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  1. #301
    Guru Xerof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by wizAlvin View Post
    i see no one has requested a new ticker to replace their NKP
    I did, on 1April

  2. #302
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    15189 e o week whirly been too long on the bottom - guess he is after a spell at the top - - - or HGL had a change

    1 whirly: 208.408658008658 % { AQS GML HAW HGL LBL -50.9090909090909 -52.3809523809524 -10 1150 5.33333333333334 } cash = 0
    2 Toulouse-Luzern: 59.9061482603064 % { APT APX ALU XRO A2M 74.1129032258064 98.7682832948422 49.5190105359597 41.2157330154946 35.9148112294288 } cash = 0
    3 59.3607193239703 % { STO XRO JIN GMG RMG 28.2051282051282 41.2157330154946 155.449591280654 38.5998107852413 33.3333333333333 } cash = 0
    4 stoploss: 41.6942315909415 % { BRL KNM MSV RFT SAR -4 89.2857142857143 55 44.1176470588235 24.0677966101695 } cash = 0
    5 Brovendall: 33.1464818139642 % { CSL CTD DDR FID SEK 14.9592266565858 6.8997668997669 97.887323943662 20.3007518796992 25.6853396901073 } cash = 0
    6 trader jackson: 24.0529292145824 % { FXL BRL ILU WHC APT 24.8175182481752 -4 40.1069518716578 -14.7727272727273 74.1129032258064 } cash = 0
    7 shasta: 23.3727331557482 % { AOG NMT OEL VMY STA 30.8411214953271 -4.34782608695653 20 9.25925925925925 61.1111111111111 } cash = 0
    8 DarkHorse: 22.436991083375 % { AQZ CGR JIN OPT TTI 5.33333333333334 -8.33333333333333 137.041719342604 -4.61538461538462 -17.2413793103448 } cash = 0
    9 RRR: 21.3704601790697 % { CSL SHL IVC OFX IRE 13.5367219585044 27.0794824399261 47.8301886792453 -8.48484848484848 26.890756302521 } cash = 0
    10 silu: 20.9494408215636 % { GNX ATC SKO AJX TLG 3.70370370370371 8.69565217391305 38.235294117647 19.0476190476191 35.0649350649351 } cash = 0
    11 Aaron: 19.889335126467 % { EVN NST NCM STO TLS 8.97097625329815 11.8895966029724 25.8145363408521 20.6896551724138 32.0819112627986 } cash = 0
    12 paulzun: 17.6142454275759 % { MIN BHP GXY WES FMG -5.875 23.2415902140673 -34.8214285714286 13.3863275039746 92.1397379912664 } cash = 0
    13 Joshuatree: 17.2911436421125 % { AOG APX IFL OMN WCN 35.4838709677419 88.6048210372535 -0.378071833648402 33.3333333333334 -70.5882352941176 } cash = 0
    14 hoyinma: 17.2476526335351 % { HGH PGC CCL A2M KTD 10.2941176470588 -30.46875 23.2758620689655 35.9148112294288 47.2222222222222 } cash = 0
    15 apostle 95: 16.1888730893654 % { AOG FXL PGC NKP AJX 30.8411214953271 24.8175182481752 -30.46875 47.0588235294118 8.69565217391304 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    16 '777: 12.1815255097055 % { A2M BNO SM1 WBC XRO 35.9148112294288 -40 11.5839243498818 12.1931589537223 41.2157330154946 } cash = 0
    17 gazprom1: 11.4100987027486 % { AJQ FLC BLU A2M OEL -17.2413793103448 39.344262295082 -15.3846153846154 36.046511627907 14.2857142857143 } cash = 0
    18 greater fool: 9.12840833626313 % { A4N EAR PYC SAS SVM 35.4166666666667 -9.37500000000001 -7.14285714285715 -47.1698113207547 73.9130434782609 } cash = 0
    19 airedale: 3.85650282839204 % { EVN GOR SAR AZS AC8 11.9241192411924 58.3333333333333 24.0677966101695 -40 -35.042735042735 } cash = 0
    20 Jay: 2.1573261865526 % { AQZ LPE MMI STO XRO 0.851063829787235 -28.2352941176471 -31.25 28.2051282051282 41.2157330154946 } cash = 0
    21 Minerbarejet: 1.38970430751011 % { NMT AJX SXY NKP CDY -4.34782608695653 8.69565217391304 -5.17241379310343 47.0588235294118 -39.2857142857143 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    22 JayRiggs: -0.155601191270275 % { ALL CGF DMP LNK SEK 32.5541125541126 -30.406852248394 -7.18336483931947 -19.2196531791908 23.4777517564403 } cash = 0
    23 duncan22: -1.34280319197976 % { CMM NTC LPE SMN UBI 18.8405797101449 41.1764705882353 -28.2352941176471 -28.9719626168224 -9.52380952380952 } cash = 0
    24 Xerof: -2.65227766801918 % { CAY MYL NKP AVZ CE1 7.69230769230768 0 47.0588235294118 -16.9014084507042 -51.1111111111111 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    25 gmatt: -5.12214050317499 % { WHC BRL PAB RLE STO -14.7727272727273 -4 -13.7931034482759 -21.25 28.2051282051282 } cash = 0
    26 lissica: -5.36372656260612 % { BSA CCP ANZ HSO DTL 8.16326530612246 24.4226044226044 8.49673202614378 -100 32.0987654320988 } cash = 0 error HSO [Missing Ticker] HSO [Zero value Ticker]
    27 jennym: -6.69330715131192 % { APC DXB PIQ IVQ PAA 2.04081632653061 -11.3636363636364 -14.6341463414634 -14.7727272727273 5.26315789473685 } cash = 0
    28 bohemian: -7.23521324057451 % { FAR RHC XAM MSB AML -10.4477611940299 23.5689655172414 -44.5454545454545 22.0338983050847 -26.7857142857143 } cash = 0
    29 Dej: -7.56448087431694 % { FLC DAV NC6 SPZ VMY 39.344262295082 -50 -41 -4.16666666666666 18 } cash = 0
    30 amalgam: -7.85593806266209 % { CLH SIV GEM CGO PRO -7.35294117647059 -70.9756097560976 5.05415162454874 32.1428571428571 1.85185185185185 } cash = 0
    31 younga: -7.89218645204561 % { SUP AB1 FFG AVZ JAT -26.6666666666667 42.8571428571429 -20 -16.9014084507042 -18.75 } cash = 0
    32 Paddie: -8.6525817712754 % { BLU GEV IRC RLE SXY -6.38297872340426 11.7647058823529 -22.2222222222222 -21.25 -5.17241379310343 } cash = 0
    33 upside_umop: -9.90754812563324 % { AVL BLU CTP OEL RLE -28.5714285714286 -6.38297872340426 -13.3333333333333 20 -21.25 } cash = 0
    34 troyvdh: -11.5127024722933 % { ADO CZI WFE NMT AGY -17.6470588235294 11.7647058823529 0 -4.34782608695653 -47.3333333333333 } cash = 0
    35 LAC: -12.737830393559 % { PNC SEQ CGR SPZ TTI -3.57142857142856 -33.3333333333333 -5.37634408602151 -4.16666666666666 -17.2413793103448 } cash = 0
    36 percy: -14.1359062333664 % { AQZ HGH MMI SEQ TTI 0.851063829787235 10.2941176470588 -31.25 -33.3333333333333 -17.2413793103448 } cash = 0
    37 Shrewd Crude: -18.9696647889925 % { DCC FFG FGF NOV THC 16.3265306122449 -14.2857142857143 -100 11.7647058823529 -8.65384615384616 } cash = 0 error FGF [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    38 Aotea: -21.7820918887433 % { BRN GXY IRC EAR LOM -34.2857142857143 -33.0275229357798 -22.2222222222222 -9.37500000000001 -10 } cash = 0
    39 JBmurc: -21.8153460837887 % { IRC EAR WWI RLE TMT -22.2222222222222 -9.37500000000001 -30 -21.25 -26.2295081967213 } cash = 0
    40 freebee: -23.521157552681 % { A40 AVZ IRC NUH WBT -37.2549019607843 -16.9014084507042 -30 -4.87804878048781 -28.5714285714286 } cash = 0
    41 clearasmud: -27.9939404331731 % { ALY DOW HRR OXX TNO -20 0.143061516452071 -10.236220472441 -100 -9.87654320987655 } cash = 0 error OXX [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    42 t.rexjr: -31.7038461538462 % { ARV BRL RLE SGC WWI -72.5 -4 -21.25 -30.7692307692308 -30 } cash = 0
    Claud Walker: 77.3188379038521 % { XF1 MWR ALC EOL PME 21.2765957446808 -2.29591836734694 193.478260869565 56.9377990430622 117.197452229299 } cash = 0
    Best Perform 2018 asx200: 54.3082282581594 % { ALU APT BVS IEL SAR 49.5190105359597 74.1129032258064 39.6739130434783 84.1675178753831 24.0677966101695 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G2: 37.6555755936587 % { EXL EML IMD KGN MAH 51.764705882353 91.3907284768212 3.7914691943128 52.6946107784431 -11.3636363636364 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE EMG: 24.6760694619551 % { KME KKT NBL RHP TPW 29.7297297297297 -37.5 2.60223048327137 93.5483870967742 35 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G1: 24.3944247282009 % { EML MAQ MNY MWY NBL 91.3907284768212 -9.04936014625229 31.2883435582822 5.74018126888217 2.60223048327137 } cash = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 1: 16.0171344900103 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M STO -21.25 41.2157330154946 -4 35.9148112294288 28.2051282051282 } cash = 0
    The Big Five: 14.0871591433587 % { CBA BHP WBC CSL ANZ 10.2557014512785 17.561260210035 12.1931589537223 14.9592266565858 15.4664484451718 } cash = 0
    Dogs Of 2018 asx200: 12.005124234684 % { AHG AMP ASL ORE SYR 82.051282051282 -14.2276422764228 25.9414225941422 -2.1604938271605 -31.5789473684211 } cash = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 2: 5.93166440454025 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M IRC -21.25 41.2157330154946 -4 35.9148112294288 -22.2222222222222 } cash = 0
    Rabbi: 3.19219375171811 % { BRU OEL BLU BPT SXY 19.1489361702128 4.34782608695653 -15.3846153846154 17.6848874598071 -9.83606557377048 } cash = 0
    Shrewd Crude Crypto: 0.881081479664194 % { DCC FFG FGG NOV THC 16.3265306122449 -14.2857142857143 -0.746268656716419 11.7647058823529 -8.65384615384616 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE Forager Funds: -3.46940568863411 % { MAH ISU EGG TGA MRM -11.3636363636364 -17.7631578947368 29.2576419213974 -42.4778761061947 25 } cash = 0
    Close High 2018 asx200: -4.23311286241853 % { EVN WAT IKE IFT D2O 11.9241192411924 -33.7448559670782 -10.3448275862069 16.6666666666667 -5.66666666666666 } cash = 0
    Most Shorted: -8.24952441323542 % { JBH SYR GXY ORE ING 20.5442176870748 -31.5789473684211 -33.0275229357798 -2.1604938271605 4.97512437810946 } cash = 0
    bermuda Guest: -9.66447155785391 % { BLU SXY STX COE RLE -13.7254901960784 -14.0625 -13.3333333333333 18.6813186813187 -25.8823529411765 } cash = 0
    Close LOW 2018 asx200: -17.5347869738985 % { SGP PSI ATL ERA TGO 23.5127478753541 5.04201680672269 -63.2286995515695 -18 -35 } cash = 0
    Hotcopper Discussed: -34.8835181162766 % { GXY AUZ PLS PO3 SRS -33.0275229357798 -36.8421052631579 12.8 -18.6206896551724 -98.7272727272727 } cash = 0
    mysteryTrader: -34.8021708683473 % { AZM BD1 RHT RMP WCN -35.7142857142857 4.16666666666667 9.37499999999999 -81.25 -70.5882352941176 } cash = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by Xerof View Post
    I did, on 1April
    sorry Xerof - i missed that - i shall get on that from that date - hoping all goes well. be tomorrow - sunday
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  4. #304
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    I see I've dropped a few places because HSO has been delisted.

    Can I please have it replaced with QBE? Intend on selling this sometime soon but is a current holding from way back.

  5. #305
    Member whirly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Haha brilliant. I'll take it. Nah HGL consolidated 10:1 Back down I go...

  6. #306
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 18th a guide only as i have 3 things to do for Xerof, whirly, lisicca so whirly - enjoy for one more list at the top<tee hee> i shall workon this

    1 whirly: 198.961038961039 % { AQS GML HAW HGL LBL -50.9090909090909 -47.6190476190476 -13.3333333333333 1100 6.66666666666667 } cash = 0
    2 60.3583863844518 % { STO XRO JIN GMG RMG 26.007326007326 43.8379022646007 158.310626702997 40.3027436140019 33.3333333333333 } cash = 0
    3 Toulouse-Luzern: 59.1793723181264 % { APT APX ALU XRO A2M 71.5322580645161 101.924557351809 48.786074209803 43.8379022646007 29.8160696999032 } cash = 0
    4 stoploss: 39.7465745620282 % { BRL KNM MSV RFT SAR -4 89.2857142857143 52.5 38.2352941176471 22.7118644067797 } cash = 0
    5 Brovendall: 33.5713951178153 % { CSL CTD DDR FID SEK 16.2175298374467 5.78088578088579 91.9014084507042 27.3182957393484 26.6388557806913 } cash = 0
    6 DarkHorse: 23.0914688082067 % { AQZ CGR JIN OPT TTI 11.1111111111111 -10.4166666666667 139.696586599241 -7.6923076923077 -17.2413793103448 } cash = 0
    7 trader jackson: 23.0678123217521 % { FXL BRL ILU WHC APT 25.5474452554744 -4 39.3048128342246 -17.0454545454546 71.5322580645161 } cash = 0
    8 RRR: 22.2436647395549 % { CSL SHL IVC OFX IRE 14.7794549042615 25.184842883549 54.2452830188679 -10.9090909090909 27.9178338001867 } cash = 0
    9 silu: 20.098918794571 % { GNX ATC SKO AJX TLG 3.70370370370371 8.69565217391305 50 9.52380952380953 28.5714285714286 } cash = 0
    10 Aaron: 19.7021903015897 % { EVN NST NCM STO TLS 9.76253298153035 13.6942675159236 26.3993316624896 18.6206896551724 30.0341296928328 } cash = 0
    11 shasta: 17.971526178759 % { AOG NMT OEL VMY STA 28.9719626168224 -6.52173913043479 9.99999999999999 1.85185185185185 55.5555555555556 } cash = 0
    12 Joshuatree: 17.049338023275 % { AOG APX IFL OMN WCN 33.5483870967742 91.599707815924 -2.64650283553875 33.3333333333334 -70.5882352941176 } cash = 0
    13 hoyinma: 15.854720830093 % { HGH PGC CCL A2M KTD 10.2941176470588 -32.8125 24.7536945812808 29.8160696999032 47.2222222222222 } cash = 0
    14 paulzun: 15.2856465003567 % { MIN BHP GXY WES FMG -9.375 22.8134556574923 -38.8392857142857 15.8028616852146 86.0262008733624 } cash = 0
    15 apostle 95: 13.7531462803417 % { AOG FXL PGC NKP AJX 28.9719626168224 25.5474452554744 -32.8125 47.0588235294118 0 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    16 greater fool: 12.2055304894722 % { A4N EAR PYC SAS SVM 35.4166666666667 -15.625 0 -47.1698113207547 88.4057971014493 } cash = 0
    17 '777: 11.1939515866543 % { A2M BNO SM1 WBC XRO 29.8160696999032 -42.8571428571429 12.1749408983451 12.9979879275654 43.8379022646007 } cash = 0
    18 gazprom1: 6.91618462343612 % { AJQ FLC BLU A2M OEL -17.2413793103448 34.4262295081967 -17.3076923076923 29.9418604651163 4.76190476190475 } cash = 0
    19 Jay: 2.64270022259561 % { AQZ LPE MMI STO XRO 6.38297872340425 -31.7647058823529 -31.25 26.007326007326 43.8379022646007 } cash = 0
    20 airedale: 2.5163717821841 % { EVN GOR SAR AZS AC8 12.7371273712737 53.030303030303 22.7118644067797 -40 -35.8974358974359 } cash = 0
    21 Minerbarejet: 1.98672722462298 % { NMT AJX SXY NKP CDY -6.52173913043479 0 6.89655172413794 47.0588235294118 -37.5 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    22 JayRiggs: 0.458186810726862 % { ALL CGF DMP LNK SEK 34.1125541125541 -29.9785867237687 -8.48298676748583 -17.7745664739884 24.4145199063232 } cash = 0
    23 duncan22: -2.41309299014202 % { CMM NTC LPE SMN UBI 18.8405797101449 43.1372549019608 -31.7647058823529 -30.3738317757009 -11.9047619047619 } cash = 0
    24 lissica: -3.44354449182263 % { BSA CCP ANZ HSO DTL 16.3265306122449 25.012285012285 8.72741253364091 -100 32.716049382716 } cash = 0 error HSO [Missing Ticker] HSO [Zero value Ticker]
    25 Xerof: -4.39406170557786 % { CAY MYL NKP AVZ CE1 7.69230769230768 -1.66666666666667 47.0588235294118 -23.943661971831 -51.1111111111111 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    26 younga: -6.87801810865191 % { SUP AB1 FFG AVZ JAT -20 38.0952380952381 -6.66666666666666 -23.943661971831 -21.875 } cash = 0
    27 gmatt: -7.07659122486709 % { WHC BRL PAB RLE STO -17.0454545454546 -4 -10.3448275862069 -30 26.007326007326 } cash = 0
    28 bohemian: -8.73954834735822 % { FAR RHC XAM MSB AML -8.95522388059702 23.2758620689655 -48.1818181818182 16.9491525423729 -26.7857142857143 } cash = 0
    29 Paddie: -8.85876502716519 % { BLU GEV IRC RLE SXY -8.51063829787235 11.7647058823529 -24.4444444444445 -30 6.89655172413794 } cash = 0
    30 amalgam: -9.52299327369898 % { CLH SIV GEM CGO PRO -7.35294117647059 -78.0487804878049 5.77617328519856 35.7142857142857 -3.70370370370371 } cash = 0
    31 jennym: -10.6813835348587 % { APC DXB PIQ IVQ PAA -1.02040816326531 -13.6363636363636 -12.1951219512195 -31.8181818181818 5.26315789473685 } cash = 0
    32 LAC: -11.3293135818164 % { PNC SEQ CGR SPZ TTI -1.78571428571428 -25.9259259259259 -7.52688172043011 -4.16666666666666 -17.2413793103448 } cash = 0
    33 percy: -11.5480417731615 % { AQZ HGH MMI SEQ TTI 6.38297872340425 10.2941176470588 -31.25 -25.9259259259259 -17.2413793103448 } cash = 0
    34 Dej: -11.548087431694 % { FLC DAV NC6 SPZ VMY 34.4262295081967 -50 -48 -4.16666666666666 9.99999999999999 } cash = 0
    35 troyvdh: -12.2768968456948 % { ADO CZI WFE NMT AGY -17.6470588235294 14.1176470588235 0 -6.52173913043479 -51.3333333333333 } cash = 0
    36 upside_umop: -14.3687943262411 % { AVL BLU CTP OEL RLE -33.3333333333333 -8.51063829787235 -9.99999999999999 9.99999999999999 -30 } cash = 0
    37 Shrewd Crude: -16.9657863145258 % { DCC FFG FGF NOV THC 30.6122448979592 0 -100 -2.94117647058824 -12.5 } cash = 0 error FGF [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    38 Aotea: -24.8498434542013 % { BRN GXY IRC EAR LOM -29.5238095238095 -37.1559633027523 -24.4444444444445 -15.625 -17.5 } cash = 0
    39 JBmurc: -26.2433970856102 % { IRC EAR WWI RLE TMT -24.4444444444445 -15.625 -30 -30 -31.1475409836066 } cash = 0
    40 freebee: -27.7620056060899 % { A40 AVZ IRC NUH WBT -41.1764705882353 -23.943661971831 -32 -10.9756097560976 -30.7142857142857 } cash = 0
    41 clearasmud: -30.3541375401513 % { ALY DOW HRR OXX TNO -26.6666666666667 -1.28755364806867 -10.236220472441 -100 -13.5802469135802 } cash = 0 error OXX [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    42 t.rexjr: -36.0948717948718 % { ARV BRL RLE SGC WWI -74.1666666666667 -4 -30 -42.3076923076923 -30 } cash = 0
    Claud Walker: 70.8491839793658 % { XF1 MWR ALC EOL PME 20.2127659574468 -5.61224489795918 160.869565217391 56.9377990430622 121.838034576888 } cash = 0
    Best Perform 2018 asx200: 55.3270168198988 % { ALU APT BVS IEL SAR 48.786074209803 71.5322580645161 43.2065217391304 90.3983656792646 22.7118644067797 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G2: 37.2027478889027 % { EXL EML IMD KGN MAH 49.4117647058824 99.3377483443709 -0.473933649289089 49.1017964071857 -11.3636363636364 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G1: 26.722606091394 % { EML MAQ MNY MWY NBL 99.3377483443709 -9.04936014625229 31.2883435582822 4.22960725075529 7.80669144981413 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE EMG: 24.5109708718535 % { KME KKT NBL RHP TPW 29.7297297297297 -44.6428571428572 7.80669144981413 95.1612903225806 34.5 } cash = 0
    The Big Five: 14.9316142529087 % { CBA BHP WBC CSL ANZ 12.5777470628887 17.1528588098016 12.9979879275654 16.2175298374467 15.7119476268412 } cash = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 1: 13.132259594366 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M STO -30 43.8379022646007 -4 29.8160696999032 26.007326007326 } cash = 0
    Dogs Of 2018 asx200: 9.5251848798017 % { AHG AMP ASL ORE SYR 78.2051282051282 -15.0406504065041 25.5230125523013 -5.86419753086421 -35.1973684210526 } cash = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 2: 3.04190550401189 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M IRC -30 43.8379022646007 -4 29.8160696999032 -24.4444444444445 } cash = 0
    Shrewd Crude Crypto: 3.03421368547419 % { DCC FFG FGG NOV THC 30.6122448979592 0 0 -2.94117647058824 -12.5 } cash = 0
    Rabbi: 1.08262410491052 % { BRU OEL BLU BPT SXY 10.6382978723404 -4.34782608695653 -17.3076923076923 14.7909967845659 1.63934426229508 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE Forager Funds: -2.65914395593159 % { MAH ISU EGG TGA MRM -11.3636363636364 -17.7631578947368 28.82096069869 -45.1327433628319 32.1428571428571 } cash = 0
    Close High 2018 asx200: -3.95940012529116 % { EVN WAT IKE IFT D2O 12.7371273712737 -33.7448559670782 -10.3448275862069 17.2222222222222 -5.66666666666666 } cash = 0
    bermuda Guest: -10.4890810170222 % { BLU SXY STX COE RLE -15.6862745098039 -3.125 -16 16.4835164835165 -34.1176470588235 } cash = 0
    Most Shorted: -10.6883496591039 % { JBH SYR GXY ORE ING 21.5419501133787 -35.1973684210526 -37.1559633027523 -5.86419753086421 3.23383084577116 } cash = 0
    Close LOW 2018 asx200: -17.7232110898451 % { SGP PSI ATL ERA TGO 25.4957507082153 5.46218487394958 -64.5739910313901 -20 -35 } cash = 0
    Hotcopper Discussed: -40.2903138176752 % { GXY AUZ PLS PO3 SRS -37.1559633027523 -36.8421052631579 -4.8 -23.9080459770115 -98.7454545454546 } cash = 0
    mysteryTrader: -40.8140756302521 % { AZM BD1 RHT RMP WCN -42.8571428571429 -12.5 3.125 -81.25 -70.5882352941176 } cash = 0
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 20-06-2019 at 10:39 AM. Reason: spelling
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  7. #307
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    , , New Zealand.


    Lissica and HSO: HSO is gone and Lissica gets $2.50 per share in cash so can pick a new one with that cash.
    below is a quote from the chairmans address before the vote. forgive the crappy format but it is readable.

    "Healthscope LimitedACN 144 840 639Level 1, 312 St Kilda RoadMelbourne Victoria 3004Tel: (03) 9926 7500Fax: (03) 9926
    Overview of theschemeof arrangementLadies and gentlemen, today is a very significant day in the history of Healthscope.
    will shortly be asked to vote on a proposed scheme of arrangement under which Brookfield willacquire all of the shares in Healthscope for $2.465 per share.
    This consideration is in addition to the fully franked interim dividend of $0.035 per share paid t
    oHealthscope shareholders on 26 March 2019.
    The cash consideration under the scheme of
    arrangement together with the interim dividend is $2.50 per share."
    Last edited by jennym; 20-06-2019 at 10:49 AM.

  8. #308
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    HSO HEALTHSCOPE LIMITED. 3.5c 04/03/2019 05/03/2019 26/03/2019 100% Interim 3.5C FRANKED@30%; DR P SUSPENDED
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  9. #309
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Xerof :
    NKP to MEI request 1 April 2019 : 10cents – but should a court case give more then appropriatly more MEI will be assigned during 2019 – please let me know if this occurs.

    Therefore $0.10 available for MEI next day 2 April:
    metadata: MEI,20190402,0.013,0.013,0.012,0.013,2939423
    opening at $0.013 so valid share > 1 cent and 1 NKP share gets 10 divided by 1.3 = 7.692307692307692 MEI shares at 1.3 cents.
    jennym to confirm please
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  10. #310
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    , , New Zealand.


    This looks fine so implement this.

    Quote Originally Posted by wizAlvin View Post
    Xerof :
    NKP to MEI request 1 April 2019 : 10cents – but should a court case give more then appropriatly more MEI will be assigned during 2019 – please let me know if this occurs.

    Therefore $0.10 available for MEI next day 2 April:
    metadata: MEI,20190402,0.013,0.013,0.012,0.013,2939423
    opening at $0.013 so valid share > 1 cent and 1 NKP share gets 10 divided by 1.3 = 7.692307692307692 MEI shares at 1.3 cents.
    jennym to confirm please

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