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  1. #1
    Senior Member ananda77's Avatar
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    Default clean investments

    Government climate change announcement:
    Dec 5, 2018 12:36 PM

    Henry Cooke -
    What you need to know:

    The Government has announced the details of a $100m green investment fund.
    The fund is part of a suite of measures aimed at helping our economy decarbonise over the next thirty years.
    The fund will be set up as a proper company and will look to invest in startups that will help the fight against carbon.
    Climate Change Minister James Shaw expects the fund to make money and to pull in more private capital than the Government itself puts forward.

    Pepanz - the lobby group for the oil industry has chipped in with a statement:
    The Government’s new Green Investment Finance project should be open to funding carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).
    "It’s unclear whether the fund will support this exciting technology, but it would be bizarre to exclude projects which can significantly reduce emissions," says PEPANZ CEO Cameron Madgwick.
    "This technology is a reality today and can capture carbon emissions and store them underground.

  2. #2
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    And more About NZ Gren Investment Finance Ltd

    New Zealand Green Investment Finance Ltd (NZGIF) is being established to accelerate low emissions investment in New Zealand.
    As part of Budget 2018 the Government announced its intention to establish a Green Investment Fund. The establishment of New Zealand Green Investment Finance Ltd is part of the Government’s commitment to address climate change and support New Zealand’s transition towards a net-zero-emissions economy by 2050. It is part of a suite of policy initiatives including;

    • passing a Zero Carbon Act
    • amending New Zealand’s emissions trading scheme
    • establishing an independent Climate Change Commission
    • continuing New Zealand’s international efforts to ensure the integrity of the Paris Agreement

    NZGIF will be formally established as a company under schedule four of the Public Finance Act 1989. This means it will operate independently from Government and allow it to work in a market responsive way.
    The company will have a high degree of flexibility with respect to its where and how it invests, however it is expected that there will be opportunities in industrial process heat, transport, energy efficiency, distributed energy networks and agriculture.
    The overall aim of NZGIF is to accelerate low emissions investment in New Zealand by focusing on the following four key objectives:

    1. Make investments that lower domestic emissions
    2. Crowd-in private finance
    3. Make investments on a commercial basis
    4. Undertake a market leadership role

  3. #3
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    An d a nice picture from Treasury

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    An d a nice picture from Treasury
    That kind of S*** just explains all that is wrong with bureaucracy. Nice meaningless BULL **** pictures that add NIL value to anything.

  5. #5
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    I would have thought that if there were ideas out there that could support a commercial investment then the investments would already be being made.

    I think this will just end up like Shane Jones slush fund - a chance for the Green party to hand out cash to win votes.

    I'm willing to bet there will be no commercial return on this fund by 2050.

  6. #6
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    Love it the timing is right on for the times and a salute to Russell Norman.
    "Such a fund was posed by the former Green Party co-leader Russel Norman, and taken up by the current co-leader James Shaw who re-announced it as party policy at the Greens' conference last year."
    New $100m green fund launched by government

  7. #7
    Senior Member ananda77's Avatar
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    I would think, for NZ, an organic agricultural co-op producing value added agricultural products for export would qualify for support

  8. #8
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    If I remember correctly that years ago the Green Party invested their members super fund into a wind generator fund/company which has since been decimated because the technology didn't/couldn't work commercially, are/is this the same group that are now investing in similar theories with public money ?

  9. #9
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ananda77 View Post
    I would think, for NZ, an organic agricultural co-op producing value added agricultural products for export would qualify for support
    It could. Except any loans need to be done on a commercial basis. Organics are high cost. Co-ops are fraught with difficulty. Agriculture is one of the worse green house gas emitters (apparently). And export would suggest shipping which uses one of the dirtiest fuels around.

    I'm liking forestry. Great carbon capture, excellent opportunity for helping low skilled gt into work, great use of otherwise non productive land. End products can make paper bags and timber to replace steel. Oops - thats been tried already. What was teh cost of shredding those seedlings up north?

  10. #10
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    I found it informative. I was (briefly) a "senior" public servant, and I certainly couldn't have drawn a diagram showing what my agency did as clearly as that one does.


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