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  1. #181
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    end of 21st jan 2019

    1 Toulouse-Luzern: 13.346451493293 % { APT APX ALU XRO A2M 22.9838709677419 19.5535026943803 9.75721484196062 0.691299165673419 13.7463697967086 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 '777: 10.1240022486032 % { A2M BNO SM1 WBC XRO 13.7463697967086 19.0476190476191 11.7021276595744 5.43259557344063 0.691299165673419 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 Dej: 10.0704583472733 % { FLC DAV NC6 SPZ VMY 21.3114754098361 2.04081632653061 25 0 1.99999999999999 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 upside_umop: 8.42831813576494 % { AVL BUL CTP OEL RLE 19.047619047619 8.51063829787233 3.33333333333334 7.49999999999999 3.75 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 trader jackson: 7.77615277975393 % { FXL BRL ILU WHC APT 6.20437956204379 0 1.7379679144385 7.95454545454545 22.9838709677419 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 7.68081084546934 % { STO XRO JIN GMG RMG 11.7216117216117 0.691299165673419 7.62942779291554 10.0283822138127 8.33333333333333 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 gazprom1: 7.35507306047093 % { AJQ FLC BUL A2M OEL 1.14942528735632 21.3114754098361 -1.92307692307692 13.8565891472868 2.38095238095237 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 Paddie: 7.26919624946253 % { BUL GEV IRC RLE SXY 8.51063829787233 8.8235294117647 -3.70370370370371 3.75 18.9655172413793 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 clearasmud: 6.53271885512404 % { ALY DOW HRR OZG TNO 0 3.71959942775393 2.36220472440945 3.125 23.4567901234568 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 LAC: 6.3829593139938 % { PNC SEQ CGR SPZ TTI 10.7142857142857 7.40740740740739 0 0 13.7931034482759 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 hoyinma: 6.36856506658922 % { HGH PGC CCL A2M KTD -2.57352941176472 -7.81250000000001 2.0935960591133 13.7463697967086 26.3888888888889 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 DarkHorse: 5.51346444472017 % { AQZ CGR JIN OPT TTI -0.666666666666672 -3.12499999999999 -0.126422250316053 17.6923076923077 13.7931034482759 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 RRR: 4.95003558436218 % { CSL SHL IVC OFX IRE 4.42156915035468 4.75970425138633 9.15094339622642 0.909090909090917 5.50887021475257 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 Brovendall: 4.85866662021562 % { CSL CTD DDR FID SEK 5.72986984932765 11.7016317016317 0.352112676056346 1.50375939849623 5.00595947556615 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 airedale: 4.77608308736874 % { EVN GOR SAR AZS AC8 3.25203252032521 3.78787878787879 -0.338983050847465 -3.33333333333334 20.5128205128205 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 Joshuatree: 4.64184426562968 % { AOG APX IFL OMN WCN 0.967741935483865 13.4404674945215 7.18336483931947 7.50000000000001 -5.88235294117648 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 JayRiggs: 3.15764190528276 % { ALL CGF DMP LNK SEK 5.23809523809523 -0.856531049250536 3.33175803402646 4.91329479768786 3.16159250585482 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 amalgam: 3.12857157381654 % { CLH SIV GEM CGO PRO -1.47058823529412 2.43902439024392 5.41516245487364 0 9.25925925925925 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 Minerbarejet: 2.5663953737417 % { NMT AJX SXY NKP CDY -4.34782608695653 0 18.9655172413793 0 -1.78571428571429 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 paulzun: 2.15501608006256 % { MIN BHP GXY WES FMG 0.124999999999997 1.52905198776758 1.33928571428571 4.06995230524642 3.7117903930131 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 percy: 2.12167288452839 % { AQZ HGH MMI SEQ TTI -4.89361702127661 -2.57352941176472 -3.125 7.40740740740739 13.7931034482759 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 Rabbi: 1.9478755476713 % { BRU OEL BUL BPT SXY -4.25531914893616 -6.52173913043479 -1.92307692307692 9.32475884244373 13.1147540983606 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 silu: 1.92752393008148 % { GNX ATC SKO AJX TLG 0.740740740740741 -2.17391304347826 13.2352941176471 9.52380952380953 -11.6883116883117 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 stoploss: 1.82295969235151 % { BRL KNM MSV RFT SAR 0 3.57142857142857 0 5.88235294117646 -0.338983050847465 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 lissica: 1.73172523689566 % { BSA CCP ANZ HSO DTL 0 5.25798525798526 0.692041522491348 3.01724137931036 -0.308641975308649 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 JBmurc: 1.67934122647238 % { IRC EAR WWI RLE TMT -3.70370370370371 -3.125 0 3.75 11.4754098360656 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 wizAlvin: 1.6062675070028 % { AZM BD1 RHT RMP WCN 7.14285714285714 -4.16666666666667 3.125 7.81250000000001 -5.88235294117648 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 Xerof: 1.41170097508126 % { CAY MYL NKP AVZ CE1 7.69230769230768 -1.66666666666667 0 -5.63380281690139 6.66666666666667 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 gmatt: 1.23695557316247 % { WHC BRL PAB RLE STO 7.95454545454545 0 -17.2413793103448 3.75 11.7216117216117 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 t.rexjr: 0.750000000000001 % { ARV BRL RLE SGC WWI 0 0 3.75 0 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 Aaron: 0.190462917354357 % { EVN NST NCM STO TLS 0.527704485488127 -1.69851380042463 -3.04928989139516 5.17241379310345 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 bohemian: 0.172036452952737 % { FAR RHC XAM MSB AML -7.46268656716419 0.120689655172414 0 13.5593220338983 -5.35714285714286 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 younga: 0.102406103286391 % { SUP AB1 FFG AVZ JAT -13.3333333333333 -6.66666666666666 -6.66666666666666 -5.63380281690139 32.8125 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 Jay: -0.062317697386528 % { AQZ LPE MMI STO XRO -4.89361702127661 -4.70588235294117 -3.125 11.7216117216117 0.691299165673419 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 apostle 95: -0.820066455192489 % { AOG FXL PGC NKP AJX -2.49221183800623 6.20437956204379 -7.81250000000001 0 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 greater fool: -0.830427946404157 % { A4N EAR PYC SAS SVM -6.25000000000001 -3.125 0 3.77358490566038 1.44927536231884 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 Aotea: -0.992433619727201 % { BRN GXY IRC EAR LOM -4.76190476190475 4.12844036697247 -3.70370370370371 -3.125 2.49999999999999 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 shasta: -1.42356314054811 % { AOG NMT OEL VMY STA -2.49221183800623 -4.34782608695653 7.49999999999999 -5.55555555555556 -2.22222222222222 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 duncan22: -1.43738036999982 % { CMM NTC LPE SMN UBI 1.44927536231884 0.653594771241831 -4.70588235294117 -9.34579439252337 4.76190476190477 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 jennym: -1.57793517687154 % { APC DXB PIQ IVQ PAA -3.06122448979592 -1.13636363636364 -8.53658536585365 -5.68181818181817 10.5263157894737 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 troyvdh: -1.81074168797954 % { ADO CZI WFE NMT AGY 0 -4.70588235294118 0 -4.34782608695653 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 whirly: -8.02164502164502 % { AQS GML HAW HGL LBL -12.7272727272727 -19.047619047619 -8.33333333333333 0 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 Shrewd Crude: -8.53508771929824 % { AB1 CM8 OOK DCC FFG 3.15789473684211 -8.33333333333332 -25 0 -12.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 freebee: -11.4521004554347 % { A40 AVZ IRC NUH WBT -21.5686274509804 -5.63380281690139 -13.3333333333333 -2.4390243902439 -14.2857142857143 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Best Perform 2018 asx200: 12.5142505468858 % { ALU APT BVS IEL SAR 9.75721484196062 22.9838709677419 13.3152173913043 16.8539325842697 -0.338983050847465 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Dogs Of 2018 asx200: 10.5040646733945 % { AHG AMP ASL ORE SYR -0.320512820512828 6.50406504065041 13.8075313807531 5.55555555555555 26.9736842105263 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Most Shorted: 8.1220731369774 % { JBH SYR GXY ORE ING -1.7687074829932 26.9736842105263 4.12844036697247 5.55555555555555 5.72139303482588 } cash = 0 div = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G2: 7.24011287928478 % { EXL EML IMD KGN MAH 10.5882352941176 -4.3046357615894 1.8957345971564 25.748502994012 2.27272727272727 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 1: 5.98185613679875 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M STO 3.75 0.691299165673419 0 13.7463697967086 11.7216117216117 } cash = 0 div = 0
    EGP Capital PIE Forager Funds: 4.80861230811908 % { MAH ISU EGG TGA MRM 2.27272727272727 2.63157894736842 -1.31004366812228 9.73451327433629 10.7142857142857 } cash = 0 div = 0
    The Big Five: 3.2279704277564 % { CBA BHP WBC CSL ANZ 0.967519004837599 -3.15052508751458 5.43259557344063 5.72986984932765 7.16039279869067 } cash = 0 div = 0
    EGP Capital PIE EMG: 2.9778689795958 % { KME KKT NBL RHP TPW 5.40540540540541 1.78571428571427 2.23048327137547 8.46774193548387 -3 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Top 5 Tickers 2: 2.89679305173567 % { RLE XRO BRL A2M IRC 3.75 0.691299165673419 0 13.7463697967086 -3.70370370370371 } cash = 0 div = 0
    EGP Capital PIE G1: 1.88659249212765 % { EML MAQ MNY MWY NBL -4.3046357615894 -4.34186471663619 9.20245398773007 6.6465256797583 2.23048327137547 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Close LOW 2018 asx200: 1.38750911790166 % { SGP PSI ATL ERA TGO 5.09915014164306 6.30252100840336 4.03587443946188 -6.00000000000001 -2.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Claud Walker: 0.134530751493461 % { XF1 MWR ALC EOL PME -4.25531914893616 -20.9183673469388 -2.17391304347826 11.0047846889952 17.0154686078253 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Hotcopper Discussed: -12.1484922048874 % { GXY AUZ PLS PO3 SRO 4.12844036697247 18.4210526315789 12.8 3.90804597701149 -100 } cash = 0 div = 0 error SRO [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] SRO [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] SRO [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] SRO [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1]
    Close High 2018 asx200: -22.2096758004617 % { EVN WAT IKE IFT D20 3.25203252032521 -11.522633744856 0 -2.77777777777778 -100 } cash = 0 div = 0 error D20 [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] D20 [Missing Ticker] D20 [Zero value Ticker] D20 [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] D20 [Missing Ticker] D20 [Zero value Ticker] D20 [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] D20 [Missing Ticker] D20 [Zero value Ticker] D20 [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] D20 [Missing Ticker] D20 [Zero value Ticker]
    First 5 IPO's: -100 % { CLB RRZ UWL MPH SPT -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 } cash = 0 div = 0 error CLB [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] CLB [Missing Ticker] CLB [Zero value Ticker] RRZ [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] RRZ [Missing Ticker] RRZ [Zero value Ticker] UWL [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] UWL [Missing Ticker] UWL [Zero value Ticker] MPH [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] MPH [Missing Ticker] MPH [Zero value Ticker] SPT [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] SPT [Missing Ticker] SPT [Zero value Ticker] CLB [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] CLB [Missing Ticker] CLB [Zero value Ticker] RRZ [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] RRZ [Missing Ticker] RRZ [Zero value Ticker] UWL [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] UWL [Missing Ticker] UWL [Zero value Ticker] MPH [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] MPH [Missing Ticker] MPH [Zero value Ticker] SPT [Ticker value < 0.01 Invalid Ticker rule 1] SPT [Missing Ticker] SPT [Zero value Ticker]
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    forgot to remove first IPO's . wondering if i should apply the 'next alphanumeric' suggestion to the guests less than 1 cent. thoughts please.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  3. #183
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Hi all,
    I would like to endorse shrewdys crypto picks based on his valid reasoning.they are legit companies on the asx.
    If he is being maligned simply for being late, several others who have been tardy should be too.
    I felt the tone in grilling him was a little harsh

  4. #184
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    New Zealand.


    Thanks heaps means a lot...
    I apologise for being late... I got caught up flat out busy over new years and plain forgot to enter in time... I ran this competition many moons ago and I can tell you it was a pain in the arse so I understand where wiz and jenny are coming from...
    Im probably not going to be much of a threat anyway... unless you hold the real thing then you just aint gona cut it so dont worry about me I wont be running away with all the loot money in a hurry lol...
    As you can see im sitting 2nd last on -8% isnt that punishment enough lol....

    Hey its gona be a massive 2019...
    So happy trading and well wishes to all...
    Thank you
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  5. #185
    Advanced Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Christchurch, , .


    2019 comp
    Sorry to be so late. Had trouble trying to sign in whilst down in Wanaka

    If you can please enter me for

    Will contact JBMurc for $$$ details.

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by bermuda View Post
    2019 comp
    Sorry to be so late. Had trouble trying to sign in whilst down in Wanaka

    If you can please enter me for

    Will contact JBMurc for $$$ details.
    for the past 23 days ?????????????
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by Aotea View Post
    Hi all,
    I would like to endorse shrewdys crypto picks based on his valid reasoning.they are legit companies on the asx.
    If he is being maligned simply for being late, several others who have been tardy should be too.
    I felt the tone in grilling him was a little harsh
    GRILLING ... W H A T THE .....!!!!!!!
    have a read....
    SC placed an entry - too lazy to even mention the tickers OR check they were valid.


    NOT check them prior to the close date

    THEN against the rules want to change ALL of them AFTER THE CLOSE DATE when only one of them was required and a way out offered

    THEN want access to the money competition

    YOU WANT THIS - YOU RUN IT! and yes i was shouting.

    SC HAD a valid entry. He currently has been allowed the cryptos - WHAT's THE BEEF?
    EVERYONE SHOULD NOW HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE FOR EQUALITY. I know for a fact jennym wanted to change but it was after the close date.

    Last edited by wizAlvin; 23-01-2019 at 10:46 AM. Reason: change request
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    I am calling for a rule enforcement please.

    P.S. a competition run e o 21st is below this Fracas.
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 23-01-2019 at 10:53 AM. Reason: comp run
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    the NZD competition has offered to run this competition. i suggest you all look at their rules, now.

    In my opinion, this is am ego situation. Should anyone read the previous 10+ pages of posts you will see:

    Stuff all interest in December of the rules or their implication
    Stuff all entries for a 12 month competition
    Stuff all interest apart from a few with integrity - wanting a 12 month competition. - review the NZD competition

    I am removing my entry. i do not trade ASX shares. this used to be fun.

    One of MY NZ Military Bases was Ohakea where i was able to view the fighter pilots there and was not at all surprised with the film 'Top Gun' and found the similarity. Not at all bothered; just not me.
    I see the same form of 'Authority' challenge. OR trample the next one to win.

    For me - the challenge is the software - not the winning of a fun competition. I have won. been and done.

    good luck for the competition all.
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 23-01-2019 at 11:20 AM. Reason: added thoughts
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  10. #190
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by wizAlvin View Post
    GRILLING ... W H A T THE .....!!!!!!!
    have a read....
    SC placed an entry - too lazy to even mention the tickers OR check they were valid.


    NOT check them prior to the close date

    THEN against the rules want to change ALL of them AFTER THE CLOSE DATE when only one of them was required and a way out offered

    THEN want access to the money competition

    YOU WANT THIS - YOU RUN IT! and yes i was shouting.

    SC HAD a valid entry. He currently has been allowed the cryptos - WHAT's THE BEEF?
    EVERYONE SHOULD NOW HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE FOR EQUALITY. I know for a fact jennym wanted to change but it was after the close date.

    Yeah fair enough Wizz.
    I am certainly grateful for those who run the comp. Personally, I would have a hard n fast rule that entries close on 1 Jan and no exceptions (unless you get a note from your doctor or mum)

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