Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
Good insulation also keeps the building interior cooler in Summer as it does not heat up so much during sunny days.
I have the same view. With climate change being a major issue, you'll probably find overeall people's standard of living will erode. I grew up in Canada and know about home comfort however, they're achieving this at a high cost carbon footprint. I do think the trend is changing in that NZ homes will never meet OECD level of comfort. But should they? If the climate is no so extreme, why go through the necessity, using the resources to achieve that standard? It's like the Passive Haus group in NZ pushing their ultra expensive building standards with absolutely no payback time. Kinda like trying to sell Ferrari's to Toyota customers.

As far as being a landlord, I keep hearing the prospects of making $ is less with new regulations. What else is there left for people to invest in?