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Results 311 to 320 of 489
  1. #311
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    6.8 cents gave 10 cents ==> ((10 – 6.8) / 6.8 )* 100% = 47.05882352941176% increase NKP

    to find the initial equivalent MEI price of 1.3 cents:
    47.05882352941176 = ((1.3 – I) / I) * 100 ==> I = 0.884 cents which is < 1 cent so i shall have to exempt MEI for Xerof to allow for the calculation - i use 1 share as the calculation basis. ==> note to self - make alterations for next year
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 20-06-2019 at 01:18 PM. Reason: expand notes for clarity
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  2. #312
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    this results in
    Xerof: 11.4430423668203 % { CAY MYL MEI AVZ CE1 7.69230769230768 -1.66666666666667 126.244343891403 -23.943661971831 -51.1111111111111 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  3. #313
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by lissica View Post
    I see I've dropped a few places because HSO has been delisted.

    Can I please have it replaced with QBE? Intend on selling this sometime soon but is a current holding from way back.
    QBE requested prior to open on 16th June so next open applies as 16th is sunday then
    monday open of $12.2 applies and $2.50 to buy with = 12.2 / 2.5 = 0.2049180327868852 of a share on 17th June
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  4. #314
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    $2.32 gave $2.50 ==> ((2.5 – 2.32) / 2.32) * 100% = 7.758620689655172%
    to find the initial equivalent QBE price of $12.2 on jan 17th 2019-01-17:
    7.758620689655172% = ((12.2 – I) / I ) * 100% ==> I = 11.3216

    this gives:

    lissica: 17.6312152594493 % { BSA CCP ANZ QBE DTL 16.3265306122449 25.012285012285 8.72741253364091 5.37379875635952 32.716049382716 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  5. #315
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 19th

    whirly; lissica and Xerof sorted ................................... i hope - observations welcome

    1 Toulouse-Luzern: 63.0366431592954 % { APT APX ALU XRO A2M 77.9032258064516 107.852193995381 52.4507558405864 44.9344457687723 32.0425943852856 } cash = 0
    2 62.1469706167033 % { STO XRO JIN GMG RMG 28.9377289377289 44.9344457687723 162.942779291553 40.5865657521287 33.3333333333333 } cash = 0
    3 stoploss: 41.6078906138727 % { BRL KNM MSV RFT SAR 0 89.2857142857143 50 47.0588235294118 21.6949152542373 } cash = 0
    4 Brovendall: 35.4001776841132 % { CSL CTD DDR FID SEK 17.8106604741589 6.06060606060606 93.6619718309859 30.3258145363409 29.1418355184744 } cash = 0
    5 trader jackson: 25.8529625819547 % { FXL BRL ILU WHC APT 26.6423357664234 0 41.3101604278075 -16.5909090909091 77.9032258064516 } cash = 0
    6 RRR: 24.0542888665179 % { CSL SHL IVC OFX IRE 16.3528721531815 27.7726432532347 53.6792452830189 -7.87878787878787 30.3454715219421 } cash = 0
    7 DarkHorse: 23.8014422028993 % { AQZ CGR JIN OPT TTI 12 -9.375 143.994943109987 -6.92307692307693 -20.6896551724138 } cash = 0
    8 silu: 21.9307187082123 % { GNX ATC SKO AJX TLG 3.70370370370371 14.1304347826087 48.5294117647059 23.8095238095238 19.4805194805195 } cash = 0
    9 Aaron: 20.3547566113741 % { EVN NST NCM STO TLS 8.17941952506595 13.588110403397 27.5689223057644 21.3793103448276 31.0580204778157 } cash = 0
    10 lissica: 19.6968575362008 % { BSA CCP ANZ QBE DTL 22.4489795918367 28.1572481572481 10.2268358323722 6.78702656868287 30.8641975308642 } cash = 0
    11 shasta: 18.8604150676479 % { AOG NMT OEL VMY STA 28.9719626168224 -6.52173913043479 20 1.85185185185185 50 } cash = 0
    12 Joshuatree: 18.4388969993052 % { AOG APX IFL OMN WCN 33.5483870967742 97.2242512783053 -1.32325141776938 33.3333333333334 -70.5882352941176 } cash = 0
    13 paulzun: 17.0908231373079 % { MIN BHP GXY WES FMG -6.3125 25.3211009174312 -40.1785714285714 15.3577106518283 91.2663755458515 } cash = 0
    14 apostle 95: 16.5808200347054 % { AOG FXL PGC NKP AJX 28.9719626168224 26.6423357664234 -32.8125 47.0588235294118 13.0434782608696 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    15 hoyinma: 14.3911587720956 % { HGH PGC CCL A2M KTD 10.2941176470588 -32.8125 27.7093596059113 32.0425943852856 34.7222222222222 } cash = 0
    16 '777: 11.702460749012 % { A2M BNO SM1 WBC XRO 32.0425943852856 -44.7619047619048 12.2931442080378 14.0040241448692 44.9344457687723 } cash = 0
    17 gazprom1: 9.42141328945068 % { AJQ FLC BLU A2M OEL -18.3908045977012 34.4262295081967 -15.3846153846154 32.1705426356589 14.2857142857143 } cash = 0
    18 greater fool: 9.4079114418532 % { A4N EAR PYC SAS SVM 25 -15.625 -3.57142857142857 -47.1698113207547 88.4057971014493 } cash = 0
    19 Xerof: 4.33695890779569 % { CAY MYL MEI AVZ CE1 2.56410256410257 -4.99999999999999 103.619909502262 -23.943661971831 -55.5555555555556 } cash = 0
    20 Minerbarejet: 4.25059529059 % { NMT AJX SXY NKP CDY -6.52173913043479 13.0434782608696 5.17241379310345 47.0588235294118 -37.5 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    21 Jay: 2.99330227546796 % { AQZ LPE MMI STO XRO 7.23404255319149 -31.7647058823529 -34.375 28.9377289377289 44.9344457687723 } cash = 0
    22 JayRiggs: 0.396242673009066 % { ALL CGF DMP LNK SEK 35.1082251082251 -31.1563169164882 -6.73440453686201 -22.1098265895954 26.8735362997658 } cash = 0
    23 airedale: 0.377988489852891 % { EVN GOR SAR AZS AC8 11.1111111111111 46.2121212121212 21.6949152542373 -38.6666666666667 -38.4615384615385 } cash = 0
    24 duncan22: -1.84344457002631 % { CMM NTC LPE SMN UBI 18.8405797101449 43.1372549019608 -31.7647058823529 -29.9065420560748 -9.52380952380952 } cash = 0
    25 gmatt: -4.59960154787741 % { WHC BRL PAB RLE STO -16.5909090909091 0 -10.3448275862069 -25 28.9377289377289 } cash = 0
    26 amalgam: -7.49780166730972 % { CLH SIV GEM CGO PRO -7.72058823529413 -80.9756097560976 6.49819494584838 42.8571428571428 1.85185185185185 } cash = 0
    27 Paddie: -8.66259228889241 % { BLU GEV IRC RLE SXY -6.38297872340426 8.8235294117647 -25.9259259259259 -25 5.17241379310345 } cash = 0
    28 younga: -8.90480382293763 % { SUP AB1 FFG AVZ JAT -26.6666666666667 42.8571428571429 -13.3333333333333 -23.943661971831 -23.4375 } cash = 0
    29 bohemian: -9.67967705855037 % { FAR RHC XAM MSB AML -7.46268656716419 25.1379310344828 -51.8181818181818 16.1016949152543 -30.3571428571429 } cash = 0
    30 jennym: -9.96383499134278 % { APC DXB PIQ IVQ PAA -4.08163265306123 -15.9090909090909 -8.53658536585365 -31.8181818181818 10.5263157894737 } cash = 0
    31 upside_umop: -10.9432624113475 % { AVL BLU CTP OEL RLE -33.3333333333333 -6.38297872340426 -9.99999999999999 20 -25 } cash = 0
    32 troyvdh: -11.8063086104007 % { ADO CZI WFE NMT AGY -17.6470588235294 16.4705882352941 0 -6.52173913043479 -51.3333333333333 } cash = 0
    33 LAC: -12.5790472659216 % { PNC SEQ CGR SPZ TTI 0.357142857142865 -27.7777777777778 -6.45161290322581 -8.33333333333333 -20.6896551724138 } cash = 0
    34 percy: -13.0628545499883 % { AQZ HGH MMI SEQ TTI 7.23404255319149 10.2941176470588 -34.375 -27.7777777777778 -20.6896551724138 } cash = 0
    35 Dej: -13.5977472956396 % { FLC DAV NC6 SPZ VMY 34.4262295081967 -54.0816326530612 -50 -8.33333333333333 9.99999999999999 } cash = 0
    36 whirly: -17.5056277056277 % { AQS GML HAW HGL LBL -50.9090909090909 -47.6190476190476 -11.6666666666667 20 2.66666666666667 } cash = 0
    37 Shrewd Crude: -21.6003324406686 % { DCC FFG FGF NOV THC 20.4081632653061 -7.14285714285715 -100 -5.88235294117648 -15.3846153846154 } cash = 0 error FGF [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    38 Aotea: -25.2308929178195 % { BRN GXY IRC EAR LOM -28.5714285714286 -38.5321100917431 -25.9259259259259 -15.625 -17.5 } cash = 0
    39 JBmurc: -27.5396933819065 % { IRC EAR WWI RLE TMT -25.9259259259259 -15.625 -40 -25 -31.1475409836066 } cash = 0
    40 freebee: -27.7793725528686 % { A40 AVZ IRC NUH WBT -39.2156862745098 -23.943661971831 -33.3333333333333 -10.9756097560976 -31.4285714285714 } cash = 0
    41 clearasmud: -28.5413958448327 % { ALY DOW HRR OXX TNO -20 -0.572246065808298 -11.0236220472441 -100 -11.1111111111111 } cash = 0 error OXX [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    42 t.rexjr: -32.6153846153846 % { ARV BRL RLE SGC WWI -75 0 -25 -23.0769230769231 -40 } cash = 0
    Claud Walker: 68.82248268683 % { XF1 MWR ALC EOL PME 20.2127659574468 -13.5204081632653 150 56.9377990430622 130.482256596906 } cash = 0
    Best Perform 2018 asx200: 57.7073767511304 % { ALU APT BVS IEL SAR 52.4507558405864 77.9032258064516 47.8260869565217 88.661899897855 21.6949152542373 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G2: 40.2259827483263 % { EXL EML IMD KGN MAH 52.9411764705882 103.311258278146 3.7914691943128 47.9041916167665 -6.81818181818182 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE EMG: 32.4752752684159 % { KME KKT NBL RHP TPW 25.6756756756757 -46.4285714285714 7.80669144981413 140.322580645161 35 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G1: 27.7791349217512 % { EML MAQ MNY MWY NBL 103.311258278146 -8.9579524680073 31.9018404907976 4.83383685800605 7.80669144981413 } cash = 0
    The Big Five: 16.4839785299018 % { CBA BHP WBC CSL ANZ 13.752591568763 19.5449241540257 14.0040241448692 17.8106604741589 17.3076923076923 } cash = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 1: 16.1829538183574 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M STO -25 44.9344457687723 0 32.0425943852856 28.9377289377289 } cash = 0
    Dogs Of 2018 asx200: 10.2314695201613 % { AHG AMP ASL ORE SYR 80.1282051282051 -15.8536585365854 28.8702928870293 -6.79012345679013 -35.1973684210526 } cash = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 2: 5.2102228456264 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M IRC -25 44.9344457687723 0 32.0425943852856 -25.9259259259259 } cash = 0
    Rabbi: 4.0114284851354 % { BRU OEL BLU BPT SXY 12.7659574468085 4.34782608695653 -15.3846153846154 18.3279742765273 0 } cash = 0
    Shrewd Crude Crypto: -1.52570557499694 % { DCC FFG FGG NOV THC 20.4081632653061 -7.14285714285715 0.373134328358201 -5.88235294117648 -15.3846153846154 } cash = 0
    EGP Capital PIE Forager Funds: -2.73098481746987 % { MAH ISU EGG TGA MRM -6.81818181818182 -17.7631578947368 29.2576419213974 -46.9026548672566 28.5714285714286 } cash = 0
    Close High 2018 asx200: -2.81793671065702 % { EVN WAT IKE IFT D2O 11.1111111111111 -33.7448559670782 -10.3448275862069 22.2222222222222 -3.33333333333334 } cash = 0
    bermuda Guest: -8.41623303167421 % { BLU SXY STX COE RLE -13.7254901960784 -4.6875 -17.3333333333333 23.0769230769231 -29.4117647058824 } cash = 0
    Most Shorted: -10.7906229356304 % { JBH SYR GXY ORE ING 23.0839002267574 -35.1973684210526 -38.5321100917431 -6.79012345679013 3.48258706467663 } cash = 0
    Close LOW 2018 asx200: -17.6920866594837 % { SGP PSI ATL ERA TGO 24.3626062322946 6.30252100840336 -64.1255605381166 -20 -35 } cash = 0
    mysteryTrader: -41.9450280112045 % { AZM BD1 RHT RMP WCN -46.4285714285714 -8.33333333333334 -3.125 -81.25 -70.5882352941176 } cash = 0
    Hotcopper Discussed: -42.2078838233313 % { GXY AUZ PLS PO3 SRS -38.5321100917431 -36.8421052631579 -12.8 -24.1379310344828 -98.7272727272727 } cash = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  6. #316
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Cool thanks Jennym and WizAlvin!

    Into the top 10 I go

  7. #317
    Join Date
    May 2014


    NTC takeover has gone through, I’ll take SP3 in its place thanks wizalvin.

  8. #318
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Market Announcement 21 June 201921 June 2019Market Announcement1/1ASX LimitedASX Customer Service Centre 131 279| NetComm Wireless Limited (ASX: NTC) – Suspension from Official QuotationDescriptionThe securities of NetComm Wireless Limited (‘NTC’) will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Friday, 21 June 2019, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Federal Court of Australia orders with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission approving the scheme of arrangement by which Casa Systems, Inc. will acquire all of the issued shares in NTC. Issued byMaria ClementeMaria Clemente, Listings Compliance (Sydney)
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  9. #319
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    over to jennym for confirmation
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  10. #320
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    15689 e o week

    1 Toulouse-Luzern: 68.0036845210185 % { APT APX ALU XRO A2M 92.3387096774194 116.320246343341 55.611543747137 47.7711561382598 27.9767666989351 } cash = 0
    2 65.0745222400302 % { STO XRO JIN GMG RMG 31.8681318681319 47.7711561382598 178.065395095368 42.6679280983917 25 } cash = 0
    3 stoploss: 38.8987323743057 % { BRL KNM MSV RFT SAR 0 78.5714285714286 50 41.1764705882353 24.7457627118644 } cash = 0
    4 Brovendall: 29.5684724525529 % { CSL CTD DDR FID SEK 14.7594102716423 3.4965034965035 71.4788732394366 29.3233082706767 28.7842669845054 } cash = 0
    5 trader jackson: 28.6970444063063 % { FXL BRL ILU WHC APT 20.4379562043795 0 44.1176470588235 -13.4090909090909 92.3387096774194 } cash = 0
    6 DarkHorse: 26.472936584319 % { AQZ CGR JIN OPT TTI 13.3333333333333 -8.33333333333333 158.02781289507 -3.07692307692308 -27.5862068965517 } cash = 0
    7 Aaron: 24.8739601908718 % { EVN NST NCM STO TLS 13.4564643799472 24.0976645435244 33.6675020885547 24.1379310344828 29.0102389078498 } cash = 0
    8 silu: 22.7766767664466 % { GNX ATC SKO AJX TLG 1.85185185185185 8.69565217391305 47.0588235294118 38.0952380952381 18.1818181818182 } cash = 0
    9 RRR: 21.7596432689881 % { CSL SHL IVC OFX IRE 13.3393781001653 27.7264325323475 51.6981132075472 -15.1515151515152 31.1858076563959 } cash = 0
    10 lissica: 21.6120586480582 % { BSA CCP ANZ QBE DTL 22.4489795918367 32.2358722358722 9.7270280661284 7.22866026003392 36.4197530864197 } cash = 0
    11 Joshuatree: 19.4899644707005 % { AOG APX IFL OMN WCN 34.1935483870968 105.259313367421 1.13421550094517 33.3333333333334 -76.4705882352941 } cash = 0
    12 apostle 95: 17.9170003663709 % { AOG FXL PGC NKP AJX 29.595015576324 20.4379562043795 -33.59375 47.0588235294118 26.0869565217391 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    13 shasta: 17.5228678495643 % { AOG NMT OEL VMY STA 29.595015576324 -10.8695652173913 30 0 38.8888888888889 } cash = 0
    14 paulzun: 17.3790672853846 % { MIN BHP GXY WES FMG -6.49999999999999 25.4740061162079 -41.5178571428571 15.7710651828299 93.6681222707423 } cash = 0
    15 hoyinma: 13.9841406075677 % { HGH PGC CCL A2M KTD 10.2941176470588 -33.59375 26.3546798029557 27.9767666989351 38.8888888888889 } cash = 0
    16 '777: 10.6878734021018 % { A2M BNO SM1 WBC XRO 27.9767666989351 -46.6666666666667 10.7565011820331 13.6016096579477 47.7711561382598 } cash = 0
    17 greater fool: 9.96174166959647 % { A4N EAR PYC SAS SVM 30.2083333333333 0 -7.14285714285715 -47.1698113207547 73.9130434782609 } cash = 0
    18 gazprom1: 9.23466376350018 % { AJQ FLC BLU A2M OEL -14.9425287356322 24.5901639344262 -15.3846153846154 28.1007751937984 23.8095238095238 } cash = 0
    19 Xerof: 8.68451129097359 % { CAY MYL MEI AVZ CE1 7.69230769230768 -3.33333333333333 114.932126696833 -22.5352112676056 -53.3333333333333 } cash = 0
    20 Minerbarejet: 6.66706562685044 % { NMT AJX SXY NKP CDY -10.8695652173913 26.0869565217391 10.3448275862069 47.0588235294118 -39.2857142857143 } cash = 0.1 error NKP [Zero value Ticker]
    21 airedale: 5.31459306391096 % { EVN GOR SAR AZS AC8 16.5311653116531 59.0909090909091 24.7457627118644 -35.3333333333333 -38.4615384615385 } cash = 0
    22 Jay: 4.87263231967633 % { AQZ LPE MMI STO XRO 8.51063829787233 -29.4117647058824 -34.375 31.8681318681319 47.7711561382598 } cash = 0
    23 JayRiggs: -0.408749637442315 % { ALL CGF DMP LNK SEK 34.4588744588744 -30.1927194860814 -11.0113421550095 -21.8208092485549 26.5222482435597 } cash = 0
    24 duncan22: -1.63426768513176 % { CMM NTC LPE SMN UBI 21.7391304347826 43.1372549019608 -29.4117647058824 -34.1121495327103 -9.52380952380952 } cash = 0
    25 gmatt: -3.37715732543319 % { WHC BRL PAB RLE STO -13.4090909090909 0 -10.3448275862069 -25 31.8681318681319 } cash = 0
    26 Paddie: -5.55839275467259 % { BLU GEV IRC RLE SXY -6.38297872340426 11.7647058823529 -18.5185185185185 -25 10.3448275862069 } cash = 0
    27 amalgam: -6.24825913459511 % { CLH SIV GEM CGO PRO -8.82352941176471 -83.1707317073171 3.6101083032491 57.1428571428571 0 } cash = 0
    28 younga: -8.56954225352112 % { SUP AB1 FFG AVZ JAT -13.3333333333333 33.3333333333334 -20 -22.5352112676056 -20.3125 } cash = 0
    29 bohemian: -8.84290970855605 % { FAR RHC XAM MSB AML -2.98507462686567 24 -54.5454545454545 16.1016949152543 -26.7857142857143 } cash = 0
    30 upside_umop: -9.22897669706181 % { AVL BLU CTP OEL RLE -38.0952380952381 -6.38297872340426 -6.66666666666665 30 -25 } cash = 0
    31 jennym: -9.31118578835432 % { APC DXB PIQ IVQ PAA -2.04081632653061 -15.9090909090909 -13.4146341463415 -20.4545454545454 5.26315789473685 } cash = 0
    32 troyvdh: -13.8209718670077 % { ADO CZI WFE NMT AGY -23.5294117647059 15.2941176470588 0 -10.8695652173913 -50 } cash = 0
    33 percy: -14.55721611625 % { AQZ HGH MMI SEQ TTI 8.51063829787233 10.2941176470588 -34.375 -29.6296296296296 -27.5862068965517 } cash = 0
    34 LAC: -15.3755789795834 % { PNC SEQ CGR SPZ TTI -1.78571428571428 -29.6296296296296 -5.37634408602151 -12.5 -27.5862068965517 } cash = 0
    35 Aotea: -17.161545556041 % { BRN GXY IRC EAR LOM -12.3809523809524 -39.9082568807339 -18.5185185185185 0 -15 } cash = 0
    36 whirly: -17.1722943722944 % { AQS GML HAW HGL LBL -50.9090909090909 -47.6190476190476 -10 20 2.66666666666667 } cash = 0
    37 Dej: -17.798293743727 % { FLC DAV NC6 SPZ VMY 24.5901639344262 -54.0816326530612 -55 -12.5 7.99999999999999 } cash = 0
    38 JBmurc: -19.2938676381299 % { IRC EAR WWI RLE TMT -18.5185185185185 0 -30 -25 -22.9508196721312 } cash = 0
    39 Shrewd Crude: -21.2039431157078 % { DCC FFG FGF NOV THC 28.5714285714286 -14.2857142857143 -100 -5.88235294117648 -14.4230769230769 } cash = 0 error FGF [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    40 freebee: -25.8422202271496 % { A40 AVZ IRC NUH WBT -41.1764705882353 -22.5352112676056 -26.6666666666667 -10.9756097560976 -27.8571428571429 } cash = 0
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    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

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