact on NZ and the world and how productive is a shiny yellow rock ?

    I am financially rewarded handsomely and make no mistake I am extremely proud of my contributions to society.

    Hate me on this "investors" forum as you wish, this will not change either my nor your financial position.
    Last edited by TeslaGod; 26-11-2021 at 10:04 AM.

  3. #623
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Auckland the only city that matters with the best looking Investors and you know it.


    Since joining this "investors" forum earlier this year I have been called a

    Musk Rat

    Now you understand why Graeme Hart no longer makes any public or media appearances anymore.

  4. #624
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Whanganui, New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    What do you actually produce?
    Capitalists produce the efficient allocation of capital - those that do it well succeed, and those that fail may eventually need to work.
    In forex speculators provide liquidity and it similar I guess with stock markets and property tho TG doesnt say he trades.... so maybe not. But these sectors need investment. They need owners. What is the purpose of the stockmarket itself!?

    It takes all sorts even in an economy
    Last edited by peat; 26-11-2021 at 10:29 AM.
    For clarity, nothing I say is advice....

  5. #625
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    Since joining this "investors" forum earlier this year I have been called a

    Musk Rat

    Now you understand why Graeme Hart no longer makes any public or media appearances anymore.
    I didn't call you a parasite. I suggested someone buying up existing assets with cheap money not adding any value could be viewed as parasitic. I have very little knowledge about what you do or how you invest.

    I wish Graeme Hart posted on this site. he has an interesting story as to how he built his wealth and could probably provide a lot of insight with his investing process.

    I hope you don't think it is a case of tall poppy syndrome, it is more that you come across as a pompous ahole based on your posts and I suspect it winds people up, deliberate or not.

    Maybe they are just jealous you come from Auckland the only city that matters with the best looking investors and they know it.

  6. #626
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Auckland the only city that matters with the best looking Investors and you know it.


    Arrogance is in my nature and key to my success

    I make no apologies to that.

  7. #627
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Whanganui, New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    Arrogance is in my nature and key to my success

    I make no apologies to that.
    A very fitting post in a thread about Adrian Orr lol who I think has a pretty dammed high opinion of himself
    For clarity, nothing I say is advice....

  8. #628
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Auckland the only city that matters with the best looking Investors and you know it.


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post

    I hope you don't think it is a case of tall poppy syndrome, it is more that you come across as a pompous ahole based on your posts and I suspect it winds people up, deliberate or not.
    This reminds me of a quote from the great poetry of Marshall Mathers

    "...I am, whatever you say I am, if I wasn't, why would I say I am,

    In the paper, the news everyday I am,

    I don't know it's just the way I am..."

  9. #629
    Senior Member Lego_Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    This reminds me of a quote from the great poetry of Marshall Mathers

    "...I am, whatever you say I am, if I wasn't, why would I say I am,

    In the paper, the news everyday I am,

    I don't know it's just the way I am..."
    Haha, spot on. I don't hate the player, but i hate the game. Crypto is the only way out for the young, which is why it will continue to succeed.

  10. #630
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    Feb 2020


    Why can't monetary easing go to the people a bit more directly?

    It's a bit unjust when the entire nasdaq has doubled in one year (during a pandemic) while workers have wages declining in real terms
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 30-11-2021 at 08:36 PM.


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